the Titanic Walls Publisher McPherson WEDNESDAY APRIL hYouth Needs LMore Than Ever Before It is generally agreed that there is need for some form of youth dropin centre in Barrie But where And how Service clubs would no doubt be happy to help if they could be given some plan of substance The grou involved we are told numbers around 50 They are only small minority of local youth but ap parently many of them need help hav ing failed to get it from parents of the upper middle class as one concerned person put it recently The Embryo of last summers five weeks on Collier St was hardly true test Mistakes were made some leaders admit blaming inexperience First of all there must be admission that other people in the neighborhood nccd consid oration particularly the very young and the very old When youth leaders come asking for help from council and local groups they should acknowledge that Elimany people weredeeply offended over Liirrevcrency at Memorial Square in earl er days One adult not yet 30 says that at the fpresent time there may not be enough deep consideration given to general youth activities for no other reason than hat older people fear such would be Ia belied part of the overcritical never understanding attitude of adults for young people Youth of every generation Ilas need fed supervision How can any newcomer filo community label that community without knowing hardly anything of its Khisiory Fifty years ago the youth of Barrie some of them were critical 15 the town and With some justification 65 YEARS AGo IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance April 21 1905 Town Council passed several by tlon of which there is shortage deaths wor Peter Cuff lnnls fil Township pioneer Andrew Miscamp bell former MP and chief organizer for Conservative party Ambrose Hinds reporter for Ottawa Citizen who began career in Barrie Service conducted by Very Rev Dean Egan in St Marys Church Pallbearers were Thompson Crew of Advance Alexander MacLaren of Examiner Alfred Wilkes of Gazette William Crossland Charles Devlin Pat rick Kearns Canadian Pacific Rail cl way completed survey through Slmcoe County for new main line from Toronto to Sudbuiy Marks Bros famous stage company at Grand Opera House Simmons Co had com plate stock new hat styles for men Hinds elected to fill vacancy next week Stanley on Barrie Collegiate Board Wit Ernie Iliams jeweller in place Hanmer gives away chew ing tobacco this week Call and go your plug Flower Fishing Club boathouse on bay dale Stable has three entries for races at Hamilton Jockey Club wlll be Sapper Plate at Toronto Woodbine Elgin Lewis steamer last year use it on Lake Nipissing at Carlcys boat works in Barrie be shipped out by rail Capts infantry companies Simco 35th Regiment ries two Foresters Wer fiIE I620 9OREEBV EMPEDITION AND 5E AR APPEIEED 4wa YIIRPETEDCISTAF 16 Bayold Street Barrio Ontnrlo 13 DOWN MEMORY LANE laws dealing with residential construc It Ste hens resl ned as alderman Ward Ii appointed at Sign of lndian Sea completed new Dymcnts Brook take One winner of Queens which plied Lakes Simcoe and Couchiehing last sum mer sold to North Bay people who will After refitting it will ll lllaLarcn and Alexander Cowan of Bar announCed summer camp would be held at Niagara wbswEr ruralswamp cAsrLe M14190 Alumna cassava lu 1N5 some Sky masmun Excision Newspapers Limited Kerry Lsmbie General Manager Managing Editor me PAGE lL yuqhsaai rwa Supervision The present youth generation needs even more supervision Granted that su pervision needs to be much more Intelli gent They not only have the example of adult dropouts from sensibleway of life but themselves have readily avail able drugs and other kick ingredicnts Too often these adults seek to prov1de leadership for youth Any parent who ignores th ready availability of drugs and tends to vaguo idea that his progeny would not use them is like an ostrich One must have confl dcrice in young people but it must be in formed eonfidencc not blind faith Des pile overwhelming scientific information of the great harm even the co mild drugs can do far too many young people are willing to experiment With them particularly under the its the thing to do pressure so commonly used It must be remembered that there are cople who are making rich profits from illicit drugs including pot and hash Their sale will therefore be pushed to every possible limit in the quest for fin ancial gain The friend who rovides is making good thing out of it sup plier is making great deal more and behind him again are those making for tunes Another thing to polllder is thaththe By eon BOWMAN extremists usuali ta over anyt ing which starts off th every good inten Am gfffdcawngdamnjg tion Theyspoil good thing for those mmle or recrullmpm and young people who are merely exercising trulnlnlz 11m in Division of natural quest for fun 13000 men sailed from Quebec Oct and moved into the front fear of being labelled square is line in Belglum in February dangerous But its downright necessary 1915 II ls doubtful whether any day and agc troops la history over rccclvcd more dreadful baptism of fire lhcvaero assigned to defcnd the city of Yprca which was the gateway to Si Omel and the channel ports of Dunkirk Calala Farms and Boulugne On April 22 the Canadians saw dense cloud of yellowish green vapor rolling toward CANADAS STORY ontthake starting June 15 ers market prices went up butter to 23ceggs to 13c potatoes 35c bag Three wellknown young cltize went to mm and mm was Toronto for weekend urchas done of wan gns vlng alpwiyuiang grwnd rpm Haw new automobiles un ertookrtornrfvr home got as far as Hogs Hollow Unw able to find mechanic one took trainto Barrie other two still not heard from Ralph Vincent of Fesserton appointe night constable in town replacing late James Marrin Town of Orlllla and James Bay Railway lCmvlInPdisptute tilvetr assessmentCares axoneec ed Barrie secretary Upper Canada Bible cfwpslnf 33 W833 Society Ice left Kcmpenfelt Bay May drove out the Canadians After last year It was March 24 in1903 QUEENS PARK French colonial troops were the first to bc enveloped and they broke and fled leaving gap of more than mild into which the Gormana began to come through The Cnnndluns were ordered to countcrhttnck and sulfercd heavy casualties clearing the Looks like record for lateness might be made this year Barrie Carriage Co will minufacture hook and ladder truck for fire brigade Barrie Turf Club held annual meeting at Vcs ra House William Kennedy owner Wei ington lio tcl elected president Barrie Cricket Club held first workout of season at Queens Park OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ATTAINS SEX EQUALITY Owen Sound SunTimes Women made major gain in their ucst for equality in ruling by an Ontario Supreme Court judge last week The husband of Windsor woman was granted $335 month alimony She had been granted decree nisl in her appeal for divorce on the grounds the couple had been separated for 17 years The case draws attention to just one of fly DON OHEARN The most Important cullmunicipal conference Several government to tho province to men In the United States it has been suggested on several occasions that the gals be allowed to make up large por tion of the draftee forces in Vietnam 16 Buyflcld Street Burrlu Omarlo Telephone 7266637 Second Class Mall Registration Nunbcr 04M gtlottnn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted carrier 55c wcckly www Press Cl rtulutlona Ell BV lied to the local news therein rm lu all orlglnul nd ll cUTlMTo NIIZEPID coN UERER rive pAlzrs can 111E ruGLlsll samurai us mamamsilll mwmcfgfgs econ4 1154557 GREATER TRIUMDWHE REDTDWMMW and reproduced in this news was alsosrsrumarssss SflggzdcigmE HIEw flidmfydztyrleas onyrlcllt Rtzlstrullvll Num her mole register Bl Canadians Iaced Heavy Gas Attacks MAYNOT BE ABLE TO STOP YOU BUT AT LEAST CAN MAKE OTTAWA REPORT Rhodesian Govt Treated As Pariah Govt Will Confer With Municipalities six hours of fighting for crum pie the lath Battalion from Cal gary had lost all men killed or wounded Commanding Officer Cal Boyle was among those killed Thcv fighting continued back and forth and on April 24 the Germans released more clouds of poison gas This time the Ca nndlnns were in the thick of it They were choked blinded and on the verge of losing lho will In live but they hung on One way of protecting themselves nnlnst some of the effects of the gas was to tie urinevsoukcd cloths over their noses The Canadians Ilfld anolhcr dlsadvantngc They were equipde with Ross riflcs which often Iamldncd lipinh Allcn wrote or gel IN without WDIIIIEIVE hundle of Canadian infnntr IIICII to they could do no lag but wccp curse or pray in Ihe foce of lilo advancing Germans and al tompt to pry loose tllclr jammed lllle bolt with trench ing shovels or the heels of their big army boots The first battle of Yprcs con tinucd llniil May but the Cana dlun held By PATRICK NICHOLSON Prime Minister lun Smiths government in Rhodesia has just wan an overwhelming cn dorscmcnt in general election Yet Canada treats IIII Smith government rm pariah So do many othcr countries Vhal Is the offence which has created this situation Is it bCCDIISOlIlDle is no unl vcrsul franchise In Rhodesia where the vote is denied to those who lack educational qunl liicntion Yet Canada denied the vote to many until John chfcnbukvrs sense of rights guvc our lndluns the vote Is it because lnu Smilh proclaimed Rhodesia republic ch Prime Mlnlster nildcnu scams to be llecrlng tauAM mplbblicnnism and Canada is no Maren us pariah have been asked about Cans adus posture luwurils Rhodesia Specifically have been naked these questions On what legal grounds docs Canada Impose sanctions and wage economic warfare against Rhodesia Why has Canada steadfastly refused to accept Invitations to send an nilparty delcgotlon be make an onthespat study of the situation in that East African counlry and why is Canadu ignoring rights laid down by the Uniled Notions charter FOLLOW THE LEADER Thosc are good questions and llicy imply some doubt whether Canada has Iakcll fair and im pnrllal llttitude But the wording of the lust qucslion is mi cad not ng In fuel event here this wcck Is the provin hundred municipal rcprcscntullvcs members of tho and designated members if the Opposition Will discuss for two days municipal problems and their relationship The broad nrcus to be covered by the conference according to the agenda are munlclpul lax reform and finunccs regional number of ways women are not yet equal government llnd development flip iBmrie Examiner Subscription rates daily by 3360 yearly Single copies me By nl Bum 300 Mm loeul ovcrnmcnla have been Onlllor WW mlc pressing for more recognition mall $3500 your M01 and consultation WW 11 Essentially they have been National Mvcrtblns otu necking recognitionmore un ecs 47 University Avenue liro olflclally they are crea Toronto 040 Cnthcart Stu lures of the province and they Montreal lung have felt that the provlnLu Member of the Canadian and Audit Bureau of The Canadian Press is on cluslvcly onlltlcd to the use for republication of all news dlspatches In this paper erod It or The Assoclalcd Press or Rclltcra and also published The tlurrio Exumlncr claims educational reform and citizen participation in communlly dr velopmcnt No concrcio results are In IJI expected from the scitogether though the govenlmcnl mlly Ilch some announcements up ILq sleeve that It hllb llccu IiuIlI Illg hack lo swcclcll up the meetings It is cxpccled for example that Mines Minister Allin lllvi tnce will outline to northern rcprcsentallvcs just what he has in mind for tho new northern uflt fairs brunch vhltll is In in mi tabllshed in his deparlnlcnt Plans for the branch were In rlounccd in tho throne speech OPENS THE DOOR But it would be great aur prlso If any specific dcvclllplt mcnts came out of tiltgt confer ence itself This type of meeting Is essen tially dooropener an occasion on which the province the senr for level of government can for molly ahoko hands and let it be known that it Is ugrcoohlc to working more closely togethpr This formol recognition of municipalities In fuel ls tho single most slgnlflccnt net of the conference For yours the has trcutod them more creatures than humans lhllt it hua looked down Its nose at them conference such or thls lifts them up tho totem polo and feeds lhclr sellesteem Evcnlunlly It also muy lend to it holler worklntl rcllltiullshlp One Important result of tho con ference could be that It could land to more unity at the munlc lpul level At present there are live lllu nlclpul urguplzutlulu the On Iurio Munlclplll Association tho Association of Onturio Mayors and owes the Association of IIlIllll Municipalities tho Anso llv ciullon of Counties lllllI llllillllllli of Ontllrio nlld tho District Auro zm clotions of Northern Ontllrlul Ix BACON CHEESE FOR AN EVEN GREATER Como on you are Sorvico to your cor rcached any lndepcndcnt con clusion nor has Canada Ignored the UN Charter rather we have just been unquestioningly obeying the United Nations cause Article 39 of the UN Charter orders the Security Council of theUN lo identify any threat In the peace breach of tho pence or act of aggression and to decide what measures shall be taken to maintain or restore Inlemalionul peace and security Articlc Ii goes on to state The Security Council may dc cidc what measures not involv ing lire use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to Its decisions and It may call upon tho members of thnrunltnd Nullons to apply such measures mu rnny Incan complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of communica lions and the severance of dip lomatic relations The Scourin Council idcntl fle the Smith government us threat to the peace and In Do ecmbcr 19 our federal cabinet adopted on ordcr council to lmplcmcnl resolution by tho Security Council calling for cvo nomic sanelions ugnlnst Rhodc BIBLE THOUGHT The Ller scclh not man sccih for man lookth on IIII outward appearance but the Lord lookcth Im the heart Samuel 16 Illcn of compassion and justice seek to Imltnte the mind of THE GREAT sol DOG CR DRESS IT UP WIT WHISTLE DOG the good Munrnummnw foodlaallaar03 sia Does it strike you as being odd that while napalm and other lclhnl weapons are being used in various parts of the world the Security Council picked on fun Smlthf YOU BE CAREFUL Nevertheless Canada tagged along doing as We were hld by the Security Council We im poscd economic sanctions In volving complete ccssatlna of trade with Rhodesia These sanctions are intended to exert such powerful economic pres suro on fan Smiths illegal rcr glmc says Drternul Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp that flu and his associates will be brought to their knees and will give up their rebellion and Mm IIomnwlulmE gchrnmcnt This slivers of interference In the domcsuc nrfafru of another country But be careful If you Canadian do anything to assist In the salt supply or shipment of goods to Rhodesia or from Rhodesln you are liable to bo sentel ed by the Canadian courts to up to five years in prison nnda fine ol $5000 This is like using howitzer to kill mosquito Hus Canada assessed individually how seri ous threat to international police is posed by the Smith uni latcral declaration of independ once from Britain llas Canada assessed the so cial security and economic wellbeing of all the inhabitants of Rhodesia especially In com parison to the situation in nearby states