lmnnwmw Dirtyy Yellow C1 msvo Am Student lose meirgnppcme lesson one to be Mpaded sod nltbouxh the weather seems ne teaches hrsqu In Ask met dim ta brean deeply Tree mddcnly die plants wither and sh disappear tram lalrrs 15 big cities dirty yellow lsnprty cloud hover in the distance by midalluran they turn day aim to night Tour ing trucks blue warnlna to the citizens to my indoors It is not war but somehow to many Jupnncse it is remlnl5lt center the air raid day of The Second World War The problem is pollution which has become so serious in Japan that some inuential peo ple are saying Lhe countryl economicboom shuuld be slowed temporarily Prime Minister Eisnku Sate took note of these outcrles today at meeting cl speakers cl the nations preloclural assemblies in Kyoto Copper Find KlNGSmN Jamalca Roth tors The possibility at lind lng copper ln commercial quantities in Jomnlcn quite good spokesman of the mines department said Tuesday The spokesman said right or also companiessix Canadmn and two Americannow have licences in prospect tor copper here Copper main omits licenced to operate here are he Tropic Explmnnon Deni sen Mines Geophysical Engi neering and Surveys Medanls are Gold Mines Foltimbng Nickel Mines and Sisco Mines of Canada and Oceanic micro Lion and Caribox Ltd of the U5 ludge lletires mom Judge Robb has retired alter 29 yam as dunkmun the Liquor Licence Board at Ontario Pn mier John Hobart announced mutiny Judge Robb tn native or Duhnvillc Ont has been chair mun since Oct 1044 the year the board was formed to administer regulations dealing with the sale of alcoholic bever ages in Ontario Judge Robb has most de servediy earned the apprecia tiun at the people of Ontario or his many years ol dedicated service and hard work lur Rnbarts said His replacement has not yet been nnmrd Report Conditions LONDON Dot lGl Con structinn worm should1 worry about management re prisalx it they report unszla working conditions the prrsi dcrzl ol this Construction Safety Association said eshy Donald Mclllnmn said On tnrin inner llrw workers must report to managnmenr whench mat working condi llnns exist on job site Hi was speahn in about 300 mmgemznl unioan and com struction rnrkers at saint un ion magiIrritant conference to construction surety month in August Studs Cause Wear BIQWTLEAL CF Studded car tires cause more damage to highways than expected say 11 recent Quebec Autoroutz Au llmrity report The wear caused by the studded tires on the different road pavements we used was quite considerable says Jo seph llode Keyser the citys chic laboratory engineer who prepared the report In general we luund Lllut studded tires were quarter ul duds Crier Tokyo on incl all the highway surtue Catharina died litre My nntle Lb mum at the toll gate which got more punishmmt was worn down by nlmst an inch he says the 5000000 cars that drove on the LNth highway lacuna that we used or our test we estimate um to per cent had studded tires Fame To Quit SAN llDID Calll AP Dr Thomas Paine in re signing asadmimstnlor ol the National Aeronautics and Space Administration crctiv Scpl 15 President Nixons oltice bare announced American reached to moon during Paines directorship Paine who has traded the space agency since October 1965 told reporters he will re turn to the General Electric Co in nu executive capacity d1 vurccd mm aerospace and def ence acthilics lt bits been or vary heavy relt sponsibilily Paine said but lay it down most reluctantly Dalziel Dies TORon tCP Alexander Dnlzlcl 63 aptrotor ul Dnlziel Farm Equipment Ltd ol St otter twour menu graduate oi Ontario Am culture College be Ian or Immili Harvester Co of Canada Ltd More torm lnghisowncommwrrtne Second World gm First Deputy Dies 31ml Ramm Cal Gen Fyodnr mum in deputy commander at the stra tegic reserves in Soviet armed lareu had died alter IX serious illness It the 24 or the my nEVlspaper Red Star reported Tuesday Vote To Accept OAKVILLE CPI Slxr month contract offer by the Union Gareld Corporation was accepted hiesday by nearly umdimnus vote at 54 union workers The employees member at the Oil Ulemical and Atomic Workers Union were seeking 13mm hourly wage boost They accepted the moorist ment uller 5300 settlement pay and an immediate mun hourly increase followed by an other 24 cents Dec Under the old contract which enquired last December the hourly wage sralc ranged mm $384 to $135 LLV Sn To Open Talks SALISBURY Rhodesia Reu ters Prime nlsttx lnn Smlth said Tue pared to open Britains new Consenutive gm ernmenr il am satised the mun ill be Brlnys and mm strutn Out Of Hospital CPl Man gate Jones in llrycarold all Harm 5H win Mord inju rig atta either 1m out or being thrown out at moving car while PM Ltm just sot11 here on Jug released mutiny pit um Jam rem Excise suitL rerrdl limit and commune Jetme liar mother Mrs Kerb not Jams is in bloom ll ing for her Miss Jones travelling wm panlm wrearold Mary unr que Coleman c1333 Parks was HUod in Lb incident our St Jean Que Student Grants OTTAWA lCPI Mans total ling miss257 were granted to 1310 students from July 195K to Junn so in the Maddy loans of $61335132 Studunls were authorized in the same pe riod mu previous year The leader ufme breakaway Like car colony now under United NJ tlolls sanetionsreplicd question in Purli nt lmm Al rimurrlembor Josiah Condo ol the National Peoples party who asked ii Smith is willing to resume talks With Landon Smith 1150 came unda pres sun rum OpanIUou Lender Micah Bimbo who said Rhodesia needs rl Elllmenl with Britain GENEVA PARK Out Dr Vivian Rake psydlid trist taking part in panel dis cusslnn the Coucbiching Con ference nxesday said nuclear lamilies isolated rum relatives can be like car The nuclear lnmily is porn blc convenient and doesnt last dance department reportedI long said Dr RakolL mm 51 the am hull tute at nychiztnrv Nuzltsr family turn uned to outline family taro par can and dim nio no rela him included New Guidelines T030310 CP Daily newspaer in Ontario will be sent guideline concerning clas sied rtimmnn at am playmrnz in line with nevi legu lnziun to prevent discrimination becnuse sex or marital status says Dr Litanos Becchcrman director of the labor dcparlments womens bu rcu In optimisation of the new it lslalmn the Globe and Mail last week replied the headings or Help Wanled Male and Help Wanted Female with the head ings Jobs of Interest In Men and Jobs 01 lnterrst to Women Three Accidents EDMONTON iCPl Three train accidents llhtn little more than it hours left two men dead and hundreds of passen lets delayed CPR lrcight train diverted to side track by in upon swilctl crashed into Mar train near Cnrmangoy Altu early Tuesday Engineer Gilbert Cook and Gerardus BrnaL 15 ball at Letbbridge were llcd BEGINNING MONTH OF FABULOUSi AUGUST COAT collection includes luxurious Tweeds in stunning Busts Greens Mauves Regularly $100 These days fashions going to any lengths to look greatlAnd its Just the start Our own lowdown on coat fashions and prices here features pzazzy new looks that are shorter than long longer than short Like the demure sllghtlylongerthanminl fall of about inches or the smashing new attheknee style quite falll Walkers superbly shaped PS As of September 1st these coats will return to their Regular Price of $100 ea your WalkersOption Charge LDY SAYS Fm uurlte fabrics with altitude lut Irims lit combat at rum IWil uni cannulaIr ll Ion nanu nature innw our on him than in 910 wi EVENTS and moretopped by lavish Lynx Dakota Raccoon or Blue and Black Fox PLUS classic Gabardinein handsome Teal Black Red Blue Greenplayedup beautifully by fullpelt Male Mink ln Sapphire Black Diamond Pastel and other elegant shades Select yours now while the fall in prices continues Sizes to 20 and to 15 In the group jtwrwuicrw oh so buy now and save $21 lfyoure little short of cashUse