do Walls Publisher l1 Ill I7 ri tion sm The objective is to raise $70000 for second articial ice surface The total cost will be approximately $260000 of this amount 8183000 will be provided by the city through the sale of debentures and from current funds it is estimated that grant from the Ontario govern ment plus $70000 by public subscription will take care of the balance ln announcing the drive this week Mayor Cooke said the campaign will be spearheaded by branch 441 Royal Canadian Air Force Association The branch will carry out number of mon eymaking projects of itsown but it will also seek supportllom service clubs sports groups and the public generally There will be no blitzes or highpowered sellingto achieve the objective The association has year or more to raise the money It will start the ball 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance July 29 1905 James Valr local merchant associ ated with Thomas Robertson Toronto financier purchased land from Johnston Estate on bay at popular Fishermans Point oft Shanty Bay Road They pro ose to erect park and summer resort own Council held lengthy meeting re proposed electric railway from Toronto which would provitfa Barrie with street care Some aldermen much granting franchise feeling that Grand nunkwas serving community well by steam method and Canadian Pacific would soon be here too CPR planned to run main line Toronto Sudbury throughBarrie just north of Wellington St Barrie Cricket Club selected team to play in Toronto tourney Norris owe threering circus ttraeted big crowds here Dyments Fort Hunter gut back in training will be shipped to art Eriencxt week He was big winner until ailment late last seasonaat Toronto Woodbino Harry Leadlay of Cooks town had three winners at Barrie Turf Club Saturday Town Council has beenafter Chief King to entorce bylaw rs obstructing streets with merchant lrlsthuards Band engagod for Can adian National Exhibition Grandstand spectacle will be The Fall of Port Ar thur pageant of RusslnnJapanese War Camp ground for military district of Wes crn Ontario chosen with purchase 80000 acres known as Slmcoe Pine Plains tiltedmilesiwest of Angus It is planned to eloseNiagaraontheLakc and London comps Wmk PFOCBEdS TrentValleywater system Report that Lnkowill be connected with Now market from CooksBay RiverWest branch by canal merchants lhy goodmajorlity opposed eorlyclosing plan which Is unfortun ate it is wellknown that shorter hours ill arm Eats Publist by Canadian Newspaperl Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambie General Manager McPhenon Managing Editor mam JULY ir against nd Holland through application of herbicide seeds PAGE Katrina cues ECONOMIC Hem move ware9 ments to raise money Actually there should be little diffi culty in achieving success Barrie is not ed for generosity and support of worthy causes An example isthe Community Chest which raises in excess of $100000 annually Recently many thousands of dollars oured into fund to send the Barrie olleglote Band to Europe The rink fund is worthy because sec ond artificial ico surface has long been needed in this city of developing young hockey players and figureskaters Many of these people have had to obtain ice time in outlying rinks for practices and even for league games The need for more ice is evident and this has been recognized by the people generally It should not be difficult to ruise the money witbin the next year DOWN MEMORY LANE conserve energy Mayor Donald Ross presided at Town Council Much debate over giving charter to Barrie Athletic Club Pol cemcn got pay Increase and new waterproof coats Town will seek newteamster and caretaker for fire hall Judge Ardagh kept busy Friday hearing Court of Revision appeals Barrio Tanning Co staff cxcurslonwas at 1315 Bay Point via steamer lslay Carriage Works withdrew team from town basebali league ilzlden hurst lawyer and exvmayor received pro vincial appointment of police magistrate for Barrie district Executive changes announced by Sarjeant Co Samuel Snr jeant goes to Orllila as manager and Wal rter Snrjeant comes to Barrie branch Ladies of Colllor St Methodist Church will hold garden party at Mrs William Freeks residence next to brickyard on St Vincent St OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MAKING MARGINAL LAND PRODUCE Owen Sound SunTimes There are more than million acres of mnrglnnl land in Ontario which could be turned into valuable cattlegrazing pasture says report from the crop sclencc department at the University of Guelph They are rough and stony and therefore cant be cultivated hr cropped In their present form they cant support enough livestock to be profitable But the 14yeur study has produced meth ods to increase the production of veg etable matter fourfold and extend the grazing season to five months from the present two 11 year It can be done and fertilizers Use of Birdsfoot trefoil sown with enough fertilizer to start growth is among the suggestions cessful snokcr player rATBIDi NIWOLSON Iaborumister Bryce Mocha uy slim out as one All spectacular successes in the Menu cablneL widely oc clnimrd for what he pencaxlly and hiva under lu leadm ship have achievnd in averting or ttrmluhllng work stoppages be marked the secondane ntvcmry of hls appointment as mama of labor the ruggch yurold native of Quebec Qty down with me to review ththEmlly needs to be done in his particular field Naturally my on question in him qoncernchhe govern rncnts sixpercent guideline for wage increases Does he be IlcVe In this guideline If Io Iumly he is unhappy Lht It bolus broken in such keyflcldl as some building trades Doesnt he think it crazy to ex pect malted labor to respect curb which Is not also applied to rents bank prolsiho Soup ing priceof coffee and such Bryce ls aehrowd and suc as was testified by the top left drawer of Modesto in these onggonc carefree dayswhcn he was Just backbench MP it was al ways filled with cheques and 100 chit trom his long poker games on Wednesday evening when lhe House of Common did not meet ohm PARK by DON onlsarm 0110 of the interesting tide llghts of our times has been the sightof federalcabinet mini rs squotzbiing in public Eric Klrana as been lhroatnlng practically lo close down the post offlco while Labor Minisler Bryce MocKnscy has been more DnyefTo Chaise Rinkinianclu Deserves Full Public Support Citizens of Barrie will be asked soon to rolling in the fall with coloramvaywalk athon and bythat time othe groups are itplEUWVmm lhutrvoyriurnngecyuhlltwlb concerned abelll ans is not plnylng the right game of marbleajat nil other member of the federal oblnct hnvo expressed in pub lic obviously differing view points enough so that the old principle of cabinet solidarity would appear to have been pushed to the side by tho hu deuu government You have to wondcrwhclhqr this and bowls susnlclon that pol1m he isnt if the prime mlnster is annoyed he usually manages to show it somehow or other and he hasnt even made one little wlsccrnck ministers Unusual things have also been happening to cabinet protocol here though not In tho line of public feuding Some positions of various ministers have apparently been slightly nt odds with those of other minIslcls lllunlclpol AI fairs Ministor DfArcy Mclt Kcough and Energy Mlnlstcr George Kerr are1vo that coma to mind not Illlvl llccovmoro nulurol offshoots of tho Interests of their departments rather than any plrsonnl difference Mr McKcough of course must try and see that municipalities as much on possible keep tight line on spending Mr Kerr must try to ensure that boy clean up their environments which costs mon in carrying out lhoir responsibilities each minister must push for the in crestof his dcpllrlmont uld there is natural conflict How ever thlodccnl get down to tho personal lcvol lt nppeur to have done in Ottawa In other directions there have been indications that the for fill iBnnie hammer is Dayeld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Second Classlfnil Registration Number Hoe lioiurn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory llolldaya excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 51 weekly moo yoorly single copies me By mail Barrie $2360 yearly Ontario $1000 your other moil 3500 year Motor lahrow off $2100 your National Advertising Offi ces 41 Unlverslt Avenue Toronto 010 Cu curt 51 Montreal Member of the Jonathan Press and Alulit Bureau of Circulmlams The Canadian Press Ls ox oluolvely ontllled to the like forrepublication oi all now diaputehea in this paper cred ited to It 01 The Associated Prclu or licutcrn and aim the local news published therein The Morris Examiner claims Copyright in all original od velllalrut and cdltorlul mater iul created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright Registration Nun ber 200816 register 61 Km docs urns as told me about the department of his orrawaacroar CostPush Ination Is Hitting caaddians sun us In adept in player he kept in face straight may whenl asked that question or course as member of the cabiac observe cabinet solidarity and agree with om policy ltldidnolecuidre But then he uhrd his cardl maybe deliberately just enouy thal build notice part of his holding Canada Ls suffering from costpushjnfiallou Profits divi dSu1huLl executive salaries and professional fees as well as wages all contribute mini and think itwould be Wren to blame wages alone he added federal minister of labor Bryce tiackasey of calm is di rectly responsible only for the small segment of the labor force that comes directly within federal Jurisdiction land apecifb cally under his charge This fed eral clvllmervlce for instance is the romaibiiity of the proxi dmt of the treasury board Bud Dnmy in so for as wasuand conditions of work are com ccrncdl Tho labor 0ch involved tin intcmaUenal aad interpm vlnclal transportation min hanllng and uranium mining in Mr Mockuseya rwponsiblllty CLEAN UP sons some within this field he has Initi atedo tcorn 0f specialist concili Things Are Happening To Cabinet Protocol mcrly stiff lines of protocol may be loosening One of the other major rules of the game oI gov ernmcnt operation traditionally hlu been that mlnlslcradont announce any major moves or inlenlianson policy until they have been cleared at caoloct This rule is now being broken right and left Recently AttorneyGeneral Arthur Vlshart announced ho would order an lnqulryvlnto Morton Shulmans allegations rcgord1ng tho OPP Ho said he llad talked to Premier Robarts whom this but thattho inquiry wouldnt be formally ostob Ilshed until Mr Roba re turned from vacation obviously ltthasnt becn cleared by cab recalled Mr vishnrt reported to thoprcsx Ulut he would be in troducing legislation in tr din stamps This also wasnt cleared with cabinet And as It developed cabinet turned it down We never sow the legislation Anothcr Instance of this some prcmaiuro announcement came week or so ago when Mr Kerr announced new program for phosphntocllmlnulion using AIuw yennrnsullbmlahk alorl or swabs awarded bangle goodwill to the WW thug The task of these experienced midwives of contracts is essen tially no dlmlnate the botth in the east of thcy move armmd in speclive fields talkan to both lrw management and labor pin pointing minor problems and grinanccnnnd doing all they can to get these less important mticrlmiducdbefore the silt gritty gaining begins These in ntxmdaotgoodmll ob bothsides for these industry Ipeclalisis tar Mackesey told me Thu started off spectacu Iarly on our pilot prokct ac tually getting new railrqu contract Ilgncd seven days bl fore the previous contract ex Elrtd this is something which ad never before been achieved in Canada In sense this new element in labormanagement relations this llioekascy medication if you likeisnonalews as is any preventive But it Is doing lot to obviate woik swarms So will it be spread into the whole private seszor the area which comes undcr provincial Jurisdiction Yes It might this is one proposal which Labor Minister llfockascy hopes to lay Mforea meeting of provincial mnstcrs of labor at meeting ln the fall process dcvelopcdvby the owllChWhen questioned about details was evident he also had not put this before cabinet yct There is stilisome remote chonce it might be turned down as apparently there is some copirnvcrsyuvcr the worth of the OWRC process Olher ministersnlso have told about planr or expressed posi tlonauln advance of having them cleared and it wouldIScem that the rule of approval beforo on nouncemont mny be on the way outl If li is at least one bcncllt would be that it gives no oppon tunlly for government to get public rooctionboforo commit tlnc heelf aatlng all your care upon him for he cartIn for you Peter 97 It wasncvcr mount for us to bear llleburdcns of life but ra thcr to share them with liim who knows no so well We live beneath ourprivllcges and bovo our heads when we seek to carry on without him 66cm to eliminate too on Jme the province shocked by dim mdrauoaat Queensan Ha perm ofihe action is In make to government come to its noses Would AIIW some ennpr who because of theirrtllszous hello obiecl 1o supporting tpecltlc union Ls condition ol their the equivalent of union dues to registered Canadian charm He tormed 1er phoneynroA vision and think that it the thin edge of wedge The mendlnent dcclahnl the threat ening of nonmlamiul strike tor lookout an unfair practiceralso incenseshlm it LI explainable but not rx cusablo that Ihe council Is on posed to these civil right mew urcs Alter nil Its affiliates have consistently resorted to new THE Hoar TOUCH Brain Loses Weight After Age Twenty llyAL none NEW YORK IAP Things coumnist might never know If he didnt open his mail Your brain one body organ that doesnt have on obesity problem Recalling peak size of Lhch to four pounds it slowly begins to lose weight after 20 Maybe thats why todays college slu vdtnls are so much smarter than their parents Trust it to the ladies to have woolen now work as leller carriers in rural areas Ifcre II some earflapping nch for yourvpet dog Scl cnco new has identified 1750 vorleues of lens throughout the world Man alone isnt to blame for thepollutloo of the environ ment Dr University of Texas chemlsi estimates that nature is the source of so per cent of known chemical pollutants and man only to per cent but the 10 per cent that man puts out is much more dangerous than what nuLuro docs Houarholdr hint lump of sugar added to fnl cf ollvo oil will help keep from gel ling rancid TRY TEIIIIIITE Ever wonder why steak ls priced so high One reason is that the 5Wpound carcass weight of live 100wpound sicor yields only nbout 140 pounds of steak Tho rest consists of roasts 11o pounds round beef and slow meat THE EBB93 xunaulned annealdoes sodium low the last word More than 400 Rowland Pottlt dve Incoming entrusted mike Erika laur dszr to ink it owl hopessin it may roam to ply their trades intimation mess ind Wothorxuronshovo use been immmrweu of mloas mmpoty posillm but islntloa Never mind the civil libertiu of truer Canadians galbusts mums commons be we of the m0 cu stallteatime not ac tion perhaps mun mailbox liere their hDPAhlPFI to been unable dprueuliaz soonvino he case against the Gem mcnlxllcaislalJve proposals Lets hope that the Gavczqment will Ile the political courage tn do what tallest If anything the secular unioos proposed ono day general and rotating strikes clearly conrm the urgent need forho very amendtmnu they are protesting Sincerely yours GERALD VANDEZANDE Executive Secretary Christian labour Association of 155 pounds bonus fatand water 123 pounds Nature note Tcrmizev mjor post to householders in North America live up to 30 years or about the life of Ion mortgage But in parts of Afr on where termites build mounds 12 foot high the in sects are regarded as highly nutrlllous They are used to avor many native dishes There are low discusrs us uncommon in some ways as the soeallcd common cold Medical researchers have found this compllculcd villt ment can be caused by at least loo different viruses Folklore Llorsloru unable to look another person straight in Illa eye Rubbing his hand over bald mans pate will help student pass an examination Wearing penny wroppcd around the ob Icclod Joint will cure rheumn tlsm it you Ilnd $5 0111 otter breaking mirror it Will ward off the expected SuiCI years of bad luck It was Samuel Johnson who observed were it nobtur un nglnntion Slra mnrf would be as happy in the arms of chalnbcrmald as of ducll css LUCKY SUIT When lraillcr George Pools trained Hall of Fame for Green tree Stable he wore the same suit tic shoes and socks on days when the horse won four stain roccs within several Plano aoqu nrmrammrnr NOW PLAYING Kulrk Motto Oaklwv Mowl nmnl DULY unnu JGIIIO Eo ADTRIVE news no umvreul slcrusr ychNlactouo ONE OF THE YEARS 10 BESTI ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS ROBERT BLAKE SUSAN CLARK TELLTHEM WILLIE BOV I5 ERIE AUtllVliliALllCIUm 0CD COLLINGWOOD DRIVEIN THEATRE nlmorwmm nuum iIlnd Manama llysHemeow PTER LAFD DE UN TR TNIGI Reivet is brawlet Steve McQueen plays Boon inWllliam faulkners Pulitzer Porchinner In The Relvers lulu nomalnmmr ADUIIWIAINMEN Starts Telnorrow TONIGHT OLIVER AWN KN Patty Duke gives one of the most brllllnntly thought out performances seen in or long IImelRu nd IMW Pailyiluke Color by Delac