gloach Restic Unhappy With The Officiating oerAwn if In the roan you moldnt the winning team from the Emma his in Lb third ouster while the teams were only few points apart Ruff Mid the call was made by llamas urn Wood of Lawn the official Wat II from the play The other four on top of the play hadnt uncd it he said 11ch also was biuer about the angle point That got whai Rider any Van Burkleo dropped to his knees in the Ol tawa end zone Van Burned bod fielded Hamllzon pull in his own zone appener to have run out of the and zone with it and then cut back in where he was tackled It single point nude said the Ottawa baa was two yards out of his end when be decided in and that Hamilton should have been awarded two points in the end though it was Of luns inability to take advan tag of guide sawing opportun deeded the alumina Hamilton humbled four flmd in the last quarter alone five Limes In all during the game Quarterback Joe Zugcr gave up three interceptions and Harml 1ou was nailed with three infer Iercncc calls FAIL FANS But iood failed consistently to move Ottawa at key mo anLE and 305 fans went away disappointed The game files that Him lifts Hamill 5cm drew first blood in the Baxter roman Confu Jchedul by defeating Ot Ebugh Riders Joe Bertie was complain blumlly about the ofcfat the Ottawa room coach Ink Gotta was making optimisv comment about his rookie ck Gary Wood and cling Riders will mule Ruff said the work of ref aul snrphrnl of Toronto his fourmun crew was un unforgivable played in acarnlo temperatures and both coachcs humid anther counted for the are Hamilton fumbles Fullback Willie end Tommy Joe Coffey scored touchdowns for Hamilton the cracked over from three yards not after taking lateral from Zugcr Coffey got his on uyard pass Coffey also kicked Field goal single and convert Fullback Jim hfauklns got Ot Liwas only touchdown on oneyard dive into the Hamilton end zone Ivan Macmillan com pleted Ottawa scoring with two field goals two singles and convert On Lhe nights work Hamilton deserved the win Zugur completed throws for 118 yards Wood was able to complcte 12 of 29 for 153 11cm had first downs to towns 15 Future AllStar Game Sites Most Exciting Owners News MONTREAL CP The 21 major league club owners broke up their annual summer meet ing here Wednesday with the most exciting news bcing the of the allstar game sites for the next two years The 1971 midsummer classic will be played at ngcr Stadium in Detroit while the 1972 contest is scheduled for Atlanta Stad ium in Atlanta It will be the Lhird time on nilstar game has been played inIDeLroit The first one in the theorem City was played in 1941 with the second 10 years said the probably Ofcials linvablc radial He was particularly angry It an interference call on de runc halfback Bob Kmuse it Riders possession on the Bethe and tcr it BRIAN DEMARCHI bonds Hamilton nurCat dc fensrvc halfback gen some rolt sistzmce from Ottawa Rough orton Staub eys To Success ONTREAL men with flaming orange ir have contributed great to the increased success of ntrenl Expo In two no of them is Carl Morton righthanded has won 14 games in 20 ill The other known as Le Grand Or and favorite with Mont Montreal added run in the second on single Fairey but the Padres tied the score with two runs in the fourth and single lolly in the by Jim 19 of Coach ls Rusty men were big factors in Expos L1 triumph over San Padres in National baseball game Wednes night victory that we one game ahead of the Is Cardinals in the battle th place in the Eastern or of the league two teams were tied Into Wednesdays action Cardinals were los Atlanta against the United States in terms of grants from the major leagues was passed at the meeting Amntcur baseball American Legion lllLln leagues and some colleges in the us benefit from professional fund turning point of the game Duncan said In an interview He said Winnipegs defensive halfback Elf Uhner to misludgc 11 pass allowing Shaw to summer to the end for Suyard touchdown on from quarterback Jerry led Montreal announcement appeared control president baseballs said Expos John Mcilalc nio Expos con tribute to this fund and we would like to see deserving Pro grams in Canada supported by pointer wiped out ID6 vlnnlprg lead and with the help of Rudy Lintermahs con vcrt gave the Stampedcrs 11 10 margin Wlthout Johns Helton play at left tackle we might have been In lot of trouble Dun club owners took National csday Staub clouted tho winning borne rrn in tho of the fifth inning off res starter Clay Kirby also turned an apparent Most of the Tuesday League baseball game between and San Padres and Kuhn said Wednes nights Expos run into double play in lat All sixth inning when he shared has allstar game before day ho was Impressed by the spirit of the Montreal fans can sold That had to be his best game with this clublie hot by Ollie Brown at the dield fence and fired to base to double off Al Fen proposal by Montreal Expos of the National League that Co nadinn baseball he put on on They seem to enjoy them selvesI Said Kuhn The park ion creates sense of did everything right Helton repeath of Rider Terry Icllesley num ber 22 fullback in Wednu days game in coma Tho TigerCat Charlie mm quarterback Wally oahlnr for large losses But the Slampeders who dis played listless popmin attack in he first half got the in when they erupted for 33 points in the final so minutes to pre vent the Bombers from winning their first game at McMahon mdium since the 1565 playoffs The Bombers who picked up nine first downs to none for the Stampcdcrs in the first half be fore 13436 fans held 71 food after the opening quarter on Gav blcrsI lzayard run and Gene Lakusxaks convert They increased their lead to NH In the second quarter when Lakusiak booted 21yard field goal set up by fullback Bob Houmards lIyilrd dash from the Calgary 39 However it was all Calgary in the second Ilqu us the Stam pcdors collected 15 rst downs compared with three for the Bombers Show and tight end Herman Harrison each scored ID much downs for Calgary Harrison got one on 12yard pass from through the Winni offensvc equal footing WILh that of the line and on two Sargon nailed wasnt sun was going to rookie Iquartcrback Larry Lowr cncc in the final on or for boil Add Sthub in rdld mail lth lvth of only his second ewilmlng run batted in it also his first hit in trips pjotho plate in Expos grabbed 20 lead flihe first inning on single by Jig Fairey and an error Padres right fielder Ollie Brown orStaubs semiline drive Ron ley drove in one run with single andJohn Batcmnn hrypght home the other on Incrch fly BASEBALL RECORD THE CANADIAN PRESS 1553 BMWM year on its smooth its robust American League IIHIEIIHHII csults Wednesday Boston Oakland 2le York California Hoshington Milwaukee Chicago Baltimore Detroit 10 Kansas City Eleveland Minnesota Probable Pitchers Today Boston lNagy 34 at Oakland uter 1343 ashiugton Waukee Patten GAB nso City Johnson 377 at it fifeLain 22 innesnta land Hargao 42 Nntloniil League Calvert Double Distilled is remarkable breakthrough whisky that doesnt lose robustness when we make it smooth Yet iust as remarkable is the price But youll never know until you try Brunet Perry Pct GEL 545 so 48 slao 51 45 45 52 44 57 43 53 Angelo Francisco 47 Results wranesony clnnati Pittsburgh lama St Louis icago Houston Angoles at Philadelphia ntrcal San Diego Francisco New York rulinbic Pitchers Today Angeles lFoster 1H at Ecal McGinn $5 hston Griffin 311 at Club Jenkins 1142 Louis Reuss 14 at Al lNIekro iiIZ tisIhurgli Veale 641 at Cin ti tCIoninger 23 number so blocker is moving in in change icltcslcys plan ICP Vimpliofo Shaw Helton Big Plays Pay Off For Stampeders CALGARY Jim Duncan praised anker Gerry Shaw and defensive lnc kIc John Helton for making the blnglays Wednesday night en ahllng Calgary Stampedch to whip ilnnipcg Blue Bombers 21410 in Western Football Con fercnce game Shaws second touchdown in the third quarter had to be the Shziws touchdowns and Harri sns first came on passes from Keeling 1b llugll McKinnis scored the other Calgary mum down on lwoyurd run Linter man who replaced puccllckrr Larry Robinson was good on three of five convert aurmpu He also kicked 7ard single Veteran NFL Players Gather In Chicago To Show Strength CHICAGO API 14X 11me and Kilns ny Gil Spending to Lhc bugle call for Here among those daring they Waldj through the urlsrxrd tr calm doors The world champion were indquc They were granted prepare in camp for the game rndn night laszdllrh ba UBMI Foot memo League playch muped Lt Chm throughout Lhcir bitter pcminn dispue that now masters the games struc ln the sit Playrrs Lactation said nearly on players had arriin by mid lhrcmcls will leave camp mam the game The hub of the squabble the motel for the gatheringl reported our were expected and rooms were bclrig Sui aside ll was chain reaction in announced they training any players playch demand by players for the non to boost their fourrycar sieoooooo pension contribuliun offer The xma is asking for $25oooooo would unlock their ems and mi Willing to rupo local Units today was mu aimed at finding out If any vet ernns would dcfy the NFLPA and report thus ma wcdgc ma cuul lead to inan of the lintseason srhudule of games Starting ulih Cleve Aligclcs neck obvioule AUTOMOTIVE AND COLLISION REPAIRS land at Les from Friday However run out sol ownch midnlg as time begins to lion against the continued spokcs PETER KLEIN MOTORS us Brock St playrrs Goielond Browns Orleans REPAIR NOW PAY IATER CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN EXPERT MECHANICAL COLLISION REPAIRS Satisfaction Guaranteed Phona James Handy Service Mgr 71648 lIIlilllllllllllllIIlIIiIIlIIllllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7151583 Jlt Bears 0090009000 88 DU SERVICE full life Heres what we do Replace brake linings on all four wheels Arc linings for perfect contact with brake drums Check all wheel cylinders Turn and true brake drums Inspect master cylinder Repack outer wheel bearings on both 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