mun HOPE EXAMINER TELEPHONES Med Adverllm mail All Other Departments 7266517 Irradiation Iodlh YourNo IIB German Pruner Will Staph el toot on West 6mm an In the rst 1310 today as thou sand Gama massed in the streets oi Km to demon mm or and agahsti his Dom glam government in East Ber wmy Brandt walked rnnard to chaise booth with his East Ger man comterpart as be stopped tron the special train whidl brought bun adds the border Kmmlmcat were meeting for their second aiLGmnn mum on rclations between Lhc two as tranged stains The Kim meet Elllr llaarric Emmott Kim Bators 2152 German lumbar two Gerran heads at SUPPORT roa NIXON Construch wontors who Joined in massive show of support or the administra tions Indochina war policy exhibited these expressions Quebecs New language Bill Will Be Studied By Bourussu QUEBEC CP Bill 63 Quebecs controversial language legislation passed by the Union Nationaln government Last year could be subject to amendments under Promier Robert Bouras saa Liberal government the premier indicated Wednesday Mr hourassa whose own party approved the legislation when it sat in Opposition said his government has not ex cluded the possibilin or amend Ing language lcgislalion in the provinca He was commenting at news conference on rcmarirs by Education Minister Guy St Pierre in IlebdcrEducaiion Olli ciui publication of the education department which said It may be that we will do clde alter study to return to the starting point and tackle the question in completely dil terent way Mr Bourassa agreed that this is one gossibiiity among 20 others ding lill St Pxclfrc dnntmcxcigcirl siahe pom oi amen ng The bill which ensured the right to an Englishlanguage our cation but declared French tho priority language in the Draw lace provoked wrdo and some Wednesday as they waited near NewYorks City Hall to move out on march down Broadway Many oi the Mn wore slogans and decorations said the issue will cost the gov ernment less than the last bond Issue negotiated under tho Union Natlonaie He said tho major portion of the last issue was cschangoablo at the rate of 950 per cent but the current issue will ha ex changeable at 925 per cent EDllIONmN Rle Ca nadian Labor Congress adopted Wednesday limited set of standards 01 autonomy for Ca nadinn branches of unions based in the United States Proposed by the congress ex ecutive at the eighth biennial convention of the CLC the pol icy appears designed both to molliiy labor critics of interna tional unions In Canada and to head all the throat of legislative collimls At the same time the stand ards would leave oonsidcrahlc power with the international headquarters on economic and interLaden issues In the case of times bitter controversy in the Fronchspcakiag community MAJORITY IGNORED Mr homossa said he agreed with Mr St Pianos view that Bill in is initial lDlilI pro tected minority rights but did hotdoal with rights at Qucbccs ITIIIJDIIIY Mr Bournssa expressed satis iaction with terms of hIs gov ernments first loan on the Ca nadian bond market Thu government has negoti fid ll 5500000 debenture ssao invoim two bonds $135009 in scyrlgl de bentures at 025pcrocni inter 05 maturing lrom 1071 to loan inclusive and orlorcd to banking institutions and $650000 la unvcnyoar bonds at 9251101 fient inlcrcst altered to the pub oi oi the union in Canada several largo international un ionsamong them the United Steelworkers oi AmericaCuna diun branches already contorm to tho standards The policy also commits the congress to do all in its power to assist allintcd unions to achieving the dcslmd 10ch or autonomy Among the requirements are election of Canadian oitlcers by Canadian members delcrmlnn tion oi national affairs pulley by Canadians and authorizationoi the elected oliicials as the vmce Delegates to the convention vutod almost unanimously tor the policy which was substituted by the executive or variety of resolutions submitted by van ions union groups The chLctcd proposals would dog arm and sworn small run limomne whidi took them In the cmtmo hotel spedamlarresuhsarelikebto mmmrbexasselmect minihelluva mislead when 510 ruponsbtlity tor the Ind clslxumpeaceinlmrwe CLC Adopts Limited Standards For Branches Of US Unions Murllwlwdslithet inglmkphoehstmlhwlm Second World War as nal BrandicmssedimoEastGer my 5m aid The Comm33 leader esN cuchest Germany or at tempting to extend its lain be yond iu barriers ills remark was mm iormai repudia Lion of suggestiom that West But low ekean believe Mm lna smasedetCermaw Pcaecrunainsinsecurebc maschs Gennanyhaanot yet acmptedthemsuits of the kitty may mom to secure warrant or German has jurlsalalon over East German amen once they travel In the federal repuNiL East Germans are particu ovcr rimwing Stophs arrest in We Ger many While acmsing West Ger many of endangering peace Swab said We go to Kassd wth the Em lateXian to watizue our the police cordon and heM up the procession or in mo 1125 borer polite maid drs him away horn Lhe ca arr3131 Brand Ind Staph dloru to reduce man and mi an ellectile malnbmru to peace in Europe SHOUT P3012315 As Staph arrived In lam Slants at his rseoce in West Gum min ed mu appeaLt or international mt mean or Em Gennany as the limousine bearing the 111 ol the two German states kt out along the broad min avenue leading up to the Sdaios Hotel Police motorcycle outnders in arrowhead Lonnation headed the long cavaicedc 01 ollicial cars on demonstrator pcnctratcd Germs hila um to flee to the West contrasted Viih Red flags of Camunlst $2 porters Em Gm ludcr moss the border at The Town of Barn and Staph told reporters crowding on to the traln that he noumd everywhcre how triendy the welcome was GIANT NAME Bind Kings 01 mom ivg ior the spade train brurght the About zoo preEast German demonstram graded at the border chanting his name azl warms tamer calling or German recognition at the aha Gamay Buzozherswtskdmdbooed astbetninpulkdmtbe bard mm mm baa mill Burnt had earlix remained guarded run qucs tinned the gasped ol Iguana in the Inns in an interview liih the WS mmmePAbdm be id Bean by XIICL Brandt caution trier thatit remmed tobesecnhather Lbs Eastv Gm would all paicmlcsor beprcparcd ot Barrio Ontario Canada Thursday May El 1970 on their hard hats The rally and march was sponsored by tho New York Building and Construction Trades Council AP Wimphoto The premier said the govcn mentc own investment load will purchase Slo000000 worth of bonds Ho added that he did not think Quebec will borrow as much this year as in 1969 when in eluding Hydrothubec borrow ings reached 5601000000 ate collective agreements with out requiring approval from US headquarters and to marge with other unions in Canada without awaiting mcrgcrs in the US Debate on the issue was cut short after it became clear the executive proposal had been ac cepted by the young unionists styled as the Reform Caucus at tho convention Boris Mather Canadian head of the Communi cations Workers of America congratulated the CLC lcadeh ship or having scan tho light Illma Near Grand Cayman MIAMI AP Hurricane Alma bore down on the British resort island at Grand Cnymnn today as it pushed northnorth west toward Cuba hero urged residents of the tiny British tourist spot to prepare for dangerous tides and wind The centre said Alma moving at about eight miles an hour its eye estimated about so miles southsouthwest of Grand Cayman and 500 miles south oi Miami if the eye moves close to Grand Cayman the island could Tho national hurricane ccntro was POSTIVIEN RESUME ARGIINING lAL KUALA bum GP In high boots wdonDpenheckcd shirt anozhlinimc Trudeau went into the new Malaysian jimgie today androve Cana dianmade wheeled skiddu tow WK defect mahogany lag Emma himscu immensely the controls at the powerful diesel vehicle Trudeau duly it Ntcllfd behild Ind Lhcll low 10 out tonxlearina on his only All may la Malar srn Trudeau new by helicopter to the jungle clearing or the Jengka Triangle 125miics east or the Malaysian =copital Karlie Lumpur torscbpw Cana dian busincSSgis ihciplng the countrys development And it was quick change of pacctor Lhc soycarold touring prime minister who earlier In the day placed wreath at the National Memorial amid splendor that would havo ox Breath Result Within Month OTTAWA CF tweday hearing into the validity of the law making it mandatory or motorists to give sample of their breath concluded Ved Is day in the Supreme Court of Canada Because or the priority the government has put on it the nine justices are expected to bring their decision mthln month The cabinet ordered the test after judge of the British Col umbia Supreme Court ruled that the law was not valid because only parts of it had been prult claimed Polioo restrain demonstrators protesting dinner for Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Ellen get fivo lo eightloot tides said Paul llcbcrt urocastcr at tho hlnL gluon Crlllailliin llranchls finance department oilicinl much grcalcr lrrcdom to iitEULL centre nlesdny night in Toronto One man was arreslcd and another into mebush mid hear all cited Sam Goldwyn It was un doubtodiy the most elaborate wreathplacing ceremony yet conducted by Trudeau The axial magnicent structure high on hill over looking this greentrimmed city of 650000 is encircledlp pools Ala umlotmf pmnni For this occ lon troops in white mu blucstood on each side Ihvnemoriul willie six lrumpctcrs were with spouting Jountnins aad golden Asian llrets rcncctnn dun Vi aio Thu laud WrealhPlacing Event Thing Ol Splendor poised on balcony high on the while memorial structure Alter Trudeau placed the wreath and bowed his head the trumpetch soundod the last poslslnd two more trumpeter stationed high on hill amid the Ip green trees blew mourn renll$ Gum the still car more than um minuteo At the proper moment In the musical ex$nnge the fountains were turned on to bathe the en tire scene in glistening mist IS VERDICT 0F EDINBURGH CPI The church or Scotland has given reluctant and quaulied endor sement of the use the con traceptive pill by some on mnrried women The general assembly at John Knoxs anid kirk ag onlzcd over the lssnc Vcducs day and llnnlly ruvorcd use at the pill by single promiscu ons women lor whom there is no hope at becoming chaste The elders at Ihrlr annual general assembly adopted report or the moral wrLlnre committee which speclned carcinlly that the pill should be endorsed only women all ready promiseaons who rc used all help and guidance and who might otherwise bring unwanted Into the world at session so packed that to slum at the back ol hull summonscd following an altch cation outside the dinner which was pickctcd by both Arabs and Jews Mr Ebnn spohu lo 100 church commissioners had SINGLE GIRLS MAY USE PILL iiULD KIRK several ministch tried to have the section on the pill and the unmarried dxvppcd rrnm lhc committees report Lord Thomsons Scotman newspaper was critical today In the committees proposal to cnnune the pill to the promis cons woman or course the nnswrr ls um the unmarried should be chaste IL snyr Bnt since both promiscuous and non pronllscnons girls will lapse mun that standard would It lnir to protect the one and not the other 1mm the risk or pregnancy The committee might be nccnsrd oi being more lenient to the hnbltaal ocnder than the occasional one They mean well their views mnlre gnod sense socially but they have mixed up expediency and mor Ils and so produced consid arable contusion PROARAB DEMONSTRATION about 1000 bond subscribers as the guest of the Stan of Israel Bond committee ICl Virophoto OTTAWA CF Postal union ncgoliators armed wilhl authorization irom their mm bershxp to call strike at any time today resumed negotirl lions with the government We would much prefer to reach settlement than strike said William Houlc president or ll Canadian Union Postal Workers as he cm 3er the room set aside for bargaining Ii we need to work around the clock well do it We have the mandate now so we can talk Thc negotiations which ad loumcd May 13 are taking plug in an nirconditdoncd besrdmmsnshWu the onnlcnnraum nulldla near Parliament Hill The Council of Postal Unions announced Lute Wednesday that 74 per ccnt of 21000 postal workers have voted to strike About 27000 were eligible to vote but the unions said num ber were on vacation sick leave or were unable to vote for other such masons Subcommittees on overtime and grievance procedure have been meeting since the main ne golinuons adjourned my 13 and these will be the opening topics today treasury board spokesman said that the tone of these pus Ilmlnries will indicate how no golintions are likely to go on the main issuewagesaad job sc curity The objective of the union committee remains to arrive at such settlement without the necessity to call strike the council of postal union said late Wednesday in brief an HARRIS ONTARIO in warm Low Fn 75 Dell P2 or Copy Page But we shall call strike it the employers attitude makes this necessary cnndluun for acceptable settlement Treasury Board President Drury has indicated little prospect of concessions by the government negotiating team Federal wellare and pension cheques have been mailed out early in preparation or possible breakdmms in service 11 mail has flowed smoothly Iur the most part since voting began Tuesday it ended Wednesday at noon and the till ulation was done by an Ottawa auditing firm sewersuemna Lemur Carrien Ullan any Limo as result Trudeau Aids Power Project KUALA LUMPUR Routers Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau topped his whour visil to Malaysia tonight with own aid ollcr The offer was larger than all the aid Canada has given illu laysia in loans and grants since Spealang at dinner given in his honor by Malaysian Premier nlnku Abdul Rahmrm nudcau said he wished to conrm Can adas readiness to help with hydroelectric power project to the tune of about $150000000 Malaysian 452000000 Cuum nouIIccmcnt of the voting result diaa Canadian Bu OTTAWA CPI The Camp dinn Bar Associatios expressed its displeasure on nearly every posed tax changes today in brief to the Commons nance committee The brief rejects the govern ments proposal to increase per solidi exemptions on the grounds that it would give lower dollar tax benefits to lowrla come corners and recommends instead tax credit system It advocates that married Cull plcs be given the right to tile joint return If It will provide more favorable result or them aspect of the governments pro CAPSULE NE Wishart To Investigate Behavior NRONTO CF AttorneyGeneral Arthur Wishurt agreed rhssociolion Pans New Tull Changes Tax deductions lur conven tions and club membership should be continued with proof or their legitimacy as business expenses it Removal would be discriminatory to wards sclicmploycd persons and salesmen The proposed inclusion of cap ital gains the tax base would result virtually muliscatory taxation In early years oi the now system unless the top mar ginai rates are reduced immcdiy utcly rather than over live your period as proposed in the white paper menu WS Canada my strike urnav chncsday to investigate the behavior of police assi led to tuui ordai outside the Honeywell Controls Ltd plaugtx in TONIIIU currently engaged in labor dispute lllr Vishnris couscnt came after severaiNew Democrch Party members tried without sllc toss to get him to admit that police had used unnecessary one to enable nonstriking workers to cross picket lines and outerm Eilcsmcro Aveauo plant Wildcat Strike Staged By Bakers KINGSTON CPIAbout 50 salesmen and drivers employed by Weston Eakorics Ltd began wildcat strike Wednesday night to back Ihclr demands on Imrktn conditions and scniorily walkout is expected to altcct dcivcrlcs in tho Bellevilio lladoc yancrou Petcrborough Kingston Brockviiic Cornwall and Ron rcw areas The