Canadian Girls in haining Mother and Daughter Ban uct was held In Central Unit ed Church Int eveningguests speaker was Mrs Ken Purdou rum Burton Avcnue Clutch was held by the Lady Sarah GRADUATES OF CENTRAL UNITED are l6 been in About Above It to right Beth Mo Donald sccmuary in the 3an trul United CGIT Bonnie Gotw president and ran Young have all graduated out oi the can The three girls HELD IN HONOR 0F IODE PRESIDENTS Mm Dundas ErmninerPho lctt Mrs George Leggcu Meet The President Tea hostess and treasurer ol the lot Armstrongloncs Chapter of Lady Sarah Arrmtmngxlones the Imperiul Order Daughters IODE in Barrie and Mrs Ken Vindrcm Regent Front from of the Empire at the home of George Leggett Blake St in honor at the national and provincial presidents yes terday Above back row lrom Develop Knack For Etiquette By Following The Five Rules in manner that shows you care or another persons view point literally EARS Is your voice shrill Rough Loud T00 soil Speak ing um nicely modulated melodious voice falls softly Un Practise listening to lull Mrs Gordon Leggctt National president IODE from anonto with nu Bruce Craik provincial pmsidcut NEW YORK tNAPSlWhm Queen Mary was asked to mime the most important subject in the education of potential mon arch sho nnswcrcd in one word Nahum Many successlul executive homemaker and career girl the cars would give the same answer if yourself slice your leftover NOSE Personal hygiene as Make the following sauce asked about his or her assets mothers and some lather ab tended the banquet Exam lncr Photo heres CGIT years old and the club or nve years do girls with their all Audra Cowl or rs ROUTE 10 IRELAND Mrs George httOJrYislon Cooksth Will leave Toronto lemconnl Airport this evening on to Aldergrnve poll Northern inland Wnbton will spend the sum mer visiting her homeland will be the guest at relatives in ing in County Down and Cpunty Anguish saunas DANCE PARTIES On Saturday two groups square dancers in the use will KUVIUES for the season The liaylolt Squares the intermediate group of dancers will hold din her and dance party at Mines tng Community Centre Stirling mark clost Wednesday night at oclock followed by in 330 welcome and those plann Mrs Hay today don Will mark their Building Ease Borden ing will begin at mo ocl by Al Calhoun bucl supper will follow ing dancers Tuesday evening at the salon iliury will take place tenturing ginning at 630 pm at Members planning to Melt tbsp margarine cook until thickened stirring constantly medium cheddar cheese SalLand pepper but how do people develop the important or men as for Wu knack at saying and doing the man makes you kind tn anoth Add cup milk and right things crs nose Youll be shifty ii in Stir in cup of grated addition to daily showers you to taste Long guide for etiquette the noted author Emily Post said from the also thoughtful enough to use something such as deodorant good manners comc heart and youll also recall the TASTE Youll taste better Bible says ol man As he thtn when kissed ii In addition to 95 tum the bmtlcr and kcth in his heart so he is regular dcntn appointments browned doesnt necessarily you also keen on hand re CELEBRAHNG Now it mean you must undergo surgery for heart transplant in order to have chnnge of heart that makes you do und say Iliat is right But iI you do care about people at work or in social situation or even at home where all too often unfortunately the best Iunt onward is not putl you can learn the courteous thing to do and be kind You can begin with five basic concerns the senses In brief if you are thoughttul about other peoples live senses you will be come more sensitive and per haps in time veritable sensa trcshlng mouthwash to use at home and at work TOUCH welliscrubbod skin made smooth and kept soil and moist with creams will also keep you oft the oilensive fence more fun oft than on Once you have carried through on being kind to the live sens es youll nd it fun to use all your own five to contemplate the different customs in various parts of the world in Japan for instance eti quette demands you remove walking shoes on entering temple Slippers are worn in side and oors are kept spotless tinnl Here are live sensible rules In yet other parts DI the world to rcmcmber its considered illmannered to same handkerchch Be easy on the eyes use the Erna twice and dress lincluding cosmetics TRAY SALE Discontinued line of HardyGlenwond 13 met multipurpose trays each TO CLEAR Regular $39 $249 each or for $695 while they last The Uncommon Touch slices Pour cheese sauce over broccoli an serve place 325 oven until with CANADlAN STUDIO have They require means your load IS le fattening yet better They are also allots Youll find the suggestion might 55 Dunlnp St East STRANSMANS look grout rcga the styles are terric larger size DEN and JACKET 44 Dunlap St East They are tops tn is done by GIOVANNI AND in Duulup St East savings because you POOLS but not the FENCINGS In MATERIAIS store 55 Dunlop St Brntllllrd Street Dultl titstdrtl nu neth scatter rug be the beami with Jade tnr only $456 or classic always Iind the smartest gifts at the UNCONIMDN TOUCH STUDIO LADIES WEAR have rdless of her age Take their PETITE JUNIOIE wear youll find bothselection and STRANSDIANS LADIES WEAR the very latest SIIORI CUT at the want PERMANENT before the ho about TINT before you take off In experts who know their job and do it go wrong it you make an appointment or DO at Puma AND ANGELOS mun srvusrs Slmcoe Plaza Blake St WANT TO MAKE SUMMER magic invest in SWlMMlNG POOL Irom BEAVER LU investment will give you dont have to take costly trips or tight trattic and swimming is healthy and tun REAVER LUMBER IldVel 015 at diitcrtr prices can even be lnstnllcd nu who already have above and ingiound PO bought on EASY CREDIT TERMS Scll by DoltAYtlursclIers required fencing there are SAFETY REDWOOD PLASTIC COVERED and GALVAN IZED CHAIN LINK styles also at the super should contact Mrs Madge MINIAMUNCIIERS The Inntsfil Marie Mason Jo Tcm Scmple Helen Smith bowling meeting were basketball by Jewel Bromley Who can resist handsome ham Not the male of but the delicious versatile meat which may be used different ways Sometimes the last at the recipe that will make your lamily say more HAM AND unoccou BRULEE half bunch oi iresh Broccoli cooked in boiling salted wail tender Drain ham into slices for two to four people Add tbsp flour Blend Lay slices of ham in shallow baking dish lay broccoli on ham when nearly ready to heated through and the last min lct the cheese sauce get lightly TONIGHT Then do yourself pmud by cooking CLAYBAKERS which the UNCOMMON TOUCH little or no fat to cook withwhich the taste is as good or even extremely attractive cumin UNCOMMON TOUCH Guest Iinely pierced gold ligree lovely and period veekcnd gills iul little TlSSUE BOX accented edcstal SOAP DISH Youll Barrie way DI Sudl as the linen like dress which drops low to skirt of blue and is complem white and blue printed sleeveless coatextremely STRANSMANS have smart ARNEL SIIIITS and outfits or only $1298 From Barrie BE CUT SHORT in the rightthis moment look AND PEREI AND ANGELOS HAIR STYLLSIS execute so well CUTTING and STYLING hair and youll get salons Youll most likely weuther sets in and how vacation Barrie such high returns in For those at ol EAVER LUMBER urrle ltl rublur billll mat It rim to prevent ll mu slippulg Callers will be Dime tiny director of the group assisted by Ernie Brown at Onlha and lilac hlarcclius pl nmmwn All square dancers are attend the dinner should contact The Squareth at Base not liall etcnt on Saturday evening at square dance party in the Bucll club caller int welcome is extended to visit BUILDERS AUXILIARY The ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Builders Association met Club on Essa Rd Following din her and short business meet ing dnmunstratlon oi wigs was provided by local hairdressing Cititlcse dinner be ham is the best and priceexcellent at The annual Ax entni too and Joseph danc ing to be held at Danc ock led spec towards Curling LT BARBIE EXAMINER TELEDAY MAY PEOPLE AND PLACES ml Wscksnh It rm mm VATIVU quot for mmbcrs of Simone Cen tre Ontario Progressive Gvnzcr vautts Association will place ibis owning at the Conan beginNH oclock The lion William Davis Minister nf Education will KM 993k smcon KEMPENFELT WI The simcoe Kempenlelt Dis trict Womens institute will hold their annual meeting in Strand Community hall on May ills Annex prestdent will chair the meet log me yeah reports will giten by Convener at committee and report will be received lrom public BMW St Marys Church Scene Of Local Wedding eremony null hntltlrmes oi pink ctet humus um man was thrtlll el Thurmun ind mittr uul nmn llullpt Dy Robin also be held GOLDEN WEDDING ltlr and Mrs Tom Burton of Barrie nu celebrating their gol den wedchng anniversary this week and to mark nccanlun an open house reception will Collier sz Friends and neighbors will be received mm until oclock marriage Sunday nilcrnoon Fund Pick up nl articles or the sale can be arranged by phoning Home or 7mm COMMITTEE CIIAIRMEN Committee chairmen in the lAline Stewart Business and Pmlessionnl W0lt Lserial development mens Club at Barrie are C105 WW gram and projects Business Wo survey and re fairs resolutions and bylaws 1770 mmmm inks at 550 be oi Thornton standing relations the Canadian Legion on Sunday St Marys Roman Ca inc Haupcnny daughter mart Wayne Galbraith the to Benevolent Ruby McCarthy blem Mrs lty Campbell budget pro training lintcrnntiunal allzllts Dorothy Ayelute lrs Llllinn Jones Chuth Barrie was the setting brait Sandra Cuthcr April mum Ofciating and Mrs William cordon HalI Mm lpcnny oi rm Barrie lu Nor The newlytormed Court henr tau ut Nee mum penfelt 1m independent Order at Foresters will hold mm magi sale on Saturday Irom am until nm in True Blue Hall High St Ptoceeds will go llcity and public relation Freda Shlnner telephone member attention und pmmotmu em Dorothy Gardnc ancc ways and meuns education lleadcrsnip Mrs HyacinLhc Scott tholic Mr and illt Nmnum Gul at rm Ruzcmuut at Mr son at on thu tr and fln Mrs lst Sllruu Wal pearls and wed bouquet of pink Suctthcart rm sunshine commutes Mrs shin D5 Md Wm muxm Slutmn of honor wits Mr ner Betty White at Tor unto Jlld bdthilllut and Barbara Gulbraltli ll Rush public al mum and Dianne llallpcnny uI RR Barrlc they are umpire styled ulllcngth gowns of pink SIR AND MRS NORMAN WAYNE GALBRAIIII Iluv lm Poi nt bride cnttrln church or her lJlwr unu ML 39 59 lull lcngth uuwn hoe Willi md rround scalloped ml uisut with him qtifltf length vpeur cruull light un lun veil and she named 11 bndcgmm lltSS of Muck ictuouncs and Lt cormgc oi um pink munn For the humnun to Niagara wo re mint wed tlrtss vuh ore Illswcs Gull lrnvtu Flvuil 11 Baker ul 3x oi Borne md liescmuut The reticulum nus hold at IIE Legion mother mru Ltll urchld dress mm Burrit the chillon uer Lice mulchmu utwssorus and cot chllcurt runes nmtilcr more shantqu uf clluw tllh ma nu green to km and uuwwrics The muplc rcsldu Rust uI or Mrs Tupling on Dalton St Jun mens Week home search Mrs Gordon AllnlMuncliers lose or the week were ole icons and Lucy Beauchnmp Total weight loss for the club was ism pounds There are 75 paidup mmbcls in the club Prizes were present ed to winners of lust weeks Marlene hioxey Bab hutn Wolloli Ind Shirley Pant ing Following the exercises and bowl hes the species in so many until until smooth in live hold Accessories in 1233251 making gal in white saw outed by red chic If youre dress to sports 7284234 lrlcb GIOVANNI and All of this well You cant 7235 7261442 ime for your family Incn MBER No other tun health and which can be POOL value BUILDING TOTTENHAM 9364723 721L554 he placed under for now JB 3438 BAYFIELD 5T Jack Worm Appliances 43657 Clerks Home Furnishings 7282843 carpets surface The Onward Manufacturing Co Ltd Kitchener Ontario Before you buy any cleaner see the Vibra Bent and other Allumlule Hardware 34 ESSA RD 83 VICTORIA ST ALLISTON Robinson Hardware ltd 3i DUNLOP ST true canister cleaner should do more than just clean the surface of your Which is why we think our Vihrn Bent feature is big it vibrates 2210 times each shakes and beats out it tlulIS Simply minute So deeply embedded dirt An and raises the nap The adjustable over and whisk up any not all When the Vibralt full buzzer rings and ows red Theres or twospeed switch easyroll rewind brushes then take thing on the And that Bents bag is an indicator sh power suction select motor stepon toe wheels and automatic cor We make number of models The VibraBent is one of them Youll like it unless you prefer to sweep your carpets verybestinvamum cleaners urekn models at 7282422 728243l