Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1970, p. 10

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49 mm ntan JULY 11 10 HELP WANTED ms sons Losr rouun 55 55 ARTICLES FOR RENT MARTIN RESTAIL cm mmaw windmth ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Blrtb WI Imam Marleen limes and Deaths Cart m8 In worth ll L131 W0 DUI nun at the SFAYNER AMA IO HELP WANIED FEMALE HELP LLWJ wk Ilaz bath wears tn nun awn ua conic aunt qu Allll FRUITS VEGETABLES AmmanMynur museumLawns un an AVON MEANS 615st Gladid and toiletries beautifulh podaxed AVON W5 an unity for you to ed chm prnoncuto M1 in your numbed who not AVON kn no mm or write AVON Emman and truth mu In Mud nver Ind In mumwa Mumblwhltenblsrpen son mucus m1 IchonIM nod dsng weeks holldu wltn her daughter hlrl Marshle 3le mansud was 55 about the nu day May 1970 ALL PHEONS having cults sum the shore estate sre rc qnind to sand lull particulars of mad claims to the onch WP Ramses pillows and spam wheels limited msmbn SIB 1m METRO HARDWPS clearin at very special low Dm TRUCK mm sletp or more rum $1 LCAPS Ior IMons Reg $145 SPECIAL ma 0pm daily Including uSundays SPORTSARAMA Highway 27 North at Borrle manure Ont 175431351 soars morons nosr mamts nod ma Ibu Wm hushed an BOAT FOR SALEV as loot amtzoa bout turner wins and on Good an Tm umwmbcaheuln urns none mm enters Auto ma MALE HELP SALESMAN mammal Good opportunity lor advance ment App CASH 605 Dodgwd for the IIIton Pickup PLYWOO M31133 yAND CARRY LTD LUMBER Highway 25 and ti Barrie Earns Work for Yourself ly 31 or us signed Executrix on or belorc the Rb day Angus rm alter which the estates assets wil be distributed having re only to Kid damn that haw then beat meived BRUCE om Barrisk Ind Solicitor 05 Skeet BARRIE Omarlo Soiamr for the Executrix ultian Marian llduy TY 112131 l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY evening JULY prn sharp for HAEGRAFI Part at hot 14 Cormmlon Ll lnutsil Township nIrn east at 13th of Highway 11 and Iollow the paved rcad mlles cast to the watcronl Turn le at Maple Grove Road then north mile Sale household lumlahlngs lndudlng some antique some cl eclrlcal appllances Including small electric organ single beds beds outlay silver ware garden tools etc arms cash no reserve as the marmprmrmemm Iurnlture and be has no need or this furniture as they have their own OOUGKLIN and Pm Auctloneers PAM11m on FULLTIME Watch for full list Wednesday $100 TO $800 PER MONTH TO START inslmeunncyrmruw an for WW smegma Aw all4 mum mug 1qu was grown an dclnn nus mu Eml ar nus smmmzm murmur new mm smear mun Lwtm lllntarnmltl as mun All in mnlvr musz mower la 11 tmnltl mm mm our nus ouncnum strum reman nut and unwilme Irmnharlmm m1 at nodala azr BPERSOMALS omen Grammy 0mm Grimm Relax in Soothing Sauna Isms SAID mm PHONE 72 WOMENTCOLUMN LEARN EAEIZDRESSTNG Cowman manned Sciml Thorough airing In all bran nhes of beauty culture SCHOOL DERWIN HAIRDRESSING 12VWORSLEY ST 7233962 hIWI TI MUSIC LESSONS MARJORIE IIANES Ieechcr 01 Piano and Theory ruplls prcpnrcd for Royal Conservatory Exnmlnntlons ALL GRADES ALL AGES 15 clappsrton St 7258153 JESSIE BRYSON rushr or Plano Slnalna Theory PuplllnreKnun or lxnmlnlllnnl the om County or forums All Modern methods am 31 Idlord st nuns ANGUS ROSS BA DI no at turn nosl7 xaezlgmd Tangier 11 Pl Imam In gctinttsunfglnd rt sohno runmu PtANo LESSONS EIIIIIIIJI EREIWEI Iolkllllnk ATCM illT rt 1th Conclnlon lnnllll Dalmuns lb 71mm nurrsnmnu man 11 Ymmual mum ma ourw war lot EMPLOYMENT WANTED mum or nullity mm gamma an ranRim uner lTAll it vsnnxm 10 nounmun nnzvfhnovknarnm ulnar om n16 mus WIHI mm In sitters shemoon um 11 wow but end Phonl 126M7 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LAND SURVEYOR DOUG McMASTER Ontnrlo Land Surveyor nos Main Street Po Box 403 STAYNER Onturlo mam FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL sum A1 MODERATE Convonlull Io Wonloy 5L nants HOME rou smvrcx cost Tum ACCOUNTANTS ROSE HARRISON Samuel Is no ll cnnrtnrsn Accountnu Tnutn ln l9 Colllr st Bsnkrunln FmduasseelLFmS ROOM 21$ BOUT DEE TUESDAY Ab MR AND MRS mill at 745 pm mwlwm mmtuuzrnfumt Immwwalmk GUST mm TIME nnn nu nmn lzrmmrz vans mean gr mum Mutant mum icmvmmmmm muss Phone mom Jub 29 AUCTION SALE for ca MW August 1970 ram lot so 113 Tamed 17 rmlb Sdnuzlbez Skills 27 and was zuh mum tovr Pint Multan 33 mttlr sunnu 2m at on map plnvz 215411 aw alum Emum radnm 3111 no nlmnq rvnm mu swam as a1 strum trump can sum tullh vll mans 11 duhu 11mm amp crlntm 0112 mm calmsum name will vtlntml nettellmz sloth hour with mur menus ml 41m lHmr ihhm any trustus llll xlluvstu mum gm qt II 0mm 16 mu Quaor our 7mm 9211 am 144mm my and gamma Alarllrlftt Ame must sewing SILVER AND 1415 lvcfcdmi rmssmg run dimer service Several won Ironstone Various ple oce tollot sets lb butter mold and ladle Oll lumps pocket wotchcs Quamlly of odd drshcs nnd numcroue other or Llclcs TRUCK 1956 Fargo VMon truck FARM MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS John Deere condom dls Cock ahult 11 tooth cullentor on rulr her In new oomllllon Tractor mltlvutor Set at graln Illtors Massey Home croum separa tor olectrlc broodar stoves 21 Iron coco posts rolls of snow fence 50 rolls of chick on wire hand wlro stretchcre Manuel post halo dlggor Plg troughs Cluckcn Iecdcrs Ex tcnslnn ladder gnsollno ban rcls Hand Lrowols Logglnz chnlns Power lawn mower In good condltlon Push lawnmow or EltxIrlc hedgu trimmers now wooden wagon wheels AND V7921 Eran colortd win cert guilt all llltil inn powder but and pepper shakers piece sol while ironst om or can can coma pots wood pitcher lb bowlsP5 my Bavarian Nlppou Royal Dcvcn etc Drsdcn plane Mallng ware bowl Ink wells Nova SodJa diamond cake stand Nippm toothptck bower 73 platessilken an Ilque vine leaf Limoges Nip potT Wedgwood Austria etc 112 Andria poach bo th Ivory Jewel box Limo gt tray Fine dnna berry bowl with 12 nappl Cnmlval candy dlsh with lid Fine chlna berry bowl wlth apples Purple Cumlvul vose Nippon fruit bowl with nappies Several antique pltch Green glass vase etc mare and clownsdc Brass engrEVed Imllcompote Brass and copper chest hand made by the people of Tibet Palr cat bookmde Set of slx petite Oriental brass jardln leres Pau pcwtcr mmunlon cups engraved pairs silver salt and pepper shakers Pnlr brm candle holders Pair tn Kravod brass candelabras brass engraved trays small bras moo bowls Large brass rese boil knives and lorlz handled Pair mgmved Ms mes Silver and pewter new bowl with spoon holder OAaJter fruit baske Sovml 25111269 hair numb Seva French Ivory and old Wm tron floraer stand Earl carved roachn Jewel box made v2 pitchJr J4 11312 nger beer bolt 1319 0mm blend anisters my bread box Hoke board 6125212 tastier whim Wood 7mm mm Antana salt has Pair bar Wm An ld bullet piPaper dure frames 03d built and jugs 6mm pan Iron and han azllzn antique collar and sand on 913 gm My 11 MP Id has been posted to Zvrthmml mus rm and is in an mummy Imam JMmur ME rst mm me ed Pm PIFHEII AND OOIYGHIJN on Aucllonem oncers remarks This will wig1ny be mo or our best sales um season Also have been unable to IN the large Wentg at furniture Ill It has been In storage or the past two Years Come early bunch ovailoblc AUCTION SALE Saturday August nt 1230 pm sharp tor MRS WILMER HOWELL at 214 Dunlop St Burrlo Solo o1 on modern household lurnlturc modern electrlcnl up pllnnccs Dining room sullc Bedroom furniture RCA Vlclor color mlovlslm at Ind now Garden tools etc Totnu cosh No reserve as the homo ls sold HUN AND PIFHER Auctioneers 112431 Au AUCTION SALE Wednesday August 12 III 12 noon sham IMPORTANT ANTIQUE AUC TION SALE or dealers and collecwra III THE EMB ASSY HALL 8m BLAKE ST BARRIE Sale of all antique furniture brain Ironstnno Morlan and rollster Jy 31 Terms costs No reserve as tnm Is sold Owner of mcngznnont slat ro spot15MB or OI ury on prumlses day ot solo lunch counter Wotdt or road elgns Solllng by number Please rs glcr whh lnsldo clerk ALLEN HORNE Auctle sllvor colectlon glass hon In lamps chnlre rockers od jewellery lanterns on qua stove plclurcs and names nIntlnzs lho lumle Is most rellnlshcd from cash No meme OOUGHLIN ANDPIFIIER Auouonoors Jy 243I All 10 Frlday evenlng August 14 at 56 pm slurp Ior ants lama nunusy st 311 MARY 51 BARME treat ol Parry Aulcmodvcl Bradleys lease has 3qu AND PHER Andlmee rs Jy 2411 All AUCTION SALE The undersigned Ins rustdyed mmdlm 1mm NWNSUP POLICE oosmls sum In ad by nulrxc auction mtlccls unclaimed that are in the ol Imlilltl Town dzip Polim Departman Sale to be held on Saturday Aug 15 1970 81 930 nm sharp at the Munlclpal Ofces in the Village of SImud Sale lnduds sevml good guns ly 31 Au 712 AUCTION SALE Wednesday August 19 at pm sham or MISS MARJORIE SWITZER at 221 SUPERIOR ST STAYNER Sale of an househald Iurnllure electrical appllnnccs some on tiques garden ooh etc Terms cash No reservc as Ix home Is sold COUGHLIN AND PIFHER Auctlonocrs the INNISFIL ly 2431 All 714 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING AUG 21 BI 630 p111 I0 MR AND MRS mes wuson Mm some nddta conslgnmcnls at hot Wm lccumscth Ilwnshlp north of Bond Hood rnlle on nghway 27 and west mlles on Ihc Benton Road Sale 01 Muschold clicds Includ Ing electrical oppllcnnccs and some unthue Items Terms coat No rcscrvu as owner moving lunch cotmtor AMEN HORNE nuctlonccr 4534589 Jy 31 All 71419 afx1 sumo nanu MARRIAGES surmme an nm of Judy Prue dumr or In ol M1319 to Richard molt ur In no Anson or nanlo lool mo In Toronto st DEATHS Mr MayM Granny mm on rancid1 July 27 1770 Lucy my Arman tnmurly at 311 Dru aunt of Dorothy Brooks and canon Arnold 3MB arenacunt e1 Iosm1 moon no nixecu Walker tin st to mner Home no Wow tn the Unlon our our PM 150me had weHuddenlY ll lisrrh on may 1mg mo near um sruI loud wllr or mu scrum Ind mourn OI Ilnnn OI CIIleY Ind obm nl Barrio momea by on Kcllh Grmmmrr all but II may at Ben Resllnl xrnmu Punusl name armlord st Burk or service on Slush II 10130 on Inhmertt nun Unlon cemlery svsr Dmm Norman Ax Sun brook II III Toronla on nuny 26 mo Normn De loud below JamM pl CQIII Whltwnnh dell Our abut OI Sande Dorothy Mrs John ronl Drum Ulldy IIIrs Merlin servtnl luvnr Allan ol Toronto Gen Mwllnl LIXO Albrrl of mid Bub Mn Bryan 01 Toronto Clark Bar rte Kcnmm nod Dalkm It hutno mrvtvodby In mndchlldnn Rllnl ll Lh Jenm mmrll Home Inn and DWI BIK rlr Mr mdsy or yar vlnc or 55 All Nepali nmrn non cme IYJORL GMY colcrn nomadnu harm Tommy July ill 1970 Coleen Ann any beloved dluhler or mom and shlrtey any 21 cm mu Borden Ind our lllur ol Shllan OI Manure no ecru and Mlmn both Realm Im lzrmcll to norm Budlord so and ecrvlco an Slitllaly Alli ll pm Interment DurrIe Union com kny In neu or loan mornorvlll donllama mag be mldn In an uquI 571 It CARDS OF THANKS mAmr would sure to owns my ntncm them In Iwmlluon to Anmdckton Reno and Dr lllckl Spcclll think to Jonnllla Funeral nonn or their kindness also or the bountiful llarll mo um mm mono and nelrhhm 5hlron and smiley Jy at nab In WI on Sim Ind 12 Sikh DY Wenthtrlton no or mesh ml lm cm 4m mtwuu COMING EVENTS BARRIE EDITCULTURAL SOCIETY TOUR Boat tour at Ifomntn Harbor then vvslt Exhlhrtlon Pork plb talc 11de filth Park 511 Ben Valdhuls Greenhouses at then to lodwn Lion Perm Mr Gall Bu leaves Wellington Hotel ll nrn WEDNESDAY AUGUST MAL 0051 $150 To book call Ml You 728 9664 or Null McKenLIe All BINGO EVERY FRIDAY pm ANAl CLUB Mill St ANGUS Admission $0 11LF Au 211 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday Rt NEW 5001 WARD COMMUNITY HALL Glll St at Bond DRILLIA EXAMINER WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY PHONE 7282414 SIMCOE COUNTY FARERSIIEAIIOU RTERS See SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP STORE or your RIDING EQUIPMENT TACK AND HORSE HEALTH PRODUCTS Barrie FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7286531 FARMERS MRKT FARMERS ATTENTION lhls soctlon ls resound lor your convenience to SELL TRADE or SWAP leoatock household or ticles farm equlpmen tor servlccsat word ad rates CUSTOM HAY BALING dam Tulmonn HW 257 lNNlSFlL ST Phone 7266531 FARMERSMRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD smcx erl lad cattle and Esggslmlinrallwnnlmuls removed lrcc For last servlco PHONE BARBIE 72841200 Collctl or us or ZENITH 01130 NO CHARGE 74 hours dny days wsok RR Foxmcnd Ontnrlo Llconco No 210009 Nlck Montuzua Prop Tr FARM MACHINERY ESSA TRACTOR AND FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere and Badger soles and scrvlcc Box 610 ALLISNN tat1170 ovcnlnns Phonn 43553 MWIF wnmlltu foul and louder front mlmnlod hydrlullc uumg so wvrku uurl nravul typo unset on or similar solarJ11 his WW FARM MACHINERY Er EQUIPMENT PATZ SALES AND SERVICE SUPEBIDR Silos and clay forage wagons mu TYPES of content rcndlly nvnllnhlo STROUD 4361711 RR N0 MwF TE HANK BROWN Delavnl Sales Servlce DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line at Dalry Farm Equipment Suppllos Barrie Holly Hwy 11 72MB aMWF TF POULTRY AND CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry mon are chooslng Dekalb Pullels Started readytoday and dayold chicks For snrvtco or hol on your poultry problems col CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD SFROUD 4364811 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 FIGS was old Aply wu lop Hm crswtord To nm 21m mun mt elalnl rouo anuormw obvhoncJlu val ylonshneuonn srsagoammwg ns or or Shrug mash um 9121 work attvlnlu hams Ind uoulu or Home Ixccllnnl Ihow Urol pc Comvlnu nm or wanton slddlcryt tons to en stallions at am stun rcr Inksmellow TalovIIOM 7364000 11 DAIIEY mm SI WI WIIII All annual Ind III not 01 10300 II to mnlnctulut mm an or co Hill ON llIIlm bulk lllllh lll mllklnn GIUWDL PRO TOO09 with tho Anzllcsns at St Pauls Anglican church at to IJII MI and Mn Sman cl 01 nnxevllle Vialied with Mn Nash Keep Sunday Stay 534 pm open or the dsdtcstlon ol the calm Mr Ind Mrs Cecil Punkcum are on six we motor trip to the west coast Congratulations to Inle Vcsprs Townshlp Fire depart ment on the formation 01 llle Vespra jrnwunup Ilro ghters Association Electedto olllc are Pres Aubrey llllller Vice Puts lorn Wright Secy Treat lam WILwn Is Bob Byers Mr and Mrs Lorne Orsm s5 corrtpanled by Mr and Mrs Mlller are on motor trip to Kingston Ottawa Oodtrane and toadslg tho Polar Bear Express to Moosonco before returnlng home cmmcntu ms BIRTHDAY Mr and Mrs Mac Slcwnrt en tenslnnd on Sunday In honor or III lather Wlllred Stewart lo celebrate hls 88th birthday Re lstlvee numbering 26 enloycd turkey dlnner together Mr and Mrs Harry Stewart Barrie Mrs mules Stewart and Mr and Mrs Willlnm Stewart Guelph Mr and Mrs Robert Vnnnl Stewart Alllston Miss IAIelIa DonnclIy Mr and Mrs John Rutluh Newmark Miss lllnrlc Donnelly Thront Mr and Mrs StewsrtDannalh Mrs Wllllam Reid Lelmy Mr and Mrs Harvey Stewart Palslc Mr and Mrs Russel Jory Ban rle and Mr and Mrs Russell Stewart Churchlll cousln Rev Joe Stewart Unltcd Church minister new In Mn and year had taken scrvlce at Goolcsvllle on Sunday morn lng More atth the bird day party life long resident ol the area the colebrsnt who was born on Lot 10 Can on July 29 tom was tax collector and assessor oI lnnlsfll TDWlllhIp or many years host folk with EggIns halr fondly remember as Sunday School supcrInv tcndcnt at the United Church mm 1927196 and as In elder too Now resident of bolrvy slnce rctlrlng rpm the Kerrn Mr Stowart keeps young by wnlltlnz up town at least once day Untll tow years ago he continued to curl at Chur chill Blends recall that the col ubrunt was always at home on the dance oor and In 1931 lnnlelll Centennial he and who wcre tho head couple In the set that won mesqunrs dsnclng compotltlon cnown HILL By M118 DUNSMORE 3111 Drum Is putltvnt Wollcsloy Hospush Orthopedlc Unll Toronto nllowlnz surglcnl treatment on knee woloomals extended Mary BothSornmcrs Inlant dau mucr who was born July Mr and Mrs lprne Sommers Mr and Mrs Al Campbell and Mr and Mrs Curl Schmldt wore recent vlsltors with Mr and Mrs James Kenny and Tom Kenny Mrs Goorge Flowcr onioyed weekend rccmtly at Gibson Lnko Muskoku with Mr Mrs Flower and lomlly Barrie Vernon Caldwell enjoyed nxgurslon to the Cnlsry stom pc Mrs Moo Dmry Ian on of Europa onJulyla Peter Nlclsen Land son Fred are leaving on July 30th to vlsIl rclntlvce In Dcnrnnrk FAMILY REUNION Mr and Mrs Harold Drury were hosts to tho Edgcrton Inm Illcs lcunlun re cently lhoso nttcndlnx Irom dlstnnco were Mrs Vcrs Reynolds Ilornln Mr nod Mrs George nltchlo 01 St Cnlhurlncs Marguerite Lennon Mrs trude Luck and Mrs Alma Frontis 01 Toronto GIFT OF DINNERWAIIE shower or Miss Lindn more hrldo elect and Ilnnco lllll Crane was held July 17 All the United church Sundny school room Alter hour 41 Homes Llnda nnrl worn rcud un nddrcss by Purtrldnn nnd presented with not at lluyul Ahcrt Chlnn Prlmrosu pattern wlth bust wlshos at tho communltyn Llndu and hill both thanked their friends for tho gilt Wns tumor and enjoyed by Followlog tho woddlnu July 25 undo and Bill nre Ina lhclr homo In Cult

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