HOTEL PAH HURONIII DIRECTOR Neville Keefe of Midland mark oger of the Georgan Bay Re Dcvclopment council for the Humnia association emong the award at con vcntian in mum is Dalton Waller of Toronto president and sounding at right is certificate of merit in area promotion must spon soer by the Canadian Tourist Association is 3000pr by Region Trend Viewed By Tosorontio Reeve was expressed these would grad ually level off as predicted ALUFEDN SOUTH Discussing the Dtsign for velopment plan of the provincial governmcait Reeve Wales noted Simeon County was Zone and partly in Zone Zone was from Alliston south The significance of this Lonm and other aspects is expcclcd In be uplolued ut coming meet ings arranged for various county centres Enlarging on his proposal that Simcoc County should provide its guidelines for development gionul EVERETT Stuff Simcoel County council and local coun cils should be providing guide lines for practical form of glonnl government since this seems to be Inevitable it was suggested by Reeve James Wales at Ihsomutio chairman of the countys administrative study committee local odmmistration should be kept strong in any twotier system of regional adrninistrotion argued Some boundary chang esand amalgamation may be awry but the pllm followed partly and local Reeve Wales GIIJORD Staff him of Czlford Womens Installs are the hostesses for todays spring meeting of Seoul Sum ma brandig As mien of lhe Satan Sim coe dstricf Mrs William Suthv Hlllnd has been asked to tender the official welcome to the dele we uho are gathering to hear annual reports and led of Bars for the new terms FAu lime Plans 50 vnll be made far Kyratation at the LAodd full meeting of all the womens institutes in Simone Counry area at onlli in Nowmbcr The 19th am meeting was held at Stroud lib Neilly as maiden Elmvale Request iFiled By County EILWALE Staff re improvements to road 30 at Orr Lake has been placed on tile for dunm 2m ilr Keefe is der actor of the Hurnnin Assoc on turns Reeve Keith Imogen Wat to Bradford and Iolfcnharn to cle beads the county roads committee which also in lirea Plan Rapper eludes Reeve mum Arms of hledbuie Reeve Ernie Miller of In Colllngwood glam gggcgulylg Council Studies Qurie of Notlavrasaga along coobtown Budget with Warden George Davis of COLLINGWOOD Stuff the Ontario governments Design for Development plan or on area was criticized by Dcpuly Reeve meiggsmgdgxbm Home For Elderly un CollECX no people are not too happy Has 106 People nth the plan he commented Ivy Iingwoods designation re in Collingwood You are being mice or Collingwood told it was not local de Georgim Mich ingwood 69 member of Collinglvood new as Reeve Spoonel served two years as councillor before moving up chapel at in Muskokn when some 22 mus nlcipaliticswem reduced to six would not be fensble for Smcoo eoumy it was suggested SELPI IN POWERS It is fact that county ud ministrauons are losing their powers the county committee chairman said sugng this mm4cbmm in the gov ornmcnt grunt system have nude it mom necessary for Slmcocto consider some form of regional government partciulnrly if it can be done wlthout seriously up setting the local adrninlstrntlva structure Reeve Wales granted that 10 cal administrations closest more people were the most popular since they are more responsive to local opinion In discussing school zones change in boundaries might be said We have the opportun ity to do something practical as colleague to more lllcl lllc were now and we dunt act it is Kenn as Collingwoods rcpn Lawrence Crawford director of likely it will be done for us we sentntlvcs on Simcoe County homes for the aged branch of the could be forced to do something NunclL department of social and family services had recoxnmendcd mnsidaration for these additions femibility study at no cost grant system be suggmtcd present studies byuhis com mitt shall be to owed nudcgouneil is whole ghouls more Lionsllub will jointly brhlr Crawford We have consider ndimhblaocnl municl Non Kn can VA me ahmld nwasn cy cr give Pma be slimming more by changes in the in any event REEVE WALES advisable as well as 547m Hanover he did not believe the people of the county would want to see mult nicipalities reduced tn the same extent as in liluskokn ANALYSE OPPOSITION The Muskoka experiment has pointed up some of the difficullt ties of trying to nmalgnmute up ban and rural municipalities The special votlrs held in various Muskokn townships reflected the strong opposition which appar ently was felt toward me region mt concept Whether or not will be nmnlsumnuona here he said aI governm this was justified shown as the experiment pro gresscs There is something wrong with system which makes lo cal people ch more or less hclp less when they have problcrrls to Reeve Wales com tlempting Io annllt ize the reasons for most of the when administration people felt they registry office virlciul jurisdiction once looked after alhth odmin istlation but now as repre sentation on we mam riot math math mot ll Imus The county Collingwood Told 0t Flight Plans ODLLINGWOOD Staff 10 cal Interest has been shown in veterans flight to Manohes tcr England planned for this coming summer under the spans sorship of District of the Royal Canadian Legion Paidup members of the Le gion are eligible to enmll for the Air Canada special Right Plans call for it to leave the Molten international airport on Friday Aug 28 calls for the return flight to ap plvo at the some airport on Illon day Sept 21 Mills Box 174 Ii mond Bill Is in charge of reg istrntlon DISTRICT BRIEFS BALL SEASON OPENS THORNTON StainThe 1W0 Simone County baseball season for Thornton Indians is schedul ed to open this eve rlcw Barrie team wl Thornton diamond CHANGING TIMES COUISDN Staff UnLil it was discontinued last year Goul suu had local post office for 90 Mars Mall to the community is now delivered from Goldwater Institute Elects Three From Oro HMVKESNNE Slamrim Om residents have been rcceiw ing congratulations upon their mm PM election to office for the new term of Suncoe East Womens Institute my 3mm 351 INCONVENIENCED or run income Whamm new dSmC APPEARING IN rlrn llAnluE EXAMINER Insdnt WWUISMS Ed run vrmsum or HAMIJST snowN STAILRED 305mm RR Onmn wln ION scunu AND nor Nlcm WILLIAMSON as ADVERTISED ship The cast Slmcoe district Womens Institute dates back to 10 Mrs Gil Lloyd of RM llawke stone was elected convenor for handling rwoluflons while Mrs Ed Johnston of RE Hawke stnue was chosen federation of use representative John Brown and Mrs David Parry both of Washago were elected vice presidents Mrs Walter Fredericks of sbago soelctary treasurer Mrs John Brown nistanL Doris Salmon of Orillia was chosen historical research and current events oonvencr BARRIE THEATRES lifes in an opposition was done locally could take up matters with their local members and usually it would be ironed out The head of the Tosorontio council said he believed it was mistake for the provincial take over assess that phase of municipal administration in the past This in itself had raised considerable apprehension Peo bcen used to having this handled through local The schedule government to an impor ple bad function representatives fbe substantial tax increase which followed the change in dministratiorl to county boards from local made many wary centralization of Wales ganted in advantages haoi adnlirus these had dis school or regions boards also about further powers there were corta to the county so tration but cmpbasncd to be weigh advantages tho sharp rise in cos NOW SHOWING AT COLLINGWOOD DRII Ayicult ning when th ll visit the Wa and Mrs od against th one of which was is The hi7 LOTS OF SHORE Cape Cod Moss has about too miles of shoreline EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST BMNIIE BARRIES FINEST DANCE FLOOR our Dancus Mootlngs mnemm museum Illbl EliIa Milli Mercede MCCAM Herbert lmil Disllay Woddlngs Rama Banquets lunuuet polmus nvnllnmo Lurue or Small Gnupa For Information 7268967 ri Salim Luciano PALUZZI BRIDGE LOM us the camnor wmmu at the Glcrd brm will quest from Elmvnle mlde for future reference by Simcoe County roads committee it was CEN ES hitting Fresch and his Cm munch asked lul work on the mam mm road which needs straightening to improve some hazardous as reference was made to Col Simone Manor at Beeton has 106 residents according to lat crcntional area He felt the de cst figures released by tho clsmn should have been made countys social service commit aller consultations with people we headd by Reeve Melvin Manor at Penctarl clslon hecdsald popping EIljl gt sheac has 98 roside and was term central we ll the new muse Manor Cu PIAN BUS Tm bed wing at council for five years Deputy one Manor in rcpth the old section and an auditorium and Georgian lll The report said in wmrridg Lb Sixth Shinto dekgstu am ll will mark in rst time la some years sac Galloni was chosen in racet lng hlra Cannon lmrncdm past Widenl extended the in vrfazinn on betuLf the Gillan brand Lb year uhcn is was held at Buses alls Cannon is now secretarytreasurer Pint VlCtrprSidunl of the Gil ford branch Mrs Kneeshaw is current dlSlrL1 dambt of the unit 1111 Mrs KER al lemane Brandi dlrvcd or include lrS Bell second icepmidml Mrs Sawyer and Mrs Sbcfficld Mrs Atkins LS the am ant miniy treas while Mrs lingers is public rclalt lions ofcer M11 Kell and Mrs Neilly an auditors for Lite term MAIN COXVENERS Mrs Todd is in Surge of resolutions and 315 Hall the Necdsrnuir history 5135 Luck is Convener in charge of historical research and ailment events Convener for agriculLure and Winn industrits is hlrs Bell with Mrs Ncgtitt home economics and health con vener and Mrs Roll for citizenship and education Brandics in the South Simone district extend Imm Coakstnwn Albston as well as Various groups in Innlsfil WOKSIYJWN Staff We hope to gel nul in rate seltlcd soon said Reeve Norman Cook stating in and colleagues have been going over budget figures for 150 as in other Simmc County munlclpnlities bokstmvn has shown mnmm over school tax cs numbers of the council bu sldes Reeve 000k include Dr McKay Marne Mrs lennox Rm and Robert Riley IVY Stuff Ivy Womens Institute is sponsoring bus trip to the Science Centre in Toron to on Saturday June 13 Ill Clarence lloggarth is in charge of registering members interest cd in taking the trip TO SPONSOR CAMP CREEMORE Staff Ruen lo the all was moo sponsor twobvcek day cum done some pm recorrlmcndallous and film park New Lowell opening than churn whl would eflerin inmngive Emmy June 29 with drum County re lepon at later dam said merits from the ratepuycls point of view We on all cation service mmmlttce report mlrllmol nun NSUIIS elm mussel WI mint Staffing SlRillMER Willi JEFF CRfY rumours mmmom mum PWVISION DOIOR BY DEIIIXE EVENING SHOW STARTS ADULT urinemm Iimlnnry work on will Mailed Cr mm THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY should be our major concern he stressed While the recent loss of as sessment was the most discuss ed aspect at the sum in polens mm from the county council level doom 22 WW5 shifts in recent years 1b in Haqu 6N3 eluded adminiSLrativc of justice nd ems THE suuoarlcs KID OUR APODOGIES TO THE PATRONS WHO MAY HAVE BEEN 171 ADVERTISING MAY 13 AND 14 MAXIMIIr NOW SHOWING the KEEP COOL DISTRICT NEWS TEE BARBll EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY School Costs Up Oro Rate Mills an 35 mills of fire protection ulnlc another named alt one STATION 45mm 0m pay an ddluc township mass 11 rule for 1970 nulu up 655 mills oer year guns ago it was sham by ngunzs re leased by Reeve Allan McLean The gcnenl levy was dozens cd by cducaonaluLglle up 95rniliswiihanner ribl qm my mums on Mu owners nmounu to $4110 catiunnl levy the rcsdcllial ratc includcd 132 for township purposes 1582 foi county aim for elementary schools 1770 for secondary sdsools The commercial gunts were 154 county 3170 elementary and 41 89 for bi schools 11 net increase for communial Kite payers was 781 mills to total of 11281 mills Ior separate school Wm the rules are 35 rescenusl and uh ulncational IN mills People in the Shanty nay rue area will tlnl and farm ill be 10163 LluLc mil ulll be those benefluag street lights The ifaukeslonn fire am RSc idcnts will pay nulls toward Elm protection l2 shelter whole for heme JOIN THE MlXI N8 BOWL Shula to no in rm my mo pI diuf um um Merl on United chum Grove and cm Struts Sunday Dropin at Grace on sin township mu runher Information re quma nlruc phone new alumnus Waco 112 cmcrcinl rates 54 and PAMELA TIFFIN JOHN ASTIN HIGH WILD FREE An Animal Adventure Story 3E uanov Tues to Fri 2nd Feature THE EASY WAY BUNDITIIINERS OComfori Protector Reduces Temperature Fluctuation eLullnby Quiet Operation 0Moves Greater Volume of Washable Replaceable Filter shvo Speed Fun 0Adjustable Thermostat 05Year Warranty Replacement Plan EO$E semanv or more sensor pillow to or 259 INNISFIL ST 7266531