IN SIMCOE COUNTY Suicide Committed More By rms nifty trial It more deadly than the mole lean as or his am hi mourned An Onlarin punt releasod this cc show that Sumo 1m malts are live time more likely take their own 111 than arzl larcl lzmnlci wetlal report on suicide and lclIInictzd Inlury prrpar Isbuvc comparison among num gcrws othm In the liveyour period cover cd by th rcport mummy male In Simmo lock thclr own lives TILn ls rullo 197 per 1000 poplaltm In the same riad l2 lamach or pct IWJYIO dild In that lnanntr The combined guru of 74 It xmntx 101 per 100000 popula tlnn which Is nightly bclmv um nallunal rallo 106 in 1917 Firearms and cxploslvcs are the most Ircqucnl means ern pluyrd by sulcldal malts poly ans nn most common or males 1m compoile pitlurc reveals um the must Illtcly malc suicide an adult 50 to 54 your all mle or divorced ling in In Narlhcm omarla He must llkvly will employ firearms arl xploslru in Novtrnbcr The composite female in the some 5051 alto bracklt also wzdoAkd or divarcca but ml mast llkcly will reside in South crn mum and slum palm in July now ACCURATE The report alm queslions the accuracy or IL can nding in one rcxnrd It rm that Bic munS in all may be low In some the moon slaw lhcm lnsullicicnl MIIIVE clldcnce ll indicate lhul the LILIILII was cm to xuimdc lbw casts would be as led accidental causes hrr Khan to sulcrdz and wllinlltctcd injury inst reflects gcnml cam 26 per mcnt by human obscnus um Iulm cm mm prowdly high mimic rates or amply mom accurate penal oi ouch denim In lact European ctrinitial With high wind rain lurid In hint lawnr acci dcntaldralh ram Despite lh poulbl linden tilnoun ol lulcldc lt LIIII rank 11an among IIIL and cans cs oi death dunng Ihe liverycar period with 3171 dmths or an nvrrage 01 me nor year The re port nolcl This lm Plan that niulbulcd to diabech melL Inn 196 but more than were ILJIKJlIld tn cirrhmtsoi In liv cr HTJI ulcer ol stomach or du odrnurn lclall or bcmln or in lcsllnal obstrurtlon 4350 GENERAL FINDINGS Among gen ml xndzngs an Lhcse lads Alqrc lhzln two and onehalf limes 15 many men Imus as women 1831 commu ch sulcldc nie iuicidc rate or males per 100000 population was L36 Ioucr than Simcoc areas mic camparud will role 52 lor ILInJlLS hlgher than slmcoc arms raw The leading method sul Cidc among Inth 50x01 cumblm rd IIIIJHIIL and cxplkocs ac counted Iur um dcalhs or 320 per cent ul all suicides Halts cuntrlllunu 90 tlusc and lo scx ratio of Ilrcurllu and ngtpongtibc or all male suicides DlL MJC lending method SUILICI XIIOHITHL uccounlud lur Intal of 1041 dcallls must nu xlixunlng was rah ponslbc for 512 falclilxcs Zl pcr cum all malc sui cides was till mosl rc nutn um by Icmalcs mnlnlmtmg or 560 per cont lilu dc In from sUlcidc ll mom Homvn Ihcr mclharl nlloui wan hanttmtz and runnulauun 21w per cent OI all bui deb drnaln almmt nor cent 01 all sul mw jun mm mm plum cutlmg and picr0 mar organs 4le pcr cv IS prmcllu OI Lmltdnfiltutl can has CMIPBELL lbcvzn prl Culhulic laxllqu ml Island and Mr rauzm he and Mn IIrlmlzn uI Orillm lIr Ilunman upgrading 91 held June Jam and Mar MA arrna Jean Cray wd all Hamilton to of thtu to Brazil in the ALDRXX cl iJlJ Thu prJ ail students per the mm In lean wannalanai tho mm mm zld mare particularly Li Unit MI doing and timid be 6m EIl 1hr pmy 11 and illillxaw mum rm racy 573 yon or their mm Rev and Mrs Dva ILaIIzn and Dons mvrhtr 5m Mian Undmy wit pre um 125 SundA mummlt The 771 aim vi Mr and MH LVd firqu on minJim Lamyrlnd in Llannga when Carol nut The Slrauhann variant men also warmMr anl ms mum of Ilarrlc 11 vi 3111 and llnl litunit Simon 0m Station Ax wcll all 1qu our accuunlnl ul they urnth in Ilmzll the wrls rimmed pic III nlc ll nllltml wax we mauled by Gordan Framrr rI Hamilton and Imdml and Wm llacltxl In lllenlluln Tlll Inl ur zoom puniml m4 crlnltrtHut n2 Iln hl Avultnr Mm llu llnrrr thunk lllln all rnchnn nmlw llturl 1101 and thy ed I17 remml Ir lIlll luncllwrn MM larv dxl III the Vimwnt Irlrm mlll Inn 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pe cent and othrr and mammal mans pct at mlLgory includcdl ul llill wruppNI you buy II lull llmlml lllul composh picture at all mum pinpoint the widow ed at tinorctd 9mm 015054 the most ltltly suicide the pon also nous another high in cidence among Icmalrs that the made woman trauma and 44 year oI age Alina was responsible hr 50 CONVENIENT Jun ip the battery Into the handle ll hatter not Ile IlllQ lurncr 2lrarll 1qu and pllir oi tongs 77 JIIII mnllluu llllllllll nylml lllIl A3 13 ctr man nursed ferrules war eus 91 mm 4n lluncu 1an Ilcllsunt odor 127 llnlnlnll lllllll lllllll HEDGE TRIMMER TIM llhlllxc Ill IlluIIIEIllllllll IIllltk hurl Ibwzkvr Illlllltu rlmmcr huh llll lllljlhvllllrll Trout wrnlwuuuml llumllu Plull you EM IXltmhltm curd WIIII hllll lllnmllr 1mm 95 Illu Iriur cllth mm lull CAR CUSHION CAR VACUUM CLEANER 97 ruth lllll Into clunroltu huh your our mmlly nnd clllclmltly Klopll 25 mp molor only wllh your Iouklul nowl Open Evcry Shopning Day To mm to To pm Sat mm to 10 pm suinic on Liz rcpon X13125 that the wade role deanM duri the Int years at tho Second World War reaching in point cl 17 pct moon papullnron In ms By 1556 the rate Ind increased to 101 per 100000 During no post gt Ky thusuiddoraletuedmda mm LIGHTER FLUID ligntcr nulll WIIII bumIn nozzle 43 ml rl Ill wrh loluxo Inltllnu Iountw In blue or llVlmHtlu Fold Hill for rlmy Moving nnd lor travell Men eadlyuudrexl lcdapbtwubd lbngmgws nubuiacustd high of tunemun ism mumawmm may regarding at but pull we can as Dagmrul humuhid uranium unissxi mm heart to see thus be 31 SH icy Jean Bahthard ms the personal mandxzzs1st the on Hone Isl July to 1m s3 m1 mm xbe mgr award In barrier lambs IorPk 1459 3111 am who dicd sacking 125 owns REG PRICE 1497 24 ELECTRIC BBQ an or am rim Elks in mane Irmt Is pa =21 the mnyl elm WNW RANCH WAGON BBQ Wife Hgms gt TomasMY mummmmm MIMIhumand 537514le Cam In other mmnIICSAI3 mums In mmVlgmmlwnnltnm mealthcminyham TRY EXALIINEB WANT ADS PHONE 7318 PLEASE DAD wml GIFTS nlon mums BATTERY PIIWEIIEII BIIIIBEIIIIE 97 EACHTHIS WEEK This battery driven barbecue makes eating outdoors more fun Theres swingout spit and an adjustable grill The folding tripod legs have sturdy wheels for ease in moving The Wraparound hood reflecis heat for even cooking Battclies not included PORTOGRILLE BBQ ach 97 Touunt 91 Tower 91 mm lrlco new Prlco rice cncII 1931 encll 133 ll lannn vc In II wmgfmnld 1051 lnh AlljllluIIlL gr hcnvy duly CSA Wraparound windscreen makes cooking chwmc hand ow mam molar or mungcut spll ALso Tm lsler curry handles allow doubling tric motor Towers Tlcu Irlrl M71 88 each lnunrcc JIG SAW ii cmll 44WWJ Ior harm or not lune qu wood or nwlul ml vlll tllt in III 24 um um lllr Illml lluluxo Ill nuw with allqu and cl up ulllu Illllnu hIltlu null Block Dockor rulscr Ewingout hpll and clcc ncluxo Reynolds ulumlnum with In wcbhlntl any lullh In bluo or uvoclulo lo mulch the Olive and dark Ilmc ancru lieu Irllc 20171 Pamplr Dlltl wilh El box slotI bollnm lruy tubular legs FLORAL SUN COT 77 each Icnutll Illltllng vinyl sun cut svpnslllinn Idluxlmcnl hcllcul springs and cum multrcssr juslznblc grill us picnic hamper 16 11 Vilh ll 14 gtIICIII Icvcl Elec Drill Tmqu llult Prlcc MIR II Illntl null Ur vullublc IIIII with luck my gar Hint at Drills to Mt 77 each ks rcd lurks in hasntd in steel lllul In hnlxlwuml Foam lMaIrtll Alumlnum Inth Bmooth no In Vllcclll BARBIE ONESTOP CENTRE Bnyllold Shoot Hluhwoy 28 and 27 Food Olly