watch EllCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL WINS SOFTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 5n trio35212 113 Cut L125 2mm mm mm urnmum Eb it07 1122an mmimm 55 31 mall 1m 1mm Tort kn 92 Coach Mrs nitric MIMI HI 31 Parr 2m K13 Jmt Spacer hr szanr nary Exhaust Lrs Campbell LmLxr was absent or the photo The team deleatcd Gilme 13 to in the nal game Examiner photo FOR CHILDREN Television Is An Escape Into Fan VIM mania lan is 2551 into Km tar runs my be undumrd by Danny girlmun tn micr 121mm and remnant Tor limp pixels are 321 ynzngxmr who cu nut5v to 25 may halal zms v17 With ct nztr 32 Call It ii in learn about vinivai roll the make in Viral dli In th van 1111 map chlldl Illa Tamil Izhaal SirV are is form Iililr slim You mmnt dams tasy Claims Study trays lite as it is so pcr pent tgslc Grafts stud it does 20 per cent said it nitre asked to rate idacmt and 36 per cent wait our Samara according im not sum pandas in the inowtn goals Program preferences ran as but in gr alga lrrs Holleru cnmc western 50 how in 71215 Lazar htn pct cunt nomcdlei audcor to be guild 5min how to be loom 14 per cent iamiiy mp7 lsbvws per cent new and dmmlary per cent 11 VWWIDS timr overagtd three 5M hours her studrut daily Monday lto Thursday One student said ha nut mabaut hours in trant slon oi Lhi set in that lourdzly per school lriod amen vim family friend ordn as im tn the lust do happ cs uzl I15 I11th but no as high at family and on Mitt11 lhc avcragc ands ranged tram our to tire ham 00 mm KICK Ask1 What they houl they 21 out Idaiiy or chu slid he learned most children would rather play with frith that watch TV nut he also believes childrcn who have poor rclniin with their parents are inm likely to turn to televi nan Dr Chu who studied in Tal BA and took his MA Mniduguri The results will sociology jour Toy Vehicles For Children Are 1118 Do ml iii rid129V in one What has it depends on re bears children The answer because it rcqutrci an waves and wht nrru connected by ipo the lover IIICI every part at Lrtumitltr makes regular contact With ground providing mntinuou uicrum The average child of caurle couldnt care in about div prin ciples of physics thiil came lnli play when bike tricycle 5cm tar coaster wagon or sidewalk vehicle If one kind DI annthcr iIi gelling him from here In there Ht does know positively lh at riding beats Walking and that the experience gives him some 01 extra power About $800 million Worth ii riding toys were sold in twin according to the American trade associatian with th biggest chunk of that total as much as twmthirds represented by bilt cycles Most of the hike dollars in re cont years have been spent on sports type models with but tory handlebars relatively small wheels banana seats and backrest sissy bars These Ind favor chiefly with the younger kids Teenagers are more likely to be aboard he mumgear ligltt weights unnurup spot in the sileti dnrhy wont to the three vhcc ers or trikcs Except inr some streamlining the basil frame design in this category is rare ly altered one recent depor ture from the conventinnzll is low slung runabout with dis proportionately lnrge wheel up front and wide tread tires in the rear that permit drilling ac tion on the turns Style choices are probably the widest in wheel goods which sim Illtlle adult irilnsnirtatinn voh Ins Grownum out or slrnlL thrw llun plflu portsType Models ll lend ion would hi Im tltUrtAl twitter latter hi May llr mil duimg urn lilxlmv vlll llll MimiJaw hill iioin wund eIll rpldlly iil llii viwiour llulilinz to outdtir workout ticCiihiillltllly rlippull till tluillp irni lllhlr allkll mtmn lly nnynno gics ltulnlivA victim share tho nid urlk the traditional Iiri IIIL roudstcn illlll wuh lIi Inlltlll solli wooden or pinuir ixwrutu longs Probably the mmi nunl with ions to juvenile trzilur lllH or and lnnt huve htun liii ilclrlih Thoy draw their JilllL limit chargeable hniturnn lruill hnut as last as mzirthtr mi parade und are ilsutllly mmv wllut smaller than their nunmul rizcd counterparts Some adults llsuully nut rili shape tllemsoivos until at why drlve riding toys like the elec tries and ask why kids arent oflured something that supplies reul uxcrcion Theres no riddle polled by that uuununily ward IliE xxnmmm wnm nilsl IIIONIL 734M LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANING PRICES Plain Dream Skirts Plain Punt Ladies Slacks Mono Suit 65 Fltll Ilrkiup It IIIlwuy 34 Mary 7284473 IPrvalu Lot dtlou qiltlstlnrl Tllylfkcla hith Wally snlliliull that illvnillc Ind not paying attention might the Irish Mail which iskept in onlli ptlIKI dMaruh GEOGRAPHYBA Diane Sutton daughter at urs Sultan or Alliston and the late Milton Sutton gruduatgd with Bachelor oi As in geography from Univorlilty Guelph Miss Sutton is going to Northern Nignrln as CUSO Canadiun Univcr Elly Services Ovcrscasi untccr in Augmt for two years Photo by Taylor Gu THE STARS SAY ESTEELLITA FOE TOMORROIV Wednesday should bc another ntimulating dy Stars cvnllnuu in him practically any worthv Ahlll endeavor ilntcrcsls may he llirlhcrcd the Ililtc iii an in and Slllnir ior advancing jub wxu in tht oiling FDR THE BIRTHDAY ii tumor to it your birthday indicators that you Will EIIILI which would it iliil upticnd in all at mammal intercom it whv therefore to main am mm iur cxybliiilm will to UNva on lh iiy 0n the lillbntial MVH inrnu iil tintr one adlliwlllmd npnoolntr in he luv mgr on tut olli1iillivilt Itliuwliuni orazxm you will marl ll imwu lm lwi who Jo itrry oi narrowy in and ituwidmut any wry may illvlrwtllumn ertl noting Novwinirr and illmini in Winn Willi unionAw Gav iilLindn may hr made upon you Vllilli could dim runrrven 1lint yUu ow ylhpdid mid horn 1m lllih day out vol lphl muttrial nLW 11gt Illliin Hutu dvrliiz rrl mo ilnuuzll or nlor in morny Mm BAKELEE Eu mocking until Sep ttmbe of the Badrid Brandi Auxiliary In the Humane satiety wasbeidJuneZatmebomecl Mrs Betty Norther in Nair mrt The wellatttnded meet ing commenced with potle supper Fundraising plans were bakeI5 bake salt will be held The idea is in put what you would nonrtu spend at bake 53 into an envelope and send it to treas urer Mrs Laura Ciel1nd 69 Min St 11153 Itan idea is an em to hold bake sale Other hindraising plans will be announced later mmG Mr and Mrs Fer Rowe cl Dunlap SL lb Barrie spent three day Dr and Mrs Rowe Dr Rowe is neph cw oi Prod Rowe Mr and Mrs lrcd Rowe spent two days in SL Catharch and attended the uncut of Rtv Peter Dirks Mr Dirk was the other Mrs Beverley Rowe of Thornhil TRIP 10 EUROPE Mrs Janet Logan High 51 Barrie and her sister Mrs Hei en timomiack of Toronto have for an extended visit to tho Erit ish Isles and Europe on Jul They plan to visit Rome Swit zcrlnnd Blgland wales Scot land Ireland Germany Hoi Innd and many other countries BACK FROM EDMONTON Mr and Mrs Jack McBride Codringlon SL Barrio have just returned tramEdmonton Alberta they sptnt thret weeks visiting triends and rcialivos on route PIANO nEcrrAL Allnndalc Heights Public School was the scene at piano and vocal recital by the pupils at Joyce Lnrigtnrd Many young people teamed together to present dozen duoduct and duos The program covered the classics to the latest hits The young lingers performing wore Botanic Phnnncnhaur Carol Stet blngs Scott Lanyard Coral and Cathy Wornicn Cullen Burns Lynn Lnngiord and Gcmmu Josephine Francis Gerald and Louis van Amciavoorl Piano stu dcnts playing in two piano works were Saundra Reynolds Willn WIIJOOJAHI Peacock Shorroll Kloinvcli Virginin McBride Lynn Lungiord Susnn Hopkins Cheryl Kali Heather Johnston Frances Keil Josephine and Commit vnn Amclovoorl John Wright Glen Womica Kevin Stacie Francis vnn Amcsivoort Hems Go Down Necklines Follow NEW YORK AP Dc nigntrs Shannon Rogers says When hemlinen go down neckline go with them Log watchers certainly wont ho out or work but notk nnd body watching is the new thing Rogcrh designs or lcrry Siivormun In hi5 colloction of varying skrt longlltxt thorn are clingy block trope dresses with loopV ntcks long drosscrt lintn liiitit at the tildes or from lnrton Myles or Malcolm Charles Bill Ill long skirlei too ii shown it Wednesdays Amtrltun dclilgntr showinitst Ant Puuiirty llmtlltht hiltk lhc cuquctlc with two til hlzd pnlllcnau undlr lull itlt moor cia Irons Salinasi lhzii never ml Ilium ut citsent WIN wont limp ch anyway who my Irunkly think only or In young man who like to llullut Armanith Hardin llll Pill iiilrm ImeI nullprint mIIIlII null him To ltnyruv llrimum in Mgr mm it hi wounle tilln lettll iili III on untrilwr nlalr Irlml mm Itr in linlils ltaulhl till Fulfill l0 izlll Illlu would mniw nu trxwllmn khtlier doo tor or mtlm Bring Y1 wn imillirter til Inlili Filly351 N1 CIUIJIIIIN IINIIIWI IZ MONDAYS ll FIUDAYH wow TEE mum MINER TUESDAY PEOPLE AND PLACES uuAuerCwlxnmshmmuJInbmuw JUNEKIT Anne Price brads Vice Brenda Rel Carol and Cathy Warmth Karen Wall Mary Battlers and guide Wright and Bonnie Wll Hams Almost all oi the students gave solo peonnanre includ ing Gerald nd Amclsvoart Un da Robotum Nadine Brown Kara and Shelly McErido Ste porn Price Dianna uuy loy Ann and Marilyn Kc Janine newson Janet Ventwlzy and Janis Hopkins Mrs Langiord was presented with large Plan ter gut from her students Dear Kendra swan would not print another word about that bloomin meat loot recipe but then along came in letter inrorm ing me that Ann Landcrs meat loot took first prize in contest in New Orleans The new seemed too good not to shoreespecially utter reader In Michigan said my meat ion was so lousy even the dog wouldnt cnt ll So publicly pinned rose on myscl and while was ut it decided to give credit to the porson who had given me the recipe in tho first placemy sister Mrs David Brodkoy at Omaha Now Mrs Brodkcy Isnt spanking to me In Incl she isnt speaking to anybody Silo iii not answering her toi epilonc had sent out thousands at copies oi the recipe and was sure that ever house wllu in the units States Cnnodn Mexico Puorio Rico Tokyo and uangkok who wanted it had asked 0rl wus wrong When Mrs Brodkcyo name nppturcd in the column sho suddenly became the most popular woman in Omaha No ud drcss was given but ihnt didnt discourage the moot Not By TIIOSTESON llID Deiir Dr Thustown When We were rind seven months Him lny husband weighed 187 the is 29 lmd MaulMom Since then he hits lost 30 pounds While am not the Kreulu cook In the world think can be considered ut luusl uvoruue and knuw the with UI wellhiilhncud mcills Insist lhnt he have vitumln pill lVcry day as hcilrd that would increase his upliulitc but It haxnt Should get him to take some kpcclal supplement in build up his WulghtD when young in insult 30 pounds thnl rapidly it isnt dilution or your cooking Sumo thilig ullx llim cllhcr phy Icnlly or psythoiogitully inkM thcrt iii some severe tlriicloncy lwhuh doesnt sound llkcly with wellbulllncul mould Vitnmln pills nrcnt xi menus til building up the npnttlto lilxh tIIlOlltl loads or suppleman Will III woightil hell out them llut it he huh in poor inpL titc then What Have your lnmimnd Knc ii doc or Illr rinckup lintl mtiko Mirr tin doctor known how inuvli wviuhl he hurt out and how mpldly 24mm LllrllL or unrrcngnizrd inlwlllm in only our 71 lovirlll lllIIIZ that may lio running thin inn vi MIEIIL PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES 30c QUART Quun Picking Boxes Only tlvul Dr niinlrwnx nm It 4ttrtnuathWnnam9 JULY WEDDING Mr and Mrs Graham Som mers ol Crown Hill have our nounced the Engagement at their daughter Linda line to William Edward Crime son ANN LANDERS ADVISES Bloomin Meat Loaf Wins Notoriety And Contest FW IODI lovers Her mnllman is cxhuustcd He keeps asking When Is this going to stop Lollch hove arrived nd drcsscd to Ann Londcro Sister Ono letter was ad drenaod MEAT LOAF Omohn Renders hnvo aunt her cush chi ties and money orders Acng with hints on how to improve the recipe she has received to quests to publish cook book It would be best seller wrote Mrs at is onuunh Wall You could coll ll Ann Lander Sisters Cookbook TO coon HEALTH Weight Loss From Cooking lilltliiul and admiring render nm starting to dint Housiny with the hope lhilt shull lose two pounds week IIch tow questions Does drinking too much calico in any way chomicnily prevent you train losing weight Docs cntlnx grupcirult after it rcnsibic meal in any way chem icully help you to lose weight Would the lid thlll hild my gull bluildor romovnd nino yours uxo glvo me tendency in gain weight quicker tlm going to try to keep my caloric ltltllkc Lo iihou 1200 IBMMrs It you stick to l200 calories duy and get adequate uxorrlxo youll lose But trying to use two pounds week in tirenmlng Thiltit 104 pounds in II your ilnd Who do you know that cvor guincd nl tliut ltttc Curiaeit without suitin or crownwill not pILVUliI you rum losing weight Grupcilult utter ovury mulil will not huip you losti irupoitilll In suur but ll htlll cumulus SugTIntl unity rics Your gull bliidder tines not in anyway control your wt mm to II pull In will hAtutulngh ANII bliNllAth an Mimi STARTING JUNE 29 PINE VALLEY FARM 27 hour so wion Illwuhlliu Lucille SillIllulm Line 314 Mill waubhiut viulrt Hill on Highway hiiwwu AIIIntuu null thou 140 miles will vi VIAIIIL Mill on limuulml Mr and Mrschme can at Woodstock Ont Th wedding will take place July 25 in Ern manual Baptist Chum It inhoto by he Cowpan Almost everyone who wrote said dont want to bother Arm Landon Letters requesting the montlaiit recipe hnve been sent to this Eroditty Jewelry Co relative in California whose mnldcn home WE Brodltcy culled in say urn hns been nskod or the me too ATcxus rcndor hlnrvln Cox sent it song called Ann Lnndcro Mont boat It should be sung lo the tune or love Paris Here it is love moat ion In tho morning iova moat loot lot It night love moat ion on plot tcr doesnt matter love meat loaf in the novy topped with gravy love moat Ion lilulicd with raisins It tutu good with cream cones love meal iool Why do love Anniel meat loan Becnuno it has no bonus hereby take on onth on Juilil Childs hand that you have heard the lust of my meat loaf It anyone would the recipe pluusl got It from iricnd Do not write to Mrs David Brodkoy or to tho Drodkoy Jewelry Co or tu me have hnd it Alln Linden Ice Licut Robert George Klltht icy son of Mr nnd Mrs iiurge Klghlioy ncnton Duh ilnd grilndson oi Edwurd II Klulltluy ol Brock Sit hur ric uluduuteil with Buchciur of Commerce UCHICD in busi ness administration from tho University ui Windsor lie is nuw II lhu Culiulliiin Fillcon Blue M00310 Iuw Siliklltcht wun luklnl hilt pilot truinlng cuntxii gruduntc oi helium ltlgh SchuoL ho will continuo with tile Cilniidinn Forced Air CANDIES Avuilollle at Cusdeiis Rexall Phormdoy 48 Collier SI 7266434 ALSO unions Cosmetics l4 Dunlap St 7285959