ol to qul mm mm JUN 11 in VKINETTE CLUB OF BARBIE EXECUTIVE dent Mrs Shirley Ann Mcch voy prcsldcnl and Mrs Vau ghnn Quinlan secretary Ex aminer Phnto Ilughes vice president Mrs Dianne Rogers past president and Mrs Carol Harris treasur or Sitting lrom left Mrs Belk nice Tnltcrsall vice presi newly elected cxccu ol the Kinetle Cub of Bar so or the camcra alter Innqu dinner meeting row from leIt Mrs qun NLANDERS ADVISES ants Columnist Fired or Opinion On Arthritis leenugcr who would like to re spend to your suggestlun that teens should respect their pars cuts and notva rcspmlslblllly couldnt agree more but how can teens respch lhcir purtnls when they dont respect us und they dont give us any responsi hIIity How Is kid uppusud to know whut respect Is when hls parents yell at him all the time Ann Lundcrs have men to the publisher per asking him to lire um sum he will rccolvc other such letters work National Arlhr Foun and am incensed by tablemcnl all mYlhrItgs is gonorr on ve usultdlovrry nrlhrillc the puma dont are how you law Id your job so long muk crazy ntntcmcnls as you wrllo your column bottle of glu by the type Dont you have an edI read your stun bcIolo Into the paper hope ey re you that you pluln anything posed to know what never give him It chumc to ex criticllr him from morning till nIghtncver compliment or word oI en couragement How are we sup nsIbIl Ity II uverylhlng is one or SHOPPERS GUIDE By AUDREY COLLSON As resultm the seasonal spmgsmnmer period the usual denim nor bed can be expects but Lb demand brings Expect Il Dairy Month Is Noted In Weekend Food Features reeser last elrsl clues crop ED CHEESE PUFF sure buttered wlute bread cups shreddud ed higher prices also Beef whether hamburg or cups milk bone steak gum fawnIt at Worcestershxe sauc W12 mmkouts But also salt mat on the grill is chicken Altar perusal er the wreks cook uho will shop In chicken whether or indoor cooking pic June bung Dairy Month in Canada look for specials in cheeses butter and cream the latter to accompany uie luscious homogrown strawberries spa cial at one chain or 49 per quart box Gimsc slices and spreads are Icalurcd along ulth butlrr at Lb The produce counter at the markets are bright with all the good lhlngs this season green onions and radishcs bunthcs 29c lettuce 29c given peppers or 25c tomatoes 25 per oz carton new crep green beam 25c lb and cabbage Zlc Add tho salad dressing and your salad made cantaloupe are special at or 69c bananas 13c lb valcrmclun see each and orung cs lrom 69 to 79 dozen Getting back to the chickcn best buyat 251 II or Irycrs chickens or roasting 37 1b and capons big to lb birds 43c lb Chlckcn places an 91 It To cook ahead and give more chsurc to spend with the family en the weekend there Is collage roll et 85c lb and picnic shoul dcrs 59c Polish suusugc is lb mcncrs 550 bologna 19c lb Loin ul pork Is 65c lb Btol IIor lb Ilulnburg slunk 55c lb or lbs $1 at another store chuck stuuks 78c blndu or short rIb ruusLs Sic It Stock up this wwkvml with things or lhe cottage Assorted picklc relishes an 12 oz jur sl lly puudtrs 9c culmtd lruit cocktail or plrlellpplc grupe fruit or orange juice or tins 29c snmc sILc tinned upplc juice 25c Cumlrd potatoes are tins Sugar 51 com 11 Ilt Is 483 Gr lb suck 090 on size for 79k collce 790 lb lurge size eggs Uc dozen Bakery spcclul Include pouch ANN LAme my husband will not let me alone He says am lazy and stupid or plddllng away my tImo He hat mudo mo Iccl Ilka leech because lnamuot blllll rig in money recd In uds t0 rnce Help wanted Female Twiw have InlandI Elbe Deli Hi pr Then went on to suyln some excellent points hope II on ucstlon spouse Thanks 01 good letter mm received culls mm agencies It does net mean howevor Hoff mdwmmy cenlldenunl to Were Ve Inlt tovcryonc who has arthritis reheat Nut necessarlly My husband Is an oxcculive and we are not hard up or money have never been in big spender and am more conscrvu tIvc Ihan most women in our cmwd do my own nulr We have no muld In the home dont mind an occuslonal part timo job but dont want slcutly work Is this wrong FIMIJ Irlcll Wlthnut End Dear FISC woman In her mldos who has raised three chlldren should not go back to lulltime Job unless II addi Ilonul Income ls needed or she wants Io RFSPECIS PARENTS Dnlr Ann Lnnderl It Ilom VD Hero another plo Excessive drinltlng cause clrrliosls ol the liver not evcryone wlth cirrhosis tho Ilver not It as result of linkhgg Theredo you fuel or pllmtnt body sick ACTOR WIIII SEPARATE Dear Arm Lanairs rm tin In my mid 50 and have ured three chlldmn worked are the utilidron were born made good money quit htnour last chlld entered high on In pleasure not to sol an arm clock love staying at and dolng as plague But Monduy Vugntr and his wi Marlon have been murrle sevcn years They have daughter Katharine lama Miss Green Thumbssays come and visit Cash and Curry GARDEN CENTRE for oORNAMENTAL TREES aox PLANTS OFERTILIZERS oSEEDs eRENTALs ePEAT moss ocARoENlNc TOOLS tenoro TILLERS oLAWN MOWERS leacncmes ewaeo SPRAYS OPERENNIAL PLANTS oBULK GARDEN SEED oFREE PARKING Phone 7266531 259 INNISFIL ST us and we urcnt oven nllowcd to rmikc dcclslons Vltul to our llvcs II klds parents Wont Ive him respect and responsi billty vthom can be turn to Youvo rulsed jars loosu ow parental bruins In fact It mlght have been mm an0 CurtnIn Irlsh are people of Irish descent who have Irult in the house when no HOLLYWOOD AP Actor Robert Wagner star of IeluVi sions It Takes Thlcl and his wllo hnve separated spokes man IDI the cuuple announced pie 45c arich cuke 3m and hamburg bum Irom 29c puckugu IO pack or $1 The mclpc In the column tor day plny up Dairy Month The cheese pull and needle bnko are food advertisements its van P909 dash cayenne dry mustard slices bacon Arrange shirts nI butter all or barbecue cocking bread greased baking dish prmklc with half the cheese Repeat wltbremulnlng brrad an cheese Beat cggs add mllk Ind remaining SEBONIIES Pour cus nrd mixture over the bread and helm at 350 domes ler 30 to minutes on Incon In small pltccs try until crisp end splin kle over the cooked pull just b6 orc scrvuig servings SAVORY NOODLE BAKE lcup chopped onion clove garlic crushod oil lb minted heel 190 can tomatoes 5202 curl tomato paste 1L tsp salt tsp ugur tsp oregano tsp pepper tsp crushcd chill peppers up chopped parsley 1402 pkg cream cheese sullch pint dairy sour cream Iblsp our 870 pk noodles cooked and drulntd cup grated cheddar cheese but oil until transparent mver and gently occasionally rhccst minutes scrvings BLUE mu PIE cheddar cheese Saute union and garlic in but not brown Add meul and stir until Add iemutees and see simmer to hours stirring Combine cream cheese sour rrcum and Hour Arrange hull lhu noodles in greased buk illg dish Spread with hall the cream chcesc mixture and cov er with hall the meat mixture Repeat Sprinkle with cheddar lake at 350 for 20 IV Dram DEFWE resent juice Blend crcam cheese Lab spoons suger vanila and my lcspoozs pineapple syrup Mix drains weppte spread to botttrn cl outed pm spiel XML Blend up suslr com sunk and salt in saucepan Measure pineapple syrup add water to make 11 cups Blend into cum starch mature sumng censtanl bring to boil and bed one minute over medium but Stir in berries and cook lo minutes later madilmt heat Add lemon 3m Cool curmletelyl Swan over milled errum cheese layer cull top with ulnppul cream bdara senInc Makes serving 13 PASTRY lone cm Inch pc it cups sillcd allpurpcsc Hour tsp salt cup com all cold water IIour With salt in bow Blend corn nil in than with rent Sprinkle nil in tor mcr mixture ux well Press dough Ilnnly lnlu bull III hands Roll into Cllclc belucrn JhXIS waxed paper IIxn lIIlll with dump cloth lu nnltllt paper mm slipping Im II mp layer pILI pastry in plc Null Elnmull in summer ml When You think of Duel Think of Reeves Jewellers baked Winch pustly shell Ellox curl crushed pineapple tulle pkg cream chttM sulttncd sugur vmiillu in cup Ir com starch salt cconomlcul luncheon or supper dlshos Tho ple male uolng dulry products is nleo uscml in empty re We lemen linen Whipped cream on Dunac $50040 2nd PRIZE $2500 Dyuuchrome Dylnachrom OPEN EVERY AND Pick up an entry Iorm at one new euommlno yo WWWWWW DYNACHROME FILM 12620 for len SATURDAY II TlllI I0 F0 SAVINGS um pkg town blueberries or up Ircah blueberries Diamond Itlvhalll and It Lmologlsls nu TOWERS own Sile games lour Film from 3m wveec Mugesmm $442 gilt certihciltc gilt ccrlihcutc gilt wrticnto 000 mm ewswwc emym tLiuLzaLcunuIemuArewuuwiu Entries must be photographed on Dynachrome Colour Film Irom 3M Company The lm with the true colour memory SPECIAL 135420 for slides lrlcs SIIOIP DAY UNTIL In Coyorogooortmenl alga on can win value In cor on ur Iavourlle colour Ilide photographed on GM Dynochmmo Colour Film bARnIE ONESTOP camma eyllpld Street multivay 28 tind 27 1uww WM GE FLASHCUBES Improve your outdoor photos by using fIllin ush food Gill Nydntxv Sn nl paperside up Petl ull Llpvr nllzll til the Nulllwm IlrlIlItll right AllNl huvcn is and it pastry loosely mm me Dancing hulll slum In the daughter at Ir and Mrs dish Trim and Ilult rapes Allislml urv the rum two Roger Prilncll Lisa and Prick puslr lake in wungslm lmm BJlrlc Ili Shelley pcrIo sulcral lap own 12 to Is mlnulus nr unllll siltcl lclt lslhcstlLuytnr cc nmtm n1 culshuw light guldcn broun old daughter at Ir and lrs lllu glrls mslruttur niIUullln ull lJnkI llISIIlrn 19 Dunlop St Eds The xdwcc ll exptrts Ls INA costly than lhe mistakes oI GIFT CERTIFICATE PRIZES All prizes are gilt certicates for merchandise from your Towers camera department CONTEST OPEN To ALI TOWERS CUSTOMERSt Contest ends September 12th 1970 DANCERS 11 I1 rl Shelley ltingx Walrtien Tln SIIdM 725411