11 unmet of blood in the Royal Victoria Hnspilal blood bank bu halted because Shortage blood donations in Mutt we lrs Brenda Cunpbeh eminent director the mint haematolngy labor story The result Is an elective run gery pmgrmn at the bospiIaL Doctor who know that they Thtfn ls no mplte from the but and humid weather in Sight until at least the weekend The Toronto Weather olllee predict cloudy periods and warm wtth few thmdcnhow on Friday The low Ionlgxt ts spotted to be 65 while the mercury will again climb to 35 dances on Friday The noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner ofce was dcgrm The worm humid air con tinues to cover the south ern hall the province with lit tle slgn at motion during the next couple of days at least Alternoon and evening thunder storms will persist today and disturbance ovu Luke Winnipeg this morning will more acres extreme Northern Ontario today and Fri day result somewhat cooler and drier air Ill move Into northwestern Ontario Iri di That will be considerable cloudiness and some thunder storm activity in northern area today and tonight ahead this drier air Tomato Hamilton lpndnn Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara IAkn Ontari Haliburtnn Today and Friday mainly sunny Trenton Turn and humid with afternoon Kingston and evening thunderstorms both Petcrburough days High lunpcraturd today Killaloe and Frilay to 90 law 0min North Bay to 7D Sudbmy Sodbury North Bay Georgian Enrlton Bay Algama Temagaml Tlmuuns Handy Period and warm with Kapuskasiu lew Llnmdershowm today and Sault sLe slur 3y High temperature Chaplain today and Friday no to as Low White River tonlttht near so Geralde White River Cochraue Monsanee IN TOWN Houdny InnTho Selling sunu WeulngtnnBobby Rowen Contlnentnl InnTom Kelly BankersThe Ell GAB STDEAGE TANKS City Council last night voted to approve the installation or underground gasoline tanks at two sites In the clty subject tn the approval at the city engin ccr Approved were request ram BP Oil to lnstnu stor age tank at thesntrth west carlt ncr at Cundlea Road and St Vincent Street and request Iron Thorco Contracting Ltd to install 10000 gallon tank at Bomb Smugling DETROIT CP year old men entering the United States from Canada was charged Wednesday with Im pjurtlrlg explosivcs and marl juana into theTIS Elnry Younger of Les An geles Calif hnd bond not at $15000 by 05 District Court Judge Fred Kauss with for mal nrrnlgnment slated for Aug 18 US customs officlnls snld durlng routine check pickup truck at the American sldu of the Ambassador Bridge officers found plastic bomb and small qunntlty OI mnri junrtn under the drivers seat Th bomb was live and was dismantled by experts from Sel frtdge Air Force Base Family Restaurant Wheu you feel like you wunt In really have eame delicious ltullnn toad you are sure to find 11 on our menu of taste mutating delights PIZZERIA ITAIIA SPAGHEITI Alr Candltloucd 18 Mulcaster Fast Delivery 7281421 THEATRES Suppose They Gnve War And Nobod Came 3u513tL1 Tnuhl Willi VElt MI an VBay WUNGES Nounwasngn InnThe Magneto Pepslcles BroohdnleThe Walrus nnd The Carpenter QueensBudgette nnd the ltomnn Candles LOCAL AND GENERAL Low Blood supply At RVH Postpones Operations will need blood for In operation In being asked tn maxim the surgery until the supply return to normal Only emergency cases lu cluuag postoperative bleeding cases and postpartum molherl are bthlx provided with blood The hospital usually has so to so pints of blood on hand But for the part three weeks the Hazy Hot Humid Expected Friday Cloudy periods and warm with occasional thundershuwen today and tonight Friday Show ers ending thca clearing by midday Ingn today near l5 law mnlght near 00 HighFri day around on Western James Bay Showrer and occasional thundershnwcn and warmer today and tonight Friday occasional rain and molar High today 75 to so Low tonight ucar 60 High on Friday to 70 Ottawa Montreal Today mostly sunny with high 85 to 90 Some cloudiness with kw shower or thunderstorm late today tonight and Friday Continuing humid 117w tonight around To High Friday es Blghlnmgh Hamilton St Catharine Tbronto Sanalia 838388883389 8883888888883825338898293332 TONIGHT Here 3199 has dwindled tn II of 59 hire CnmyheU said The blood comes Iran Tormm Urunlly the hospital orders twice week based In rear lar ucugency supply and sched uled supply Now it ts being or dered on daily but with emer Ewcy supplies drllrered by On tario Provincial Police cruiser said Mrs Campbell DECLINE UNUSUAL There is morally drop In blood supply In Barrie this time of year when people are too busy holidaying lo 20 to donor clinics nnd the Industries close the regular clinic said Mrs Cempbell But this year the drop is unlt muel The cause may be that Absenteeism from the clinics to gether with several severe ace Ideal have combined In drain the blood bank The blood supply has been low or three weeks and this trend may continue for the next few days or until the end of the summer depending on clinic attendance week ago the situation he gan to improve but on the week end the supply dropped again In Toronto the success of xpeclzl Red Cross clinic ntesday helped ease the citys blood shortage but operations are still being postponed there and theSUPPIYislaonrtheacc READY FOR THE ROTARY Suds which in the past have included the punish oft Cen ho childrens wading pools and tennis courts for Barrie parks land for the YMvYWCA and pavilion or St Vincent Park Examiner Phota Heynr 125 Cooks pur chased on the rst tickets to the Rotary Clnh ol Barrie us or its annual Rotary Chicken Barbecue In St Vincent Park Monday even Iug George Davies right barbecue chairman sells May or Cooke his Edsel Mr Davies hopes that LNG tickets will be PAYING TOO MUCH FOR INSURANCE Let us ulmw you wuaI the In cost Maximum Cover Plan otters qu tannin Park Allyearoldstudentvhn pleaded guilty to our counts of joyriding was remanded until Aux monbzilto awaitnprt sentence ln pro vmctzl court Wal Dav Jollme took cars in Barrie Feb Feb 33 March and Hard II was stopped while driving in the fourth car and admitted taking the others luthrteclthefotncesegthc keys were in the Ignition the car pens Strum lBYearOld Pleads Guilty To Four Counts OI IOYdinSl Delence lawyer Wild WEV RETURNED TO OUR ORIGINAL LOCATION Yes thats right we have returned to our former location at Dunlap St East If you need someltailaring see the alteration ex man told the court that Jolly more Ewd with his parents near Alliston The youths 33021 was In court Mr Wilde suggested to Judge Fella that re port might hex hnn in mm lug the youth who van on pro button for previous offence at mum of on ma POOR NATION lathe in southern Alrica Is one of the worlds poorest na timu weekend the Tealay clinic In Tor ante donor gave 70 units blood This is 250 more than us ual but still under the clinics goal of asssgsssssummsesuuwmum Ouell Smnll Size 21 at TV the Shell hulk all plant on Ves pra Street The Br on request Is also subject to the granting at building permit ALDMI1CLAREN APPOINTED Ald Jack MneLurOn has been appointed the citys represente tlvc on the adult linson Embryo auxlllary The uppnlntmcnt was made In response to request Irom Wllllnrd Klnllc chairman of the auxillnry RECEIVES CERTIFICATE John Cole ot the city trcnsur ars ollice has successfully com plelcd the course of the Associa tion of Municipal Clerks an Treasurers lie was presented with his certicate by Mayor Les Cooke TRAFFIC LIGHTS City Council has accepted quotation of $3552 from Bennett and Wright Ltd or the lnstnllm Lion of traffic lights at the Buy lleld Street Cundlcs Road inter section Snug as bug Probably not yet if youve just moved in Perhaps your Wel come Wagon hostess can help to ease the confusion Caliber today WU WWW tin Phone rm n3conuemmms 7285334 er 7166802 ldant expected on the long sold tapping L23 years gure 0118 The barbecue will feature lull course dinner 1m eluding hall roast chicken to rule slaw Ice cream and beverage for $175 Thc pro ceeds go toward Rolnry pro LOW COST POCNET PORTABLE Sound ngh Impact PebbleGrain Finish lilua this ILde to nd Our mnmclearmmwnhpinpohit rotary taming Comes complete with bat tery earphone and carry stain 12130 Ship Wt 11 995 TRANSISTOR EXTENSION SPEAKER Maku Transistor Portable Sound leo Table Models Only in dizmtier but adds dimension of sound never heard before to your trun mstor radio Tubular extension plugs into the earphone Jack on transistor portebles 124001 cord Included for use outdoors or in any oom ln your home REALISTIC BATTERYOPERATED TRAVEL CLOCK RADIO AM Radio Full Feature Clock Uptotheminule comma styling nlck it away lit corner or your suitcase or brief case for easy rising when youre on the mall 00minute sleep switch lets you fall asleep to music alarm wakes you to munic or ms This amazing little radio even has snooze button that lets you sleep no extra ten minutes Pack your towellery and other valuables in storage compartment for safe storage while on the road Powerlul transistur AM radio ls good company while youre travelling Big easytweed clock 2395 REAIISTIc MINIMUS 05 UltrnCompo HIFI Speaker System Perfect Exknslon Speaker or Rndlus Reeordcrr IIIFl Dlled Walnut Cale Our greatnew subcompad speaker 50 small It ts anywhere so elliclent any tmnslswr radio will power It but sounds so good youll think your radio or cnsscttc recorder costs twice nsmuchl Oiled walnut case With solid nlumlmlm dlecast Irame nutdlcs any room decor Maxlmum 10 watts music power ohm Phone jnck fur plugIn connection and screw terminals only 401095 neg 1195 EA STORE HOURS Monday Wednesday am pm Thursday Frlday am pm Sat arn pm BIG WINNER ol the Boston Bruin won the Hnrt Memorial Trophy end the James Norris Memorial Award or his crlnrt during the 196970 National Hockey League campaign UNITED NV ESTRIENI SERVICE Bobby Orr Roy Tmcy DIV Mgr k1 Dunlap Em 723211 DIVISION OF TANDY LEATHER CD OF CANADA LIMITED ONE WEEK SPECIALS FMAMPERW LMMaclnnes TAILOR Dunlap Sr 7282594 WWI new JV LITTLE BAYVI EW SIZE PORTABLE With Builtin Automatlc Frequency Control AC Adapter Jack PM Speaker Com re the looks features the low ltadlo Sliachnprice Imd see why mica LN dualband beauty top buy Its an eusytn take portable with pullout handle or plugin home radio when toplional AC adapter The slldc rule dinl lets you tune stations dend centre tor best reception with builtin AM and tollscopic FM ZIIIIEDP nas adding real stationpullmg power In cludes earphone and batteries Size 495 12674 Mg 2395 SAVE scone MOBILE MUSIC CENTRE FM STEREO RADIO TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER HI FI ON THE HlWAY WITH RADIO SHACKS MUSIC CENTRE Powerful FM Stereo radio with slide rule tuning Truck Stereo tape player changes tracks auto muticnlly CF Separate balance and tone controls for tailored Stereo listening Program selector lets you override automatic change to hear your favorite music again Mode switch allows perfect reproduction of mon oural or stereo broadcasts All mounting hardware included for installation on l2 negative ground automotive systems No 124390 Reg $13995 SALE DIVISION OF TANDV LEATHER CO OF CANADA LIMITED NOTE ALL SPECIALS ADVERTISE IN TORONTO PAPERS AVAILABLE sister radio transistor amplifier home broadcaster wineles phonograph many many other working projects 28201 Reg 2393 SALE SCIENCE FAIR Electronic 2OclaveSOIiII State ORGAN KIT AI Spring Clip Assembly Na Soldering Fitted Hardwood Case Build your own lsnote real electronic Or ganl All parts including speaker and bat teries are Included Follow the detailed stepbystep illustrated manual printed as sembly board and precut wires for easy assembly Tuning control and song book included Plays any song in whole notes over zoetave range 23215 Reg 995 SALE 7095 259 SCIENCE FAIR 50 IN ELECTRONIC PROJECT KIT 50 Eesytohuild Working Froiects BIggcst Bargain in Electronic Kits Ever Otferedl No Soldering SOPg Manual Sate Battery Operationl Uses AL Solid State Circuitry Like the Prus Do Heres the fun way to get ground floor introduction to modern electronics de tailed illustrated 56pg manual makes it the perfect kit for beginners Everything you needincluding batteriesis packed into the fitted hardwood case measuring 17 11 Construct gunnaniurn radio oneIran mOIse code key telephone ms almost anything IN nIoItL FINANCING ALSO AVAILABLE gaunt80qu Ewumuumarmmvrlw vltltvvsuu