Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1970, p. 13

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DELASO war iarrn worksrs union and use feiifif 222 as growers the Saigon agdl 22 more Examiner THURSDAY JLLY II in 13 rillia Going Ahead PASSENGERS ENJOY SUNDECK WHILE VIEWING 30000 ISLANDS You GetAwayFrom It A1 OnBOqt Tour Of Georgian Bay is non thcax boat tmlr on waters or Geor glzm Bay and the 30000 Islands is for three types of people is for the senior cltizcu who enjoys cocl pcacclul afternoon for young femlies and cuttin Iy for girl watchers There are two types of tours Barrie Leather Plant Converts To Natural Gas Operations Robson Lang Leathers alaal for us to take the initiative in in Barrie has converted its oa lighting pollution rather than erndons to natural gas One of just wait Iur conditions to make the reasons was to preserve it necessary Ml iraub ex clear air plaincd Robson Lang one at Control pollution in all Its Canadas largest leather mlmu lomls as everyone knows one lecturers has been operating in of the most important ash fac Barrle or nearly hall in century in our society today Vchnve The company which supplies been anxious farsome time leather or the manufacture of now to make our contribution to such items gloves shoes the preservation of clear air bags garments etc is one of and for this reason we have Barrics mulor industries nnll made the IIEGBIOD to convert our employs 150 persons The c0n operations from coal to natural versiqn to natural gas will gas Jerk llaub general make the company we of the manager of Robsnn Lang Leo lltrgest users of natural gas in tours said today Barrio according to Consum mswoekuaolloal instilllzlc ers industrial representative tions were completed and the Ray Purslbw gas valve ring up the new Andrew Weir representative boiler was opened by Mr of the air management branch Traub and Ray Purslow Barrie OI the Ontario department OI indutriltl representative at Cna energy and resources in Barrie room that be was pleased lose rncrs Gas We loci mall is important the may taking mlsstep Region Govt Mr Pllrlolv pointed out that Ontario Hydro converted its huge Heara plant in Toronto to usenaturul gas part of the time We are most anxious to work Moves xStudied lftdsisilfdiife By Ofcials BRADFQBD Stall Reg lonal government moves which have been followed with close attention in Simeae County have been advanced in neighboring York and also in Muskuka with the appointment of chairmen of the rst regional boards Attention was drawn to the announcement of Ontario mulli cipal affairs minister Darcy Mc Keougll byle Centre Simcoe MPP of Bradford in his latest report Ircm Queens Park With talk of Bradford are joining York County there was particular local interest in the announcement far that regional area Mayor Milton Alebtt of Huntsville wasappuinted the rst Muskoku regional councll chairman Bath leaders are to begin their duties immediately in prepara tion for the new regional rnun iclpal administrations which start on January 1971 The announcement said in 1975 the chairman in both cases willbe elected by members OIL their tespecvc councils In both areasvtllera has been sharp controversy overvvariaus u=pocts of thetrausllions to be made and the progress is cer tain to be closely followed in Simme County The county coun cil has special regional study and planning committee Icllulv lug regional changes Reeve James Wales of Tosorontio is the chairman Bradlord Reeve Bruce Stewart is county chair man of finance while Deputy Reeve Fred Cook is chairman at the county museum board Elsewhere inhls Interesting Queens Park report melami cl Bradford Mayor and county warden who has ban Centre Slrncoe MPP since 1951 report ed on statements or Ontario min istcr of trade and development Stanley Randall Ontario be pointed out produced 46 per cent of Canadas exports Inst year while the provinces Induslt trial employment opportunities increased by nearly 12000 Mr Randall ulso drew atten tion to Ontario exports rising 14 per cent over the previous year while there was only 95 per cent increase across Canada More than hill the new jobs were in expanded plants the minister cemented about the expansion in industrial employ ment According to Mr Randalls re port 414 plants expanded at total cost of $264nlillion while Sill mllliun was spent on i59 nerv plants established in Ont ar nodes to develop Central Ontario market for Canadian heel also draw comment moment we are testing six auc tomubiles fuelled by natural gas with View to its use In fleets The reduction in pollutants in the neighborhood of 90 per and holhare enjoyable The Ii SI and the longest lasts ve IICILIS The boa leaves the town dock in Midi1nd lit pm and travels about 50 miles It goes as lar north as Valr Wall Tascu about 30 miles mirth cl Midland On this trip you sail on an ex navy ship which once escorted convoys during the Second World War The ship was then named the IIBICS IIIL 83 II is now called the Midland IcnlL tang 88 This Is the tour look with mywila and daughter Shorter trips lasting three hours leave at the same time and return in time lor supper Leaving the harbor you rst pass Midland Paint where some of the most beautiful yeahround cottages are built Ls is the case In any sccliun of Ontario where the Indians once lived you laoeorne acquain ch willl many odd names such as Snake Island Giants Tomb Gin Island Waubanoka Toma hmk Island and Minnellaha Palm Around the mistrialway point in the trip those interested in art have chance to see the summer place of the famous Group of Seven Frame waaowos and operates the slain not wt every emut lulu seeing that his passengers enjoy and under stand the sights He has tapes on many of the islands and tells you by public address system of the other landmarks SUPPLIES CARRIED Besides being It tour boat the 88 carries supplies to many is Izlnd residents One stop is made at the summer camp of the Un iversily uI Toronto place called Genome Bay Here sup plies and mail are dropped all while campers use the ships snack bar This is girl watcbc or heaven Thctour days outing should please almost any taste and give local residenu chance to meet people lrnm all across Canada and the United States This tour attracts many visib urs to the Midland area Mr Frame sumests that anyone in terested in making the trip should make reservations as the ship carries only 100 people On the day sailed HG reserva lions bad bDen made Sailings may be booked by calling 525 Midland Two recommendations are ill lered to people planning this trip take along pillow and pair OI binoculars While tilt trip costs little more than some the oth tours covered by The Examiner it last longer For water enthus iasts it is more enjoyable than long drive Our costs fur the day were as Iolluws gasoline $107 load $2l bout tickets $18 $650 for adults $250 for children over nix and INC for those under The tour is great experience for the whole family sailing on spacious ship through one of cml marmesmmaamtrdus at Nortth Slincue county and Southern Muskuka The trip to Midland from Bar rie is approximately 12 miles via Highway 400 and Highways 53 27 and 12 an titth route you pass through some of the pret tiest reforestation areas of Sim eoc County 0n the return trip you could add littlo spice to the ride by using Highway 27 all the way Climb aboard and sail into day at peace and um easy to operale SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SPRING Give your lawn real manicure Easy spin recoil gets you DIE ID good Start EXCEPLIDIIEIIY efficient smooth running Oils till swath ILP engine large pneumatic wheels Buy now and savel Reg Vuluav 7495 COOP SALE PRICE $59388 LSimcoe District ECG0P 2S9 Innisfil Si 72M53l Pleasant Place To Del Slower Than Barrie Teamsters barga am ogree meat announch arouday emer ing an estimated 7500 workers Pearl rim type 01 51ch He said the Teamsters bad med written pledge to honor is United Farm Warren Or ganizlng Committees jurisdic lion in the vegetable and small lrulu elds The development arose lics day as Chavez appeared near victory in his fiveyear struggle to uninnixe lie California table grape industry DENIES REPORTS 213ch Labelled as miniature some published reports that table grape growers in the Del mo afmhld readied agree ment with the union to end the nationwide am worldwide grape beyond The Los Angelcs Times and the Fresno Bee reported that growers representing about hall or the California table grape in dustry had reached tentative contract agreement Signing or those contracts would mean about 35 per cent of the grape crap would be cov ered Contracts for about 35per cent were signed in the past boycott against grape greuu ers has been presscd since 1968 in cIlorls to unionize the entire smooooooaycar industry The boycott has been mudirled to include only graces picked by nonunlull vineyard workcrs By BILL CURRAN DISTRICT EDITOR OR IJL lSlALI we growl1 hasnt been as spectacu lar some new developman areas Barries twin city of Of ilJn has stand the decade or he 05 with steady pours Around the city hall in the downtown area Mayor David Brown and colleagues bav shown cautions optimism for the cormxxlnity many Stephen Leacoclt admirers alfectionalely know Mariposa The city of Orillia today with owe 11000 people is tar cry mm the horse and buggy era community which was claimed to have given Canadas most not ed humorous wlticr the Inspirzl lion or some DI his characters The late sir Leacock himsell stroneg denied that his book characters were anything ut products oI his own imagination but Lbe resemblance to some was striking An clion rip through Or lllin today also will Show the Anglican church where Dean Dreay once dmncd on the re places mentioned in the bank are still in the same lucalions but there have been other great changes The picturesque old lire hull with iLs high bcli tow or also is In be replaced short industrially Orilllns thcc Vancouver Group Dedicated To Cleaning Up Pollution VANCOUVER CF SPEC Is group dedicated to doing Icr the nation what household agents claim to do for the kitch enelsan up the mm Tm lull name IS Canadian Scientific Pollution and Envi ronmental Control Society and it has made iLi weiwt lclt in mnnywnyi in its 14 months of mstence It has sent sharpworded briefs to Ottawa pickelcd var iatts industrial polluters uruund Vancouver and mare recently descended on the British Colum bia Hydro and Power Authority building In protest the utilitys continued use controversial defoliaan In clearing its rights illw SPIIC president Derrick Mal lard said in recent interview that the organization bits set up about 20brauclxes throughout l3C As get deeper into Llle problem the more realize what hnrrenduus situation world pollution is said Mr Mallard former electronics engineer now demonstrator in psychology at Simon Fraser University in suburban Eur naby We as individuals are almost incapable of doing anthing about But we must try largest Fahnlloy Wisconsin Lirniled Bnrum tnd Dorr ier hing Limited 11 Show much evidence of expansion The my has impressive new mod em stores and streams have replaced must of the rub older shops Do mo latest ullramodern business structures currently going up is new locl nono store an the old llclnt garage location on the ma n1 street 1is Imm the IV Curran building orillia ilsd is sprcd over mt same hill picturesqucly over looking Lake Cuurblchlng as do Scride Dr llcscocks llarlposa except the enlarged community has followed the general pattern at sprawling out over lidtrl area HEAVY TRAFFIC Insofar its handling uI IriiIIlc is concerned it is Snun evident to visiting motorist that the planning which resulted from many discussions and Sessions nunt been as eectlvc as some now wish Flaw or modern trams Is impeded by lack ot sulficlcnt through streets nar ruwncssct some and insumcient lrntflc IllL Wes sweet is the only one running north ami south all the way Imm Lake Simeon to highway 11 Gill Front and anlle are litide fur an alternative through route with Vuiinus turns Orillias Centennial kI which is actually on extension to Cauclliching Park was made by lling in shallow water at the lakefront not too much unlike lite plan followed in Barrie The Orillia park ls equipped with parking areas swings and slides beautiiul lover gnrvlcns and line lawns although not quite as long as Barrie park Docking facilities are provided for cruis crs STRIKING CHANGE Visitors who have been coming to the area fur yours might find entertainment at pubs strik lug change Far more than in years from 1907 until 1950 Or illia wasnomlnnlly dry area which meant residents had to drive over to the beer parlors at the outskirts at Atherley scnd to Barrie or other neigh boring cummu es or supplies Fur eors ta did fluristk in limiters acting ageals or Onlll purchasers Favorable rules which estab lzsncd garment store and hair cuties ill the early 503 were lollawcd In mere recent years tum similar approval lor loun ges and serum liquor with meals at msuurunu There are ZIII no licensed barrage rooms Orlllia where workers could by the gloss at the Illc Hence Or customers still provide sublt stantiui part of the patronage at Alhtulcy hutcls To the regret of old unions many at the delightful old build mg of earlier ornamental arch ilcclurc lrc gune But there are still few which stand out in sharp contrast to the more cemth modcrn homes built for easy litarm and todays liv mg rcqulrcmctlLs year or two ago ire ties ruled the leI Tult house on Cut borne Street in itself menu ment to lch pioneer lumber cm l3qu originally for my home it for long time up oratcd as hotel and was the selling or many important clvm and local banquets STATELY cmltciiEs No report an Orlllia would be complete without menlinn of its inc old slalcly churches The lhlte stone Guardian Angels church on hill is particularly impressive alllluugh there are others like the United tenet Methodist and bylcrlun which are older buildings hilc Sabbath observance has cilangcd in Orillia as elsewhere with ball games summer we mallun and Sunday movies Orillill still cant help impress as church going town with church parking areas all filled on Sunday mornings Dating back to 136 as an in corporatcd village and to 1873 as town Orillia became city Jan 1969 which was Ill years alter Barrie During the 305 it had more population than Bar rie but lost ground in the post war era when Barrie forged head industrially and then held the lead song weaken if without it

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