VAMINEYI EDNESDAT Am 23 mo KARI lTlii ANNOUNCEMENT SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES nuJueecmenls linuximum lo uurcist mitts slarrlagcs sad Death at Thanks i5 words mltlttiuaat words 6c pcr wu linlzpriam nu vencl ezn lpcr aunt ilae extra lmmla Ekrnts 325 3113 154 per Unit ces on request COMING EVENTS Mil AND MRS it WRIGHT nil No 000mm will be at home to thcir Iricnds Saturday April 1970 pm and to rim accustom uxxreo enuncu Sunday School mum on the occasion at their sum wwpmo ANNIVERSARY Ail grits gratciullv declined IllRill RUMMAGE SALE eents to $150 Pnday April 24 in am to pm TRINITY PARISH HALL AuspiGJ1 sr PAULS ANGLiCAN CHURCH lnnisnl PLANT SALE Sponsoer by Barrie Horticultural Society SATURDAY APRIL 25 am MARKET BUILDING Surplus plants solicited please bring to market at am or call Mrs Watson 77319 or Mrs McBride 7234745 alkms 44 and Mn 17 it nil earn up continue the mm rtl mullcl nonlat on and Itth inurin DEATHS Marlo inn At tblt Hospital Dune an witr April low ltev unto nro sutlon rJJtlnd nl Emlyn alerts and our or lilnev nl oro nuuoa mum at liar03 Kathy And Ilrnltn at Home I5 nudrnrn street lor oemre on Thursday at interment lclncltn John WarFused nos lot at Iduru irtlinrn helium runsti run United urvll wurnmm war at Slrvcnwu licmuri vaI Aillnion on wany ionn mar rscluicd hmiiand or Nellie nanunr Kennrtn is ttilun amt tun Jroun steam at Mamln Oml um Garnrt unduly at Toronto in his soul Thoma lunersi Chapel Alllnuln lor run on aenkv on Yrily lnlenncnt All hemlrn unsanic service und ie direction or send Aiilnon at rt 19ltI mums our lmcr nun Mr 14 st mm lston Union stu Lodge the funeral vlulng at no MEMORIAMS alumnnvln loving memory at our agi Sgt who yum any Dear God glla mil menlll To our Bluy up above Prihick fur tat how 51 April l3 int Nil 12 bylerian Cell Karl Emilli Silliund it Jones Barri ucra utcnrnti sitar wilh lr and Mrs Cleve Patton and llam tng Itirke Schaly mum till neck with Mr and Mn Jack Banting Sctcini rum our Youth Fel lpwihip atlenccd uuth rally mesday nlgt at Westminster Glurdl Burrit Weekend tisllnrs hiih ir and Mrs Bruno Ndlrrc and Mrs lleaiey Mr and ticalzy and Mr and Mrs Dav iilc and Iamlly Toronto Mr Ind Mrs Watson and lanliiy Markham wrre with Mr and Mrs Foulier ir and turn lloylt Campbell attended the 01h anniversary and lllra Russell ilarris ol Gren ioi last link Visitors to Toronto recently hate betn hir and Mrs Jennett with lricnds MrS lrenc illmns with Mr and Mrs Jack Hironsz James hichrmott with Sir and Mrs John Watson Mr and Mrs James McDer molt visited His Grace Dunnill in Mantotd and hlr and Mrs Forget and Mr and Mrs Ques neile in Penttang NEW OFFICERS ivy Womens institute annual muting was held at home at Mrs 055 Chipchasc Mrs itnnux president oi Kanpan tell District was present cure an interesting and inionna live address emphasizing it important to plan programs well in advance and give special speakers time to prepare mater ial The gave donations to Cookstown all inir and lo Allis ton and District swimming com mittcc Members were reminded DANCE and BUFFET the District annual will be reil nu new ninth viz mtnvhrr And all hcrull our lmr liar nnsiiin rape With memories all no sAInlvl in our lacrte rim null mm at saanthA nrv at neatmn in April lool sweet memorirn rlu nee Friday April 24 THORNTON ORANGE HALL Admission $5 per couple Sponsoer by ml No lit IVY M115 JENNETT FASHION SHOW Thornton L0L hall was the scene at an interesting fashion show April sponsored by the North Ema Anglican Church Wolt men and put on by Walkers tore Barrie The hull was al most titled The stage was prot tily decorated in red white and blue to correspond with the lat est colors or spring litre IUchr rd Price convencr introdqu the commentator Mrs Frochettc Mrs Pricowuro hcr crs wedding dross oi Lrczlm voile and lace over 70 our old with log mutton high standup col lar Mrs Frecheue wore beau tliul shocking pinlt pant suit The models who fashioned the latest in spring and summer on perlormcdbouutiuy to music sndirhowed coals es suite pant suits and buthin weur itlrn Price presented pri zes during intermisniun Lunch was served and all enjoyed happy evening Several mem born were drensetlln centennial outlitn Terry Arnold in posted again in llorncpllyno ior three weeko PATHS EXECUTIVE The Parish oxecutivu meetin will he held at the rectory Tucs day Apr 2t at 830 in The Tecnagcrn enjoyed rr core hop in ivy Orange hilil Saturday night BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr and Mril Keith McVincl llorric entertained Brute itic Vzlnol at dinner birthday party Ia 07 nt their home April 12 The talu prcsont numer Mr Murray McVnnel Brian and Susan Toronto Mr anti Mrs Garnet Campbell and Heather Barrio McVnncl Toron alw near loving mem ur ulla and moonr ho asstd any nili linEIr tor rrrl cnxrnot Tom that our luvin rrmr HEMr mmlillbflc CARDS OF THANKS uumlr nr our lrnlly lc or the way alter airs lul ratlon and any in iron uxc nums in intensive nutcs In hospital who Also up no Iriendn Pugh r1 nanunx Ind run with to their recent in origo nnv com rannut peter manner or you by in unity llllI nouid like in Melon Doctor they looked In her up Zunev an incited on Mrs to thank netztlbours lor rants and lionen Althu lulum Ind UIAYB Patton thank the araiatlnco durtn no or meta ramm Arnicc PATTERNS neighbours Jean urandmuth riecves an dross ity were all and Mrs Stmud May 26 For the May meeting mom tIitn til 2301 PKtl ma lm out 21 illra liaruld lnrna Barrie an Arnold lir MeVnncl ONTARIO LIVESTOCK TORONTO tClt Gluirc slaughter crs traded on modrr are demand at steady prices Lilic Ontario pubii5iodta today dyu tight steers and hell litters IICIILIS It mu grades nerc sluggish anal under pressure Trading on the replacemrnl Veal call an steady hog prices were Sturgth cattle 330 Choth steers not with sales to 3550 good 31m commons itemy cnllle was hm prices were median +23 choice hcilersi 504250 with halt to 3250 good 3031 common 32550 502$ with rate in 1550 mttiium cutters 1521 good heat bola $29 with salesto nd mediums mctums good tunnels an bulls 2950 commons XVINW Replacement cattle 600 Good or icelitrs 3K calves 3942 calves 3335 cdiums swellch light slockers mod stock stec Rood sleek hell common and and lecders 534 Calves vealers 4449 with lop choica 505075 mediums 3533 boners Ma Choice commons m4 ling 606 Base price 3290 1130 currently in Toronto 3260 and bears livcwcight jury at Wtreptloto Cape Ilcitl Ll shown Brcton Post the crew mem hen who outlined foot in olliclal Sheep Ind lambs Spring slsling one at lamb 40 with ies to 70 sheep 748 50 must of Cape Breton Monday are shown here on their ar rival at Sydney Airport cs Four crew members DI the CN Ferry Patrick Morris which sank oil the northern ONLY lssUElt At its formation Lu 136 the Bank of Canada becam tho sale issuer ul paper currency in Canada bcrs will attend the Food For um in Ailiston May 14 at it pm Officers for lhr lino term are as allows Pres Mrs Cler enco Hoggart Mrs shellsell James hchermoLt Public Rev iations Mrs Shewoti Hist Mrs Henry Eaten llerman Jonnett Mrs Car ruthcrs Converters Agriculture Johnvcochranc lioalth Ross Chinchasc Education Mrl it ct Directors alternate Direc Dol Hammond Trot5 Research Girator Mm lienry Davis lira Lorilo Carruthers tutt ttirs Ross Chipchztse Mrs Pres IGOR PRICES Ill BONUS TAPE MB EFFECTIVE IPRILZL 23315 loophole ritlillfooolulll Wing CFrazer Woods ctmnnll rim nilllllur till Hulch FIE 2L3 In The Dairy Cane III IAIEL INDIYIBUIILY WRAPPER tum rlloctss one Slices DEVON CIIPFIRE SIDE BACON IAIILIIIIE t5 YIIIEIIES COOKED MEAT NYCMDE SIEIX CHICKEN PUIIE YUURIIERE MEAT PIES Mist =51 NE RESEIYE IIIE RIGHT YD LIIII QUINIIIIES engine Bdkeryrats ICA JUNIOR llll ummilm um it an aunt slul mutual tun IL IQPSY ENTREES RAPE JUICE 1899 MARCARINE riiii titulqu NECTAR received mliliygilLS and cards All en Joycd happy Illinin reunion io minlsclng MRS ROBINSON Several from here attended the wake and iunorlll oi Mrs Jilck Robinson Eurrlc who was well known hare Klghan Oi DaiSles Ily ALICE llllUUliS Wztlzli tV willie you clotlici illch daisies Jain xcrans into rir lnrm nIgIIlIn Use this enluriul uoty afghan on our trips an extra blanket on rillalien or at directions eutoi Hhcmcs IFTY CEN15 tumult Plicll liittcln Illlt ht nritl 15 cents iul tnen outletn lillt cinas mailing anti ape sliit llalllllillr to At lirnuks rare or The linrli Ncaiilctlilit Dept lit Front Tillllltitl Ontarm tario lcnllltutii nlltl Print pilillliy PATTI1 mill NAMIZ AIIIIItlIHS 1970 Niclllrcrnlt Cillniug 200 licsilillil ti ilec ttDLIICL fashions Quilt embroider weave ti Solid Stir Cumilicll Algliull Iiuukv nil velour iilgllellls piltul IlIy gills no lnlltnnt Hilts glo ly ltugn wtmi new Iltmk Prim Algilunll Quilt look Ila IiumL Putter nrnns please la amine unit tx RN NUM page tellIEif IiIaIIIDIilis Iiouk 00c rocllct Blink at Bargain tleautilil to knit as liuolt put superb quilts title or Todays lilllilelllu ll terns or Illmk Living Quinn 15 plitICi EGULAII AND KINGS unto $100 erll GREENBBDKS IPJI SCOUT FINE IIIUIT AP lied Willi niiicluln tlilid but ill Christa ti as chief scout oi tllo Niltlenat lloeitny Lillilu leunl numcticltel scout rotlcvod no head Into that your Ito tllls nu lu doiinttu plan Detroit night lilrmiteic lullaby wail both wns in IGA lg59 mum NAMBURGER RUNS CODFISHGH limit III II ulll FRENCH PASTRY mills nustn um MIXED ROLLS wlnmim IIIALLOWS 339 3746 95 35 ul39 lulu JAFFA URANCES uur min um mill MolNTCSN APPLES CARRCIS cuf Health lBcaur Aids lit tr ulll CCLCATE toil mil mum soul NALO HAIR SPRAY Ill rum in Iullul tum COLGAIE Fllzn STIX rumn tumult PEANUT CLUSTERS memoir CREAM loll cllolcl PEAS ttlIVlltll PINK SALMON emu uoootl ICA SOUP Ilth Iluwn coilll stilts llith ollikl STYLE CORN 43 63 ll 59 MINI 89 HI 34 Emil WRAP poo roon It run luau lumn Row VDUR lot mu no TAM Willi IUI ILL CULUUIS TOILET TISSUE IIULI PM mane lxm 34 01 mm TOMATO CATS 02 Ill um 10 ml Wlm Jim on urn 0M0 UETERCENT lllil Sill PIC lxllA no 10 Wt IIINKISI ECONOMY PRUNES 01 NOW YOU can KNOW EYERYIIIIIIG WOMANS Ill KNUWS AllttUI comian mlmluliit No1 93 lemurs 212 on 159 THIS WEEK volunl lio ll YOUNGS loll iooullllilt STIIOUI YOUR CHOICE WHEN YOU REUEEM won tRllFtUtttS told ion an and bun loll TAPES also luv it poutm $2 Pl WIIN CANIIII NI GIAIIE UNIONS SLIJIU Ill 32 IA WIIM BAMBI Ito GRADE POTATOES lolulo Nut you run mt lo ill IXIIA 52 WIIII null null PORK CHOPS IA WI Ill GIINI ml MIXED VEGETABLES IROIEI LI MG SUPERB IXIIA tutunts EATON IRI sl tar tr in tum 0R IGA CATALOGUE GIIIS willdt llu in bin ulmloi tGA MM ims in our IlIIolJuu MARKET SQUARE IGA IUIlCAST CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER ll ESSA RD JCT ESSA RI