mama Vinrlnl llepilrtlnrllt of Energy hen leiIt cull bu done to con tcc illlltIl tllr rccouIIIIeIIdIItlon liielunie Conrad is eyes one at the roses entered in the Barrie Horticultural Society rose show yIsiIrduy ut Legion all She won the junior til vision Frnnk Cnncillu won the Keenan trophy for best nosr snow wmnsn Specimen two ui Ilorltltlnda rosur while Mrs George CIIIII tlll non lhI II IiLillll memorial use buwl lllr Illc best hybrid ltu ruse Exum lncr pholoi Judge Upholds Crown Appeal iormer Barrio policeman acquitted in Barrie provincial court In April killing yltld the right or way was convicted in county court yesterday Idler Iiil appeal by tho Crown IIUiiIs Sillnky Sleeves of IIuWkCSIOnt succeusluliy dulcnli ed lIlmscll against the charge before Judge Guest Apdl At thut limo Juduo GIIrst rulod Inut icy roud condnions pinyetl Il vital part in tho decl Sunnidaie Park Discussion Tonight slwclnl Pnrks lIlId llLclLIh lion Commission Intitihi IliIS bran called or tonight to disruss cliy councils Writing nIIIln iIvIIilIIcc IIIIIi IIItmixllstrIIlipn oi IIII SunIIiIhIlu IIIIh IIIIII runner golf Clubhouse in tile COHHHIR slop lII Illt Iill Illclt lllls been discussion about IlIe IIIIIIIIIcIIIIIIII III llll properly slncu IIIII inrks unii itrcrcnlion commission lIiIII not Allowed funds in its budgel Iu mdlninin the propvty The meeting stiltt ill 730 pn III In Jail Street Bike Hits Car Boy ls Hurt 12Llllllill cyclist Willi luk cn to ilvyul Victori Iluspitlli nnd trriitcll for brul yester dlly ltlltl IIU rode his blcycio into lilo pIItlI or II our on lioss SllULtI rduII iIIIcrli oi loruniu Simrt rodo llIrulnclI tlIo idol on to llllbs Sllcrt iIlKI tilt II or bring drivrn by Vernon Hoover till lielilln Sllcct ulgnul light Oil the cur wils knocked out iiiltl $15 Ililnlilgc wns dollo to illc bltycic HBMS Top Speed 90 Words Minute lloruto iellrxun of Nelson Strrui WIllJ llils been ti IIAM rndlo opvrlllur inr 40 ycllrs wild IIIIIuIIg IIIOhil Inkan port in tho linrrlo liAitl Iuillu ileld din on tho weekend Mr PoiIrNon vlluslo cull let tors VIIUP Ilro well known can copy Morso code III 00 Ivoth pcr minute and lids hrnlIdrlIIit to such mnulo plnres IIIl Allst rnllll nnd Nclv Zculnlnl INDUSTRIAL LAND iilo tlnlInIo committee hull recommended the city write the rolluorvntlull brunch oi tho pm and litsources Mnnuuomont to vurt tin Fclndulo DriveTiilln Street Ilren lulu suitubiu land or industrinl illlti commercial building lIIo IlIIiuIro commit lllht nlglll uiier II CIIIIIIIIIer oi IIIIIIIIcrco pitII liIlIl IIIil city get more IiIlHlliiI lIIIId Illd Foru Iilllo llrdu inlx II illuh vulrr iuhio tint renders it luwuiiublu lit the rrisinh timo ior dovolopIIIIlu ld Horny rllulIIIIIIII of committee hold no vuntcd know lilo conservation rIIIIchII icoilullu ubout using hunt or industrial lulIIUSCSI liclu Ilc dent Dec 22 when Sinevca car collided with llnothtr driven by Paul linldlc at the entrance to Siccves driveway on the Old Unirlu IIllud County Rudd ILI Yesterday Juthl Clurc Sluevux did not yield right of Ion coming out III his drive onto lllc mud and lined him $20 Tho Drown appealed tllc run VlLllun in lhu lurm OI IlIul dc Iluvo inow trini No rim rend null no plan tukcn It tcnld llcnrillg but till ruin the pruvibus iri lll LL Ilellill It wns understood that Stuuvos eIIrIIIr plun oI IIol guilty would stnnll Al Illt time of the collision the mild sun gtc0vcrcll IIIILI ii with II noill Mr Sicevrs nnil Mr IIIIldlo Said lhcro was II slurp snow IIIIIIk on the Sirius ilI Illt ruzld lllllt ollstun Ill vi till ilutil wnys Livull which iclt Illllih in UP tIL bill IIL nlhu Mild lillll Siclv shuultl Illut slonl lvcd tlrioro prurccding out of the driveway The in put grrut IInplIIIsis iIII SthVL lost Ilitnlknl Villtll llc illiltll to leII AIlurIIly Joiln 4llxtlilltl Micr some coillllsiun Is to how Illr inn Ilc llillilwlly lId hlluir blinks XIQilti Illt mun Iimllly inlmillcd tiIlIl illld he stopped where he had iltLIlllillu to 500 down the mud there would inne been no tlLLlKIXEIlI JUNGLE up lurgo purl oi iho Grey and Sllncoo Furrstors llummur cinnp Ilt loiilwnwii this your TRAINING look Dennis Brown at Want Campaign TLth Examiner Against Noise cur ms Rummy JUNE Im 12 city should conduct an cd 2fttt Sit Chamber Presents l3 Proposals lit Meeting With City Council shmlid be more skirt in entcm In ll the Emit lumber III Comment suggested to council Tillnccn profomab runglng from bulur Sincl lichlmg on the new roads tn the cu in Inlnilnunl gtlunddni inlaw III permamsnl board of dnoclon or lht tiihl camIIul um pm lost night it is quite lppmnt III all Scnltd in my counril by the board or dIImors III Ihu Barrie Dumber oi Cummrme limitier oi can mathI ex cum new and iurzinl Inem over ID Ire puller the puiltt would am the killers by mull That would cut down an lul oi the excessive noise he said Moroncicu LLllhts no discussion OI iL chm oer proposal I11 tuned to mo lurcyclc clubs nmI cocgrogulin in the cil One member the chamber said citizens rear goi llng Involved ill the manu cycle groups He suggested vimlanle conInduce be set up to run the hlxxilums out town They hhuuld be old to gut the hell out at town he said that unucceunry null is be coming increasingly mole prer alent within Ibe cur and should be dcltrred by all possible mans brie presented by the chamber said The chamber ltcemmmtled the city set up campaign to cm force be tily antivnolsc byle against tire squealing noisy mufflers etc and that train whistling be kept At minimum Aid Del Call told the cham Thc lun bodies ltl lust nIghl ho Buuhon Monu lioiri The rtcomnlcndalions oi the chamber in in pdyrd on to the appropriate comnllllws oi council or onszdxrnilun The pmposuls oi the chamber were lhe city gm leadership In 10 errclm III gtlgllgt III lwdl NHltc clubs at all IIH tnlranccs In till cit her the city is plQSLnlly hollow Gumbel prnnlcni Frank uldcr cxII lune irqu Iilgllwu 400 III Illlnliill Strut IIIiIIg mm the CNR III reduce Murphy said policeman uould nmd Itilning and curbilltz III Uuniup sum IrIuII High the amount of train whistling ll have Io be mental to an loo Iu Bu35 sunI B531 thud irIIIII IIIIw 400 III IIII is now between the city solicitor and the CNR lawyers he said The city could establish flashing signal lights at Mulcaslor street and probably most the IraIn whistling would be rliminated Aid Jack illan suggusI ed eiiilm participation in cub Un dwn on noise He said if citizens look clown the licence proacn the motorcycle groups while they are cunxrcgatul to gether lie called them lumi IuIiml groups wItli no respect III anything Mdyur Les Cueku said the Dui iee were doing all they could in mind IIII gIIIsz III Ihc city but are limited by the law in what they can do Gas Controversy Died Quiet Death The controversy over the din5 bylnw restricting the hour at operation for gasoline retail out let died quiet death last week lrast one alderman did not know nhout it motion of council lust lcck rccommcndcd that no action be taken all II pclilion requesting repeal oi the bylaw or that the same operating conditions now enjoyed by Cundles operator be given to operators on Dunlap Street East Thut eiIectIvely ended any more council notion on the mut lcl unlll unthcr petition Is rt crlvcd The motion Ilm lttollltmcml ed Inc tiorrle Chamber oi Culli nlcrce ho asked its opinion on the mailer ut meeting between point IIIIm curbing is establhllud IIan more 5min surlcy oi slrccl ilgnlmg on nuIn IrirnIs lulu thgt Lli Io ltuI ii improvement is necessary IIII education caIIIpuiIm IIIIII Siriclrr IIIIIImIIIIIII ill IIII lll antinoise bylaw Hiil art to Slitlvuilnl tln llllllllrr rullllll IIIII tellirli ilit dtItLIlYt III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIilrI IIIII illt ducliun III ImIII Ililiiil IlIe cilun lIi sIIIId IIIIIII mun lIr0ugllUuI Ilu city III IIII IIIIII II speeding mure ilqu slips at tho nix Illurlnu tulltrl Illldcr lilo IIIIk wnlcr anII In Imprqu lllL cuniluion III lILl III IIII lililrlild Ind more uctonlmuddliun Iur ldrgrr bouts IIII InsInIIIIIIIIII III II IIuIIIIIIIIu lliioil for lllurlnI holding Jilin at the marina minimum gtI1ildilrd3 llI to upgrade IIUIIHV IIIII humid buildings in the Cl cunlnlitlcc lo IIImun rrduwlliplncnl plan or tile LIttWilllHHl und Aliulldalo busllvexs liulw and IIH rliy exorcisu leadership Inviting propds is of tho rcdrnlopnlunt oi illc old IIXL hall on Collier Street IlInnIlnlIllulI III Iliglnruy loo Irum lllu scnnu ttlllri ui IIlL south lild oi the city In LIImn llili more industrial Iiind rcoll IInIIiIIII IIr IIIL illll LurIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII it IIcrIIIuIIrIII buiird oi lilrrlinr IIIIII lllt ill IIII lIIiI ground IIIIII other nrcth in lllk II or IIIIIIII tlllllth IIIIIIIIII lillllcr cuIIIlIllIIns rule out usc oi the Youth DropIn ALI MLCLYMONT misled mumII and me chamber ml Utlrlic Uulll IIIls II IIIIIIIIII III nilanlIIc night ccnllc nt luIII lillill Siitlllilll iLIilIc Aid Ivid MCCUHIOHI ut II 05 Nulurs in tho Cllndlcs ElllliiVi nus IIIIII IIIiIIIIl III Iillll luu Illcullil or iinunco enlnnlil middle mil of mu Ill hi hi tllnl lie IIIII guI illultd mo mm the mung Llocuuse or conditions or nnIch IIII Cille Slltcl 5x II mum up mm iItioII TIIo tlliimbul IIIIIII criticized IIy Aid lIkClnilill or not consult not one or its I2 nlLilllIUrS who br home will in II slop IIro rcllril gasoline upellllurs llun thrown when it considcmi lllc lllts Tllt 11min silll mum ii norm nm or NJth IIIIIIII limnc to int unbilunlmrr Wm Wm mm IIIIII illll Iir IIIIIIIInII Itrlx 1mm in it lll bill to Russ Itzliclillt IUtllllliil CIHI Hill the IIIIII IIIIIII III council Imd th number snid he had been mislcd by the motion tsougnt it was being put aside tor IILIIIOII lutor Aid Dorlnn Parker sold it LllzIt iIiId born the colic the motion should hum been tabled At the chamber council nicot rlIVCd uurmlws um cxlwclln Ill Mild Tlllrl at In strict Illirullllnls lur Illtmllt ll ill the Clllll Illlt Mr Itutullilt said that lntunr Ill tome Sim United Church lliL luwu ank Murphy chamber mums mm Wm on Illt IIbIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Nlltiuld IIIIIIIIIquI III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII president sIIlIl IIII Dunn of dlr byIIIIv IIIIII lIIIIII 32 IIpcIIIIIIw blTllmf rfllf Illiiigit Ii colors at IlIo ehambrr oil the Ntlllustin be ktpl um others Mud 2m IIyIIIw should apply equally III IleII 12 IIIIIst IIIIII ailr lllltltlltlllti IlilYt III III lllkl bu lie IIIscribed IlII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IIlloIIerIIibrsiII the city At pros respectively rtqucsl iulu prnuruln sol duun by in LIIIIHII or use gm IIIIIIII UIllILllllll1IS gt1Iilgttlo rIvIIIIIII IIIy Ior xlltl llIil Incnis IIIIII iII qu 11 IIIII IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIr llivliilli Iltllil III III Eilllnyu 01 Wlmmersl lIIIll There will also It IIII IIIlulI illtlllllCH III liilu VIIter slIIIIIch tukaI lIcultlI IIIIlt to Iilkt llcliun to lirmpcniclt tluy revoui it or rlvlnIIIIIIIK IIlL sllncoe Culin ly llLiIlllI Ullll nuys The ItLlIllLI unit illnI Kilo slnnp Its unulyzcd or culliorm or lnl isms IIIId necul coiiiorln olIIIIn isms and all organism counts wort wliilln sIIiu stundnrds for swimming lvcnlyslx oi the in samples tuken lIIId no coiiiornl urgunisnls present one sample rcvouird pur tlculurly high count of uuliiurln organisms 1200 nl lilo south elistrrn limits of tho clly dull the ilnuuco eommlttco inst ultan reromnwnded council ask the Moon up tllI clulxo Ill the high count The ulllvl til samples tilitll silllutll rulilulln human and ollIuI unlmol Httsl llzld counts running butwucn III and dull Tllo puIIulIIr swimming liitllN iII Illt city Llll IIIIIl very low or III rollioIm organism uIIts JoIIII sun Street lluntll llnd ZLlu lollllt us dill IIIL Millcts IUinl lurk arm in iin Allundllio iIUtk own the rolliurm count rIIIIded brtwrvn ililtI ill with tile necnl count brtwccn null 20 WlilllCAMOlllllID gun IIII Ivi Inono lllilLk illlUbH cIuIv OI llu IIlltIlliIV qIIIvuIIIIII IIIIIII liillill III IIII hunt Illid llc IllIIIlIIl IlIIIy iildlliild llw glitiill Inna IItllllllil IIi IllIII IillllItll pm Itliitllillt gun Illi IIIL IIIII AII illillnlly rulllnilnv of lllll ltilld viw prrpuruli by time itiIIIIIIII lIIIII UllillL Urn IIi Iicu ulllttl lilIIl William Sound lust week lupprd cluht Vusllnll wl works lllt lnllillu oIlIII lilI IIIIIII vIIsI on luilllllllit II IIIIIIIII turn in II IIII oxen to lost IlII lxwrl llrnly ci clso ll llII lctII vn III III ill runlllvllnl lllllii IIIIIII IIIuIllIIr IIIIny IIIslIIIIiors who by lull ulllts III II sulwersivr hmch il illo weekloin Mlics enemy lulle of CK cl or lilo nluc Inllliin LlLit tllL IuIII lied lIy non ha Is 00 or lllt II llcr III IIII bimincss ulttd roginIcIIis sold ilIo troy Illd SlIncoo Foresters company led by Lian Anthony Kcono oi lllu Ilo would littt colno llImuxlI tho rtIll tilllllt willl irwcr tils IIIIltios nud in II uiIortIr time than any UI IIIL otllvr units The lllllllu oliILur at the limo clrilrlng Eitt still It wns own more surprising iILInuw Illu llurrslrrs lllIVLl only tlitn III lIIIIIIIIIy unit in IlIIm IIIIIIIIIII Urioru llIIIl it was an armor rd IouIIIlIIIL During llIo wcrli of suIniIIIl comp lilo iorcslcrs lroln tlIII Ioo Owen Sound will Midlund took pllrl ill training lllnt IntluiL week ulktnt Cnpt Fuller to turn the coin pnny ovrr to blunt Kocnr who cumlnnmitil oIIU uI till pin COIItI IIlIIonI ill the rum IIly Is Ulllllliilltlld by Liam llino llzuInIloIId oi Ulvrn Sound IIumlIII or lllllltld soldiers or tIllIIlllllliid IIIIII In Untn Sound to Uuril1 ulld the went to ioiulnuwn ill the IIIIliIL lllld iillillond personnel Jll NGLE TRAIN Dnlrlostops on jungle trLIll trulls with llvc ammunition ed mountaineering lluliilult vix intensive jungle lIIIIilId was to watch lor cncnly mums and nlecllunicnllyIIctivrItrIl tormnnsnip Jungle training and included during tho weeks in wlIlch may pop up ut any lIIIiioon turgols licxnmlnor tlncedlay iIIlcrIIul security ex tivlli spoclul lunuio limos time liouliutlc piltrols worn photo crciar we ut through tllo dense bush conducted Iliong Jungletypo Tile culled Slcci with poplnpbulioon targets sci In an In Il commis Harald Ealnzuw hire II and or mm Indus IInIIIIItIal gunml hJs mood IhII Dcziga be IhlrwIIIm ibr Toni Ichtltnd the oblcct IIpIr turlhcr mm lhcn Ililr lLS loin II more rul land is LI chdnttlor maul Salli Itlitrt IIII prcsullild In cm oil iJgtt nlglli It Ads one rmlllnlunddtlrmu ubllliiittl in Dr prrwni imr Ihcrc lrt lilliilllntvly IFJJ JUN 0i rumJilin land lilill Illu limits mum of IIIH il lill II ililti rc lWitxI IIII tho LIKELI lUJklk prudlill IIIch one ur cw sud nt bul re mm qua mm II dusznrs pumzs mama dad 3304mm Hr said he would hm Io lnnd la the pm its in ha urru lips chm III Du ilJnlbxi councl gtch pnII openm trunk alltl Iu IIn the Paddison Inll smug north III In Lilo muthcul rad The has prulcclcd Nllrtnt mg trunk tIrcr lo erIII Ina land in Ms at 04 or run 000 Such amtmuch IIIIIIIII II be null IIIIIIIII IIII lilI cullch Ii lilt no Uctlupllictll prugmn In hr why Is cxniurutlon hnillblr brIcl sand Utill llc Iv Lynch To Chair Winter Carnival llull LMIcll ill inxn nnnltd ciIIrIIIdII UI Illi ItITI llIrIII In ilr IrIIIIIl IIIIIIIIIIIII II on runIIIII II IIIIUl oi iill Ilzlrrlt llJllllnl ivI ulIIIlIIrn tllllillll ill JiltI IIv IIlI ll IIle ll Illlllilll ll alrr Iivni ill thr Iltliller III lIrIIi in ltlillll lhv IIlzlnlllrr bll 1in nvrlll IIII IJIIIYII ul IIIL IlIlII cIllIlll to include llll cslzlllllsilllnnl II II IIcrIIIIIIIuIII IIIIIrIl Iii Innrim taucollie coIIIIIIilIII or mun tulpdr lull IlIIIl lll llIltI ll rouuiu ill Ill Ilttl lir Ixl ill Iirl Illlllill inur Illlll lllil ulllllllil The LIlllltliltl II lIKti5liliI Centre At St Giles Church IIII ACk IIII IillllllSU Ikik plIIIlII tUIIIlIIlilll bury culi IilL Ircu IiIkilI$ who IlllVl lXIlIKNNILI un lIIIII lt1 ill thIIhrIII Iii IlII rum in lune tilliltl IIlIcliIIL in Illt builld room of llll Ililllltlli IIi 5ltlul rlIIInJIIy ii pm in order Ill IIIy 1iixlIIIN IIIIl IIIIIku IIIlngtll IIIII III supqu Irl IllL Aintlint upcll hum3 Mr ILIlIiIIlI IIII iliit II IIIiII lIIIIIIII II IIIII lil IIIIIIIII II IIIIIiml IIIII ii IIIIIIIIIIdir IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII nllllllnl mulil lllltlld ills lllcul IIiL lnl oi nrullli Iliil LMirl rd xllpporl III he said Non of imlII IllII shot down so trnl rill Iy illkltlIL llld din unruly Iilll IIIIIUI so Slttl Iiinlj durum lllc lullll Ililllllll Si II II III IIIIIIII LLlllit III LIIIIIII lulu lnwil ll ii iii lllllm Illtil IIsLlIIiIhs II Stillk Klurnll llili silli Illll IIIi III rmnnlulc Itlclhilc plIliliil lllll horn ilil Ilnd llunl Illls pmlllon tll Illil Illn Soldiers rhut ulll enemy bililuunh Till slurs vtIi ills Illllllllt IIy IuIIIIlIII who llliw It JIL tilltI IIIIILLIIII iI hlntl ulii lzlcl ilnd how it will llulzllylt rllh Ilil bouts it til clli clllll llllv IlnLIl Illitudlly Lxtlclsc illtlllvtd all tilu Iulils Ill cilnlp Including llhuu IIIIIIurrIi lorr 1N IIIIII IIIIIIIII lying Ut ll llilttiil COMBAT GIIOUI Illc Folcatrrs formed into combat Igrnup with the liuiorih orGcncrilts Foot Gourds and the Hastings and Print Edward iiulllmrnt vcru crvdlicd by um plrcs Ill stoppin luvcrni strong nemy attacks The on rmy iorco will lnudd up oi Tito CIIIntrou lliglIlIIIldcrs ol uituwn lid in tic rudcllrd us it In lJnmo lilI mmmumly vnnl he clInIll ll be In other uni itiu la bcccnIc llIL Quebec Ll lIIntcr Lnrnl IIII or llIL Iry smIIIIIrIiu II than plmw must lie madn in lrvdt the Barrie Vlnlcr ar nliul III in much more prulc billnll lllunnur than IIJS burn IIII in the poo Co Idcrnllnn must in niImI III IilL otmous pmblcmx which are mono by our dkpclltltlilcn IIII IIIIIIIIr ullltllilltllis Jrs lli cIIII be Iich out by ll IllIlll or IIlIorM lkt umdi iiilh mligtl he mIII Io niillzc tlII Irrlo FJir ounds IIIL ImIII postibiy cven school grounds and pom in various tJillIVuI llivitios so that it bad IImIIlIIIcrcd iron Inc on In eldburdlo in IIIII IIIIIII ml Lol IIIIIIIIII lllt cllllnlbrr int Ice be cl Illll Ill nil cnrn crpt iIlL lid and the arena show The cllumtlcr also Skld or club itltrdllun cl cloxlm Duniun Si cunt irum lilo Flu Points to Iilsitl Sincl during lllc cur III II for UV as ll miIll lhc Lynch lIl IIas us till you it doing Io gel willI lhl plcs cnl IIclililult on lln said Lu your UllL could no on my Bond at on corn IIII IIIIckIIIII IlIIII tho Icu inld Iltllt lilliler the right of Iilt crIIIIrIlr 11w or no mo lco lllllk cnuuull llL said Les Lookc Sm Dulutl lulur look into II regional carnival Willi tirililal lIIlIi IIihtr IIIuirch cIIIIrIs holding cllls in IIIIIjIIIIIIIIIII willl lilc oumu VIIIirr Carnival ill T110 lilo iuiuwnwu IIIIIIIIII summer diltll lust HLk Examiner pililllll District Militia Company Tops in Village Clearing and tile lllns IIIIIi nII ruscIIII pilots IIIw oIth it lillrd with red Innrk ill to Illulltlly limit in enemy IlIII IIcrv equipped with Isido III rumlune guns IIIId flow in cm round the dugill posi liulll lIlIIIg tiIc delenders Ii illcy llow low enough to em IIIIII those on tho ground to mild their IIIIIIIbrIs lllc umpiros du olnrcd tiltlll shot down lllo Foresters LI0 credited with shooting down our nirclult do inlIIlt live enemy armored whichs IIIId rm ontlo lIIiunt Iy piIItouII which blondered into Ieiidcicnded strong point The IoIIInIuIIIilng officer or lilo ulltilly nrmur Wilt tdltrn prison by Clil Clluriett Holmes III the Foresters compuny in Owen Sound Cpl lloimcs was lcnding II smIIil dtIol when he Silw tho oiiicvr siting in his loop and walked up to capture lIim Tho prisoner wus interrogated by Capt Fullor and sent back where tho umpires returned him to netlon IIIIIIIIIul mul