Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1970, p. 4

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Eli Torrie Examiner Published by Canadian 16 BayId Street Walls Publisher McPherson BATLleA APRIL $44 Woes For Small Business Predicted In TGovcrnmcnt spokesmen are putting the best facc possible on changes pro posed in the White Paper in the taxing of small businesses They give the ini pression that not many legitimate corp orations would be affecttd and that in any event the new rogulations would not he terribly onerous Hardly any small businessmen agree at least one to the point of actually getting out of business writes Harris in his monthly circu lar Clip Sheet The exal number of firms that would be affected is unknown but the Dow Jones financial news service reports that in 1967 there were 81386 businesses in Canada that earned less than 335000 of taxable income Finance department officials were quick to point out that not all of these businesses would aut omatically pay tax at the proposed rate of 50 per cent rather than the existing rate of 21 per cent The higher rate would apply only where the income of single proprietor or of the members of partnership were over $24000 Nevertheless it is the governments own figures which reveal just how many businesses there are in Canada that have taxable incomes of less than $35000 it is hardly believable that more than fraction of the 81000 exist as separately incorporated businesses simplyio take advantage of tax loopholes which is stated reason for the proposed tax change Prime Minister Trudeau has said that criticism of the White Paper is footless unless alternative sources of revenue are suggested This is very dictatorial attitude for what is supposed to be Chamber of Commerce studied plan to fillpart of bag for downtown parking Lodge Willard Kinzie was chairman and appointed following committee chairmen Bill Merrick publicity Heber Smith civic improvement Harvey Little agriculture Harry Hancock finance Norman Clarke Huronia James Simp son manufacturing George Caldwell merchants Jack Batstonc motor show Lloyd Bristow membership Dinty Moore fish derby Ken Walls and Ralph Snelgrove armed forces liaison Barrie District Collegiate Board appoint ed eight ncw teachers including Miss llelen Spanis Latin History Girls PT Douglas Fairbrother English History Pl James Savage Science Board ac cepted with regret resignations of Mr and Mrs Howard Lacey who will go to Toronto and Horace Heath Science head who is retiring after 33 years Principal ll Bowman reported that Michael Lewis will take Rotary Clubs Adventure in Citizenship trip to 0t tawa Creemore railway station struck by lightning destroyed by fire one week after CN granted permission to close BeetonCollingwood passenger service Town of Barrie and County of Simcoe mourned sudden death of lleeve Arthur it Girdwond who Ilftfl been principal of BCl since 1010 until retirement in 1945 He died suddenly while attending curling bonspiel for teachers at Guelph Service at Collier St United Church conducted by Rev Ernest Lewis Examiner carriers who won subscription contest had sightseeing day at Niagara Falls conveyed by bus and looked after by Bob Chittick Anib rosc Rivett Donald Knislcy and George IT HAPPENED IN CANADA 574755 0F WI5EON5IN INDIANA fLLINDIG MICHIGAN AND OHIO OLD TIME MODS scum FAMILIADBU fill275 AND MIUI CJl 0R5 W575 YES ILL W5 WEI DH Tissues maan emanate starton eontertaincd for weddin art protect atdrectora meetinganymnr ntowneexwmanurwnBenthamtaglt5 51 03 Wv AT THE TIME or rilE oatnail ccuoussr AND FORA FEW VEARE AFTERWARD HIGHDEF Will 7125 ADlt TlUMiQOM rile itlD sme ran MEN IOO VEARSAGO iNCLUDED 72m mum can Moii ms was puma av ms mine 750 ml uws We Wat5 scoot mmrsmsww Newspapers Limited Barrie Ontario Kerry Lambio General Manager Managing Editor mo PAGE may LL White Paper dialogue in the Just Society but on that point the Greater Toronto Business and Professional Federation represent ing 32000 individual businesses has suggested that the dual rate of corporate Lion tax be retained but that profit subject to the 21 per cent rate be re duccd to $28000 from $35000 To make up the revenue the Federation suggests that the proposed reduction in top tax rates be andoned That idea or some adaptation of it seems reason able After all there is no fairness in applying the same rate of tax on both the $24000ayear income and the 3240 000ayear income There are other White Paper criticisms being made by small businessmen One of these is defined in letter sent by wholesale newsdealer to the publishers and national distributors he has repre sented for some years This wholesaler in city of 25000 has sold out to larger competitor in nearby city of 85000 My reason for selling he eit plains in his letter to his suppliersis due to the White Paper on Taxation We people in small businesses feel that should this law came into being and we feel that it will it is going to make things most difficult for us to stay in business and end up with any cash pro fit after taxes We may show profit on our yearend statement but this profit is reflected in warehouse inventory rather than in actual cash and unfortun ately our gvernment will not accept warehouse inventory in payment of taxes This one small businessman may be acting prematurely or it might turn out that he is simply leading the parade DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner April 18 1955 Bouchey Conductor Walter Potts of Allandale made last run for Home By PATRICK NICHOLSON has been revealed that much of the time he does not even have his hand on the helm from Finance Minister Bensons invitations to Canadians to write proposals for fox increases as asked AH IWELL BACK TO THE OLD WALKTIIESTRAIGHTLINE TEST rwm 2xch OTTAWA REPORT No Chart Available For Ship Of State reply to the backlog of letters and to answer the questions it has long been suspected on Parliament Hill that the ship of state is being soiled by navi gator who whither he is headed Now it me Wm paper on forms replied Prime Minister Trudeau hnii no chart of This revelation has arisen liir Bensons com spoken Then payne retired after 40 years with CN has hm sumo hysteria Mr and Mrs George Dan erfield Stuart Collier St United Church to Miss Ruth Smith of Barrie Service held in Col ller St United Church for Walter Norris Duff retired CN official former mayor and prominent Mason who died in To ronto General Hospital Bill Garner reelected president senior softball lea gue As Barrie Curling Club ended secon season with artificial ice bon spiel won by rink of Frank Hindle Mr and Mrs Charles Knight with Vern Ad ams skipping George Dangerfield pre sented his club championsh trophy to Winning rink of cher Smit Dr Branscombe Alex Cockburn and skip Dr Fred Campbell With Douglas McDowell as chairman Slmcoe County unit oL Canadian Cancer Society started fund campaign for $8500 Lorrie Clarke was Barrie chairmen Mrs lleber Smith and Mrs Montagu Leeds were in New York City for tour of Unit ed Nations as delegates from Pro gressive Conservative Women OTHER EDITORS VIEWS COMPARING STAFFS Edmonton Journal Nova Scotia Prince Edward island and New Brunswick with twothirds the pop uliition of Metropolitan Toronto have 24000 provincial civil servants not counting municipal civil servants Tor onto has 15400 permanent employees At least the Maritime civil servants should he the shufflers more expert paper Mt eounnwuvsrrnn mower Nottitamummmuiiomu pour NtAMlllCAllWlDTRiEthlMEtNIDtDtll0ttlgz Marni pom WYWGJGOTWWIIIMMKWIIAMM Ir Millstone sum MM VII Me WISD Mde II EflllMiDl $69 NEEaFIWtREIMWD mmmwmrsuma himtryslrumcwowmwmm AwHal But his unspoken comment was to hire ten thousand ac viu umbr Manamaum costs of up to $100 per week as part of new $190000 program to answer those Icltcrs Many of those sad letters to be an swered by Mr Bensons follow accountants paid $200 per day were written by Mr Bensons fellow Canadians struggling to live on the old age security of $71158 month WHATN0 HELP One might ask why the staff of Mr Bensons department of hence with Ila 3328000 on lllilll payroll could not answer those letters One might ask whether some hysteria could not be handled by perhaps the so highpriced aides of the prime minister Or could not others who the army of quarter of million civil Icrv ants deal with little correspon dcnce on small matter like tax Chongcs But maybe the public protest at tma misunderstood mic trusted and needless plan to In mouse taxes has not been lult small matter lliis anyhow was the auspi cion of John Diofenbiiker when he addressed this question to the prime minister in the House of Commons gt Can the PrimeMlnlster tell the House whether or not there has been such large number of letters in connection with the white paper on tiiif reform that special active to being taken to wmmmmnm Elie Timrte minim 10Bn told Street Barr Ontario Telephone 7200537 Second Gloss Mail Registration Number NM Return posture Instantaod Dolly may and StiltWY Holiday excepted Subscription raw daily by carrier 55c weekly 92060 yearly Single copies me By mall Barrio 3mm yonrly Ontario $1300 your other mail 93500 yonr Motor throw off $2100 your Notionnla Advertising Offl cos 475 Unlveralt Avon Toronto filo Co curt Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press In ex aluslvcly entitled to the use for republication of all new etched in this paper cred it to it or The Associated Press or Routers and also the local nowa published therein This Mairte Examiner claims Copyright in in original ud vcrttalng and editorial motor iiil created by its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright Registration NW ber 203106 register til umM anemia atzte John Dlefenboker did not let the matter rest there the Prime Minister not aware he insisted of the fact that to him giving their view on his special protect has been not up CD at cost of $100000 for the pur nudlnns in thousands have done we or warm the 1am re celvedvfrom these who send in their complaints or ask quel ment on the avalanche of pro than is be unaware of this lost reaching him is QUEENS PARK By DON OBEARN it must be hard for the public to figure out the govornment position on unemployment Olin day Trude Minister Stein ley Randell has his nixshooters blasting away at Ottawa The next diiy Premier Roberta eplt perontly defuaea him by saying that he is not critlcol of ot town Mr Randall puts the blame squarely on the federalgovem mentl antiinflation policies The next day in the house Mr Hobart points out that changes in consumer habits interna tional trade tariffs and other factors are all contributing to the unemployment situation Does this mean split in the government No Mr Randalls lab is to keep the economy booming and hela frustrated by Ottawas policies Mr Roberts has is larger re aponalhllity He must survey the welfare of the province as it While both present and future STOKES THE BOILERS Mr Randell stokes the boil era the premier charts the course and calls the speed The province and the country are riding out the storm of unem ploymcnt Mr Robert ls cohlt salons fine storm The official government position here at leoiit as expressed by the prc mler In at it isnt saying whether Ottawa is right or wmhg but it is going along being that lliiidall LLambastes At Federal Govt prime minister Con you imagine that Whats 90000 Parliament Hill is being enve lopcd vmiresslvcly in thick fog through which it Is impossi ble to see oven dimly Some pol ltlcions believe that this log is created deliberately so will not aware of what is being done to them Conudluns wholesale expenditure being made for the hiring of chartered he was By mum DEANE Forlen Affair Anllyst asked accountants and additional know of no particular or atnlf vixuchnmgmthgppoam Sign 12 rungcmentii which have had to must come mums um um comm mu be made to meet the Spout aware of it admitted the Lem The most cxtmne is from the New Left and the Negmmlll iants who any that population control has as Its only aim the genocide of the American Negro The more ardent Negro militants want white population control and Ne population in crease Wa aha come back to that point later are othersUnited States Democrats in particular who object to the attention now being given to pollution on the grounds that this issue pro vides Nixoumith good platform around which he can painlessly nail the affluent www191 loctng the less go or at no less urgent prob cms ofstum clearance racial discrimination and economic inequality Some labor leaders often oo pusc control of pollution on the grounds that jobs shuttle conic first If an economically back wurd part of the Maine coast AROUND THE WORLD Militants Oppose Population Control It hasnt come out with any flat indictments or appeals it recognizes that the man on the line doesnt really appre ciate as yet the gravity of infla tion and particularly its insidi oua nature And it is sympa thetic to the difficulties of labor leadership in getting the mes sage through to the workers Relevant to this there was report in Time magazine that articulates the problem in terms the man on the street con un dcrstund it revealed that be cause of price increases and taxes the spending dollar of workers in service and menu fecturing industries thclr wage increases since 1008 was actually down In viiluo more than two per cent Thats the way lliIlfItltln works big can become motor all ten niinul complete with rollnerlcs then such is development should be encouraged because it will Provide jobs and an economic boost to the arch and never mtnd the pretty landscape whieh concerns only the rich the poor need money not pretty views The mlUtent champions of the poor in the universities also op pnsc pollution control for the some reasons The afuent ma jority of the U5 is suspected of wanting to ignore the problems of the oor and to concentrate on polution eliminating the CANADAS STORY show of plant In tho form of wilng above ground but poor potatoes underneath BIBLE THOUGHT when then passes through the watcrn will he with thee and through the rlvcra they ahlll Since then lght nnd Iulvo loved them Ilnlnh 453 not overflow tlire want preclonl in This ll not on old broadcast This is said to you by your own Father to reassure you this True it iii economists argue that Ottawas restraints wont work that the cure could be worn than the slime But then its known that econoA mists do argue You can get just on many to any that Otter rwna restraints are the only pm aiblntconrsc so the government actunUy hasnt been taking any positive stands one way or the other it ciin be fearful and some whet critical from time to time But this iii cdglnoss Basically its position to that the federal overnment took the loud in tho lnllntion fight on only It could and the province in cooperating AND LABOR To at least some experts the success of this fight rests with labor Labor of course to unto has declined to cooperate Quito probably Ila lenders wuuld or at least some of them But they are nfriild of their rankandflle which has been getting more and more contrary Until now governmentht both the federal and provincial levelshas hold back on labor LARGE HEAD The heads oi comets are im mensc the smidlosi 10000 miles across the average 80000 BOB EDWMAN April 15 1885 was critical duy in the Northwest Rebellion Tension had been mounting since April when BIL Bears Cree lndinns had attacked Frog Loire killed nine mm and taken prisoner including women The Blackfoot lndiaiis had afternoon been ready to rise against Cal HUBERT WW oHNo NOT AGAIN SHIFTY AND AGAINST YQJ AND DOCTWO BITS KO HOLE AV HUBERT 0g on How come You ALWAYS GET THE PARINER THAT CHEATS Tension Mounted In NW Rebellion mocmrazr poor progressively la population control ARGUMENIS ONSENSE All this opposition is nonsense it amountl to saying that he should not attempt to cure mul tiple sclerosis unless we first cure musuilnr dystrophy Them is no reason we should not at tack both at the some time There is enough money in most hemmed countries the main polluters of the air and waters to cum poverty and to stop the abuse and overuse of irreplace able resources Pollution control moreover curt be selffinancing opera tion and the poor should not ob Jccf to this since the manor pol lutunts are rich For example the nondctuinilble bottle should disappear People are so afflu ent says the bottle industry mar they do not worry about claiming their depuslls and throw away even munnasty bottlcs Fine make the deposit blg enough to matter dollar or more bottle and take care in some other way of the loss of profits for the bottle nianufnir turcrs Make all packaglng rc turnoble There are solutions for measurcsto restrict the number of birthsheavy taxation after the second child for instancehtheae will effec tively reduce the number of Negro children born in the US together with vigorous inccn tires for the use of birth control deviceal The Negro militants who op pose such measures advocuto bringing into the world children born to parents unoblc topro vide core pamnts who may because of thoir disadv taped ancestorshereditary dis abilities nary but were being restrained by the great missionaries lnthcr Lucombe and Reverend John IichottgaII Who Could tell for how long The Indians camped around Edmonton vcrc booting their war drums and James Mowat bad Just made his during ride to Calgary to get military help it hurt not yet arrived The Crccs were besiegiiix Battlclord lllld the citizens of Saskatoon were caught between Lind Lake the cflltlc of hostili ties to the nuith and Chief White Cops Sioux at Moose Woods Reserve few miles to lhc south Eventually Chief white Cap marchcd his Sioux through Suskiitoon to join 11101 but they did little damage Yorkten was In dospcriito straits new fariitcrs colony been storied there and Maj Vutson was rushed from Ottawa to organize defences for the community He addressed imctliig on April to and to men volunteered to serve under hlin Their first lab was to build stockudc for which they had to cut and haul 2400 logs ll foot long The Little IlUiICS intimns eight miles to tho southwest lllltl grown bold and restless but did not attack Many hoiuestcndcrs through out the general rebellion iiien volunteered to hunt supplies from tho CIII mini with it lfillll was paid 510 II din but the work was dangerous In had to lluiiiuilttc to travel tll ltllbl miles titty mid olsubo lire Pttd to carry wounded sold era on the return trips Some of the tcniiistera mode more money In it few weeks than they could lltt made all your on their forms

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