Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1970, p. 1

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BAHgt11 TUE 37 marL50 mm EXAMINER TELEPHONES clusmzd Martina mam All other paprow browns 06th Your No in ST BARRE 1507 1270 sonic Ornario Canada Friday July at 1970 TEL AVIV Emma Bracl lcccpted today the United States Middle East peace plan already agreed in by Egypt and Jordan it was announced here An official communique ancr twohour cabinet meeting said Israel ncccptcd the plan haw 3331MB Erbium lng considered the appeal at the president ol the United Slates and while continuing its com rnltmcnt to its basic paucy guidelincs It said Israel would appoint at the appropriate time rep resentative tor peace talks with his law lamps in ad store debab nrrid star on 93 Not Moro Than ID For Copy 16 Pm out prior condition under the auspices of United Nations cmuy Gunnar during It was not immcdntely cigar whether the right ins Gahal party would carry out in throat to leave the coalition cabinet The party was scheduled to meet at the start of ncxt neck to make iLs nal decision The communique said the peace talks would take place within the framework of the UN Congressmen Pan One two three strike up the hand says conductor Mar Ilyn Nelson to members ot hcr rhythm band trom Lott Anne Marie Garner 10 Nancy Adumson and Brenda Hol chl ll The band come Irom Quccns Park ycstcrday to Burials Prim mu CONCERT take part In the Park and RE creation Commissions arts and crllta day part at Its playground program other cnlt tries were In drama sing lng dancing crnILs puppctry and murals Sec story page 11 Examiucr Photol Income Tax Removal Is Urged VICTORIA ICF two week sampling at western Cunn dinn opinion about ledcrnl plv posals to dinnge tho incometax system closed Thursday with submission iron is Vancouver chartcrcd accountant advocat lng abolition at all Income tax The touring membcrs ol the Commons nuance committee who dcscrlbcd tho nal submis slon as novel nnd unusual handed back to Ottnwn for 11 up sessions with Rcvenuc Midweekmm to ltmmcc hllnlstcr Benson In ndvnncc oI droning report to Purllnmcnt about the guvcrn mcnts in white paper Both Liberal and Conscrvn tlvc MP tired parting shots at Bennett British Col umblns premier and Ilnnncc ministcr who declined rcpcatcd invitations to present the com mittee with the views of his So clnl Credit governmcut Three Diplomats lire Kidnapped MONTEVXDEO ru gu Routers Three diplomas two Amcrlcnns and Brazlllnn wcro kidnapped today but the security officer at the embassy was released The Interior ministry reported the kllhmpplng of American se curity chicI Dnnlcl MItrIonc and Brazilian ConsulGeneral Aloyslo lulucs Dlns Gomldc but police sources snld cuunscllur at the US embassy Gordon Jones also was kldnnppcd rrrazrtura rmuams EAPSULE NEW Long Load Carrier is Arrested OAKVILLE Ont DPT man wearing only towel and smile was lound wandering along the Queen Elizabeth Way Thursday He was carrying bulrush In one band nd sign reading Long Land In the other Police charged him with vag rnncy and sent him to hospital tor obscrvutlon Quebec is Target For Postal Strike OTIAWA CPI Quebec was the prime target or strike by the postal unions today with Newfoundland New Brunswick and Ontnrlu also hit by the dispute main Montrcnl post ottlce and nt 43 other points In the Mnntrcnl pvstnl district including Patina CInlrcDorvul ltuxlioru Shor brookc Snrel anlcyllcld Granby Drummondvlllc anhlnc LongA ueutl Chntcuuguny nnd lbcrvllle One Killed In Car Accident Near Sudbury VAL GABON Cpl Reggie Charles Archie illurin 13 at Sault Ste Marie dlcd today In twocur collision In this com munlty ucnr Sudbury Senators Mothr WINDSOR CHI Funcrnl services were held today or Mlnnlc Croll mothor uI Sunutor Duvld 0011 01 Ontario Mrs Croll 90 died Thursday Sho chino to Wlndsor tram her native Russia 70 yours ugu und was predeceased by her husband Hillel 14 years ago She Is survived by live sons including Senator Crull Iormcr lnuyor vI Windsor Toronto Youth Drowns ln Niagara FORT ERIE lCP Brian David Smith IV of Toronto drowned Thursduy while swimming In tho Niagara river near lhistown 12 miles southoust oI Niagara Falls Matheson of Fort Erie was taken to hospital for observation dimmrwgozuuzozc asrstarmlww The Comcrvntlvcs also an nounced at the close that party leader Robert Staneld wuuld join in questioning of govern ment ministers and ottlcints In the committee at nal hearings beginning mesduy In Ottawa The touring MP8 who also heard submissions In Winnipeg Regina and Edmonton while committee colleagues canvassed the Alluntlcrcglon received is submisslnn at the end ot tour days in Victoria tllnt stood nil byttsclt among more Lilith 2m presentations since bearings begun lust spring In Ottawn Accountant Mchcm nd vocatcd that Income tnx for both Individuals and companies he scrnppcd entlrcly Govern ment rcvcnuo should be raised cntirc tram retail sales tax hc sai chuscd government Con servative and New Democrat hm questioned the accountant or almost an hour about the Implications of his proposal on prices Inimcss and trudc bc lore Alastair Gillespie trTo rnntn Etohlcokel chairman of the group thanked Mr McVIcnt for showing nrlglnallty nppro printe to the west Mr Gillesn pic was born and raised In Vie torin Mr Gillespln and liturch Lambert PC Edmonton Westl Conservative Ilnanclnl critic both suldjcp they wcrc vcry disuppnln rd because tho Brltish Columbia government had dcclincd tn prucnt Its views about the tux white paper Committee rncmbcrs made their final attempt to meet with Mr Bcnnctt during the lunch time brook when they vlsltcd his ofce and tound him out to lunch JEAN PIERRE COTE Pollution Level Lower Following Seaboard Rain NEW YORK CF Strong overnight winds and acnttcrcd showch brought some rcliet todny to the smugshrouded eastern US seaboard alter II weckAIong air pollution threat that brought presidential call for prompt lcgislatlvc uctlon Pollution ulcrts or warnings wcrc rescinded In Washington Baltimore and Philndclphlu New York City continued In alclt but rolaxcd some restric Workers went on strlkc at the Buried Today Ills companion l7ycarnld John tions on the usc oI Incinerator At ncws conferenqu Thu day night In La Angclcs Presl dcnl Nixon took notc ol the pol lution thrcnt caused by sta tIonnxy air mass over the East or the lust week In some ways it is Iortunntc thc East Coast snw tho problem In this sovere manner he said It shows there Is not much tIrnu lelt to solvo it Ids said there was no short range unuucr to the problem ch cant got the Itlnd at auto mobile engine which would be pollutlunAlrec In your or two But Congress could pass the en vironmental bill sent it Thcy should put it on the front burliur Nixon said the federal govern ment would take strict action to sue that illinc at Its installations added to the problem and he urged industry to use nunpullut Ing tucls as much as possible New Yorks olcctricnl power problem also cnscd Thursday as lolvcr tcmpcraturns reduced the air conditioning drain on availa ble electricity and cunsumLrs cut otllcr usage Consnlldatcd CO praised the wondcrtul cooper atlon by the public tbut Enli bled it to meet nook demand at Just under7ouuuuo kilowatts with rcscrvc cupuclty or clght pcr ccnt Con Edison with two major gcncrutors brokcn down rc tlutcd vultugc by three pcr cunt and upstate utilities cut their by Iivc ptr rent in Cnsttln New York to spread the nunlltlblu power Irish Youth Shot In Riot Outbreak BELFAST iRautcrsl An army marksman killed youth curly today during battlo be tween British troops and clvil Inns In Roman Catholic area of oruhsr An army spoknsmun uid 19 ychld Dnnlcl OHugnn was wurncd thrcc tlmcs to stop tb ow in Molotov cocktails When oltugan rciusrd to sur rcndcr thh murksmun was ur dcrcd to noon Illc thc spokcy mlln lipid Ollngun shot In the neck was dead on arrival at hospital Rcsldcnts In tho nrcu lutcr de nch thnt llc Ilnd tukcn art In tho throwing ot gasoline ambit Stlcct lighting begun about 130 can unto pnl EDT Thursday and did not qulcl down until nllcr duylluht Troublo bcglm when two youth were arrested for caus lng disturbance lll tho pro dominlmtly Cutllullc New Ludgn Road arm hangout youths began stoning pollen who culled In the iron Thu sol tors uscd tour and tors who replied with gasoline bombs All army spokesman said an armored vehicle was set on fire by the crowd The spokesman said OHunan was killed at that time and was holding gasoline bomb whcn hc wns shot HE added that three soldich were slightly woundcd in tho clashes The battle brought the Ilrst ruthlin slnco l2 pcrsuns dicil lntc In June and curly this month as result at Cutholic Protestant tending To prcvont further rlotlllg the government has banned all pub lIc marches untll Jun 1971 The New budge Road today resembled battleeld with Nclcs broken gluss and tour gns cunlstcrs strewn about the strcct and sidewalks Roadblock wcrc stron gt manned and rcsldcnts who let curly or work had some dlIIllt culty gutting out at tha area The military on police madc plcus or woman nd children to nuuscu gas on tho ddmonstrll lltny in behind locked doors Dumping Of Gas WASHINGTON AP Sev eral congressmen have charged that the army ignored lnterna tlonal law in devising plans to dump more to 3000 tons ot obsulcte nerve gas rockets Into the Atlantic other legislators complained the army had given too short notice at it elaborate plan to transport tho dangerous cargo overland before sending It to the bottom at the Atlantic Aug iii In Nassau capital of the Ba humus acting Prime Minister Arthur Hanna said Ive heard nothing of this It Its In any Way dangerous to ci thcr ilsb lite or human litc we will be making the strongcst protest to the 15 govern mcnt The army announced Thurs day two trains will start Ircm Annlston Ala and Lexlngtun Ky carrying the steclnndcnn crowencased wcnpons tn Sunny Point arsenal neur Southport NC Senator Claiborne Poll tDcrn all said the Unltcd States is obligated by the 1858 FrontVa to lhl cm committees bcIora disposmi at Train Derailed One Man Dead COEOURG Ont CP One person was killed wllcn 20 cars at Illcor CP Rail Irclght train on routs to Montreal from Toronto cht the rails ncur Lhc CP Rail might shed hcrc Thursday night is company spokesman said The spokesman could not cull Ilrm is published report that tho victim was is Telecommuni cations wnrkcr or that at lcnst two othcr pcrsuns had been lnlt jurcd in the accident He said or trattic was being rcroutcd on Canadian National Railways track In Toronto The Globe and Mail said CP Telecommuni cations worker was killed and lit lcnst two others Injured when some of the boxcar slammed lntn bunk ours on Siding where the communications workch were sleeping Tho newspupcr suld about 10 buxcurS were destroyed and their contents spilled over the trucks Guild Struggles To Pay Fines VANCOUVER GP The Mcrchnnt Service Gulld whose members mnn British Collmiblan tugboats Is struggling to misc nods to meet hcnvy flnes resulting from strike earlier this your Tho guild was float is total of $60000 of which one Inc of $5000 was paid shortly nttcr lbc IESCSSmenl on co mpt at court charges arising from the xwck strike that ended June The guild won an extension at the dendllno to pay the lines to Aug to afIcr its lower lcd Mclnggurt argued that the un lnns tlnnnclul position was criti cal and that It would need addi ltonal time to pay the penalties Meanwhllc the guild has cnled the tines but It may stll ve to make the payment on schedqu even If ruling mm 3136 Court of Appeals Is dc In thiscase change or 010 Supreme Court judgment would result in return ot the money to the LZWmcmhcr guild which consists of cxtnlns mates and engineers In largo of the oper ation of the tugbouls HERES ONE Ed Gcc ch where did you get that shlncr Nod was chasing thut new kid next door and caught him potentially hazardous pollutants in International waters 100 LITTLE All Fall chairman ct the ocean ography subcommitth ol the Senate foreign relations com mittcc said the today notice did not provide time for adu quntc consultation Representative Richard Mr Carthy IDcm NY said the United Nations was not con suited before Thursdays Pcnta gun imnnunccmcl and briengs tor mumbch of Congress and governors oi the uttcctcd states But army officials said the state department had been noti tied and that clearancc on club orntc sulcty precautions had bccn obtained Irom the interior department mid the surgeon gcucraL Security Council resolution or November 1967 with um Illm at reaching binding peace agree ment ACCEPT CEASEFIRE It said lsrael is prepared to accept the proposal for mlnl mum 90day ceasere on the Egyptian tront taking lulu ac count the clarication provided by the government ol the Unlttd States and notwithstanding the dangers inherent In the mat tcr These clarications were unr dcrstnod to rctcr to LS 1155 ances that the Egyptians and their Soviet adVlSClS would not bt able to exploit the limited ccascllrc to increasc their mis silc network and military pntcn tial to launch an offensive once the 90 days were up The statement said minls terial committcc would draft proposals as to the precise lan guagc at the Israeli reply This was seen as possible lastmin Eatons SimpsonsSears Charged For Publishing False Advertising Simpsonercars Ltd in court Aug to taco churgcs oI publi in false misleading or dcccpli levtrtislnx Itd cral justice dcpurtmcnt spukcs man today Dutty llclld ill the Sc ion ill lhu tmunl In Turonl tilch iluvc Combin til llun Act but those are till la uguimll Sucll prominent Ilrms He said most or the involved advertised were laid utldLr Suction ill at the act Ilc LlCClllIlll In clabo ratc Oilcnc unllur thu suction arc punis illlle by up to live ycurs impr nnmint chrcscmutivcs oi Eiltons zip pcarcd in court hricily Thurs day Mr Dutty said and the case has hccn remanded to Aux 31 the same dull the other will appear chcral other smaller rms have also been charged Mr Dutty said Tllcsc include Par ker Bmtl Games Ltd Whitby So in Centre Easy Tile and Budding Supply Simcs Ltd Guycrntt Ltd Omega Ncckwcnr Ltd and Sutson Ltd No trial date has been set Mr Duily said charges will it appear an gums or large rctnil Chain His ofce has also charged III Torontourea readyrmix COIILlLlE firms undcr another Combines Investigation pro with conspiring to pre vcnt competition fancy the Anterior Peace Plan How about you Golda utc effort to ranch some sort ol compromise to keep the six Gahal ministers in the 24min bcr coalitidn cabinet The statement cndtd six days oI expectancy ovcr Isrzicls posi tivc reply It was continually held up by desire to do cvcry thing p055lblu to mainlnin the broadbased coalition govern ment as well as by rcqucsLs to Washington for Iurthcl clnrlll cation concerning assurances to lsrncl The Gahul party object in um idna nI Israeli withdrawal Irum Arab territory as Implied In the plan It rejected 11 com prumisc suggcsttd by the mil Jorily Lbur party that Gnllnl mlnlstc should stay In the cabin to voting against the 115 initiative The plan nlrcnil has been de nuunCcd by Iraq byrin Algcrln and most of the Palestinian Arno guerrilla groups walkout by the six Gnhul gt mlr Mzrs not on rcmaiiling parties in the mall tion would still have cnnlinrtt bin mztiorty nl Ill Scab in llll ZOm Knesset parlia muntl to push through endorse mcnt of the plan Premiers Work To Aid Prairies EDMONTON tCPl While they mny be for upurt politi cally the three Prairie prc nlicrs agrccd Thursday they can work tagcthur til the advan tagc at Prairie rcsidcnts Manitoba Prcmicr Ed Scllrcyer New Democrat Saskatchewan Ross Thatcher Libcrnl and Al berta Social Credit Premier llarry stmm gave this indica tion at ncus Conference cud lit oncday mucting of the Prairie Economic Council It was the eighth mcctillg vi the cuuncil Since Its inccptiun Mr Strum said the council originally was cstnblishcd to provide an exchange nl vicws but we arc nuw agreed he can go further The Prairie provinces look forward in tlu we can make collccll Sinns he Thcrc may be some people who would cunstruc this as gauging up on Ulluwu in par ticulur and while this stutcmcnt may be fair Mr Strum said we arc not going to upolugizc There will be many arcils In willch thcrc will be mutual brlcl presented to the federal government by tho tbrco prov FORMEB SPY MllRBlES Grovlllo Maynard Wynne 51 the former British spy Elk chnngcd for tho Russian ngcnt Gordon Lonsdulc and his wile the former Hermn Van Burch 27 leave Kensiugton Registry Office in London alter their marriage today His Dutch wile was his sec retary and interpreter Wyn ncs prcvlous manInge was dissolved In 1968 Wire photo by cable 1mm London

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