Walla Publisher Lille Dorrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambio General Manager McPherson Managing Editor nmav Menu 1m PAGE mwrw Great Social Turbulcmce No Meaningless Phrase According to the United Church of Canada more than 4000000 Canadians live in poverty which is generally assumed to mean with an income of less than $3000 year per family In afuent Ontario it is perhaps diffi cult to comprehend such mass of peo ple living on less than what one average wage earner here makes in just six months This dividing line between those who can afford to enjoy the mater ial things of life and those who have to scratch for bare existence is what in trcltb separates Canada more than any talk of bilingualism and biculturalism In brief to the special Senate Com mittee on Poverty the churchs board of evangelism and social service blames the federal government for forcing more than million Canadians into life of poverty We regard this as an intolerable sit uation requiring immediate remedial ac tion by the government of Canada says the brief The board called for quick increases in unemployment and old age security benefits to rescue the victims of the Trudeau governments inflation policies Meanwhile in Ontario rising unem ployment now at 136000 is already major political issue Provincial Minis ter of Trade and Development Stanley Randall told the legislature last week that there is almost nothing the On tario government can do to curb the rising totals He too blamed Ottawas financial policies for causing 62 per cent unemployment in the province Liberal Leader Robert Nixon describ ed Mr Randalls remarks as lot of political bilge and accused the minister of being buckpasser and man who cant accept responsibility Mr Randall who deserves some crcd It for the quote of the week replied What we want is Japanese prices and US wages but that just wont work in Canada But as the politicians tall and the token fight against ination continues the poor get poorer Whats more their numbers are increasing It is no longer possible for any level of government to pass the buck or ignore the problem Either we embark on deliberate course toward calculated recession thus do ating the market and throwing thous ands more out of work or we attempt to face the problem squarely hopefully with bold and imaginative leadership and use our resources to the fullest At present the situation is like that of the airline pilot who admits to his pass engers We are hopelessly lost but making excellent time The United Church Board makes spe cial mention of the vulnerable groups in society the disabled the aged the LETTERS To THE EDITOR injured the unemployed and the low in come wage earner and the welfare recip ients It fears they will become weaker than ever before and that the gap be tween the affluent and the deprived will widen dangerously There is potential for great social turbulence in such development it warns DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barre Examiner April 20 1930 Kerr Masonic Lodge celebrated 86th annivers Presiding was Jack Rodgers vgeneral manager Ball Planing Mill and youngest Worshipful Master in history MMSe WIluvIoWr Mortlobwasinito 3failed by father John Merrick Past fWM At banquet following degree work Stephens and Fred Marr were honored having joined lodge in 1884 Walter Duff was main speak er recalling history since Kerr institut ed at Bell Ewart in 1870 later moving to Barrie Electricians Thomas Bur ton and Ralph Gribble completed rc wiring job at Royal Victoria Hospital Having been started by Stewart Page Junior section now promises to be main feature Barrie Fail Fair Motor Show big success Mayor Duncan Mc Cuaig made draw for prizes At BCI Elliott Reynolds and Marion McLean won literary society debate against Fran cia Firth and Isobel lIIcQuay John Weldon ago 104 died in hospital from auto accident injuries Attending med ical men were Dr Norman Rogers and Dr BIII Little Members Kiwanis Club travelled to Minesing Orange Hall for dinner meeting with strict farmers John Miller of Orillia was speaker Jack Rodgers elected president Ila rie Thistle Curling Club Cities Ser vice OII Co installed three big storage tanks on Burton Avc Bill Spar ling comes to Barrie as manager Corinthian Masonic Lodge ohscrvcd fIII nivcrsary of Vimy Ilillge with war vet crana in chairs Gordon Longmun was WM other members doing honors in cluded Albert Whitby Gordon Reeve Rev Spencer James Ford Mickey VIcHridc llzirry Morren lIll Shutcr Bill Bradley Lcw Caldwell Illin ald MacLaren Alexander Cownn Iru man Williams Town Council voted lordaylight savmg time despite strong opposition from rural areas Innat IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Jym WAnle Motrin 41 REA DraafplnndLThik8 willqu ables Jim Case and Wally Rayner asked for pay raises Walter Perkins and popular Barrie orchestra engaged for Easter dance at IOOF Temple John Saso of Barrie and Sam Russ of Colling wood took over ownership ofmllfew picture equipment Honglglliafe opv erated by Lem Bros erected attractive canopy Lakelnnd FlorIda has many Barrie visitors including Mr and Mrs Murchison Misses Fanny and Emma King Mr and Mrs Fred Otton Mr and Mrs Fletcher Allan dale Citizens Bond paraded members Barrie Legion to church service at St Thomas Shanty Bay Board of Edu cation considered teaching of music in Barrie public schools At Dick Gar rotts Capitol Theatre Ruth Chattcrton and Lewis Stone in Madame Easter specials in candies offered by Janctos Riviera and Bakogcorgcs Olympia tea rooms Barrie Theatre Guild held final rehearsal for produc tion Green Stockings with orchestra led by violinist Lorne Arnold of Cooks lown Mr and Mrs Horace Wilson of Collier St United Church are directors of play OTHER EDITORS VIEWS TOO FEW POLICE IN CITY Economist London England wistcd in with the concern over law and order which the Tories are fostering are number of stray emotions but the Tories do have valuable stutistlcs to hom incr home In 1908 and again in 1909 the crime rate again rose by about seven per cent year The increase In crimes of violence in London in 1909 was 23 per cent In 1988 the total strength of the police actually fell and in 1969 it rose only marginally The police are 6000 men short of their authorized establishments ml 21 tic treason ET BELIEVE SOME AMERIND WARRIORQIHED 1112 DI$TINGIIVE NAIR STYLING GINGLE LOCK ATDIA IAVED HEADJVWDNAYEIMWIHME dllPtwt Ellflldlltldi TD will HIM55 TD 751 Will SclAPl WIVMID LIVESTOCK POULTRY FARMmeoEUCIE mucu IJ 45 5441 09734 TIIAT TEIIPEE Dear Mr Editor It seems like Barrio just cant get rId of their tecpce burner and now they are trying to find practloal use for it 5kIhllI tourist attraction dropin centre are nuggcallona which have merit It could be adver tlscd as symbol of the loss of our freedom tho tnkcovcr by big and bigger govcmmenta who are taking over every lhlng and looklng after us from the cradle to thc graveon serfs that Is Now heres another One Years ago while travelling through the soumwpuamport chum pad States we stopped at acIu on station for gas and other essen tlnla Beside the gua bar were two tccpoca one marked Imave the other marked squnws still have pictures If anyone Is interested Why not set up your burner In downtown Barrio divided Into two or perhaps even three parts Hove one door murde his the other hora and the third marked Its Its hard to tell thine doya Downtown Bnrrln could cur talnly use an outdoor washroom okoy go Its screwy Idco Just trying to be of help lta your problem anyway Sincerely IDU CAIIIPAGNOLA An uii PS Maybe daycare cin uc like klddlcs indoor ploy gruund Turn it upside down iin excellent swimming pool nr huge flower pot or on In side plant loudspeaker announcing Come visit beautiful Barrie IIUMAN BODY Dear Sir WM diallppulntcd in Ilcv llol Ilddyltl vlows of Paul Mlllcrll driiwmgs As lln art form IJIc IIIlmIIfI body has been revered by artists from the beginning of time Many fu muua paintings by the Old Mus tors and the modern artlat are of tthTIcmalc form act that children lulu mid point is perhaps all Ibo more reason why thoy should b0 exposed to artistic nudity when nmxemmr urnn The Barrie Examiner Buyflold Slrcol Barrio Cumin Telephone M4537 Second Class Mull Registration Number Mill Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statulnry Holiday excepted Subscription ratca daily by carrlcr 55c weekly 12360 yonrly Single copch me fly mall Barrio 32860 youriy Ontario since your other miuI $1500 your Motor throw off SZIJXI year National AchftIslllg OIII cos 425 Univernit Avenue Toronto IiIO CM cart 5L Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bittenu of circulation Ilin Canadian Pfcti la cluslvcly entitled to tho use for ropubllcotion of all now dispatches In thIa paper cred Itod to It or Tho Assoclntcd Press or Iloutcra and also the Iocnl nowa pllbIIshcd therein The Ilnrrln Exumlnor ubilma Copyright In all orlglnnl ad VFPIIRIM nnd titorlnl motor IuI created by to employees and reproduced In this nowa pnpor Copyrlght Registration NIIIIIA her mills regular 61 nurmru Truncate Ihey oxpreaa cortoln negative droughts Ie vulgar ones this presents time for us to point out the grncoflilncss function and sheer wonder of the hu man body Sincenly IUNE GIAIIIBEIIS Castle Drlvc Barrie LIBRARY SIIOW Dear Sir Slnce Itcv Holli da has taken on himself to pub Ic chastise the Burrlc Art ub for Its recent show would like Do Publicly thank the club for the scrlcs of show it bus of Milkmenlad rm to hope they will continue the good work also wish to en dorac the BarrIc Library Board for Its policy of working with lolt eiil organizations such as Art Club In making tho library on educatlonal and cultural centre The reverend gentlemans opinions on art and morals are hIs own and It vIII be dull day when there wont be dlff erenccs of opinion on both counts But at least he hail an amusing aourcc of guidance In these matters tho giggles of tccnogers and the opinions of small chlIdrcnI wonder how many other of hill opinions he gets using similar Inductive nppronch DAVID SlIIIlH Barrio VETERANS FUNERAL Dear Sir Lest we forgot Iaat week veteran of two wars wns laid to rest with loss pomp rind cer emony than lvo ever seen on web It occnlllun looked number of tIlnca at the empty chalra that were nontly placed and wondered where were the comrades hr CANADAS STORY fly IIOB BOWMAN lwn Roosevelt huvc been Presidents of the United Staten and ea for on Canada is con IIIICII one wall hood guy and Ihc other was bad guy Tltcodorf Itooaovclt who won president from 19041000 was the bad guy Ilia daughter said that he expected to be the brldo groom at every wedding and tho cnrpso lit chry funeral It was Theodore who lurid Ihut the Aloaku boundllry must be druwn the way the 15 wunled nr he would fiend In troops Strungcly enough IIlruduro Roosevelt took part In war lonn ftllvo III IIfimIlton In IUI7 find was given the type of rrlt llrptiou usually rcllorvcd for royolty Ilc won colorful IIIIII ruined 5100000 Franklin Roosevcll pruni dtiil front lelu Vflll the good guy He took great Intor mt In Cnnndn having been unv ornor ol the atom of New York and he nliio had in summer home on Cnmpobollo lalnnd In New Brunswick which now Ill on International pork In 1910 shortly nItortIic out brcnk of the Second World Wilr when the 75 wuli noIllInI Irankllu noonovo It InvIch Irfmu lIIIuIrIor Muckchalo KIM to meet him In his private rnII wny cor nt Ogdcnaburg NY There he consented joint def tnco uuraemont that was of crent value at II most critical time 111 agreement Itaolf war Franklin Rosevelt Friend Of Canada had served with whcrc worn the pcoplo ho had served There were three men in the buck row but had brought them One person shed tear or him woman who was hot sun posed to be one of the mourn ers She dill run even lcnmv him but she sat and critd Im sum the funeral director was moved know was He was uwurdcd brief but benutlful ceremony by minia lcr yulln enough to have been his gran son He won not one of this citys lending citizens and he did not mix wItIl that soclal not But was shocked when tried to or vmev fm vnlbehmll rst asked former presldcnt of tho Barrie Lemon to supply live would be the sixth He said he would nrrungc it if possible visited the Legion Shortly bcioro tho funeral out no pnlIA bcnrcra wcrorcudy Elght or nine men were present so ask ed the steward if live could be sent as pallbearers if none show ed up at the funeral home He said he could not send men Eventually the funeral was held and there were no Legion pollbelircra on hand recall Iislefllng to blokellng among the munbcrs to what dress should be worn whether or not to wear medals berets or not luckcta or not at tho Soldier ceremony Robert Muthowson had done lot for his country but he had never heard bund play on his behalf or had 115 flown ht hnlfmnst He didnt even have five Loglnn members conlributo one hour of their time to hll farewell Even though our last names are the some he wus not rel ative of mine Yours truly SAM MATHEWSON scribbled on the back of an en volopc On April 20 IIIII Franklin Roosevelt again holpcd Cumidu through very rough porlod WIIII Hrltnln undor hcnvy bom bardment and threatened by paralblc German Invasion it was necessary for Canada to liupply hugo quantities of 01qu incnt and cxpnndwnr produc tion Rooauvclt Invited Macken zlc King to meet him at his home In Hyde Park NY and they worked out an agreement III II lnwhnurs lhnt suvcd Cun zidu from bunkruptcy It was known fut the Hyde Park agree ment and Roosevelt signed It Done by II It and FIIl on ii grand Sunday In April OTIIEII AIIIIL EVENTSN ISSICflfllur Rolled from St Mnlo on first voyage to Clulodo meuoynl clIIrI Hold execu tivu poultlonx In Cnnndn to high cut bidders GilIndian Chlof pull ac was murdered lltoIIDuvld Thompson ox plorod port of Columbia flivcr IBMFIoderlck Seymour an rivrd to be governor of Brltluh Columbia nullnluntl KHzIlmlao of Common and Sonuto pushed rcaolutlon sup pnrttng homo rule for Ireland lsuaLeglalutlvc council of Prlnco Edward laland merged with tiuucmbly lnlaMon between Llch 2022 were conscripted for mllltnry Icijvlco OIIAWA REPORT White Paper Causes Increasing Concern lives and of all businus PATRICK marblst The Home of mono closed for only men mm over Easter Io MP bad very short 08163 holiday Sam spent It in their dlnp whua lm undentandmly headed for when mm 11501 acme warmth as well relen tloxl mu Ottxwla lung and rul lerahlo vimer The rst day usaioanthe Home of Common after the brief bobda wu thinly at tended But the second da still found the Home only half II count In the middle of the ques tion period allowed only 79 out GI 15 Liberal present out of 72 Conservatives 11 out of New Democrat and of Crdillstts Fourteen of the 19 Cablnet Mouton dculled for duty were pruent Yet In these days when Parliament ta held more and more downgraded this was not an unusually nal attendance Arrion the lint MP rotorfr Inn to HIII there was natu rnlly lot of exchange of Im pressions which they had gath cred from the voters at home All such reports have one thing in common them la new wor risome mood of anxiety and dis quiet across the land The gavernmcnta while paper on proposed tax reform Ia with OIL doubt molar topic for worry in all ports of Cannda Disapprovnl Is not restricted as Prime MInlaLu Trudeau and FI nance Minister Benson claim to blg business rich Conadluns and those who bnve an axe to grind Our MP now know that most Glmldlllns not only the coons feel concerned The farmers of Prince Ed word County are worried about the tax changes George Hoes hears In his constltuency and they fear what will happen to their forms They as well as the merchanu of Trenton and Pinon and smaller communi tlca are bafed by the Idea of an army of tax anoopcrs and are afraid of interference with their IIttla nest eggs In luzesu the white paper not hbe ral proposal all but rewrite of Karl Marxs Cocwmlnlst Manifesto Mr ammonia viearr um reported In this column few wet ago After reading them in on WIce Mic McCuldxeon and RI oousutuenta in lamb thent dcdded to Invite Jack McIntosh to address meeting thee Itfr McIntosh did that It Easter time and with oil in the exposure says Mac M9 excheon requests are now coming In from the United State for mph of the text Jdf Mclntushx famous speech Mac In incidentally ust left Parliament Hill he for England with Ottawa hber MP Lloyd Francis Canadas roprcsentatlvea at an Important meeting of theCommunweilth Parliamentary Association They will study parliamentary procedure and methods of streamlining ll Harold Dunforth I5 another of the many MP3 bringing back reports of worry among farm ers and small businessmen in but case from his riding In southwestern Ontario He has apprchalcd very large turnouta cvcn In quite small communi tIca for discussion meetings such as no Impartial tax panel review which he recently organ lsed In Merlin While great worry oi Cann dIlins concerns the spectre of in creased tum one hears also of wrath that In lhIs pcrlod of helt quested restraint MP5 one help ing themselves to larger pon alons and perhaps larger sola rlea IIon Sallsman New Home are from Grill is one of those who feel very strongly about wrongncss oftho timing of such increases Further Max cvcn question whether higher pay would lm rovo the quality of the breed attracting more able candi date from highly paid Jobs He believes that the best ltfPs are those who feed it calling for poli tics and glndl sacrifice rosicr financial pros of to serve CALI PAPER MARXIAN their country phn Parliament Jock Molnlosh MP for Swift Hill So Max Is com sing an Current has culoyed approval for his speech explaining that the tax white paper Is not merely tax reform but so cial document lending directly to state conlrol of our Individual QUEENS PARK open letter to be ad ressed lo the commission appointed by Puma Minister hudonu to make rccommcndatlona about MP5 salaries It moybe open but Ibel It will be hot Minister Squinns Under Questioning By DON OIIEARN New Democratic Party coder Donald MacDonald hud Tronsurer Charles IIIan Nuughton squlrrnlng the othvr tiny and on pretty good point Mr MacDonald asked the treasurer whether ho had run ads across the province promot lng free copies of the budget Ho ho had the treasurer said Was the advertising and I15 prInIIng of the budget pnid for out of public funds the NDP louder asked Thomas Wells ls nearly the biggest type In the ad twice the size oil the Ontario department of health under Whlch It anI And docxsnt it in sending out free copies of the budget book which probably cost about $250 COPY ITS POLITICAL The budget is an official docu ment But It also ls political document It is probably the most pollticully dlrcetcd govern munl statement of the whole session Could not perhaps the govern Nzlgbn ruplxsf ment carry outILs communica we mom Mr upon tion responsibility entirely through advertisingand more cheaply It could get all lhc sig nlfIcant facts about the financial position of the province In fullplige ad Or if It was determined also to send out the budget sIatu mcut shouldnt il In fairness to our twosidcd system also send out the opposltlon statement One can say that It should Another year It might thanks to Mr MacDonalds olforts And if there is to be rein on propa guildu there has to be continu lug effort by the opposition to contain it As for getting upy of the budget Its up to you But be said would the treasurer agree to mail out wlth the budget copies of the budget speeches of the leader of the Opposition and hlmseli KETTLE OF FISH Yell now Thls was kettle of is No he wouldnt do that the treasurer said Why not Well the Budget was an offi cinl document llnnsnrd Is the ntflclal trun scrlpt of the proceedings of this house It Is an offIcIaI docu ment will the treasurer there fore mail out coploa of the printed Ilonsord or the budget speeches of the leader of the warnbd casual reading it Opposlllon and myself IIII isnt cxlxclly The Godfather MacDonald then asked Tho answer la no the troaa urcr replied He sold thls wIIh Iinnlinbul with the shaky finality of mu CANADIAN GIRL PICKED NORFOLK Vu CPI Eliz who Iant sure whothnr be Is awillmmng gr drowning vi Interesting to see alien Manori whether Mr MncDonuId and 124101 HenryrMonegltIlshhizlsls Unixslum fender Robert Nian and Cunudlan Forch attache at keep on lurking away at this the Conlidlnn embassy in Wash ington has been chosen to bc princess at the International mu of borderline prupuguudu Ihercil always trick pruhlt Azalea Festival here April 211 to Mny II lom where the line should bu drawn in government publicity FIRE TAKES OPERA ISTANBUL Rellteiul Illr fuILI InformnIion Certainly government should keya old opera house where Sarah Bernhardt and other ndvcrtlllc It has responsibility to communicate vIth the public Alidrromlcr Roberts has been pnrticulurlyworrled about poor stars of the stage once appeared communlcutlon In recent yours was dostroycd by fire Frlduy But then when does legitimate Converted from ll mullainn In mo tho thculre vus closed In April tilt9 luld turned Intu mluounl of the theatre The Iiro communication become partisan propaguudu was caused by an clcclricnl Doesnt It for example In curront ad on OSIIIP aorvlco The name at Health Minister fuult N0 TIIIAL FOR SUICARNO JAKARTA Iltlllurxl Iho Indoncslnn government wlll not bring deposed president su Now unto hlln who II able to do exceeding abundantly above III that W0 ask or Iblnlt Ephellnna if God hover almply answers prayer Our cup runs over He pours It on beyond our wildcat imagining kurnu so to trial because he is III Informed sources sold llri day They dismissed local pm reports that the former pmsl dent would appear before 890 chi mIIlInry trlbunul curly next your Sukarno hna kidney allr moot