tithe llama fraction Kerry Lambin General Manager McPherson Managing Editor rcrsmr Does Our Law Enforcement Have $16 Price Tag Walls Publisher That big music blast in Toronto this past weekend poian up something about our sense of values Tickets to the Festival Express thats what the rock music presentation was called cost between $14 and $16 That price was aIittlc too high for 2509 young people and they reacted in their lusual manner they stormed the gates and got into some rough and tum ble action with police Law and order didnt have much to do with the eventual establishment of peace That came about because performers from the Festival Express assisted in set ting up free concert nearby The young galecrashers were satisfied with that And who was It said you dont get noth in for notllin Once the economic situation was clear ed up the young people settled clown to some serious rock listening and marl juanp smoking However because they were quiet while listening and smoking the police did not interfere Oh they did take away some of the marijuana when someone was too obvious in flaunllngll but there was no crackdown on smoking the stuff In fact not single drug arrest By the time the event ended more than 600 cases of bad trips were treat ediby volunteer agencies One press re port stated that the clinic handled about 650 people with drug problems mostly bad trips Mostly ISD About 30 people ended in one of the citys hospitals but the rest were cared for on the spot At another point the press report it was The Globe and Mails coverage states somewhat coyly that the police ignored drug use with blind eye much the way In treat the hip ask at football game Our conclusions on this cover two re IE 9341 God for grey hairs agcd elderly persons who worshl mwurmursgms says adding We suggest abnormal if churches were filled with youth and vacated by them when they it points out that youth is restless and suggests they be understood and forgiven if they are too busy to remember their Creator in the days of their youth They do not deny of course that it would be most welcome ifyoung people did attend church in Actually If the church properly impresses them with the reality of God and the need for His forgiving passion then they will not depart when Unfortunately to do that must be largely the responsibility of the clergy supplemented by regu iI would be reach maturity large numbers older thoroughly memb church the storm windows paint the woodwork rakc the leaves mow the lawn shovel snow wash the car learn to cook scrub the floors re pair the sink build boat get job Iclp the minister priest or rabbi the sick help the poor study your when you are through read good book arcnts do not owe you entertain doos not owe you re The world does not ons And and not too ti Your ment creational facilit es our cit lumen Lmuzx VIEW OF BARRIE floor of Slmcoe County 60 years ago odist Church with spire aken from top ollrthouse about St Melb right the At left Collier we 170 race lated fields both dealing with police First we think it interesting that the police were prepared to do battle with 2500 young people to protect the integ rity of $16 admission ticket but did not feel similarly compelled to uphold the drug laws of this country In other words $18 ticket ls worth fighting over but laws are not Second we reject the concept of police turning blind eye toward drug use and having it equated with the hip flask at football game gt It would be easy to argue against this point of view from the physical damage alone when was the last time 650 people had to be treated for bad booze trips after football game But we reject it simply because we dont feel police should turn blind eye toward the ask The fact that they do should not be used as defence for similar handling of drug use We dont blame the policeman for this blindeye approach to our laws Appar ently it is good politics and good crowd control policy not to do anything to anger the crowd unless of course $16 ad mission ticket IS involved That policy comes down to the individual cop from his higherups But perhaps we should consider re writing our laws to the effectthat mart juana LSD and assorted other drugs are illegal unless taken by person in crowd of potentially unruly young peo ple Why not put it into writing because thats the way the law is being applied Also we cant help but wonder at the thought of downtown Toronto business man who reads about the blindeye ap proach to law at rockdrug concert then leaves his office to find $10 park ing ticket on his windshield Church And Young Folk The United Church Observer thanks The many middle most unfortunate aspect of todays church life is the fact that by far the majority of boys and girls are not con tacteLIhrough church schools There was tlme whiznhhncepter attorn was church school attendance untl about 16 then perha depart from church life entirely unti they were married and had children of their own The seed had been sown so to speak and the harvest would come Today compara tiver little seed Is sown There Is much significance too In the success of some churches In Interesting young people and retalnin that interest The Observers editor al concludesz The Bible says that fool hath said In his heart there is no God It Is obvious that many act as though God did not cxlst To be so foolish when you are young is unfortunate to continue in such foolishness when you grow old is fatal OTHER EDITORS VIEWS KIDS WILL GROW CP East York Local Press Almost every day we read about youth revolt in our great metropmitan centres Certain advicc should be handed out to young people in our great city in an swcr to the cry of youth What can we do Where can we go Go Home owe you living You owe the world something You owe It your time and encr and your talents so that no one will at war or in poverty or sick or lonely again In plain simple words grow up MEALYMOUTHED UTTERANCES Montreal Star There is no reason to believe that Can ada would be an more effective in end ing the Cambodian tragedy if it issued csc AROUND THE WORLD By PIIILIP DEANE Forelln Affairs Annlyll Edward Heath the new prime minister of Britain Ia reported to have decided on reducan taxes as menus of compelling Ination It Is an interesting idea and since nothing else has worked there Is no harm In trying It The general Iden seems to be that it taxes are cut there will he more Incen tive for businesses to work bur dcr for more profits Wfkcrl1wlll work harder for more wages since they will bo able to keep bigger proportion of those wages The result will be more production and more consumption general boom happier atmosphere In which tho government will be able to cancel more revenue or us Reduction Of Taxes To Fight Inflation much revenues from lower tax ratu simply because there will moro earnings and spending EX And In this happier atmos phere the labor unions might accept legislation making their contracts legally binding and thereby making wildcat strikes Illegal Thesis wildcat strikes have hampered British production costing the country great loss of business in such Industries as hl bul In ond reduced Irfgs Ill Ibo balnlllco ofpoy rm Some effort will nppah entlybc made to tie wages to productivity and with lower taxes the workers It Is loll will tool they have chance to make moro money by working harder Library Offers Summer FIELDS 0F FATE by Fernando Nnmorn This Portugesc novel in mov Inl and earthy dctull rclnles how evil destroys small puru diso for Loos an aspiring pens nnt for whom dreams are more real than money Everything hinges on his purchase of dun koy but tho unfoupdcd rumor that the donkey in carrier of leprosy brings ruin and proves the fragility of the hopes of sim ple mcn ROME IVITII MRS EVENING by Rosean Timperlcy On the anurUIIIicmomcnl alx British school teachers of dllr purutc ages and personalities dc cldo to spend their summer vu cation together In Rome The loud and belligerent denunciations of the WM Yummyrmm MCI American action But we could try saying nothing at all in public and concentrating on strong private representations in Washington At least that would expose us to less public embarrassment than the present pattern of mcaIymouthcd utterances $1171 old Town Hall Allnnllalo across Kempcnfelt Bay Frank Leslie Collection Ward is Photo from her mum till leurrtr Examiner ll llayttcld Strch Barrio Ontiiriu Tclcphonc 72041537 Second Claw Mull Registration Number 0101 Return poslutto Kuaranlced Dnily Sundays and Stutuwry llollduya excepted Subscription rutcs daily by carrlcr 55c wcckly 92860 yearly Slnalo copies loc Uy mall Barrio $2360 yearly Ontario $1300 you Other mall 53500 your Motor throw off $2100 your National AdeTtlalng Offi cco 15 University Avenue Toronto 0w Catllcurt Sin Munlrcill Member of the Canadian Press Ind Audit Burcuu of Clrculmluns IIlc Ounlidiun IreM ls cr clusively Cnlllltll to tho lino fur republication of all it IIKmllUIhu In this paper lied to It or Tho Associated Press or Routers and also the local news published thcroln Thu Ilurrlo Exurnlncr clulmo Copyright In all original fItI vlrtllttla and editorial matur Iul created by Its employees will reproduced In this newsl paper Copyright Rcilbtrallim Num tcglstcr of swans lu Reading or charms all the men in tho party and has brief affair with the asycor old senior master it to Mrs Evening the quiet brooding divorcco who turns the Ilollday Into trugedy by her dc vcloping Insunlty and suicide The novel progresses with each of the characters In turn nur rnting cvcnts from his or her own viewpoint EGGIII IN by Elli 0ch pornhlc In the form of novel In which David the beg gur wonders tho streets of Jcr usulcm during the SixDay War with flashbacks to the Jewish past and the Nazi holocaust both of which forged the modern JcWIoII spirit TIIE CHOSEN PLACE TIIII TIMELESS PEOPLE by Paulo Marshall block writer explores the conflicts of race and culture In multIlevcl novel In which both mytll and symbol are Intcrtwln Cd FIONA by Colherlno Gnikln suspenseful Gothic novel in which governess goes to the Island of San Cristobal and finds terror mystery and ro mnnce WITH ALL ITS FAULTS by Fairfax Cone Whether you think of adver tising all it blcllslnx or curse you will find this candid account of tho authors 40 years In ad Vcitlslng provocative and ob norblnc IIiCKIZI TO DEATH BY 30$ LINGS by Jane Tube The hilarious mishaps of city lgirl lwho tried to get away from id THE LAST IF THE IIUSII II LOTB by Herman llvlmerlckn book about the men who have mode It now legend of wil iILrnc travel In AfnskuNorlb Alnclltua hut fruntlcr BIBLE THOUGHT All there are also many other lhlngu which Jfsun Illd the which If they Ahvuld no written every one uuvpouo that even thI World Itself could not com lulu the books that should be written Amen John 2125 VIIiII WW II dld Ito cnn still do JLMIK Chriut tho sumo yea ttftldy today and Iorcvcr JERUSALEM madame owmunxmmmmxargn IIlIs will be ndmlrnblhll II works But It will be miracle If It works Labor has whole series of arguments against anything that Ilmlta the wear one worker can use to extract more wages Basically labor to not likely to submit to controls unless management submits to controls Price controls labor says are not enough because manage ment can get around those by reducing the quality of prod ucts And there Is always the High ilorvICEJ rather products factory worker can see his wages ervdcd bclt cause the prices of lawyers harbors repairman etc go up not to montlon rents John Kenneth Galbraith says imd It is hard to fault him thot It Is impossible to have rea sonablyfull employment and no Innntlon without uticcthu con trols that work slmultnneously and inturrelutcdly on prices profits productlvlty Investment and wages Thcrc llns to be consensus In any nation on what the nations economic objective are on what the natlan as whole must earn and on how to share these earnings fnlrly In other Words rcstorlng the economic health of notion ls coopcrallvc venturo vhlcb can be anbotugcd by even small sog menu of labor or management The Venture can succeed if all Involved believe they arc vmrk tnvolvd believe they are work liig for themselves as much as for anyone else In Britain few people either In labor or management bo Iievo this For Mr Heath to Hui cccd In his economic plans he will have to cxcrtlcodcrshlp of truly superior quality and the British people will have to sho tho dedication to the common cause they showed In wartime TAXFREE EYES llumun corneas Imported Into India for use In cyo grufta have been exempted from any cus toms duty the finance ministry announced imam THE FIRST COLUMN Dog Days Bring Cure For Arthritis By KEN WALLS TODAYS LEAD item II de rated to dog lovers In pm hr those who have the pleasure of In the may of poodlellgcy come In all sizes and color the poodles not the lovers note where couple of us eastern poodle clubs are out to convert the poodle from show dog and house pet Into the workinz retriever that his remote ancestry was Rebiev Ing is the life or Illa don Alderman Roe Sachem or was It Bert Snelgrnvell may or may not have laid for It I5 the psychological expression which Is nadirIi to poodle as herding to collie Inmtihi to beagle or coursing to my bound ANOTHER POODLE fancier Terry Harris sternly reIects the transparently also nation that the poodle Is dandifled sissy Poodles have tremen dous lLrength driving power and the ability to compel rue cessfully with retriever and other breeds STILL MORE advantage poodlt lea have in the canine kingdom Being at French origin they readily adapt to bilingualism How do the poodles feel about it Our Pepi has revealed that they enjoy field work but sug gested that after generations of not having to work for their bread they may no longer have average sense of nose Most poodle handlers will tell you this Is not true will drag mo holding the cash rlght cross the street to net at Bell polc ABOVE FOREWORD just leads into the fact that we have reached the Dog Days of tho year Bow Wow POST OFFICE advised this column of another mistake The Austln Ayeratb have not resid ed on Codrlngton St for the past three years Cork and familys present address InniafII St in the afuent Allnndale area Artrnmns have been In Iormcd of sure cm for ur thrltls by James Hubbcrt the Indelatluablo Shanty Bay mall courier and baseball coach Just take Jlnl asserts plck ling mustnrdaccd and wash It down He dldnt say what to By I103 BOWMAN On June 30 I354 Conserva IIVo John lllncdonald formed coalition government vlth his urcheocmy Reform Lender George Brown It was from this shotgun wedding that Confeder ation was born three years later almost to the day The coalition government re sultcd from negotiations that began on June 14 when tho Tachcllfncdonald administra tion was defeated in tho legisla ture by two votes This meant another general election and Canada had already had two elections and three governments In two years It IUDkCLI as though the tiny Canada of those days was full lng apart The coulitlan not only enabled it to hold together but develop Into nation from the Atlantic to tho Pacific Erown brought two other no furmcrs Ollvcr Mowat and Wil liam McDougoll Into the gov ernment with him Among their conditions for joining the cauli Ilon was that Mncdonnld would support move to bring about the federation of all the British North American colanlcl Ilfocdonald had been opposed to this On the mornan of June it the day his government was melertbewuhdovm balsam cutlerer might prefer battered rum ORELIA NAM and 0223 of tha Cablaxue tribe have by on meted Inn Eplu Lunch weekend we trust The hfulpou Belle lulled Lake Cou chichlng ll Tint but law to navigate The Nmowx note with considzrable Interut the rs cdium of the rst Volume of the Newspackct commem orating Canadas mat bmorlst can Identify the author of this tune likely to be James lamb of the Orlllia Packet and Times The prtnter ts noon our er than my first cousin Johnny Dyrnent who began his two Krapr career wiLb the Boo rte Earminer now owns Stub ley Press In liarlpoaa THE DIFFERENCE between Mary St boys and Maple Ave boyl to year ago was simple lit SL boy chased balls The Map chased girls Who hid more fun MINI SKIRTS came back In to the news last week 11 Orr tario Safety League declared they are downright hazarde to motorists The police brought In another reason for dropping the hemline hell councillor Ln terviewed on the pleaded Arc you In favor of dropping mini sklru were not unanimously affirmative cor CHARGE from recent cartoon in Gartstian Science Monllor snowing teacher looking at small boy seated at piano Cnptlin read But you have to start with Mount and Beethov en and work UP to rock roll CANADAS STORY Confederation Born from Shotgun Wedding defeated be had voted against resolution In special committee favoring fcdcrntlvc system lipplied either to Canada alone or to the British North Ameri can Provinces There were 15 members on the special committee of which Brown was chairman and ill of them supported the resolution Mncdonnld was one of the four who did not But when he changed his mind In order to get more stable government for Canada he became the hardest worker for Confederation There were other reasons wily Mocdnnnld had changed his mind Ono of them was that north ern United States certain to bo victorious In the Civil War was talking about using Its army to seize the British North Ameri can colonies Perhaps be re memberod what Beolarnln Franklin laid when he signed the Declaration of Independ cnec We had better bang tolt scthcr or we will all hang sepa rntely UIIIEII JUNE 30 EVENTS iotaU citizens were given 14 days to leave Canada llznoglna was wrecked by hurricane with 28 lulled 3000 homeless bammmWMTSVYM JmMWWW IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Que tabarg Mome Harris ABOARDA seawmlr Nlaoara lzlver In late WERE PLACED lu Dealt WHEN 1J6 Scow mwthE BROKE AND IT was SWEPT DOWN lJl luvst TOWARD T45 EIZNK 0F fll HORSESHOE FALLS WWIIIVE MZ W5 Miili4 Vacuum 4F 715 xWWldJMVGVlfil DEWM W564i Vfifil 7i 541 0W5 WJPVifdw IflMAPID 0M4 WY Aaif PM 1W6 W5 We IMMW Luau Mackenzicilb FlREEliANo LEADEQ oF rAE REBELLION UWERCANADA 155 440 14545 7751t7ia MMer whitenrsz fay MM 71 JIME lml f6 dthIflll 964flfAIIIN70M ll lie2 WIN 1va IIIIMEIlMS ownerMime IIIMD Cloutaura 0F 5111794 weoumo As usso IEST PRAIRIE SETTLEES lzeounzso uAtFilAcRa aF son rum