NOW JUST COOL DOWN plial sulknng but exhaustion and son collapsed at the m2 IAP 10 Firtzhic geu based down time alzlfm Arc in amalgam or Villef from number but Hess Schnal Itreflgnlthrs degrees while ghting were lm In Bub Isms Ilnsr Dock Delegates Gather In Hopes Of Break Til BARBIE KAREN WEDNFJDAY JULY 25 MOSCOW maxim Wel Germany and the Suvlzt Union rnmcd into their third by cl 93 may on Miami Maggruslon treaty amid mdr calms oi pom drummed in thclr bargaining The chic tickgala Foreign mm ids Whiter Scbecl at West Germany and Andrei Gmntylto of Russia resumed their discus Iions today accompanied by their lull Insulating Lums The dtieI muttsmall or like Benn delegation Rnedigcr Von Wechmar said Alta working group discussions led by the deputy dtkgatitm chm that the aunnsphue had been httsineslike in keeping with Lbe dimming have been distluscd to date but HOLLYWOOD AP The ve or six months of the year when he networks depend largely on rm to ltecp the chnnoele optn is when their scr iu an in drydotk or repairs cast clungd remixed mgbstmelnmakelhemis between seasons 1his year when midsepum be arris lm will be the usual quota or changes may of them so small they will he noted only by hardcore anst Dean Martin will appear in new set and his mnans pole will be retide lioganfs Heroes will have lost one merry prty oneroiwarlvnn Dixonbut added one Kenncth Washing lnn The Tu Rome with LOVE children will have lost an aunt bu gained grandfather ValA Talks Continue In USSR capital 0mm nuns sud Gru mykn and Sdlecl run into an cums over Lite Bed1n man when tbcy met or hm hm chriir Tuesday obsuvmuid that out 1cm arose we them the dilndcd dun ab was no surprise in Snka puma all along hasbetnAiut Its MA IsmIWuz Gamma hilltybuxttut armim liesEritnim mm Lb Unilui anus and the Surat Unian Bonn on the other and llt sisLs the Wm pm at the diyehcetldminulnltspchual and economic hnb Iilh W61 Moscow assist it is In on claw in its on rlgm saxf rounded by as German tem toty Children Gain Grandfather But Deane Loses His Pole pair job is being made an CES nnybczry LlID palchm the hole caused by the mum em Francis Bavizr The muss who played Aunt Ben was the last member the can who was number the original Andy Grifth Shaw sen sons ago Gtimth pulled out cxccp or occasional visits nod Ken Beny Ink ova the lead mc scrics mmmncd hit Miss Batter played worm mothexiy hotnekcepcr It was imposible in sLip another ab tress into the same role The producer signed Alice Ghasey New York comedich whu played Jackie Glcasans Woevi gone ancee in his pieMiami show She also was regular an The Jonathan Tums Show and will continue her semivregltlar role in ABCs Bewitched play iwt 15 IIEAIJII BEAUTY IIlla t3 DAYS om JULY 30 3111515 450 ENGLISH BISCUITS Digestivb Ginger Lincoln Morning Tea 7V Compare at 29 each 6PACKS FOR Limit per Cuslumer mm Ac Dxk union kl into or acscpling the plan not have toteonly signi tcr Brunnan The Famin Altair mg mac warm 15229215 pulsed today It pruposcd by an independent 13 cant backstage inuence lads will acquire comic clean medium magic powers can mum to work amid quiry headed by Lord Pcarsnn signs were that 13 1000 in woman Nancy Walker hapes cl bush in the wov The general setreun the striking longshoremen were tir Julia wiil gel steady beau rackInn British dock erke nudes Union Congress vic ing at the dupulct which horse That Girl Marlo Thomas wtll ho ADOPTION Feathtr gave citAr him the vercci 90 per cent at Britains become Iormally engaged to Lllm Peru iAP The Pe TW EWM time Ind come to call on the world trade links lcd Bessell her longplaying ruvizln government announced mmmmcgl at 113th At Hull nicsday night 20m boyIricnd High chopnrmzs that the state has taken care mimdm mm Butlhe dccisinn rests with the dockcrs voted in law oi the Cannon amin will have last ct protection or children whn union delegates who meet Pearson plan by large major boy Bum but gained lost their parmls in the May 31 The giant Transport and Gen today to considcr he Pearsz ily Al Tyne dock in the North teenage Indian ward named earthquake and they may not erAILWaxknrs Uniann National proposals Mumbch oi the ill England however 130 dlldt Wind be adopted by foreign families Docks Committee voted 12 lo Transport Docks Committee do ers rejected the proposals Perhaps the most delicate re or Institutions ARRID NOXZEMA EXTRA DRY SKI PRAY BFODORANT Compare at $135 88 Cotnpnrc nl $198 117 JOHNSON tr RAZOR JOHNSON FLADES BABY qlL GILLETTE For Home or Cottagle PIECE REFRESHMENT COLA GLASSES SET DOZEN 10 CARTON at Jun Plus Ilium Campnro ni 50 Value $297 For time Dr Cotlngtgla Como and Save lit Towon Record Dupt Tho selection blggar and bnnor than over beforan Tho big names In music are All thorn onolow price NAT KING COLE ll lg gird adult leuracc PM Boone ForIIn Hutklu am Whll Now My Canadian Sunni Gronrl Groan Big 8t Rich Grnu of Harm thwrollt Walk llnvu Ill Mnny Mplmuorml IIllnx Tile MIIIs Brothers TiII Wu Moe Etln Monionngrn Mtiunliirint Hugo MunIinvlzm Ill Be Your mmcam Iiie Valuing Imvorn Concern Billy Vullulliln HInltItu Gllnnlnnnmorn Jltcltlo Glenrun That Enny This More Eco You To Forget Man llxnltln Nation Warnmus Telcllnt sock smunmv with to arm Evnlw SHOPPING DAY AND lam UNTlem FOIIVHAVINGH 54 DUNLOP ST 1st0351 IIiIIIIIIII11111112trim Bnyliald Sttont ng hwny 26 and 27 food City Awettwiu vanunmet