Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1970, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES norm anointr Mum recess 106th ma Primes For dataih to page Elite harm Exempt Ontario Canada Thursday July 30 1970 11va KANARKK LEIT and Ronald Hughes demise attorneys in the Tale riiis Tami 1VVitness Ignores Threats Will Complete Testimony ws ANGELES Reuters Prosecution witness Linda Kits ahion Ignoring threats against her life will wind up her testi mony todity on two nights of murder last August that claimed the lives of movie no tress Sharon Tate and six other persons After describing on Tuesday the slaying of five persons at Miss Tates Hollywood home last Aug Mrs Kasnblan told Wednesday of how hippio chic inin Charles Manson ordered members of fnmillgli MWv cause the tirst killings were too messy licr lawyer Gary Fleisch man later told reporters that both he and Mrs Kasabinn had received number of death threats to stop her tram testify ing but that they were ignoring them Fleisehmen also said that when Mrs Kasabian walked within few feet at lilanson in court Wednesay he told her You blew it Linda You really blow it Youd better say your prayers Mrs Kusabian Zlyearold mother of two originally was changed is connection with the La Blanca murder trial lcavc courtroom Wednesday after Judge Charles ll Older cited murders But she was given im munity to turn Slates evidence Chargcd along with Manson 15 pro Susan Atkins and Patri cln Kreuwinkel both 22 and Leslie van Houtcn 20 Miss van Reuters is charged only in connection with the secondnight murders of supermarket owner Lona Labianca and his ycaMld wife Rosemary Also charged is mother mem ber of the hippie family Charles Tex Watson He is in Sail in Texas fighting extr kimonoqu Fr an mm 30 ccived number or threatening telephone calls including one from man named Jay earlier this week who said If Linda Knsahian testies neither you nor she will leave the court alive Finisehrnan said Mrs Kas nhinn has been given strong po lice protection nvo of the defence lawyers Irving Kauaick and Ronald Hughes were both sentenced to 12 hours in jail Wednesday for contempt of court Knnorek Mansons lawyer was cited by Superior Court Judge Charles Older for can tempt for making continuous Promoters 0i Pop Festival Under Attack Over Prices MONlREAL GP What price lovcnnd peace The promoters of this week ends Manseau pop festival have sat $12 and $15 as the price for tickets promising three days of those two commodities in re him The promoters have come pnder attack from group call mg itsel the Quebec Diltural Committee which says the fes tival organizers are exploiting young people and their music to make money iesc moneyhungry Quebec pseudmnrganizers are not hesi taung to exploit love and peace to fill their pockets the com mittee said in statement dis tributed at news conference Wednesday pounced plans for sitin dem onstration in front of the ticket booths at the festival site to The committee 31 so are right of Quebecs young people not to be exploited on their ter ritory by paying Sis entry fee Advance tickets for the festi val available at number of outlets in Montreal Quebec City Toronto and Ottawa cost $12 each Gate admission costs $15 person HERES ONE father and son were posing for picture at the time of the young mans graduation from college Stand bit closer to your father the photographer said to the graduate and put your hand on his shoulder Wouldnt it be more approp riate the father said Lt he stood with his hand in my poclt support what they say is tholket ballIigh Tide Frees Ferry PRINCE RUPERT BC CPl gtFour powerful tugs pued the Sdzvfoot Alaska Ferries vessel Tnku off the rocky shoreline of Kinahan island early today lho Taku ran aground Wednesday with 324 persons aboard There were no serious inyurlcs radio man aboard the 200horsepower tug Rlvtow Lion said the Taku lightened by re moval ot passengers must of the crew and 71 vehicles was frdcu iiithhlgh tide and then re survgy ore for damage es got two holes in her as far as we can mi smd see the radio canwhilc thre nlick that flowed gs till lakus ruptured oil tanks ap pearcd to he headed seaward Department of nansport planes dumped the dctergent Seaclcan over the slick in an attempt to break it up and DOT oftiCials put log boom around the stricken ship to keep any more oil from owing away The Taku has reported oil carryiug capacity of near 137000 gallons and had taken on fuel at Ketchikan Alaska less than 600 miles Northwest of Prince Rupertvanly hours ear lier The Tukus outer hull was punctured and light diesel fuel poured from the bow tanks be tween the inner and outer hulls Company officials said how ever that the spill was brought under control after only 11000 gallons had escaped NEW YORK CF blan ket hot eyescaring smog rcmaincd unchnrcd over New York City and must of the US eastern seaboard today and New Yorkers faced the prospect of all nanessential vehicle traf fic being banned from some see tions of the city Temperatures in the 905 and wilting humidity has plagued the city for week nnd with it layers of dirty air The situation is not expected to change much before early next week New Yorkers already arc under pollution alert And Wednesday was the 511 day this year when an unhealthy pollution warning was issued Mayor John Lindsay ordered firststage palluLlon alert as the dome of warm air known as thermal inversion trapped pollutants in thc air Incinerator at city housing them for contempt of court and ordered them to be held in jail overnighLiAP Wirephnto tcrlcctiuns while Mrs Kasahlnn was testifying Hughes representing Miss Houten was eitcd for making an abusive remark to Prosecu tor Vincent Bugliosi in hear lidldnd Olders is re es ay mornin He after to apologize and was fined $75 05 and Swims We Be rciuscd to pay and wont to used 4W and align hip bagc incinerators restricted Mrs Kasabian who was the Rama lockout during me kimny at that at noon office workers in me Tate house smell Manhattan could not see across Manson urderedihe nev killin lbl mnguW 391713 bocnmrhtglfrfhiw MAY BAN cans 550 how 10 Lindsay said that he was con sidering banning all unneces sary vehicles from ccltuin ttli ty Persons mllizlrinygrmsaid private vehi May Be Charged clcs could be banned sometime this week if the crisis continued pmng CENTRE Que He urged motorists to form or Regis Thibodeau Guspe Shawl DIS FB sheria museum dimdor puhhc transportation facilities said Wednesday action will whcnevet WSW prohably be taken against those The New York health depart responsible for tiring shots on mcnt reported no immediate Nova Scotian fishing vessel Sun health hazard Hospitals said day there had been no apparent in Mr Thibodcnu did not say crease in respiratory and re vhat form the action could Zaltc listed ailments but added that sheries service health department spokes ofcials and provincial police mam labelled the pollution un nre investigating the incident healthy under chronic and The Scotin Bay of antnoufh not shortterm conditions It NS pulled into Gaspo about quired caution mainly by the 100 miles west of here Tuesday elderly and the people with re with 200 tons of herring in her spiratory diseases hold and seven bullet marks in But the pollution can cause her superstructure eye irritation and discomfort Fishermen in this community Dvo measurements of air pol hnd been patrolling the local luticn are those for sulphur wharf with rifles and shuiguns dioxide and smokeshade or the They warp angry because they dirt particles visible in the air said their end catches have The sulphur dioxide level was been cut in half since herring reported at 019 parts for every fishermen from the Maritimes 1000000pnrts of air Wednesday arrived in the area morning dropping to 01 parts Mr ihihodeau said the her in the mernoon concentra ring fishermen are not rcsponsi lion of more than 01 is consi ble for poor cod catches in the dered unhealthy area because their nets do not Smokeshude was 33 units in go deep enough to deplete the the morning and 27 units in the local cod supply afternoon More than two units utillti of smokcshadc arc considered unhealthy New York North Americas largest city also foccs an elec Lrinity shortage Shower came to the aid of the beleaguered power supply Wednesday Temperatures went into the 905 for the third conseclt utivc day and for the third day in row the Consolidated Edi son Co reduced voltages At pm Can Edisun put out 7160000 kilowattsdangerously close to its maximum capacity of 7471000 But thanks to the rainwhich dropped tempera tures more than it dogrees in an hourthe load decreased by 110000 kilowatts and eliminated the possibility or iurlhcr voltage reductions for the day Full voltage was rcsturcd at ram In Toronto on Ontario Hydro spokesman said exports of elce trio power to the United States reached 1000000 kiluwntun peak for 1970 He said unusually warm weather in the northern and eastern US and ope otiu prohlcmsdn major 115 power but maulmtl thtl New Yorkers once more rc sponded to appeals from the company to conserve power Large office buildings dimde lights out down air conditioners and partially rc duced elevator service JOHNNY rsaw TAKES BLAME TORONTO CF Johnny Esaw sports director for the CTV network Said Wednesday night be Inch lull blame for uhsccnitics picked up by long range mlcrwhonos and broad cast during the live telecast of the unmilmmilllvn Eastern Football Conference game Even before the game in Oh town ended Wednesday night fans began culling complaints to one in Toronto and C10 in Oilawn Lhe CTV inlllate involved in the eastern net work tclccnst The obscene remarks were sprinkled ll Esaws comments on the game Esaw said in tclcpliono In lerview nilrr the game We were trying for better cld sound guess we got too close it the Hamilton bench SOME STILL wearing lift jackets Weary passengers from the stricken Alaskan fcr rir Taku rest in Prince 12i ports Moose Hull where they were taken after the vessel ran hard aground on West mavka4 of the United States and US in mdinn in economist Melville Watkins saidtodny Amalgamation of Barrie and lnnisfll township has been ad vocated by Mayor Us Cooke it was nnounccd today The sug gestion was one of three pro posals advanced at mrcting called to discuss problems ex pected when the dcsign for db vclopmcnt plan is implemented is also known that the may or has met with Vupra lbw ship representatives to consider similar arrangements Alternatively hr suggested amalgamation of municipal ser vices wth independent political control or annexation of parts of the township by the city City ofcials met with Innis lil Township officials last night TEEIRAN Reutersl At cast in persons were killed and 70 injured when strong carth quake rocked northeastern lran early today it was officially an nounccd Disaster teams organized by the army and the Red Lion and Sun Society iRcd Cross were flown to the mountainous region by helicopter with medical Sup plies and equipment The quake hit 20000 squarmnile area of remote province where more than 12000 poisons died quake timing nagu loading to stricken villages in the province The Red Lion and Sun direc tor Hassan Khutlbi and the 40 Are Killed In Iran Quake two years ago in violent governorgeneral of Kharossan province flew to Lhc area The Shah ui iron vacationing at Caspian Sea resort has or dcrcd all possible relief rind rcs cue measures palace sources said Scismologists said the quake with strength of at least 130 on Lhc openended Richter scale was centred on the village at hlarava Tappch which has ll population of about 1000 The quake was felt over wide area of the province which ison the kuninnhordnr yarn Soviet rmnenlstan near the villages of Chcaran Aglilnan Aziz Abad and Ghoslleh Chcslimch with pupil lntioiis ranging between 100 and 500 each were among those hit VlCiOlllA CF Robert Kaplan Liberal Member of Parliamcnt from Toronto said Wednesday British Columbia businessmen appear to he nt raid to crit ize their provincial government it makes you wonder what kind of democracy they have in this province said Kaplan member of section of the Commons finance committee on tour to hear opinions about tch cral proposals to change the tax system Mr Kaplan who represents TorontirDon Valley made his comments during the third day of the groups Victoria hearing when forest industry represcnc ntives were testifying The MP Said no witnesses have hesitated to criticize cur rent federal tax laws or the pro posals for change in Ottawas tax white paper But representatives of tor estry and miningBCs mnin industrieshad been reluctant or unwilling to comment on what Mr Kaplan called diS criminatcry provincial taxes on logging and mining think the witnesses are afraid to curruncnt said Mr Kaplaa suggesting that they Canacla Now Branoh WASHINGNN CF Can ada has become branch plant vestment has hindered the Ca Prof Watkins vicepresident Kinahan Island at the entrance to Prince Rupert harbor early yesterday GP Wircphoto of the New Democratic Party and professor of economics at the University of Toronto was invited to speak at hearings bt fore the subcommittee on for eign economic policy of the joint economic committee or the US Congress Foreign dirce investment makes growth too easy and builds in dependence to an un necessary degree Without return inputs Can adas domestic growth might have been easier he said The economist said foreign di rect investment results not in the export at capital from the US but rather in drain of surplus to the United States mgr4 straw iiiraid To Criticize Govt Is View Of 30 Liberal MP feared criticism of the provin cial Social Credit government would provoke some kind of re taliatioa Executives of the Council of Forest Industries of BC and one of its member firms BC Forest Products Ltd offered no reaction to Mr Kaplans rc marks aica and the United States Air Conditioning Dog Accidentally clinical the committee leit Wednesday for The talks centred around In lurc commercial industrial and residential development in this area and the 0erch smic ing that would be necessary to accommodate such developmenL Aid It Macmillan nn lu riistil Reeve Georgi llurlon both emphasized that the meeting was preliminary discussion of common problcms and possible solutions No decisions have been rcachcd Aid Macmillan said The meeting was the first in series the city hopes to hold with the township to iron out problems of dcvclopman The design for development plan named Barrie as centru or immediate urban growth Al though the plan is in HS prelim inary stage city officials believe names population could reach at least lou000 by 1000 POPULATIDN population of 100000 is more than could be contained in the prucnt city limits Aid Macmillan said There is problem with development and we want to plan properly for it He said the meetings would look at both short and long range planning There must be complete and demand intth gratinn of plans to prevent hodgepodge development he said Reeve Burton said the town ship was listening to the pro pusals of the city and they would be discussed However he said anything of the magnitude or the proposals would have to be decided by the people of the tnwnshi Back Nasser From ReutersAP lvo small Palestinian Arab guerrilla organizations today backed the acceptance by Egprian President Nasser of the latest American plan for liliddlc East settlement They said his acceptance was skiliul political tactical move The Action Organization for the Liberation of Palestine and the Arab Palestine Organiza tiun in statement issued in Amman Jordan today re jected what they called the ex ploitatiun of the Palpstine new lution for attacking Egypt and the Soviet Union CAPSULE NEWS 16000 Witnesses Meet lit Woodbine TORONTO CPAbout 16000 will crowd into Woodbine race track today but it is unlikely any betting will occur The occasion is the start of the Jehovahs Witnesses international convention and delegates will come from southern Ontario Guatemala dank Units Sell Well MONTREAL CPLSales of fans and air conditioning unit have risen shamb here in the past week as heat wave with high humidity and temperatures in the 905 entered its 10th day to day The Weather oliicc predicts temperatures in the 903 until at least Friday and perhaps well into next week Shoots Owner GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP NJ AWA dog accidentally shot his owner Wednesday Julie Martin 28 told police she picked up loaded litcalibre rifle tier exuberant dog jumped up his paw caught in the trigger and the weapon iired She was treated for shoulder wound Police listed the shooting as accidental Committee To Design Training Plan OTTAWA CMFormation of an advisory committee to design ng prong for nurses working with indians and Eskimos in isolated Canadian areas was announced Wednesday by the health department The eight nursing and medical experts on tour of field units to examine the problems which occur when nurses have to Luise on responsi bilitics usually assumed by doctors Injured Girl Leaves For Chicago MONTREAL CPlMnrgarct Jones the idyearold California girl who suffered injuries in hitchhiking incident July left for Chicago Wednesday still unable to recall events of the night and unaware of her travelling companions death Miss Jones of En cino suffered brain concussion eye damage and Several bruise after either falling out of or being thrown out of minlog car Ottawas Peace Tower Reopens OTTAWA CPlThc Peuce Tower on Parliament Hill was re opened to visitors Wednesday following is shutde caused by fatal full It was reopened by order of the Commons Speaker Lucien Lamontcox The tower was closed Monday after Eimanl Ghosh as an inclian immigrant fell to her death from the foot tower Kuhn at MFwawrwtuwm nwmuiwmzthwLluLHWU PLAN DISCUSSED New York City Is Plagued By Heat Smog

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