erim nunv Ont tr Iardghkd lment that might some day mune men 00dth in nearby pollution WINS BOUT IN THIRD WKYO AP Show Sailo Japan the World Boxing As loclliiou leatherweight chan ion handed out Sout Koreas junior light lg champion on San in Line third round lchcdulod leicued overweight nontitle Sunday Sail scor ed three down in the third round in registering his seventh knockout victory in 12 bout and reravaged forest times has been with hen by nicotine students llnd for estry nilicinlji The experiment bhig oonlt ducted by Sudburyu Lauren tiau Unitusin and the On tarto pmmien oi lands and forests is on crown lands at Stead and Falconbridge The onceiimzsled areas It cated about miles northeast oi Sudbury have been re verely damaged by ilres and pollution and the research team wants to know ii there are any trees hardy enough to grow under these xi conditions me Keith Wintcrhalder lec turer at LauriMinn who heads the project along with Ted Menaie oi the department of lands and forests said they as yet dont know that any trees can be encouraged to guns in these areas Despite these doubts the FAIIY DESSERT Fats rrom animals slaugh Crld or mltlt are used of much desserts among other things experimental train plans to plant more ihan dozen spec ice or trees in drum to res tom the area Some oi the test trees are not even naiii Canada TEA IS IIOPEFLL 11 tum is hopeful that it no omestic trees will DnIhlhc damaged land MW in nd an imported ety that will But even after wide vari ety ot use are tried the re numbers may not nd the answer to their problt thicrhultlw 14 FERGLASS moor Designed and Built by Joe Charles oi Barrie its easy to win Just fill out rpoiipon at our Sportsnrnma Displ Every Adult is eligible ay JUST ASK OF THE GIRLS FOR AN ENTRY BALLOT DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY APRIL 25 930 PM DRAW WILL BE MADE BY WALLY FLOODY The Original Tunnel King of Great Escape Fume ent To Retore dln possible it might be 11 to start rNsiablint oi vegetation with lower plant onus than tree It might mean some sort of moss In that case he said lull scale latest in the polluted area would not be likely or hundreds oi years We can only hope or something be or exportr punter Main Ships about 3000 car Luniis of stcd potatoes around United sums each year mm alum