DALE TALLON pf lelon oins Pros IDNDON Ont CPI Nine hudlzns Ied by amateur Dale Man l5yearold draft choice of Vancouver Csnucks of the National noony M13112 qualified Monday for the Can dian Open championship which begins Thursday at the lander Hunt and Chunky Club Tailnn shot twoundcnpu Tl although he had introver par on the parthree 18th hole to nish behind five profession ab from the United Suits Fil tytnrce of the zoo amateurs and professionals made the cut The five US professionals were Denny Tizianl of from wood Mien Chick Evans of Burlington Vt Chuck Courtney of LtJDlliI Calm Dick Rnut man of Menln Park Calif and Curtis Siffnrd of 105 Angeies John Schroeder at San Diego tied with Tnllon bail storm and high winds hampered the quallrlcis one of the surprises was the play of Bill Wright Jr of Edmonton the nyearold who won the On tarln Open at Guelph last wcek Wright was eliminated after shooting 78 He had rounds of deem in Guelph TWO TIED Canadians at were Ken hilton of St Julie Que and will llomcnulk of Winnipeg At 73 were Tom Tremblay of Brnnifard Ont Gary Pitchfurd of Toronto Moe Norman of Gii ford 0nt Frank Whihley of T0 mnm and Lawrence Ollcarnc of Dartmouth NS Regatta have Cuthur ing for the using and had at Henley in three years Prlne ss secondcplucc $1130 exuctor wNnoN0nt CPI Away Springer with Dale Duffy driv $fl00 featured llltlth rtlee Mundtty at Western llilir ltnccwuy fur sum and $390 HCIDSSIhlisillluld puy Second sevenvliursc field was 1n the fourth Yogi Byrd com bincd with Lady Quest fur $16030 exactur the best of the $660 dully double was fush lulled by Shelly II Lee in the first and Quick Devil ill the sec and The crowd 5123274 HAMBURG NY Bub Cuttrull of Dunviilc Qlte won the $1300 pacing feature at Buffalo Rucowuy Monday night with Victory Rally alt 11401 longshut Victory Ilttlly wont Illa dist linen In 208 and paid 525 it was Victnty ltnllys third will in iii of 3627 bet also won the sixth lungshut Cottrtzll Seutty pdid $1740 REPLACING OR INSTALLING NEW PRESSURE SYSTEM Give Sittttoc District Gimp cult before you buy PHONE 726653 for Iltllttul Slessur fur an cullluulu 259 lnnlslll Stu tintrte Henley Crews Have Difficulties HENLEY 0N THAMES Eng Canadian crtnvs tit the 15710 Royal Henley run lulu difficuls ties preparing fur their list ruund races Ridlcy College of lncs 0nt while fra regtilta July 14 were forced to wait around for two dliyzi when their shell failed to arrch tin schedule Toronto Argonauts borrowed shell ran into an acci dent on the course while prac tlslng Monday struttiqu aroundto find another Jhcll Tile Rldlcy crew the second one of 13 entries in the Elizabeth Challenge Cup ll cc fur schoolboy heuv wtlgllf nights The MO Cltlmdiiul and US lifter 11 Starts Mare Gels Win ST CATHARINES Aura Let Frost funnyuarold mare won her first race in II stnrts this year Monday at Gal City Raceway as she outd titanch six ulhtl trottcrs In the fourth race Ind paid $630 The combination of Eastwood Volndias in the first race and iwtirfhzi Cundy iii the second ptlid ti $3630 lttlly double while an Martin finished first III the silt race and combined with Iftiincuttl fur sehuulbuy champions they drew it firstround bye and will not compete until Thursday when they face Pangbourne College of England Also included in the field is New Jerseys Holy Spirit High School vbum Ridlcy defeated in the US championships Vnsh lnglonLce High School from Virginia will not be buck to de fend their title MANY 1N MATCH weight straight fuu Rowing Club of England with borrowed boat iiiInes been at llenlcy since June lcnge Cup sprints LISIEN HERE The Argu crew Ileavy will be competing against 42 crews for the Wyfold Chullenze Cup The will row Wednesday In the open Ing round against the Derby During the kc nd the Argus took part unsuccessfully in an Amsterdam regatta where they run Into rigging prubletils the tomato quartet iicg llo kosh Don Curphey George Novotny 20 and non Burgon 21 are grooming for the 1970 world ruwitig cliutltpiA Kinship scheduled for file first week ln September in St Calh Ille Ridley crew vhiell made up for lost time last Wednesday by going through four practice runs in that day they twice defeated Englands Quintin Boat Club one of the fit vorltos fur the Thames Chlll The Canadian buys Monday repented their double effort by beating an older crew from Yale University in haltmile OTTAWA CF The Can dlan track and eld team en route to the Commonwealth games In Edinburgh meets some Euro pea competition Sunday from the Prague Clecb osiovakia track club The oneday clash is billed by its Ottawa Kinsmen Club organ izers as the ouutanding one in Canada this year They expect the Canadian team will have in hands full with the powerful Moslovaklaiu The allmalz Prague team is led by middledistance runner Tomas Jungwlrth and triple jumper Petr Nemsovsky whose performances are among the worlds best this year But the Canadian team also claims some outstanding per formers including Debbie Brill of Haney EC Norm frerisc of Vancouver and Turnntos Erucc Simpson and Bob Rufus Miss Brill established the North American womens high lump record last menu at six feet onenuarter inch Ind licr peculiar backfirst jumping style has made the liyenbold athlete is goldmedal Iavoriie in Scotland Trer like many uufIJlllL ing Canadian athletes is on scholarship at an American uni vcrslty and recently ran timeminute 591second mile in year when uufstanding milers re scarce Olympic gold ined nist Hip Keino of Kenya is ex pected to provide plenty of op position fur Trerlse at the Games LEAD COMMONWEALTH Simpson and ltuflis liuvcoulic IG feet nine inches and 16 feet eight inches respectively in the pole vaultlaps in the Commun wealth In 197 Distance runner Jerome It of Toronto whose Chuvan Ready For Big Match tuni Fur have been given had In mnli mulch been signed fight more cullsidvratiun he stiid Cu vlin hits had since furtiilit Ittilt division Bill Stephenson keeps you uptotheminute sports weekdays 755 am1240 8t 640 pm FR1111 ONTARIOS AUTHORITATIVE NEWS VOICE SW TKE BARREE LWHNER TUESDAY Ontarios Track Athletes Meet Czechoslovakian Team smmn AP George ClllLVLIIO ullorunto the third ranked world hcavywclghf meets Ctr Ilu Refit of Seattle tonight fight which chu vlu mttlttilcr lrv Ungcrmun illcd very very impur Tlic fight is Cliuvtiius warm up or ti match with George Foreman was Olympic lleuvy vciglit champion Aug it but Ullgermun said more eunsldera lm to the Rent fight would Iler Uitgcrniuu said he fullLud to the Cliuvuluvflenu bout hilly before negotiations were com pleted June for the Foreman ff ltI known was getting tight with Furemtlii would have given it ltoniglits fight lie added titut it had cut for Chuvan could delay his fight vllil Fureniun of Haywood victories Hindi and is ranked ninth in lIlL heavyweight 15158 time in the 10000 metres is the worlds best this year will shift to the immune event and run against team mates Bob Finlay of Tumult and Grant licharen of Guclpb Ont Another Canadian expected to show well at the Commonwealth Games which open July 16 is Thelma Won of Vancouver who has been clocked at 1263 in the LEMmetro race Miss Fynn Penny Werlhner at Ottawa and Abby Hoffman of Tomato who won the twometre gold medal at Jamaica in 1966 will compete in the IOooyard event Miss Hoffman was left off the Canadian team after poor shuwing in the Ewmctre even at the Games trials in Ilaltiil Inn June 20 and ii spokesman for the dual meet said Abby should be really flying Sunday in an ef tort to show room sclectuls they were wrong in not naming her to the team OPEN am TO 530 pm Hard Plastic nig Value ti fI altimeter diamet no it square ft diameter ft uiumetur holds approx nl Woolworth neg shim NOW SAVE lk CIIOQUET CHILDREN player sci lewnlt LStl SAVE five fancy fringed ends BLINDS gold avocado flltlufi blue Woolworth litg $395 one up PATIO CHAIRS Choose AILGUS 154 INSIAMATIC ulld film Only FIIISHITE The perfect bench fuy ltcgttlur Milli TIIUNKS Hundreds of different styles colours colon $099 Value NEW OWNER OF SEALS Charles Finley 15 Boss NEW YORK Jun b1gt cause Charles Finley ts the new virus of Oakland Seal it al League team to sum wearing ublte skates to match the trait baseball leys Oakland Athletics wear right away anyhow Wlltu skates are out now from Will Ive heard the governors Monday after his 500000 bid for the ailing Oakland franchise was accepted met tempura hie offer by roller skating prtr DEBT DEVELOPED mater Jerry sinner emu told me the Frank Selke Still Not sure OAKLAND Calif Charles Fin her the fan in hi3 bodth motdd one six not no es and blow me at samequ com never attracted enough supper Uaklazds to pay us nets ua ago the team was Uld the pi Getting building is Finley fin FYOJQCI lie is the third once of the by San Francesca Seals ud to tmnai Comnlttntcat Turk ul sumo purchaser dcfau ed as scheduled pi urtglnul exped the hooded Hockey said hr use Ran shod Ftn Inc team in mhfnifntf franchises ancinltydroubicd maxi CJIS and id off all oi wutandmg on Lions and left said Clarence Campbell pn dent of the NHL the Seal will ed officially by Charla lo Ftntey and Co Inc modest ex an Geri turn of the rtn with Finley pmgtptx1lve pit Finley for resale Campbell 51 TransNational Night the lain The Seals joined the NHL tn 1067 when the league doubled its One gur be fine but in fun thought vuttld increase attendance not in loom said Fl tinm uunte far tn and up ru bet cell III oi on picturi he purch sewn to epiwd CIHC flail tear to Oakland alter the Finley litxn qu flamboyant Oakland men in key positions such as coach Fred Gluten and manager batchins Athletics has reputation fur firing managers and cometnce pcrsunnel at the drop of bi Will it become at the slap of National financially Frank hed iim ncral Selkeand keep them lts ttiu soon to said Monday licll tisde if IM planned to slay with the club lluunt talked with Mr Fin llh Scott If it didnt plirtut vcle th unit cunenn that Iilnt nee the tnltd In no tnuvd nwcianp ion the puck llackt troubled Oilh llitl ScaLs hi quired Mund Gnu uullttftd ills llerclti It CHILDRENS WAblNl 0015 BASKET CHAIR COVERS choice urinals nonm butk Woolworth IltL $2le SAVE 15 $199 $I0 OFF BOYS GIRLS BICYCLES in our Spurting Gulldx Devi Here are few examples BOYS CCM MUSTANG MAURAU DER $4995 Plus tltttlty Inittiy titurt STYROFOAM COOLERS 32 quarts lten $IJl 559 $481 WOODS SLEE Durable utter robes $888 CDLEM LIl STOVE ST Lightweight folds flat their TIIEItnIDS was By Thermos mm mm joined together Lomp 999 ONLY GIRLS CCM CHEETAH $5795 SAVE St $459 10 quarts uarts tiu $19 Itcir $495 $9 $32 MUD SUNGLASSES TERRY BEACH TOWEIS By Caldwell beautifully patterned ILtts llfld Ntiltlls stitch in as ortetl shapes and colours Wuulwnrth ting SI 00 $299 to $399 VINYL REED umes AND $198 LEI SPORT SHIRT ut awnmiwwnwwou zaW ramimumm cow illicitr pcrlnu ItlLuI for plitlus and collagen ML plqu Canadian tttudt SAVE SLTJ ER RY THIRTS Mens sliurt stone slit it gold gritn sand mile Btimooo tlulld woven styles to MilliGains SAY is elrltixvlvtciy variable lultls in uttntluulll $I998 nivtttt NYLON HUGS Vlvulivurfll MAW Complete with flash cubes cattle itllittltu ftllllu fitttvtls tovtt positions Woolworth SHAG CORATOK RUG flltltilltfyltt yinn long ulxot assorted cutouts mummy Also new to tIlllltIl lliorc Kl CUIIIlfitlt Still cit Stu NOW $838 SAY IZ $211 numan $W prisbgv 01 99C Frisbees Only MENS and DYS SWIMMING $399 FUTURA PAPER WARE Napkins tiliyltxIOlllS cups plates Reg llJc for 39 SUPER COLD BLUE Delicious iced drink OINIKQ prune lime cherry lenltill raspberry mothers best friend at the cottufle Usually $159 NOW Buyu from $I44 to $399 hlenn from $288 to $750 IIADIES COHON KNIT 0st Sizes SMLl wide ISWHtullIOf fiavorsuf ONLY NOW ISC