Horseplay Doesnt Yield Bloody Cheek Black Eye Jnm Andrew Sullivan Karma Swt laborer ail yesterday in an attempt to de ol causing disturbance by tightBI Judge Foster after hearing two polimn so tell how they found Sullivan And another man lasting on Mary Snot May land him $50 Consublz Jim Ens told the court he had teen the two men wrestling at the corner of Mary and Dunlap mots about pm Sullivan had hemlock on the other man James Simp 30c llc described Sullivans cen jitinn as borderline drunk Sullivan asked the policeman If he thnutt there was dit erencc between ghting and lend mucu ansinst Clurge out See me hi Summon he asked but horseplny doesnt glle you bloody check or black eye Ihe policeman 1m Both Constable Bus and Con slahle Bernard Hunt said the men had hurt and other during the reels Constable Hunt told the court the men appeared scuIy fur Ihe disturbance they caused when the policemen arrived HI said they could have been Iuoling around but in his opinion they were lighting Sullivan testied that had he and Simpson been lighting they would have hurt each other sch iously He claimed Simpsonl black eye was suflered earlier We might have attracted few people but not get enough CITY NEWS 1115 Km EXAMINER TIIUISDAY JULY 10 1970 Two City Roads Intersection Scheduled For No roads and an intersection are scheduled for reconstruction under the citys connecting link Lend ho asphalt paving program this year Also sections at two roads 4111 be moved City council accepted bid of $158581 IronI Allan Cook Ltd tor the work Monday night sub ycct to approval of the engin eerin department and the On tnrio apartment at Highways The city receives 75 or so or cent subsidy from the DHO on most Of the work done under the contract QIndles flood West from Buy eld to Anne Street schedul 1d or mcolutrucnn at new cred COR of 599231 It is following through on com nccting links agreement signed wlth the DEIO during Lhu rc mnstrtmtion of Bradford Street Csald deputy city engineer Don Reconstruction Kirkpatrick Candles Road and Anne Street Wrc used as nltub natc routes during that time In the downtown area Clap pertan Street between Dunlap and Collier Streets ls scheduled for reconstruction at cost at $13112 Also scheduled Iar rccouslrut tion is the Dunlop Street West and Ecclcs Street intersection The intersectiun has been quite problem Mr Kirkpatrick said because of the high vol ume ct trailic usin it to repel the citys lndustrin areas The reconstruction will add lane con trnl to the intersectlnn he said and will cost $7685 section of rough pavement on Blake Street between Dun dnuald Street and Nelson Square will be rcpavcd under the prtr grnm at cost of $7200 as will Sectan ol Cnllicr Street be tween nayucld nnII Clnppctton streets at II cost of $1296 He Drov North In South Lane man who drove pickup truck north In the southbound lanes or Highway 400 July pleaded guilty manomnlul court jtodny to having mum than 03 $ch cent blood nlcohol at the jtime of the incident John Lewis SLrncllan AZ of 0rxllit ww fined $150 by Judge Foster Strachnn wns Inrccd oil the ruud by oncoming traffic while driving through Innislil Town ship Police Who investigated the mlshnp noticed symptoms at al cohol consumption and took Stru Zchan or breath test at the provincial police detachment at Barrie clown Attorney vnunAlcxun nel told Judge Funz sh Ith test result showed more twice IITe legal amount of alco he present in the mans blood stream Defence lawyer Don Inch said Strhchan realized how lucky he was not to have been involved in serious accident There are very few reusons for driving nurth in the scum hound lane where the highway is separated by median as it is rie Motor Sales LImI tcd and IE presidan Charles Glorgiannl Charged juintly they were in ed $200 and cosu when Mr Giorglanni pleaded guilty ness campaign conducted by the Barrie Jaycccs will start Satur day it was announced today the Juycee committee appoint ed to nllnnize the campaign said the weeks nctlvitles will be largely nimcd nt milking the public believe thnt fastened belt is great safety factor in truffic accidents day when Juycees will check cars driving Herrln atrectn to see If the occupants have their seat belts Installed gvllng vou chers to those who are ernp Pod In GENERAL at CDDIISIDWII fair grounds here the Crown attorney said tomsrrutedlorhudn adrnutnd nrevlma cum tor ceusxzu Do you admit Eating 1km Amey John Alemnde had Sullivan adult mm in My the ma said Judge Foster bald Simpson he not just friendly horseplu But even if lt I89 dis turbance was causal he slid Failed To Pay Tax Deductions ZIlmployers Fined nes totalling 9600 were lrn posed In provincial court yes terday on charges or failure to remit payroll income tax deduc lion to the rocever gulcrnl of Canada No employer were in valved Owen Wilson painting contractor Wnsngn Beach was ned $400 and costs alter plead ing guilty to the dznrge He told the court his account receiv able were so high he was put out of business The second case involved Bar Seat Belt Awareness The nnnurtl sent belt Invert Paul Deans spokesman or The week will and next Satur Thc chairman of this years Jaycee sent hell committee is Paul Winger The Ill annual how of the Georgian Bay Steam Automo tlvc Gas and Antique Associa tjun will take place Aug in ESSA COUNCIL The regular meeting at Essa Township Council will take place Tuesday at It 11111 at Buxtcr One at thoitems on the agenda will likely be report on the cost and method of policing the An gus area By MURIEL LEEPER Two rarely heard major works were Icaturcd last night at Geu rgian College at the final concert Respighls ll Tramontu lyric poem by Shelley was sung by Miss JeanMarie Scott with string quartet Rosemarie Klimaslm violin Cyril Lceper jviolin Ted Gugulu viola and Norman Abbott cello it was an expressive beauti liull and sometimes dramatic work in sembopcrntic form Tun STRAINS saw and strings highlighted lust Tights contort lIL Georgian College oem rst and then sang the Last Chamber Concert IExpressive Beautiful tllcn concluded leaving the list cners with the sense or police su described by the music and made up the third movement lyrics The blend between sing er and quartet was sensitive and interplay between the live instru of the chmber muse warmS with rapport as the work pro moms gresscd that was musically sat The nap was exciting and islymg The second major work was This last movement brought warm applause from the sud Second Viulu an chplc juin ienee that seemed ta regret Lhnt cd LlIcquurtct iur this difcult the series had been brought to and interesting piece by the close George college must be com It was in four movements mended for having made these Miss Scott rend the English opening withMagynr melodies chamber music concerts avail eumbined with the classical Iurm able here Attendance exceeded work as translated into Italian Braluns was using at that time what was hopedlor end already by Ascoli She built the poem The slow Second movement was plans are being made to bring into fine climax of pathos and particularly well done by the other such concerts to Barrie tllc Brahms Quintet NV in Cr German composer iltg with IT Hungarian Czardns quintet and the collage of waltz es in the Viennese tradition that wcre fascinating in the musical oi the Music Ap violin Cyril Lecpcr violin Eligigtbiuliumursu FROM Jean Mane Scott llleZZOu LEI Rosemarie Klinlnsltu piano suluisl Norman Abhutt GETTING READY fur practice run for this Sundays amateur waLer skiing competi Douglas Crawford The event will start at pm Canton niul Park as part Chamber of Commerce TILgut lzt Examiner Photo lions on Kc In penicit Buy FROM LEI1 Dr Hubert Del nucy Mary lo Spenrlu and Regatta Starts Sunday water skiing cumpebliun and challenge cup sailing race will be the two major events at this years Chamber Of Comment Regatta Sunday and Monday The water skiing curtain in Tuulcrs uge ll and under in lermcdiatc age to and son ior age 15 to and senior use 15 and Over lt will begin at pm on Kempcnlclt Buy just off Centennial Park rhcre an official SISyard slalom course has been laid out Registrations lor the skiing wiU be accepted at the Chamber of Commerce Fred Grant sum until nm day or at Centennial Park Suu day from noon to 130 pm Thu Challcngc Cup Sailing race will be held Monday at pm with the start and finish line all Sl Villccnt Park It will includu all classes sail brIaLson LIkc Simcue Participants ma slur their boats with the Barrie Chamber of Commcrcc until Friday at pm nr at me llaylicld Street duck hulwcen ll 1m and nuon Monday Barrie Placement Centre Finds Jobs For 400 Students 600 Go Without Although there are still at least 600 students without sum mer work in Barrie Canada Manpowcrs spcclnl youth hiring centre has been success says director Richard MacDonald Thch are 1000 students regis tcrcd DI the centre which cluscs tomorrow and moves to Man puwcrs main ofce here of lhcse 400 are known to have lound work Several oi the oth ers may have found work on their mm and not informed the cattle Althnugh he tried in kuup in touch with than all Mr Mac Donald says that scmc have not been called back or checked on Bundling 100ml one man sin agvugh job Man Fined $300 On Two Charges Michael Murphy 21 ul Woodcrcst Drive was Ined $300 in provincial court yesterday or impaired driving and for driv ing with bluud alcohol content of more than 03 per cent On March 17 Murth was volvcd in an accident on Dun lap Street After police at tllc scene nntlccd the symptom of alcohol consumption they took Murphy for breath test which he inilcd Murphy was fined $100 up this charge Then on May 24 Murphys car weaving across the road was chased from Bradford Street to his home on Woodcrcsl Drive Murphy who had bccn drinking was taken In the police station and given sobriety tests which he lulled Crown Attorney John Alexan der described Murphy as Itc ligercnt and in messy candi Hon He was fined $200 TVATER SKI CLINIC Barrie Parks and Hecrention Commission and the Can ndion Water Ski Association are spnn Sorirlg lcurn to water ski CIIIIIC Tuesday trillion terms are available at the com mission oliice 12 Juhn Street cellist Kent Tceple violin and Edward Gugula viola Ex amlncr Dlmtul on job yuu know his buck gmunu and interests yutt aut nmutically put extra Oliurt InIa finding position Mr Donald says IVvu plaiuts have cumc from the young peo ple High school students resent students getting bet ter job but the centre must ul so cater to the employer and InchrSIy student will usually have better qualications and experience Mr MacDonald said Others cnmnlnin because the centre has not given them an Ough personal nltcntion murc start at the centre vuuld improve Ir lllucDunalIl Thcmosi common employment in houses This er has been very temporary amounting in one or two days on the job LITTLE LEFT Tltcrc will be low openings the rest of the summcr except on day hy duy vuIk basis The next major hiring will be far the tubncco burvest Students in Barrie have been sent to jobs as Iar as Allistun and wasaga Ewell but most employment has been nearby One at the major ndvnntugcs of the centre has contact with the employer on be hall or the young people seek ing jobs Several cmpluycrs have complimented the centre Ivlumlllli AfdbunAI His efforts are rewarded ii the employer calls back when he has another position open sail Mr MacDonald SOME COMPLAINTS Personal contact yuung people has alsu been im portant You hesitate to scml person you know naming about for males has been general labor $150 to SLTS an hour On the average Highest paying Jul was bar fuur laborers ut $270 an East Burden hired LUO slut dents to hell with driving Iaml scoping and as waiters in the messes Young people in Barrie were fortunate to have government Installation close In home this summur says Mr MacDonald The host hired 50 before an add itional 150 positions were available for young pcoplt by pl oyment grunt from the federal govern univurs bcen dirch summer Hair is unulllcr problem SWEM cr ll we again cent or the 1me vcrugc wage is $1 to $125 an hour Other positions include Iurni ture moving sturc duties local merchants and sccrclnr work The response from Barrie good Mr MacDonald said At one time 40 were hired by Bar rie pcoplc for work around and with names in entertainmenl are coming In the CNE Grandstand this yearand our whole evenings are given over to the largest circus ever lloged Free Admission Each advance evening Grandstand ner mm Ihc holder Is free camel In the ground on The day of Ike perlolmance vehicle not ineludedl Check the lineup Football Toronto Edmonton Bobby Sherman The Temptation Mullen Faslivnl Johnny Cash Brenda Lee Red Shelton Circus 70 International Ray CharlesAI irt if $650 $550341 and $2 50 400 and $350 500 and $400 5700 $600 and $500 $600 $500 and $400 $500 and SA 00 $600 $500 and $400 $400 Hollnrrrelevcmldvm I2 and under August 24 25 August 26 Augur127 Auguu 29 29 as 50thth Scplember September September September Seplember September Canadian Mammal Exhibiton Augusl20toSepl7 Sundays fromI30 Man Order cm is open mm August mm For information or ticket write Grandstand Box om Canadian National Exhibition Exhibition Pork rmm 23 Ontario $600 $500 anduno $400 and $350 $400 and 5350 3200am mo Dimension and Bugle Compah on NI nary Band Tattoo Nuvlenbuudm Or the summer but this is dt nite minurity says Mr Mar Donald The ccntrc located at the not of Mulcaslcr Sl mll he clos ell Friday because the eullsrla ed Friday hccuusc um lcusc runs out Mr MacDonald will conti uc his mm at the Canada mn power Canre on nunlnp Strch sonrl gather he says The centre must tell the employer everything Immm bout me potential employee and titles long hair the prospective employee is disadvantage same at the students say that they will cut their hair it jolt comes up Scmc prefer to kcep their hair lung InLllcr than work