Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1970, p. 4

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Elite Theme Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambie General Manager McPherson Managing Editor mLrisDAY APRIL 1m PAGE sza wwasom gtMMW Walls Publisher NORTHERN LIGHTS armorSm OWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO TOWN Barrie Examiner April 23 1935 Bar rle Colts Ontario Junior hockey cham zw 32 rials13ser sided in Barrie which had become scul ling centre in Canada about 45 years ago Commencing next month offices of Barrio dentists will cios Saturday pions honored by Town Connor and noon Signed Dr Breremn DE Menschtit 189mg Vgsrra and Thorn Randall Richardson Dr Robert Sprott ton branches Cansdlahtetionfparnor Drrxlorm tr warniui Dr Althivaldno ed to Trinity Church for Vimy Ridge an Duplicate Bridge Club winners at nlversary led by Citizens Band lbert Marlaw Manor Mrs Parsons Mrs sugg director Albert Sarjeant 01 Olive Cameron Mrs Garvin Mrs ected president Barrie Liberal Club Mrs Ernest Turnbull chosen head Wo mens Canadian Club liter rtson new generalmanager reported at annual meeting that Copaco spent more than $10000 weekly in wages and pur chase livestock Board of Education cngagedlin salary dispute with teachers Ladies of Barrie Badminton Club Armoury finale held Harry Sycr won mens singles Helen Garrett ladies singles Syer and Jack Boys mens doublt les Mrs Mickey McBride and Miss Garrett defeated Mrs Maurice Eaten and Wanda Waterworth in ladies doubles final or and Mrs William Little mixed oubles Barrie Baseball Club entered three teams in Simcoe County leagues senior intermediate and junior Jake Gaudaur former world sculling champion celebrated 77th birthday at Atherley home near Orillla As youth he came into limelight at great race on Kempcnfelt Bay when he gave Ned ilan lan of Toronto real battle for honors lie rowed in races all over world including Thames River and for several years re Mrs Alex Cowan Simcoe Marble Works sold to Sandersons Orillia Month ment Co with George Eastman remain ing as Barrie manager Hatton and Cleland of Barrie Planing Mill disolved partnership About 300 trees destroyed by fire at Shear Memorial Park in Allandale will be replaced Frank Livingston got contract from Shell Oil to dispose of former Dr Turnbull re sidence corner Elizabeth and Bayflcld Sts it is understood he will move it in tact to Ross St Speaking at Barrie Prayer League in l001 Temple Mr Dun bar predicted anothcr world war soon Kiwanis Club sponsored concert at BCl auditorium in aid welfare fund It was directed by Edmund llardy George Juk es and Cockburn marked debut of new Barrie male chorus Soloists includ cil Arthur Wildman William Bell Rev Doe Wesley Moore Dave Wlegand Alex Knox George Brown lruman Williams At Roxy Theatre Eddie Cantor in Kid Miilions coming Fields in David Copperfield OTTAWA REPORT Money Wont Raise Standards Of House mt 2t Hy IATIIIUK NICHOLSON lhi plethorn of prime inlniit tcriot tank forces dild lnquirlcn has been tncruuxcd further Prime Minister Trudeau but ap pointed An Independent Com mission to report on the pay and working conditions of mem ltcrlt of the Bonnie and linilvo of Comment This action has and huckbonnh MP Tho candidate of other creased With promise lurihir brinro Incomo tux been promoted chlctiy by miiny Lib ar tics whi applied for tho ivc your lab less than two years nun were fully aware of the pay and working conditions at its MP and were prepared to ucccpt hath not Lihernl candi dates were in many couch lliittl to run In the iectlon by tho promise that pay would be in lnirenaing vc hcmcncc they have been itc mtindlng the fulfilment of that MPa of rill parties are heard to complain ihiit in iloilon has rendered their pay insufficient to keep Hill in tho ntnndnrd appropriate for purlln meniurlnns although it Is equiv alent to more than we week But if Parliament had shown the gout to push the government lnio controlling inflation better their personal etnnpmlcft would he in happier stau today Thcro are various rclcvnnl fittlnltl which the tuxpuycra should know before forming any opinion on this subject The most important thll Ciludn ccrininly dcitcrvco the highest possible htnndnrd In its Senators unit MP9 There are itnmu of both torhiy who are or itmean to Parliament but there are some who are not One thing for sure In that In cruising Mls pay tomorrow would not improvo Pltriifimonl obviously nny puy Incrolino ltlltltiitl ho llltllUIllIlttl iltfillfl the next ulcetlonihcn ulipltllic would enjoy tho iiinltlll of the bait which only the Liberiil purty tinioycd in the lan elec tion but lhnt llltitilht hhould not become effective until after the next election lit for the SchlitC of course appointment to our Upper lloiise should never have been patronage within the virtually unfollifttil gift of the prime miniitcr of the day No Cdlil dlnn can feel any tctipett for our Scniito uttcr the actions of farmer Prime Minister Pear son he sot some sort of polltls col record by restricting his senatorial succur almost exciti slvely to tho who had fought in tho franc es of politics ait fund raiser and oreunlzersJor the Liberal party of course it run be argued iind have heard MP liimrLtulvcs argue that money alone will never raise the standard of Perth ment the best Mis nro thuso who feel vocation for the task lurihcr older men who have built up adequate wealth in prl vnto lilc andwhose Ilnnncliil louds have been lessened by tho maturing oi ti lr children should hood the Iili patriotic ditty They should ho prrporcd i0 ntliku lhtir ltiltnln iivuililbln for low yi even at re duccd income to lot the country which has pwn thtm tho opportunity to achieve their own ductc litany menu that they are going into debt This is bin cause they incur constituency expenses ltsitotllttcd with their fNitiilil and bccausn they hnvo occupational obligations such as mnintnininiz two Ilomoit or counto their fiction in turd ill votlnit llut sumo inrm it poms allowance to every Ml was crazy City council and the tanning board have been confronted by acreuing pres sure in respect to zoning Builders want to erect condominiums apartments and shopping centres and they nd them Battles in many instances stymied by re strictive regulations millions of dollars are riding on councils decisions One ofcounciis major problems is Bayfteid Street north of Cuddles Road The pressure is on to make this section commercial and to cancel the residential hold designation Council signs of wavering as result of sup McPHERSON Managing Editor reme Court decision The court ruled that Henry Bernick must be issued permit to build shopping plaza of ap proximately 183000 square feet Previously council had green light to shopping centre lanned by Warren Scott Associates and en de erred action on the matter while Ber nick application was before the court Noiv Scott wants the commercial desig nation left on his property to permit him to proceed with his plans Louis Kozlov of Chez Belle Ltd is press ingfor commercial designation on his Bayfleld Street frontage to allow him to develop substantial shop ing centre along with large residen al com lex Then there are others like Willard nzie who have options on Bayfield property They want the right to bulldtoo in short Hayfield has become na tural area for commercial development but council declines to go all out for number of reasons One is the zoning bylaw which calls for residential hold areas on Baylield Another is the plight CANADAS STORY Franklin Organized System By BOB BOWMAN Canadas first postal system was organized by Bcniumln Franklin when he was British olilclnl He cstnblbhcd post off ice at Quebec TrollRivicrcs and Montreal itullfax was an other important distribution point Ior mall Britain kept con trol of the postal service until last when it was tronsfcrrcd to thr North American colonies The Flrtit Canadian stomps were issued April 23 1351 and were cngrnved to prevent for Hury Recently is Japanese buyer pzild 544250 for pair iivelvepcnny stomps from this first issue Hrltnlns trunsicr of postal control to the North American rolonios llild bcnrln on Con chcrntton Nova Scotti which controlicd the postal service in Prince Edward lllnnd took steps to improve the handling of mail In 1547 by appointing it special committee to study tho MaeLaren Mrs Harold Patterson situuiion thn It made its re port the other British colonies were invited to coopcrnto and delegates from Nova Scotla and New Brunswick mot Canadian representatives in Montreal They were an successful in working out aim plan that Brliiiln wnx wlilng to transfer fw v7 lithe Etati Example lII Boyflold Street Barrio Ontario Telephone 7266637 Second mass Mail Registration Number om lioiurn postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 55c Wcoki $2500 Yearly Single copies me By mail Barrio $2300 yoariY Ontario $1800 year Other moii $3500 your Motor throw oil $2100 year Notional Advertising Offl ccs 425 University Avenue Toronto itio Cu cart Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is int cluslvciy entitled to tho use for republication of all new dli etchis in this paper cred it io it or The Amocluted Press or limiters and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original ads vorilrinzt and editorial mater ial created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright lirftistrutlon Num ber 200815 resistor til 2523me ol Council Faces Dilemma On Zoning is showing given the Meanwhile control This success also cn couroscd the idea that it might be possible to got all the British North American colonies to Jain together its one nation which began to take place In 1857 In 1851 letters nmon Upper Canada va Brunswic Nova Scottn Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland required threepenny stomp Sandiord Fleming designed the famous threepenny beaver stamp when he was oung man Latcr ho surveyed Intercnionloi null way to tho liisritlmes the CPR to the Pucltic Coast and was ihc inventor of stundurd time now effective around the world OTHER APRIL EVENTS nsAnthony chduy CDIL brntcd St Georgos Day with prslrlo lndlfins NITJohn Gait of Canada Company founded Gulf of the downtown care There is large investment in the downtown district The variety of downtown merchandise is greater than most could offer except those in Lite metro politan pentres These merchants fear loss hf business and possible financial ruin if more shop pigtg centres are permitted todevelop uty too is concerned The town merchants pay substantial taxes and they serve vital community need Council faces dilemmath it sacri ee the downtown core and remove rev straiuts on shopping centres or continue form of control which will curb build ing of centres and protect the city core It has tried and no doubt will continue to try to reach satisfactory comprom ise So far it has bad hard time pleas ing anybody especially the builders who are prepared to invest millions The solutionmay come somewhere in between Perhaps couhcil should permit commercial development like nature to take its course and then do something about our downtown core The whole question of urban renewal has been shelved for economic reasons But the time has come to start as soon as pos sible on renewal ofthe downtown Re ports of investigators already indicate that the downtOWn needs complete revi taiization including provision of more parking Renewal could change the en tire complexion of the area Some mer chants have said that it would wipe out the small man and bring in the big com panies like Simpsons and Eatons Some of these merchants would turn up in plazas or become part of large down town complex Next month Barrie may learn that it has been designated as regional centre with population rising at the rate of 15000 annually if this decision ls made by the Ontario government Hayfield will become commercial centre and re news of the citys core will be fare gone conclusion Meanwhlie what is to be done about the men who want to spend their money in Barrie We cant put them off indelt finiton without damaging the reputation of the community shopping centres down swam ROUND THE WORLD Russians Manning lVlissiles In Egypt Iiy IIHLIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst mission gunners have in stalled and are manning SAM3 SUIllICLlUKllr missiles in Egypt The numbers of these rockets ure siibstuntlul All Egyptian cities will be protctetcd Egypt iim air bases are already ringed with these rackets whch is one reason why the lsracll air force has not struck at the bases of the Egyptian tighter and bomber command The effect of these new armo mcnts has already been no ticcdz lsracii planes have been unable to straic some ports of Cairo they hit eurllcr Once the antiaircraft defences oro nil in place isrucll raids deep Into Enypt will either stop or be in clicctive The SAM is an extremely sophisticated rocket which can operate against very low ying ploncs that otherwise sneak in under normal raider Tho SAM1 was developed by Rustin as protection against the American Stratcgic Air Command which hits pcrlcctcd lowvllylng tactics for its bift bombers What difference to tho Midle East will the SAM3 rockets mitch That they will stop some Israeli raids ugulnst Egypt is certainthey already have done so if that were the only result brought about by these Russian rockets it would not bo so bad the Israeli strategy of bombing Egypt in an effort to discredit Nusscr was not good strutc Under tito notions normal rulb around their leader Under iirc notions also harden and foreign observers have noticed toughening oi the heretofore DUNLOP STREET EAST mm in noisy but notoriously loft Emt iana more is howcvcr nnodier possibility Fueling that that cltlcs can be made invulnornblo bchlnd SAM3 screen the Arabs might be tempted to threaten lsraeli cities The fact that Sytinn MIG managed to penetrate lsrnell defences and smash Hultas windows with sonic booms illus trates the danger to which Is roeie cities are subject the country is so small that there is hardly any warning Even the brilliant lsrucli pilots cannot react faster than their radar planes The ucsdoa now is what ls riiel wll do in the face of this new potential threat The threat or or raids ls noutmt from SyriaEgyptian planes are fur ther away

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