Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1970, p. 6

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GARRISON BALL HELD IN THE ARMOURY he commander ol the Bar rie Earrbon Capt Ful lcr LEFT seen with Mary Ellen Vanity his Wilt Mar Dory and Lieut Tom Varnty president at the mess commit te at the allicers mess ball Saturday night Close to so people attended the event which ended with bullet dinner by candlelight at midnight Among special trotsis attend ing were Kenneth Walls publisher of The Barri Exam iner and his wile and Licut Col and Mrs Tcrry of Base Borden iExamlner Pho tut Playing Russian Roulette With PiePackaged Food TORONTO CF About 20000 Canadians stiller ailer glcs to certain loods Thiso same Canadian play variation at Russian roulette RVH AUXILIARY Rehabilitation Is Topic Of Speaker Prior to the regular business meeting ol the Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary llrs Derek Jones head nurse on oor GB gave an interesting and lnlorm atlve commentary on the rehab llitntian work in this 4obcd un It Age group in this unit varies item t7 years to 75 years with chronic and tcmunat cases in dudcd Jill Rehabilitation Cen is hospital within tin pita Rehabilitation Committee at doctors and nurses plus mum bcrs ol the occupational phyo lotheraplsts meet to anses the needs at patiean lotiowcd by an assessment by the MBA Dr Allen ltavcnxrolt is chair man til the committee Work schedule on thiti Hour to three thlLs with to stered nurses and 12 legit none trig azzictaan on rotation Nure es utilize new procedure there by omitting the patieiiln in tilt thtryrlsei younch Sta ItNAs show in terest in the wellaro ol patlcnu whose stay in hoepital averages so days The Physiotherapy Delia meat was set up in low by tit 13er and alter doctors ILIt rat 17 to iii pationtn vinit thin department each day The Itc hubllltatlon Centre help in the where stakes might range lrom minor skin irritation to severe painwhen they cat propack aged loodslulls Allergy informath is trying restoration ill the handicapped patient to as near normal as mible Activities OI daily liv ing arc cncauragcd in the UC cupational Therapy Department by assisting patients to dress and feed thcmzclvclt Furnishing all Day ltnom lot to reduce the adds The member organization made up at women in Canada and the United States is lobby ing to have legislation pnsned which would require manulae tllrers to list all ingredients con tallied in their land The groups main active luncv tiul now is to provide interma tion on restricted diets or peo ple sullcrlng allergies Since loot Allergy lnloima lion has campaigned stren uously to hate ingredients listed explicitly But so lar the only action taken in Canada has been study by the lead and drug dl rectoralc The Allergy Intelmillion exec utive notlccd several years ago lhal many foods that caused severe allergic reaction are listed on package labels only by such general terms at vegetable oil ttwcctcnlng spices and so Iarlh MIGHT IIH DIBILItCIiD patient on this oor will be dona with money donated lor this pnr Done Service clu bit church groups and olhcrh are invited to contact him Junet regarding crl tenainmentt lur pallentll Jn lichull nl the xllidry Past Ircliilicnl Mrs Fred Ep lLtt thanked Mrs Jones lor her talk on this phase at hospital work President him John Stevenson directed the meeting which was attended by 45 membcrli Alter reports at chairmen and con ventrs ltlrll Thillnult re ported auxilla ry membership Manda at 211 vlrtl lck Swllur ortcd the recent Opportunity wan an outhtatillint nueccrls and thanked all who ltud anointed in uily wily It wan announced that Mrs Robert Lllllan hudbccn elected by acclamation to item three year term on the Hunpitnl Hoard llnt Stevenson int prcllidcnl ren cnla the Auxiliary on HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME Governor General ltnland Michelin who celebrated lllll 7Uth birthday Sunillly blown out the candlos 0l hilt cake lit troverllmcnt lluulic At hiu little in Mm Alluhonot It with al llIUbt birthday or other units Mr Mlclicticr llccumc murmurgeneral nt Canada April l7 1967 CF Ihltlui Eeunomlcs are the largest 3210f tn Ingredient Illungl For example mall mnnulw turm wntdl commodity prices closely and ll an ingredient gocli up in price it might bcdls placed by another additive whlcli is tells costly at the time Thus nionulncturcra would be laced with discarding lhousandn nl labels every time this switch was made The most Allergy lnlormutlon has been able to do to combat thle Is to blame periodic newslet alld welllabelled and wanting with lnlldead the allergic panes llllonnutlon to who llullcr lrom dust ragweed plaints bake little on Mlly at the Towers stare lipomtolcd by our rle Central District Local As sociuthln will lie lleltl to raise motley tn ambit ll local guide Brenda Burbidgc who will at tend Guide Camp in Kolclt this nummcr At the rcgual mailing of tile Illlrd Burllo llrownle Puck three lwecnlcs were enrolled llll Brow nlclt Suxanna Frown Christine lcmay and Marcie llttllkn lllm Duhaniuh WM uwurdud her fill loclorit and toy mttkcrs bodilclt The Harrie Central Distrltl fluiderd meeting with held at the home at District mmmhmhmer ltztrbnra llmlrt Irchent wort Mllrioll Stlwoull Susan Bewick ltnrllnril icy illclldn Crllititt Sunlliu llutris Debbie Gibson Ilillitlll hucy and Lorraine Hut Illdgu lit the cunttuition oi the bunlneret nlccllttg bully rtltmw ur Wit4 held lur Ithlmdu Iluirltt lhu tilw daughter ol Ctlptltl Sandra Myths of Third Illirrlil lollies Alter gills were open ed rt inputltd cake and ice Crtllm were ttllVtll by holtcmtes HOUSEHOLD HINTS LICITOVIIH IOIAIOER HERVE IN NICW WAY lrunl tllu trial to know their potatoch lhllt tradltlonnl brcndl made lvlth lultuvol mashed potato till he pttplr ed ahead and rtellclttrll when needed Homo economists Mac dunnltl Institute Unlvrrslty of Guelph tangent reheating tho tnls in hot bacon int and serv ing with lumen and cults or mixed krill lltY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE not tcrs advising Demons with nller glen oi products lound to his rule against loads which carry labcln lniormnllon which mlght Allergy lnlormllllan also dili persona Holdcnrod and other Items which produce rcllplrulory COHIA Haney has been layout sweet of mankind since punts toxic times It is natures own comeniaice food quick food energy because the sugars are in an easib digest iblc form Honey in histh priz ed or iLs special Haber alone with bread or with other loods Most ot the honey on the rc lali maria is sold in liquid or creamed form LIQUID HONEY is extract cd from the comb and strained Freshly airmen honey may crystallize within lew wrecks beat treated to remain liquid it should keep lor several months at room temperatme and is best kept tightly corcred CREME HONEYls mad by seeding liquid honey with finely granulated honey and storing it under cvnlrollcd Condi tions lmLtl completely granulat ed Since it has smooth Fine texture and spreads easily it is becoming increasingly popular COMB HONEYis natural hon ey sealed in wax that is made by the bees in the hite It may he sold in sections in wooden frames at it may be cut in sec ticns and cach piece wrapped separately GIUNK HONEY is labeled as such It is sold in it contain er and consists of pieces of comb honey as well as liquid Pastculiztd honey may be either liquid or creamed honey that has been heated or pas tcurixed to destroy the yeasts Giltord WI Danish Pastry Demonstration demonstration on the nlak in of Danish Pastry will he the theme of tho Gillord Womens institute meeting on nlesdny at pm at the home or Mrs Wit linm Kcll Anyone interested mny nttond Radical Feminists Bar Pornography NEW YOHK Reuters The radical lcmlnlsls ol the Womens Front moved into illoesocutlvllmlllcu cl Grove Press nlonduyfprotctil the its nllogell pornography which deizladcll and hunllllnlcs women ltpokcsman sold it was the lourltl nlcdln or lII ll month by women demand lnli otfuul rights with men The lcmln stll surged through the olilccllhuntl it womens libera lion llllg lrom the window cl owlicrpublllthcr llnrney onset and vowed to Ito until he meets their demon ltunltcl wllri Ill Ill Dlltillllrk With not expected back next week ntcly hluii showing them its mule un npoktsnlnn mild Seek Ways To Raise Money For Guide To Attend Camp barn Elliott mid Mllllull Sellillud The Burllc Control District Lu cul Association meeting was also hold at the home of llllllmln lJn Millutttt at the 1M meet ing wore ILilll by netrulury lila lhcr Otton and treasurer report given by lrlntl llillbclulll ltllllil ralw lands in initial lluonldnc in her trip to Korea At lhc Ctlllcltlhlll oi the nitrrlllill In this world lhoroa always room tor and more Calyour Welcome Wagon Hostess now Phone 7285384 or 121141302 It provides gunlzatlon rallied In New York untll The women do lllnlldcll Grove Press lllililtdl publlltlilng books which degrade women by masochism victimized by the lttldlslle topic at business was how to lllcnlln lulul wnr provided by ciudyii KITCHEN KAPERS Honey Can Be In Baking And Cooking that might cause the honey to ferment Pasteurization does not affect the quality at the honey and it all keep almost lndclin itcly It is labeled pasteurized Honey is sold in various size containers Rom eight ounces to eight pounds it is more econ omical buy in large containers mum AND FLAVOR Honey varies in color naval and aroma dcpoding on the kind of owers from which the bees have gathered the nectar is rule the lighter the honey the milder the rlnmr Clotcr honey is white and mild while buckwheat honey is dark and strong Haney may be blend or several avors The color classes are White Golden Amber and Dark The color is stated on the label GRADE liquid and creamed honey are graded matdin in quality The grade must generally avail able in retail stores is Canada No lol Na within some provinces Thch are two other grad Canada No and Can ada No It but these are usually used or commercial purposes Graded honey must be true lrom foreign material and mum standards for moisture unitar mity of color elcarness ltnd Ila vor Creamed honey must have line texture wth complete and uniform granulation STORING forltrlclt between 3438 BAYFIELD 5T The Eureka Rugulolor ad justs to different pile rug So you can go way down for thin pullo curpeting Wily up for the thickest slings Or anywhere in And lllc Rugulutur llllrl its place Sugar Haney is tut stored at room temperature in place High temperatur may cause honey to darken kcmed honey will change in texture uueu stored in hot mom and in this case is best refrigerated Haney when well sealed may be stored al most indefinitely in the treat without any changes occuring in avor or texture USE IN oooma Honey may be sued in place of sugar in many recipe but the amount cl liquid must be reduc ed One cup of honey may le place one cup of sugar but the liquid should be cut by one quar ler In plain cake recipe hon ey may be substituted or on hall the sugar Some bakui foods made with honey may brawn more quickly than those made with sugar and the oven temp erature should be shitly low crml Darker honeys give2 distinc tive flavor to militias breads and bars To liquer honey place can tainer nvcr warm water cup at honey Weighs oz pound cil honey measure one and onethird cups Haney keeps baked foods fresh longer as it help retain mois ture HONEY ERAN llIUFFINS cups allied allpurpose flour eup cooking bran baking powder still cinnamon egg beaten third cup liquid honey thirds cup milk cup butter melted Mix dry ingredients Combine egg honey mill and melted but tcr Iakc depraaslon in dry ingrcdents Pour In liquids and stir quickly untll lust mixed but still lumpy Fill well greased mullln tilts two thirds full Bake at too untll browned 20 lo minutes Makes 12 medium mullins clcunur Well itint it ZUW THE BARRIE KXAAIINEB MONDAY 20 The striking zlgzug panels up each side at the zipper opening milked this In attrac llvc yet vnnn and conllort nllle cardigan in sizes to It years or boys and girls it rte is knitted llll zldimiu Pawns it all your rugs are unusually clean you alread ownthey Eumka Rugulator Why are we so convinced the Eureka Rugulutor in the best upright cleaner on tho market Well let the product upcuk one did kind Illljurtllllllo tllll train up an the front of Iltl cleaner And that nllllterl lot of dillcrnnce Unlike buultWlitoL control cleaners the Rugulutor puts the cleaning end of tile machine parallel tn the pup So the auction lllltt everything in We make it like its the only way to make an upright vuluum ZIPPERED CARDIGAN lilin Palous Cutl Knitting Worsted or Carclrco Canndlllna Onwnrtl Manufacturing Co Ltll Kitchener Outurio Jack Worrod Appliances TOTTENHAM 9364723 03 VICTORIA ST ALLISTON 4365710 Clarks Home Furnishings llolonl you buy my oluullor two the now ltupulutur and other llurtlltll tliuulolu lit Allundtilo Hardware 34 ESSA RD lint needles sell he The very best invacuum cleaners Suycllt on No Mlllulrd knit true instruc lcullcl is nvuliubltl by stamped sellad dressed ellvclopu to The Bar Exnllllnur Deni lo Bnylleld St Barrie Please request alppcrcd card igan leulltt +70 Needlework 7282422 Robinson Hardware ltd 7232043 ai DUNLOP ST 728241

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