Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1970, p. 5

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BELL EXECUTIVES DISCUSS COUNTY PLAYOFFS President of South Simeon baseball league Davis Arnold oi Ivy discuscs arrangements for coming playoffs with lca guc secretary Reg Westbrookn of Crccmorc Eight or the 11 teams in the cinuk are to parumpato in elimination INHISPII sores ByILG The Oil of Barrie invited the council and clerk of lnnisl to dinna last night followed by meeting held in the dry bail Wu The proposal oi iaan gmaticn between the two mu nicipalitim cant In Barrie mayor with the idea that this might be the answer so that be problems of both municipalities might be discussed collectively With the city of Burrics pm lnct for population at 1000111 more space will be required The suggestions was made that an overall plan be tabled so that all requirements and Sugzcs tions were before both municl pal councils EECION POSSqu IE5 games for county dumplon ship won last year by Urillin uglon Junio Exminer Photo NEWS THE BARBIE EXARELVH FRIDAY OverAll Planning Proposals Studied Creemore Publisher Asks Region Caution CREEIIORE Staff Ruth or moves toward regional gov crnmcnt should be done to more caution and study than has been nhown so far it was sug gwcd by Reginald Westbrooke publisher or the Crecmorc Star Our experience in colml school boards and elsewhere has demonstrated that local ndmim islrauon closest to the people is more responsive in local needs said the Crecniore publisher of nearly so years challenging regional government concepts as IIO referred to the substantial riso in thes which have follow ed the enlarged sdaool adminis tratlve structure essrc RICHIE More study should have been given the various aspects conlt ccrncd in protect all pbnsen of basic rights of taxpayers it was suggested The uneasiness which burucucratlc method have been becoming more strik ingly apparent during the past couple of years emphatically go along with the idea that local control by local people through the present system we have is best he said rclerring to some of the prob lcrm which have arisen else where with regional administra tion One of Crcemorcs best known rcsidenu Mr Westbrookn has beun publisher ol the Crccmorc Slur since the early 50 Before that he was with the Colllngwood Enterprise Bulletin for 18 years FORMER TRUSTEE Active in locni organizations Mr Westbmoke WM 11 school trmtce with the district board for five years is vice presL dent oi the Crcemorn Lions club and secretory treasurer of the South Simcoo baseball league County Levy Down In his youth he was noted hockey player and baseball star with Coilagwood and other teams He was goal tender with three Ontario mplon ship intermediate hockey learn in Cnlhngwood nod also with two Cullingwood baseball clubs which won inter mediate 03A honors and also with Meaford provincial champ ions One of Simone Countys older newspapers the Crccmore Star Wcsb brook the filth owner of the paper which he purchascd from dates back to 1336 Mr OHA Councillor Russell Stewart lei that the meeting was lecler to head off some up of re gionnl government that might be mode for the arch and that fu ture discussions might come to some linuliration and that In nislil might be expected to pick up the lab next time and 111 posaLv come from their end of the table ARENA SITE The size for the new Barrie arena may still be located in the agricultural grounds nus proplt criy has potential value of mnny thousands of dollars and the fair board are not anxious to allow the takeover of couple or here right in the prime lrontsgo of the proprrty How ever if he city could find an other siic for the air grounds that would be acceptable to the board then some consideration might be given to switch In the meantime they will if they stay at the present site need all the government grilan available Smith We very much appreciate the wonderful reception we have re ccivod since locating in me more said Mr Westbrooke mentioning people of the as well Creernore it is fine place to live and we heart ily recommend it We appreciate our decision to move here more and more as the years pass to bring their lacilitics to meet their needs according to Innis liis Deputy Reeve William Gib bins chairman of the lair board FIRES IN CAM Many folks lcnvc their ve hicles with the windows open when they vacate them rind this Scams be temptation to some types of vandals to throw burning cigarette into the cur and start it on fire Innlsl fire department were called Life Golf Haven course in he or tnosemmwcekfigdl JULY 31 If lace can get working Ihe hope in to have the and coal ice ready for booking and lull use by the Lirst of Oct Any WM may contemplate risngi Lbs ice during the season should cou mct the secretary Duncan Green and get the booking available Bruce Rune who lives It the corner of the DUI line and 11 highway on been engaged as caretaker manger for the arena with setVices in start October 15 at salary of 15 weekly Russell who is could ered to be weltquauoed pe son villi considerable ability is 43 years old SAFETY COURSE Constable Vnndcrfcltz sale officer of the Innstil police will accompany somn safely pr broilers to camp at Woodbridgc on Aug 17 for course in school patrol safely and bus pa trolling duties The course is sponsored by the Ontario Safely league who will pay the bulk of the expenses and provide trans portnlion and camp costs we pupils in be selected are from Grades and of the town sbi schools where patrols are arranged Thar name will be available when parents have given their approval Lisle Ball Team In Leap Playoiis LISLE Stall lim Lav grnvc and Bill Patton are get ting pitching arms ready for coming playoffs in the Bufferin Simroe baseball league The Lisle learn finished fifth to qualify for the piayolis with neighboring Everett just behind in sixth place one nine clnb crcut Playoff games are due to start next week Lisle also is among the tcams participating in the New Lowell baseball tournament this com weekend BEEIUN Staff DBde r9 iecunn of Heston $131 as posed me or ptoposed an international airport mom has best showlug con Ldazbi deniermom Growth has bun most evident on the Weill tide of Bond Head where lot subdivi ms has been developed but new construclion also can be seen around Tortuous Beeton Ind Allisbon Secretary of the Bceion Aci cultural Society or 11 years Reeve Harry Cross is currently serving the rst part of record three year turn at councIL Tbl csrme about through legisla lion passed by the onem gov ernmcnt which permitted mun dpnl morals Llst year to guard tcrms to three years or revert from two In one year in order to make future Ioch election mission with newly same board voting Tecumseh and the town of Bradford councils were the only two in the county in decide on threeyear terms Some of the councilI terms already coincid ed for instance Allision and were left unchanged Other placos like Innislli Ora and Fins which had two year terms reverted to one yenr so future elections would coincide with voting or school trustees Unless school representatives are decide by noclanulions Tecumscth and Bradford voters will only be casting ballots in December for trustees However in the 1973 voting they will be electing their council at the same time Before moving up to Council lit Oro To Meet Tuesday 0E0 STATION tsmm Oro township council will hold its regular meeting at the munici pol office here on nlcsday Aug In place of the usual Monday it was announced here The change was made bNause at cm Holiday in Barrie and along with oihc county muni paiitics Rnch Allan McLean hoods the Oio council which also includes Deputy Reeve Wallace Key and Councillors Howard Campbell Charles Simpson and Charles Sanderson rceve On Bradford Taxes BRADFORD Staff With controversy over whether Erad loid area should leave Simcoe County and join York region in full swing county officials have pointed out their rate was re duced by 2J1 mills from last year Increase in Bradford tnxcs did not result from Simcoe County council administration which is currently headed by George Davis oi Essa as war dcn Bradford Rccvo Bruce Ste wart chairman of finance in induced the county tax rate by aw The figures showed the levy included six mills or general purposes down from 53 the your before and 45 mill for roads down from five mills FIGURES CITED The sum of Sl014265 was re quired for roads and $352354 for general purposes not do croase of nearly $100000 fro the previous year Although it is growing town with an increase in assessed properties Bradfords contribu tion toward county tax was re duced in 1970 eyei less it was pointed out The current years requ lilou on Bradford included 5272593 for roads and 336 34537 down net of $32499 from 1969 For Vnst Gwiliimbury the county levy also was down sligh Ly with $4227707 levied for roads and $5636943 general CHANCE AT WARDEN In the 122 years Bradford has had representation on the coun ty council six hnvo had the hon or ol having been elected war don the lust ofvhom was Arthur Evans MPP in 1558 The town has an excellent chuncc of having another in 1971 with Reeve Stewart among the leading candidates The last warden from We st Gwillimbury was Herbert Hugh cs who headed the county coun cil in 1965 As current chilmhu of county roads Reeve Keith Presents 07287506 Company llIVE RIDES THE RAILS by Morlond Cary Until Saturday Aug lsi THE GRYPHON PLAYHOUSE COLLIER STREET AT POYNTZ BARRIE Opening Tuesday Aug 14th RATTLE OF SIMPLE MAN Curtain Time830 Nightly will at 7234613 clos Moganl is serving the year of an extended three yea term Langlord is considered future warden material in county cir lhe current Bradford council which is headed by Mayor Joe first south port of the township and another to cnr parked oppos ito the township park munnm Both fires were started lrorn burning cigarettes and the own or were absent or some time Damage was confined to the cushions as promptresponse to the calls was made The volunteer work that is to be done by local labor on the new room required for the or oificiol ice machine as well as on additional dressing room will be under way this week so that the contractor who is to make the inundation for the ice sun FIRENZE RESTAU RA NT SPECIALIZING IN lTALlAN FOODS OPEN TILL AM Open Daily 11 nnz nan ShhSun 12 noonz run 54 Maple mosso umvusai FIEYURE TECHNICQLQID ONE OF THE YEARS 10 BEST lvx Ind Holiday Mornin FIOBERT REDFOFlD KATHARINE ROSS ROBERT BLAKE SUSAN CLARK TELL THEM NOW PLAYING h$i$lli ManmmmmW metmm llysH meow ADULT are PETE LAFORD DEAD RN Now PLAYING Steve Mcueen plays Boon ianliam Faulkner Pulitzer PrimMnner inThe Reivers AMIIm shin confirm suuonsv NIGHT to the COUNTRY GENTLEMEN PINECREST Couples Only For tabla reservations Phann 728l 028 Reiver is brawler this year Reeve Cross was de puty were for four years and councillor for three He succeed ed William Milllgan as head of the council the 11111 retiring after 14 years service Besides his rcSpon iiitic head oi the council Reeve Cross rvr sum Arrangements have been made lor social and dance at ivy commuin bail for members or Simcoc County council ofcials and lboir mm by Warden George Davis The councillors have been ask ed to the annual wardcns pic pic which will be hold at Essa Centennial park on the Notin wasngn river three miles west or here during Lilo afternoon Former wardens and others are expected to join the councillors wcilknmi resident of ivy area Reeve Davis is the third memer or his ramin to head the DISTRICT New Construction Boost To Tecumseth County Members To Gather At Ivy 840 has been buy with phil in or the 1m III Ihir which be lurid It the Becan II ground on May and Wed day September 25 and so In the 139 men count WW1 population in its tad It 333 In Figures an the new count hm not yet been made available but was predicted they no no weil ovu tha 3500 snark Deputy Reeve Allan Ghsllnd is servuig his first year The uniseihs alber canny Wu utine mandibles include Boy Guardhouse Keith Dermot and Wallc Haibcrt Meredith is the municipal clerk Tecumselh municipal building is locnibd on the main street in or village of Beetoo neu Lnrence lian beads tho Beetnn council in the proposed planning mlp submitted to county council 1m discussion chumseth bu been placed in are one will West Gwillimbury lnnlsfii ma Ins orontio and AidaLl Whips the town of Bradford Ind Aliis inn and village of Becton and Toucnham county council His father the Idle George Davis was won den in was and his greatgrand larher also named George Davi is was warden in in In his youth the present wan den was Wenknow besebal plawr with ivy teams The wanims picnic will be the rst gathering or members of ihe county council since the Juno meeting due to the mmnmon of summer ses sions Various committees bnvl met at the county office at Bar rie to takg care of summer bus lncss The regular Kneeling to resume in September lemme Moonshine COMING SATURDAY AUG IEDHNICOLOR EVENINGS FROM P3d iA Bog Named Charlie Brown MAIINEE 180 IJl ONLY ATIEE AILY 130 am CHILDREN 15o ANY TIME Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantly thought out erformances seen in ong timetzm nus Pally Duke can by Deluxe DUSK TO DAWN SHOW SUNDAY AL NEW FETURES Supposefhepemawar and Hobodygame NOW SHOWING 905 mm Mushymn muminn KeithErnest Borgnino

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