5an Patient links up Go To Mountains rams M1 Dam lands ASIID alme doctor whammme ugrrulackoldmgn oi lumumlunocpr loamWinean Tabor Horton City or me wchtut yet1 read 01 doctors letting patients teaMaura we aim tut uhilzrnled in tlse mountains like to try it units lit time but my doctor hear ILLD 11 means uttridsclcrolic Inseamsome critical an are becoming gummcd up plumes reducing circula Tho bl thrust is an at tar Ioicnalplin circula ln an artery lecde the museJo and thats heart ashl are ditimnt degrccs oi Some people with ll lol hlgh nllitudcs quite wclL others Wonder why iu the tntnins they have trouble Bathing The reason at rsc that in the thin air hcart has to pump blood or in nrdcr or the blood to up as much oxygen as the needs And with certain rce of ASIID the heart Just do it So the patient hulls pulfknnd runs some risk heart attack you go to the mountains ill have to do it at your own It were you Ir doctors ndvicc Id Iollow sorry it know English very well what kind at he Since my baby was born LIVB noticed that rim when teeth nnd my gums get to lhcr looks like it they are gol Ig rottenMrs 568 Doctor illncss Your diet my bra lacking thins you need ask your doc tor nr tbs visiting muse associa tion But the description also sounds Iii who is called perio nul 163 or pynrrhcsa one gumsend on should see dazzlst about Dear Dr nulls am TI and isan high blood pressure like lemon juice salt and also luau juice dill pickle juice and othcr such juices Are these bad or him blood prawn Mrs ED see no harm rpm the lemon juice but as to the othersyes they can be harmiul actor in your blood pressurc The ma son they contain good deal at salt and you should avoid ex ccsive salt LEPBOY lly MILE REID Mrs Norman Davis held miscellaneous shower in her home or htr niece Miss Trudy Davis at Gillord Friday eve nintt April It Mrs Douglna Reid held surlt prise party tor IItf daughter Linda Saturday April ll lhe occasion Lindas let birthday About tricnds attended Mr und Mrs lcd Juiicnnan and family all attended the bap tism ot the baby son of Mr and Mrs Nlck IutIorrnnn in St Marys Church Barrie April Mrs George Uncles was pn ticnt in Stcvcncson Memorial Hospital Alliston or chk hut Is now home Mr and Iilra Robbins and baby hnvc rcntcd Mrs Mina Kellys apartment We welcome drum to the community Mr and Mrs Jack nuttnn Ncwmnrkct were visitors with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Stewart April 12 John Ililllcr Toronto is homo with his parents Mr and Mrs Jack Miller for the week AJIDL Kan use 2M EMdII You Htrihu 2TLu no school sLnuu Ball 113 uretsua Dlulln rut nunn Slump th ltamprr com cm 12month sltnvcrl lion slurw court lNcwl TUESDAY APRIL Zl EVENING MID II IlIIVO rllLrt 12mm tWko up and Drum IzGuliopinl Gourmet AGornrr Ile olluel also lISwlnllround ljho Glow alm Hintatonu 9ramun Daulhlcr IlLuctllt Ball lzTom Jon znlck van on btrutlt or Conuaunncr 1Nowl Won her sznu lllly rnru son Morn Pvlz Llnrry slum nllt Il lch Lucy Dcutnr Trck =11Gnme Gama ILCnrtoons rlly ntuu 11 Drum 7101 me mu 1I Irtlllt vlr Coxncqulncel I1Dlrk Vlrl Dykl 6mm DJallnny Cun Alrk anl by llulliwtll zons llIltwlb llrd IIIltrlu ilrrtun WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 AFTERNOON nunlinen Data um nI morytlnnal Inve Lucy Lcis Inllc Alluut It lrclnc llrslltly arm News rumr Mv Llns llrsclrch or Tomorrow nrlu Aunt llltllnnos rnrca unl avlu mout Ill scuttnnd IIanl Weather anrmm IlLuclllu Illll XyAxnlv tlrmltli Lva Manon rm lucy DrStnr It IITtln nmn Jam IZCnttuunl Lltl Illllcvnrly Iull lllo Truth mumiuncrn mutt vnn kao New anlhll illwlll Elliot Vcalltcr Ilutc gnuwlwllmt llam Illrton van cllt Znu CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER deal when the East Welt cards arc laid out aboli as bad Northscum vulnerable Foam deck nonm munps so instead oi 4765 andmormvcrthcthrse trumos lll vnih wast rather than with East where the queen would be llncssnbic L451 Manners th 01 355 spouts are perched over Souths tinimwlnntmmm two 1095 QUIZ poununl spade losers whetz KQW US there would ordinlriiy be only liovvmcr to this declar v25196 er can makng outrun Lust normal delmse Welt ends tn lung and another club The bidding an Wt South rum and lends the ace Pl hearts only to learn when PW East shows out that West has sum trumbp trickmmdli Idnhc contract now no cos apgcgfxgymypgyf gcr since it is out possible to dcclnrcr will inevitably depend 30fllgm mm on how the dctcndrrs cards are wk Iwud Mm phcd lavorabln location at tho miss In sons oi thcsc hands declar ing Wda hung mm has no comm the IMP hand South takes steps to lion and when this ts hc caso sum um mm by compel fagbedogsbegnmr hm lawn to load spade to tho ID with sood luck He cutter tho ot hairs But then are hands whero loads the lack dnmon dcclnrcr encounters bad luck the queen ruUa dummya last that nevertheless permit hlm to club cashcs the AK or dim overcome such adversity Iind it monds and puts West back is those hands that acute disA on load with trump tinct challenge to dcclarerl Wcstdcls thus 03d to skill spa or For Example consider this which hands south the contract SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS lifydlglltgwisfen ignite rill this project The ccrcal shell Mrs Grccn Mr and Mrs Wm mm hm com Cyril Drury nttcndcd the Soil pmcd and wedding anniversary celebration Went rcccivcd their provincial ot itcv and lllrs Dorian at Hog ham crsvlllo Mr and Mrs Joe Noble Spent About 125 unit cnloycd the law days at Wheeling We Lucky Luncheon the hall Virginia recently hcrc April span sorcd by Mrs Bradley and Gordon Cookslown Order at Eastern Mr and Mrs William Suthcr sum land visited irlcnds in Oshnwn nnd Bowmanvlllc on Sunday EASTER THEME UnltcdChtlrch Womcn met in FAREWELL all1 On Friday mm ran the Sundny school room April TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO IIAERIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO II IIAMIIIWN 12 PETERBOROUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY torts uo Spares nu OAndv nrultlu said an auto ovc ton via an IlClnldll chk Vln DVL 23qu Elpcauro pIlncl Robby zuattywnia Sour zLoncrntutlan tlnvo of Thoml muullllu mum Gourmet lzClrloom IzTJLA ma Wealhvr nuanw llsnuwu Am IlIillnnDont Mov and Dlllu oDcnartmcnt some sNnmnt ttcnart lcct tintrt IlDlvld rrun vcourtrhtn or Ccntre motm yathu Ivour warla moo Ncws IlPlorr Ilurton lIIDKI Illrdtl DVIIWPDIIII till luv rs Muir Hahnny arttan nonn tMnrv Grillln huuod ItMDVIO liPat ilullcn Escort wcm 1lgovlo Damn neynolda Lima liTJLA lbw llllrdlul MI IJG Wll TrJlllil 12500 lcd Skrltrl IIIlllyl Prom wt The Spy ltlllnr 13 mo sslo 2Mavl ml uuu nr 1le Winnna an rml turn lck cmlt at who Milton Wig iii guitartar ZMIIIlo cnulnlnr um NIKE tinIII OLIB HI la IIMGIV Grltlln hIlllol 11 lzcnlcnan rh Wnlld 4nccrut storm lG Him ill Alain 67m Bpoltelt 21Blomllh tray aurdytvol 1Flowcr 6Iorlc 233mm my cnnutlncr rnwm Bullhdul TIIInl ll I1 tun lrn dl Imm Whm wlyihn 35m Lyiiiihiiriliivit 10v Supple 71mm HWMM lultntu lxnluuv 11 1Illrlt uuvclt 47th Ilclcnl no offslrrlim Eflizinlrvfgmm Sympathy ls nxtcndcd to Mrs arcua Velbv conuETE COUKBE 3H 24 mcnt Day in Alulmm April ounlvrrvlty on the All IltW 2Anolhrr Wprlo 1uu Mako put lZillto an 1uummtmlcr ronl 111ypo or DMoatrecent torons lllntk Culilcl Mrs Pllllllps conducted iidiiiliiifliiiitn meaninqu Easter warship nnd daughwrg prim may vice nsalstcd by Mrs Will in to their new home ln Now CM Follmvmlz period at oulct mnrkct Euchre was playcd lol mu5lv WIICOX KNEW lowed by dunclng to music sup use of scripturc An aster plied by Jerry nancm nndhl5 momma was brought ln sons son trescntnllon to tho Cul by Mrs Orr MN3PMHkgt5 save bcrt lnlrily showed the high cs Wdlntl Chilots Legacy tcm tn which they We held by Ponce What cubic ntlcmpt tho pcoplo ol this community man has made In using the log ucy to kccp peace and spread bounmul Huh cnjuycd brotherly love throughout tho world Wilson and Iomlly in the dcnth oi humnnd and tathcr Daniel JULIET JONES SECRET AGENT DONALD DUCK MRS FITZ Itlrs Willi in charge of the wuwn new wack program welcomed Bun Stoors ACCIDENT on Bundny nttcrnuon while trnvclllng west on Ilighwny Bil John Sutherland was involved in an accident Mr Walker ot lor onto cnmo or sldcmnd killed to stop and drove Into the Suth crland car Both drivers cscop cd with some bruises and ahuk lng up but Dcnnla Exncr passenger in tho Sutherland cnr lost sevcrnl teeth Both cars are complete wrecks chcrnl trotn hcrc attended the 4H Homemaking Club Achieve icstlval will on June OFFICE HOURS Ive only got two sinks Mama but Ed will find an excuse to work into at the office it call and tell him YOURE ntuylnz DAILY CROSSWORD lioness Tiny Army ordinance Girls nuns vshlclo Umlvr mm 10 lr lduvsr as 11000 brow 151mm islnunn olan WEDNESDAY Arnlt EVENING tnrm 14Wlne Inch cwstkdw ll Entlrs rccsptncle 211mm Imamum lPnl Wu lolPronoun 17yCultl 20Mana MNegnuvn llle 16ragrlnce vats namo l4Flowor lanai 7f 19 napalm noEmploya 315ywnyog numa vim judlenta vessel 11 Kinder as $12 mnn mamul 1o Barret ammu Wm llrcoxllndy lotion tum Wm 21 run VIlalIm canmuuvnm 21Dlsdatn murmu nanurm vrnutn may Ililtl 271Iasun klwlglnl llll liens llullon 251mm Hill lIVl EMI lldt IIIILwm iglrotlan Hygmgnmd 21mm nrlon my nTllut GIKI at wit ac 7unvie II MD mm in Ham on antilawn 327 nanny trunm gury flaNotsvar Euflm thnruloul rrullkl 38Unnlem llahlnvll Mm tonalpcr will The limit I2yfxmn 41xomply Juulmv lulu Nlrltil gmu igyp on 106 nun Dow 18mm thuntc llnil mo quenuy ullllnv LIIHII auntplug rrnldlla who presented some excellent Illdos accompanied Ivyrecord inga on The Way at tho Cross which were taken while on trip to Florldu Mr Stcertt BMW cd many pictures at Interest irom nuricullurnl industry to bcnutltut gardens nnd summer resorts nnd numbur of excel lent slldcs from Capo Kennedy social hour allowed with delicious lunch served by the hostesses Mrs Dalton Jackson Mr Batcmnn nntl Mrs It llulncs The nnnuul strnvbcrry HENRY HOIV DOYOU LIKE YOUR NEW BUSINESS THE KIDS VOTED ME ETTA KETT THESE GOOSEGUI PENE 60 BEAUTIFUILI WITH IBWOWTURY FURNITURE BLONDIE Willy WELL IF ISNT PAULA MAE QUEEN OF Tilt TREE CLIMEEKS READY ONE OF MONEY MAP ODWME MVP MERE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS Er SKEETER Ml NuDOH 1wo RIDERS NEADIN mo ms Roots SOMEONE ls mama anew 1am BOWMANMW achvN EHEWANTSTDKNOWIFIOU ALLAlsour IT INK OF ANYONE WHO HEARDABOI rrl YEETERDAI MW AW vaw your stu we urn 0le new or ii um AWERLUNCII HEY GRAM wmh ran DINNER Rutmun 17th GET ALONG ON THE THE 5551 MANAGE HOWD THEY SMALLESTALLDWANCE INOUQCLASS FIGWETHAT DFANY OlTIIEIODSN MYCLASS 33 NBA BETTER toaAt WANT TO SHOW You GMETNlNG HAPP YDLI TDOIBIIZutm WIT MP lN MY ME BAKEDLBROILED FRICASLSEED 31952