JUL 29 137 City Stands To Get $136QQCL Bdrm will mlirc slum from the 51mm County Board of Education As result or an UP IN THE AIR T0 WIDEN MAPLE AVENUE make way or the widen of Maple Avenue twn trees at the corner or and Ross streets are removed by private tirm under contract in the Parks and Recreation commis sion Assistant city engineer Dori Kirkpatrick said the stett varies in width tram Simcoe to Ross and will be widened to 40 In along its en tire length lrce experts cut Limbs loose before the main stem is cut Heavy equipment work on widening the street should begin soon llZxamincr photos reemore Realtors Efforts Against omrnission only Unpopular Here ore rcaltors efforts to to commission only him the real estate unpopular with at least arrlc real estate timis West of Creemure say too only selling it well destroy the faith the has and should have in the the hrokcr who act og this trust is the hiring of oi inexpericnccd sales thesc salesmen are houn the public with hnrd scll roach Avast MIMI that min um wage with optional com ssion would be more suitable uricrealtor Charles Baker stunt manager at Cholkan Co Ltd says that training answer not change to age scale LICENSED cal estate salesmen llch lo licence from the province are sponsored by real ate firm that sent to Toron for nrnsweek course Fol log that he applies for Once licence fee about $150 be paid by the salesman the company If man is guarantccd will not have to work as rd keep the money coming compalw sales may go Mr Baker said tnvors additional training new salesmen pcrhnps thrc nths with an experienced one OUNCIL BRIEFS ACCEPT BID ity council has Voted to bid at $158581 from Allan CWkLtd tor the citys cun ting llnlt and hot asphalt gt program subject to the ap vnl of the city engineer and 0ntarlo Depart in cl lnvoys It was the lowest ol ea hlds submitted The other ders were for 5131622 from or Peirand and 5191764 Beamish BUY TRUCK ty council has decided to ac tender of $3135 lrUnl all Mercury for pickle DECLARE REL SS ty couilell last night olflc declared ll rrmss for lilt Lli or August The mayor is uvtureu Ll cull specmi nicel should lhc need arisc SENT TELEGRAIII ayor Lns Cooke told city cil no hint rent telegram he Barrie Collegiate Bond ratulating it on its first llnlSIt in the World Music ival in the Netherlands last end Mayor Cooke said the not only brought honors lsclt but also in the city nninm HOLIDAY ciVic holiday Aug It has declared public holiday lly Council ilL 8r GENERAL IOlt TIEAPPOINTED for Les Cooke has been re ltlcd for threcyenr term adVlsory ommlttge of ustncss div ion of Gcorg The committee Neomrnehda on Realtor Carson says that wage and optional commission would be too restrictive On commimonortly basis man can work the hours that please him said Mr Carson Ilc estimated that by Paying wages the Torte of about 750 real estate salesmen in Barrie would be halved He sees no change in the status quo in the near future When tou many hungry sales mm have to outpromise out talk said sometimes outsmart each other for listing then it CITY ivnnxnsnnv tiluyur Les Cooke said nics day he was greatly disappoint ed with the decision of the board of directors of the Bmrie lttlral Society It reject or city proposal that the citys second icc surface be located on the lair grounds We acted tn good faith as lm sure their representatives did with us lilo mayor said But he the city had been lurnctl down flatly by the hoard with no chance of renegotilh lion lie said lhc city would now take it look at other sites lll eluding one adjacent to tho pre sent eliflil and Parks and Re crcniion Commission property next to Easlvicw smoodary school The lest nrouloiuol the present anoni is parking he said There is scwugerm nunn1 problem ill the Eastview site He said it is lull curly to tell whether switch ill Sites would add in tile cslimatnd $230000 cost iii the nrciiii council tlccisrons sloodoy nigh to allow it Unt ario lluu ng Commshun rout gcarcdt llcomc devcluplllcnt on Bliikc Street nuilr Johnson Street was xccllent Mayor Les Cooke Tuesday 11 council action over rode policy of lillliling UilC devel opments to no more than 25 in tiny and Elica Twenty five units was run sonable judgment when the dev elopment was located in bullt up residential area the mayor mid major concentration might be incompatible vlth the surrounding arch But here vzl lose where pclllelt Drive St Vincent Park are who erected dock lur re ltiullal gtllrpuscs on Ii city owllctl Water at have been given ulitil Aug 15 to remove it Alli Del Cole chullillinl ul the public works coilililittcc tUtd council his collllllittcc decided silica the city docs not issue Wultr lot leases III that area it the dock were allowed to stay up other citilrns might also er content to be elitism 3w act docks warm or ramn mowroosooimwwrv group at citizens ltl the Kemlt Gillie martin Examiner NEWS lqu 157a ii Mayor unhappy With Decision MJtIOR cootud moo location public campaign to riiisc snow for the arena began yes lcrday OverRiding Council Policy Excellent Decision Cooke it doesnt interfere with another residential area he Said The only question was would we al low 25 or 40 units The mayor said he thought to examination of city townhouse standards calling tor 50 per cent of the parking spaces to be cov cred in low cost townhouse pro jccts was coming dont feel we should have any covered parking in lowcost rental or condominium type townhouses he said have seen garages in such developments and they dont add anything to the aesthetics or the appearance of the develop ment City May Be Liable For Damages So Citizens Must Remove Dock in case of an accident tho luity might be liable lUr daiir ages if the duck were to remain on city owned property he said Gerald Scars appeared be lore council two weeks ago usk ing the city to let the dock remain it it is not removed by Aug 15 the city will remove it and chingo Mr Scars for emu scs incurred is time to limit their numbers Mr West contends SUGGESTS WAY One ellectivc way of solvmg this problem is to change the Real Estate and Business Brok ers Act in such way as to compel brokers to pay their salesmen minimum wage with optional oummlssion Mr Vcst said He says that Kuchcrcpa registrar 01 the Real Estate and Business Eroknrs Act shares his concern There is movement devel oping in the real estate industry to nd ways to rid the inclva try or this most undesirable plumage Mr West saids He calls upon rcaltors tu write to the registrar urging the change and to contact colleagues and urge them to do the same There is no real problem with fast talker in Barrie Mr Larson said This is big city dlmculty Many salesmen in Barrie are imam personally by the people they deal tilli MISSING Milli THOUGHT DEED John Iiulldny Pldswcll ii oi ltlohmono lilli ls nnsuoiod drowned ioiiowing the discov ery ol his capsizrd hoot It Eight Mile point near Oro Pldswell lott the month of the Holland Rlvcr tor ii tho Simcue cruise in hls 2n root sailboat Friday night When no railed to return tor it ride home at prn Sunday potion hogan search rho boat was found Torshay morning upside down with tor inrst broken and outboard mu tor gnor Lite Jackets were still in the boat Ontario Provincial Police ot Brndlord are investigating St John Course Graduates Named Twenty Barrie residents are among 33 who successfully com pleted St John Ambulance course in first aid in June The course is geared to train candidates in emergency treiit meat and decision making for accident situations Each was given emergency first aid certi ticales llnd pocket cords Among Barrio candidates were Mrs Phyllis Gethons and Mrs Elizabeth letourneau of tile simcno County treasiliers of lien Others graduates an ilioiillr ers Hi the Simone County Cani niunlty Recreation Service in day camp and water sulety pru grnms They aim Pierre Bou thnrd Mary Lynne Brett Jenn Churchill Putriein Dcitch Mail ion DuiJCer William Galbraith Diana Gordon Patricia Amt Gosnoy Cherriuniio as son Greg Hesson Harry Houtink Jclul Knapp Ute Lorenz Marj orie June McClunry Alan Mum ro Cathie Provan Stephen Rud diclr Karen Schellcnbcrg all real Barrie other graduates are Pamela Brown of Base Bor den Peter Archer June Flem ing Wendy Mons Debbie Me chzlc Garry McKenzie Bovlt erlco Anllc tillLean from Elm vnle Cuthcrinc nutttr at Gil tUrd Gary Ray of Midland Pat riciu Thompson of Stdyilcr Mur garct Ferguson of Thornton Ewyevalo Peter Goodine of Victoria Hur bDut and Margaret Webb ol nrhiuacwn report of nonsited propenies owned in tile fornmr Bamc District Colilztate Board and the Barrie Public School Board When the school boards of all municipalities in the county were combined on Jlln 1969 into the Simcoe County board the prov rrues such as normisolation buildings old were property or the municipality In all the county board owes $46351 to municipalities But for now no municipalin ill get anything as the pronuce has put freeze an the disseslion at as sets Several of the municipalities because at dects in the budgets of the former school boa nwo Way Of Paying Still Unknown The SlrncDe County Board of Education is not sure of the way it will raise money the provinco say It owes municipalities in the county including Barrie Ramsay director at ed ucation said the province has yet to indicate how the moncy could he raised He said that hoards affected by the program would likely get direction in the all when the ar hitration report is aecCpted by the province He painted out that the am aunt of money owing municipali ties is still ln dispute and the arbitraturs report is prelirrlinI ary The board says tho anioont ol money said owing to Barrie is in dispute because it main tairis lhe city owes to $14400 held back from the Iormer Eur rie District Collegiate Board in will Also the board is unhappy with its share lll tlltl cost Of Citys Share $5640 For Sewer le city will pay the Silllcoe county School nonni 355 as Its rhnro or costs or insialling it sewer to serve Eastview sec ondary sellout Georgi Davies at dovolonor whose land the sewer through will pay 523141 to the school board as his share hi the costs The school board will absorb the remainder of the costs of construction lr Davies the city and the school heard were at odds as to who would pay what costs for the sewer until city administrqu Tamh lyp stopped in and Noam ed settlement at the request of eoulicii Council voted to eonrs or nettlmncnt out by Mr Tnmblyn Good Play But By MURIEL LEEIER it was good old fashioned melodrama last night as the fourth production of The Glyph on Theatre Company began its ve day run Lave Rides The Rails was all about the Shanty Bay Barrie and Luke Simcoe Express that one day might evon extend in Drilliu complete with sheeting villain ous Simon Duriunay heroine sleudtast hero with his true blue friend and the dear old mother with the imminent mortgage foreclosure The play by Morland Cary is written in Ihc style of the mov ies at the ills when the silent film serials run weekly at the local theatre It was deliglltlul summer entertainment somehow locked the convincing style of the previous plays Evans even though portray ing the exaggerated style of that period still overplzlyed the dos Pieahle Scoundrel Gisela Cnid well too as Carlotta Curtez the fallen woman of The Parndisc would be more successlul it she relaxed in her plrt and let it come out more ily Linda John is Listed as an up prelltiee iictor ln her role as Fill she played the port French maid asif motto for it Here alt gain though little less trying would havn pruduced stand out performance Bunnie Britten vus undoub Ledly the star or the show she was absolutely delighltul os Prudence Hopewell and had her audience with her all the way Terry Judd was perloctly cust as Tniman Pcndennis El nd gave fine piece of acting lni his bar room scene it was one at his best parts since the begins nillg oi the season This is the second time that qun Borgmann has portrayed the part ot the mothcr As Mrs Hopewell she gave an amusing character pcrlormance Liked Guy Banncrmun in his role as Harold Stanlost perhaps best of all this season There were flushes through his perfor mance that showed him as Ei first rate actor Lawrence Ben edict took the part of Fred theiwright the engineer and also directed the play little less tcnsencss and this will happen as the play is re peated through the week and tile molodrllliia will produce rc actions that will draw larger crowds to tho Gryplioli Plot innuccnl ondary school lradcr is car township cf no armed ocular om $4355 503E OWE innisfll Touristh owes the board sum as Township owes 3336 Aiiutun $37m and Cootswwn 31427 Onlli stands to gain 11396 from the disposition Of assets Midland ms $325 and Vaprz mutup $1455 Home will get Ii per cent of the 373176 in nonschool assrls of the former Barn District Cal lcglate Board total OI 5387611 From the Barrie ruouo School Heard It Ill recene $377l sonsrhooi property owned or the former publlc school board include the administration build ing on Grmu Street share or sewer that serves Eosiview sci Wm CIJSNWHS 31 Maple Grove 531001 and pmperiy in the Fernddlc Letitia Street and What is done about III Cundlcs noun treus nouns ma mean deduction in Should municipality nd fault the amount owing Mr Ramsay with any of the gures at the said Crest Toothpaste FAMILY SIZE Mer SDEK Retail 29 SALE PRICE Tonya Spray OZ Dltrs Sllltz Retlll 25 XSALEPRICE Tonya Butter 375 oz illlrs Sulzi Retail 65 SALE PRICE Off Insect Repellent llrs Suez Retail 13 SALE PRICE tlllts llllri Sunl litkill 149 Raid House Garden Bug Killer Mm sung Rctnll Ltill SALE PRICE Decorator Type ers Elllow Retnll 69c LE PRICE Arrid Extra Dry Deodorant l2 OZ BONUS PACK Mfrsi 5ngt Retail 93 SALE PRICE Boyer Aspirins llllrs sirgo ilutali silo house SALE PRICE SALE much 125 Johnson 8r lohnson BondAid Plastic Strips Focelle Towels Ply arbitration report it has unlit OZ 31 seated to my For Old School Board Property Sept lo the county board The arbitration report was pro Coumii 31m nighl will be passed to cm nance mfutltt for consider azon 12 Counterfeit Bills Discovered Welve bogus 5m bills were found in some after the week end and residents should be al Cll tor more The Canadian up bills are good imitations Eleven were reported in Barn pullce in the city will the number over sumo One was mparitd to Onlanu Provincial Pallet at Barrio near the city with the numlnr Ut sociozll pollen spokesman said Lhrrr mo he more cuuutericll hllLs circulating Oiyzerono for Windhurll Olin Sugg Retail 55c SALE Plush WestinghOuse 99 OZ 88 07 Mtrs Snug 33 Mfrs Slugg Rctnil Min Sllgg Retail 225 Garbage Bugs lOs Mfrs Snug Reinll Slit SALE PRICE Miro Sims Retail 75 SALE PRICE Light Bulbs Toni Hair Spray tuns Snug thall Ix L77 SALE PILICE Johnsons Baby Oil SAL PRICE 17 Alberto V0 Shopoo SALE PRICE Noxzemo Skin ram Rliull LIE Valur SALE PRICE 399 Wilkinson Blades Stainless Steel 5s Swan Liquid eiergent Mfrs Sung Retail Stir at in Mfrs Sugg Iictrlil 375c SALE PRICE 3149 raps