AH FM Ivo ol the injured lie among debris alter being struckby bricks which fell to Dunlap Street from store incings Nine Hurt When Bricks Blown Out chap ran in here and said It calltho lire department thought he was loitina raid luhn Hathaway mannaer oi the United Gigr Store on Dunlop gum run then he had looked uiiL illolmt window and law simke billowing litter it got going there was an explosion Iwoosil it omitted to put out the ire liion flames ruslirii lip again lir Hathaway said clerk in the More said the hell ht it was an explosion wilic knocked bricks irom the ion of one oi the biiildinas onto the crowded aimoi below Niilo oil5131 were injured by tile rt The United Cigar Store aiaii tilted by Mrs iiiilhnwtiy swvrd wiltu dunulx and sandwiches throughout the blow to lire gitlers liy tl pm the remen hiid consuiiiod more than 100 alilniwiclics WV Polilia llil lllllrlu Salvation Anny ret ii van and doicd out 700 cubs oi roi ico hundreds oi dunula we hamburgers mill linildltithvs Tito truck remained lhrolmh ilw night At the height oi the illiiz yuuillnil volunteers cur riwi it pot of freshly ltitiictl coiiae and clips Ulililii them in llily ilitmiiii or policeman who wanted one iilo lluixtr Che llibliiiiiiiill Miliiillcd 200 hamburgers and the United mulch Vixliil or liiir tull Avenue provided several large bilga oi sandwiches Law Womans head wounds given attention lit the scene gt John llarhum or lot it ytlir ultl Barrio Kiri Is it serious condition in Toron to General Hospital with it skull iracture suiicrcd when she was hit by lllling debris lit the nut brcuk oi ycsiertinya Dunioli Street ire Pot Durham ii oi Chic Warrant uillccr and hits Dunlap Street West was said last niaht by her lather in be 80ml coh trout and cu operative Miss Dalham secretary at crushed rum Hospital Household Financi Cu tritlirulhed in on uncumivdi at 51m Slit was standing will ll groin oi about 20 people outside mo Luurn Scourd Candy slnro liiiik in eastward ui iilu iirt when section of illL vllll llbui crackrd by iwiil expansion icil outward Five otilir ltlilpiu wow nduiit lull in iloylll Vlclmlu Iiusplil with item llilltl illrw tllilt vtro ililllttl lint lclixtd Fillill liltt Tht iill lllti Win at iii to lilxu ltillw vil lt iruining tlltll till vs lcucllcd him military scout aimnit litw him buck to Base Bordca and siuil cur brought him to llornr Tin ls ilnnco Jilik Ogden oi Oshawa and her mother were in luroiltu last night Mr Bur limit will he would loin them this monlina Lorraine nounc ill oi Sirouti was in antlaiuctory cunditieil in itoyal Victoria lioapliul with name Mgr uni tiioie 133133me rev uluiw It in liospilul nil Willi it inlllr wore iilrs Noril Cro at or Dunlap Sirlii Mrs Mulle lintI liluliithu 52 of New Low Mrs Aunt Fursylhn 45 oi ilunlup SilLQi and the munuilcr of Pacino Flauntu wlird King oi lliiylltlil Street iluiit Finance All illlusuhuld il ii ily dliiii ii iii the itilill as was the truss real irt itll for uni lilltl lulttlscil ititl to lvilliitkl iii oilllt ll lL ltttl Nilrllmil 2R iii Wtit Street and Phyllis Cuilip Gillie Edam Examiner illllu 24 Lose Aililli ill iii7i il Homes And Poss essions lliii iuin lluulda loi tlicii ironies and belongings iii the Duniun Street liliilt yesterday Eleven llODlt VJiiilltil nlilu apartments above the Loom So cord and iilemin it of lillriio siurux lour wow widows Mrs tillle Gavin Mm Lilly ilinw son Mrs Nelly Dliiminund iilill hira Norah Cruxs ltira aliurcd with it younger person other tenants iiwllilicd Mi and Mrs llllntiliii Mcillle liulll retired Mrs Ltlu ltily clerk Charles iiiiillo arr with the in and in who worked in iuux bec ord iiiiii iiiisktlti liil iiii ploytli iii The Bill Examin or The building wits llwlltll by Mr and Mrs iioyco Miiillli ni llllitlt llllllii rthldcills Vtll living ill our nullrlmanth ubilvu Ilaiixir hold Flaunto premises ililii apartment was vacilui lir iiid Mrs Chow Lllii null zilll liilii Mra iiiutilliid liuy lived on iiil second oor Mrs Cil lls llllo Sncalh and nor sun Darwin ii and Mrs Eva Lew llllli litl diiligiitvi Ciillll occlipird nniiit month on iiit Uplitl ilunr whom the lit isl Milli ill liii lliilttl lha llollxtlillltl Finallth build ing was owllld by lioboii Iow cit oi liiliilt who bought it lliilo years ago win lld iwlsrl Mr iviss Ulitt oliaiiltul ii niitils clothing ilntl aporilna goodt stoin wilorc llolittlioltl was in tiiliil Living illi lit ililril Niltity Inlvri lill Uiliiutl Itollliiilliil Vlll our lliilmixix oi tiiii imiid Mixed Cullillliny iiiill iI flir linl iiivnin billloiliiir ills building Viid owned by Ken Ltiil ill Hall The lulilliers tt Ill their Llilltgti anti thir lls Eva Law with laughter Cathy who telephoned in the first alarm She Spotted The Fire Turned In First Alarm ll year old girl 11M rrlbld how she discovtrvd the sill oi yeotlnlly line in the Iplrlmrni llrm lilo hall from where the lived iktl ucnbs ihl hull llild olitnlll the door to un apart ment lttn saw curtains were on llrr Citide litt door iillll ii mu thl hall Clith id icrduy allentouil was describing how ml the tire that rut ird iivo hllildiilils on Dulllop SiiUti Oli Cilth llVltl Wliit her mother Mire Eva Law in ii iront apart mcsi iwu stnruys above prunin OI lluusthblli llllniltt Silo was home from school with sort tiliuiil lior mother lie sud was ulll only or in niiu ur so iricud 1mm in up imcnl 101mi llrs Evelyn lluy wtis wilh Cathy in the npllrinluill iuiil shill could not re txiil whul mud her liltk into the apartment or Chrilno Snuaiil allN hull Puritans me ti she saw mloku swing through lilo wall or in the hall she could not quite remand Silo uilallid lilo lire depart lliliil about till ilro that develop ttl lulu six alarm bliill Chilly and Mrs Roy closed the door it ll Law anuerem liiitl sturltd down the stairs in the dour oi the Smooth apart mullt blow out FLinlm men on pal die upper iioor she pusstd tar Laravcl Trimm may said the coma tho lire door Then she wont lo had her mother All she said was omnkh lots 01 smoke Silo is wry bravo girl said im nlolbrr Nu one hull been in the Sheath aounmcnt since lo am Dar win Snead was at schooli lie was found durinl the tire on his way hrrme Christine Saonth said she could not understand how the ilro could have originated in tire apartment Anartmtnls in tho building vrre heated by hot lt water radiators and hail electric atorcs Took Photo Then Helped Wiilllik gt marW man timeu or cm Llilit simulti ilovtl ll TH iiiort iii ilit ii plaice is into time ti it bill wiltit ll llli Illi cil lirl pup livid ii moans your Jul This who what iliiu lll$lilill AH llului willii ii vomiting tlliliil inc llltutxi 2li might my our iliuslglll Llltlttl mp was ullo ni iiUiilll mill illxiti Tlltit lltllI builik till tHti lliu 1er liiil tlllllit IltiNill was calling Help My iuoihii shes butlly hull girl who looksd to he in liti lilli icons or early lwcniios wn iiinnina around the street sc mini wilh poliiu chasing hrl Willii lilllilil Ilitl siiw llit my finger trigutllii mo tiiitlll twice bolero halltliiii it ill One pro scheuior was lnlt in cludttl lilisi llit iiwwall between he tiiiiivol lliilltllii and Dunl ltlillll llillllwu owned by Ai vin ii iiublil il llitru wax smoke and iiiitl iiimiauo 1110 iirtv wall held ll we very lucky sliya iiii iluh instill East ll llit tiiriivoi thero wcte illin ii munlite und in business illirl Nlxl lu Dominion liord Viiiti there was iillin writer lliilliiiili and some anioko dam like all liild Mi iliiwtlil gtgtilld they think they will reconstruct on tillIr slim bill are awaiting lili Jiixliilt comments bolero milk lill iiuiii decisions Flto iuclnilum hi musical liiulm liii Mixril Culllpnny tcit pimlliinu in mom imln tin iivoi itcstuurnni liip buliilllig owners llll Pow when they vtieiiivlicd to lhu llii iiity quickly Julnwi growing ninilp ltl llcllplu trying to snvo its mltiiy boiunlllltgv as possible iloililo ilixmcs ellvtlopcd the iiliiiliinuu illoy nliinagod in ttho all their equipment except lull lllillll iii lllillin llllli ii oigziin lititiii ilii llamas took iiii All members ill iiiii groun lllu liuliliy itobbic Dodd Lynn Willierkuin ilzlibitii lllitchlll Milli iiiill ii iliwr llllll rooms lil lilo lhlrtl slurry iii lllti tt tuliiiint building iiio iiumlw wom niriiidy thorn when they iiimin taking the equipment out liloy saved little else pliiccii pr Nlill it imiocnlmn nran gave liullll i0 llilitt lliJilittl into 11mm Sictlrll lily shot The Mi probliu was to uni lintind kii not one erII lllirrle int itll Jalckti us it trod iiiiiii wu gluer iroililli llln lit lllttlllcr oi illu lliliiitil men llllln tii no ill at ily illr tl siluxt tlliiiulil iillit instantr lei bunting then mund l0 litll up the lilootl from unkt llr mid illitud ixuidiigrx on lilo cilia pi one two more illu exact iliiiiiii lllis llilliuli We wro lilml llliulllled illzlt we had to iclilc iilt biillllliul n1 Einnitll wom Iiliitilvd iltlli more oi the wall would lin in This Wits ilit liloi lillllcuilon lliiil oi Willi illiti lilimxlsrd My tliuilgllls rim in gcltint pillin or one ilkii Firemen curry till injured otilookcr from fire scone vehicles at one lliiii illt izill will lllitl been iillllt plug the sired was luau ilii tlliiilmubiin in lloylli Yn tor Hospital 11ml lto minor pro man Dennis ixiiw ivy to move his cu in the HQ mill with his help we look oilst inliiroii girl tn the hospital Burk iii lilo iiio stcnn no worn liiiOIiilttl tilllt nil of lii injured iiiul boon illklll it illi hrlslviiill iillnkiiuz iillli could more ioibllltt nt lllt now all ilniL llLitisn iliu lirlll iciivi throng oi spotmum to licll what lulucd mil in no Uiliriolt worst iirr imp or no oiiHlino lluitth liiilco driver and illblliitl ii atmclor the sight loll are ilirshcd and shaken fl