saconn ICE SURFACE FUNDRAISING Discussing plans or tund raislng campaign to provide 0000 or Barries tuture sec ond lea surface FROM LEI1 Norman Bowen chairman of the second ice suriace hmd committee for No 441 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force As sociatlon in Barrie Kenneth Mitchell president the as sociath and Mayor Les Cooke The association will or goals the campaign to he bas ed on public subscription and club donations are amdatran sponsors to teams in midget juvcalic hockey league The campaign will begin immed iately but rst big program will be walkathon in the tail Examiner photo Silt Australian Rotations To Visit In September Six Rotarians irom Australia wlil be visiting here Sept to as guests at the Barrie Rot ary Club The stop Is purl oia IO week tour or the men through not ary district 701 which stretches tram Barrio to Parry Sound to La Laree The men are visiting as part of the Rotary clubs intcrnationai group study pro gram Waiter Carruthets chairman oi the group study exdlange committee in Barrie is not yet sure what the Barrio program will be or the visitors trip to the Canadian National Exhibi tion is planned along with stay at lnnisdale Forms coown Br by Willard Klnxie and Rob arlnn David Brubachcr The six Australians com Rotary District 270 la the south ern rural area or New South Wales They range in age from 25 in 34 Peter Roach who runs breeding tarin or shee and cat out and helps direct family timber mill in Victoria is the dilly bacheloth thor RIM FIIIEMAN John Rlcrca helps operate the iamiiy farm and is arm or rural oiticer with the Austra llian Broadcasting Commission engaged in rural extension work with radio and television lie is secretary at tho Nashdaln Civil Dctcnce Rescue Unite and vice captain ot bushllre brigade John Turner runs phar macy in Condobolin He is old crrnan on the town council and past president ot the Chamber of Commerce Leslie It Easteott is lectur erin educational psychology at teachers college in wagga Wagga He is also inundation president at the Newcastle Uni varsity Geographical society and is member of the River lna Historical Society in New South wales He elUOYs tennis rugby and swimming Brian Cartwright is an el cctrical engineer in Leeton As Private Rate Not Police Cruiser window on private car not police cruiser was dam aged by rock Friday often R00 AnExnmiaer report Saturday raid the rock struck police cruiser driven by Constable Patterson Constable Patter son and Constable John Bolton did go to the scene in pro Township after the incident was reported by the motorist whose car was damaged Charged with wilful damage in connection Withthe incident is DanieiFatcr Mayo to or Coldwator EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIES International organization otters lilo time career to mature man willing to ac Wllt short training period it you meet our require Iu is your income is un limited Applicant must oun car he bondahlc and be willing to accept sup rlvislcn llur inlormation senior engineer or the Murrum bidgce county Council he sl responsible iortho design and construction ol zone substations and their equipment As teacher he lectures part time at Leeton Technical College and instructs in piano playing Michael Gallnnd of Gaulhurn is solicitor lie is on the rclt servo ol oiiiccrs oi the Univer sity Sydney Regiment The six will begin their stay in Canada by visiting logging camp in iiallhurton as guests of the Minder club Next on the lx8$2 list is Fenelou Foils Rotary Club and Llnmy then Barrie The group will visit so clubs in cen tral and Northern Ontario Special side trips sponsored by the clubs will include trip to Ottawa to see the Parliament buildings the National Arts Cen trc and football game trip to Toronto for National Hockey League game and the OKecie Centre and others to the hotani cal gardens at Hamilton and Niagara Falls Muskokns Cav alcade oi Color and shipbuild tug at Celliagwood FIRST QUALITY NATURAL 4mm LAUAN same As Yesterday Sunny Continued many warm and humid weather is forecast or Simcoe County through Friday Thunderstorms likely lndny and mlnsday law tonight 72 high Thursday 88 The weather pmem in Ontar Iohas m1 Little dung in the past in day and warm weather still retains its hold on the south Just beiore dawn temperatures at Windsor DT ronto and Ottawa registered no lower than to degrees Skies are clear and it is cooler in North era Ontario with temperatures ranging down to the mid so north Lake Superior High pressure owr the eastern United States and Ontario is weakening gradually and low prsuro systemmver the cen tral United States is moving very slowly eastward Until it arrives overnight mist and log and periods scattered thun derstorm are expected to con tinue through the next two to threedays in the humid air our southern Ontario Cooler weather now is estimated to reach southern Ontario about Saturday Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Bay Kalihurtoa Mainly runny warm and humid today and Thursday Considerable early morning fog and few thunderstorms both days Higrl today and Thursday 85 to 90 Low tonight near 717 MARINE FORECAST lake anterior Variable mainly south or southwest winds 10 knots or less today be coming southwesterly to to is this evening Some mist today Scattered thundershowcrs this stomach and tonight Winds briey higher in terms Lake Huron Georgian Bay SouLherly winds generally 10 to 15 knots or less today and to night Some mist Scattered thundershowcrs with briefly higher winds l7 TACU PRISMUH LOWER THAN REGULAR FOR mammal 59 panel any quantity each any quantity Mr Gih Antclliio Your Calhwny Manager Serving Barrio Orillia and your area From Our Location Junction Hwy 11 North Old No II WW and Highway Barrie TWO NIGHTS 1E8 IDOFMROLYE The stand calms urlli 1le Houston uJ no two NFL his games name three o1 lhtu last tow NFL nextiall lumcaathamenesttaii MuggY Warm North Bay Sudbury northern Georgian Bay Temagzmlu slicnly Malay today Thursday Windsor some thud periods and Sarniz chum at cw showers or 1193 Algoma mm River Today mainly sunny Thursday mm 11 cloudy with thunderstsawers Hamilton likely nigh today and Thursday Calhva so to as law tonight 55 to so Tmnto rum James Tum Bay Mainly sunny today Kmm Thursday some cloudy periods PFEfmmush High today 75 to so low tonight 55 to so High lhursday so to 35 Sudhury Ottawa Montreal Sunny Earlton today but with some sitemoon nmrnim cloudluas Thursday sunny at Kapuskasing rst followed by showers or Sault Ste Mar thunderstorm High today and Glaplcau Thursday in the mid805 Low IIlitc Rner tonight 60 to 63 Montreal high Geraldtan and low nlesday 37 to 74 Hosanna CITY News THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 29 70 IN TOWN TONIGHT THEATRES Imperial Suppose They Gave War And Nobody Came Roxy Boy Namodlarlie Hrmm Barrie DriveJnTopaz Tall Thorn Willie Boy 15 Hero Shanty Ba DriveInOlivcr The Wrecking Crew LOUNGE Holiday innThe Setting has Notinwmgn InnThe Magneto Popsicles ankdnleThe Walrus and The Carpenter QueensBridgette and the Roman candies WellingtonBobby Rowan Continental Innram Kelly Bmaemlhe Eli Birife DRUGS POT SICOE SIIOPPINC PLRZR OFFICE FRIIE PARKING HOLIDAY STORE HOURS 24ltOZ TOAS MASI ER LOAVES BREAD BUY AT REGULAR PRICE GET LOAF FREE huussassssaaauaaaaaeaaaau seeaaaacaaacoaaaaaamucosa snmnlrrs POTATO CHIPS BUY liGEl FREE HUGE CALIFORNIA PLUMS lbs $LOO FUDAS Market OPEN DAILY AM TO ll PM miles north of Barrie on Hwy Il 4874302 COMPLETE DISCOUNT RECORD DEPT FRIDAY JULY or are re cam SATURDAY AUGUST AM TO PM SUNDAY AUGUST Il AM TO EM MONDAY AUGUST II AM T0 PM Shop and Save All Week at Birte DRUGS now Discount Prices may iiiiY PLUS REiil am an srccmrs LB BAG CHARCOAL Wilkinson BRIQUETS REG 65c SPECIAL STAINLESS BLADES 39 39 Limit per customer Li Cu FRIDAV SATURDAY SUNDAY ONLY Coppertone SUN TAN LOTION OR OIL Reillllur $175 818 YOUR SUMMER DRUC NEEDS at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Family elzo 83c Compare at or 41 tsets KAOPECTATE lS COTTON SWABS LARGE SIZE 33c KLEENEX 200s and 300 Reg 125 Lady Patricio mm 19 such Each Plastic Botile Oz ProlonxluuulJlalr Spray Climate Controlled Li Limit Per Custemer mm 89 win no pm om was 200 Purchase Only Shop Early and Compare AI L25 Bltho nlthe AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT LNSECTREIPZELLENT AEROSOL Compare Al 135 BlRila TIMEX WATCHES Complete range at styles or Ladies and Men Guaranteed Fresh Compare 84 25 511i 15c DiSCOUNt Limit Per matomer gt RAID HOUSE GARDEN SPRAY 99 KODAK KODACOLOR FILM 620 120 125 129 BALLET KODEICLIICME Garngezsiugs TOIIeI Tissue Pmmsm Included 26 ruck 20 Exp so Exp Assorted Colors Speclal Bel 44c List 475 Llsl 720 Compare 89 Sung Retail 69 mm 433 89c BIlRila Write no 628 Barrie Ontario Extra Shopping llourl Thursda and Fridays until pm call llNil ENTRESTO 21 SERVE You 429 eivv