SlveetCaQTokerwinners with his new bride for Bermuda honeymoon col lected their Sweet Cap Royal Flush and simply answered mathematical sldii testing question like that printed on the Sweet Cap pack to take home $1000 oooni Ernest oardoii 5100 Fur mm om Wtiiowdolo Ont Napanu Ont Torrgnfolf 050 Shot1 32 $333an $50th if wmom Mrs Clark $100 Norman Randell Mil Richlrdm 395 Gramueller 25 Cecil Chapman $50 Arum Odom 500 Morvln Grlmshuw 25 Mr Walter Lurx $50 Dwb 25 Toronto it Out Gall OnL Million 27 Kitchener om Scarborouon on can tune Ont Midland om Burunoton OnL ml Mr my 3100 Mra Gruetzmsn $100 Mn Lam on $25 Arthur Fognn 50 Games Oulmet 5100 Kowal 25 DJ Maoidlioo $50 Emma Toronto 105 Ont Hamilton 20 Ont St Cumin OnL Om Ont Acton Ont Wingttlmr Ont mbmdahn Hm 525 Renaud $25 Anna Goudmw $50 mm Man 3100 meow Kmyyk 525 Made Law 50 WmAFournier$25 Mm OnL MM 12 um Au Fm Franc OnL Gm OnL Pm ton Ernie Severn $25 Allilton Ont Richard Smith 95 Hamilton Ont Mrs Steven Stove Hatzigeoroiou $50 Toronto 145 Ont Mn Keogh 350 Alex OnL James Percy Maurice Steene 325 Mount Hope Ont Daniel White $25 Woodstock Ont Mrs McLean $25 Patorborough Ont Mrs MargarotWolsser $100 McManus $50 Scarborough 131 Ont Fred Michaela $50 Dermalw Ont MrszJulla Menisme $50 Toronto 173 Ont Mrs Dorothy McCann $50 Scarboro mom $50 dwm KMMcLeen An USING Out Mm Evannoko MS Perkinsfloid 0nt 0225 32 EvaYaung 5m Whitby Ont $50 Izmhmgjgxk $95 an 25 To Woidt slegtrrad $25 ggcxllllfridElll 0350 Real Mongratn $50 Winiiaid Hainoa $100 wtnchun Ont Toronto 510 OnL Mr aartarooira$50 SL Catharina Ont Donald Only $50 Sudoury Ont Miller $50 Llrdor Lake Ont Sexton 550 Toronto Ont William Swlnson $50 Scarborough Ont Mrs Jessie Wilkins $50 Aurora Ont Toronto Ont Mrs Bonnl Aw 100 Thomas Toapaii $25 Hamilton 23 Ont strattord Ont William Mabbott $100 Richmond Hill Ont Mrs Lola Vemeili $100 Ste Marie Ont Gordon Voilans 325 Windsor Ont Dick Watch $25 Gait Ont Peter AWest 25 Mrs Provost $25 Thomusburo Ont Vincent Rose $25 Port Credit OnL Bruno Auger $50 Hawkeobury Ont Harold Breese $50 Guelph Ont Mr James Clark 550 Mrs Waybrant West Hill Ont Willis $25 Toronto 15 Ont Mlnmaugl Ont Mnniired Francis Gerald Loughaed $25 Toront 018 Ont Willowdale 450 Ont Mrs Lynne Lamay $25 John Mahanoy $25 25 Chippewa Ont Whitby Ont Hamilton 75 0r riin ggllfollatfy Lb$gnsw $50 Mrs Rose Clark $50 lBhMgfwa 25x3lb$nz Thomas 011$J$Y25 mun OM Mr Reilly $50 Torontom Ont Robert Glen 325 Mrsnan Nazioi $100 Branttord Ont Mr Fleming$50 William Edwards $50 Windsor 15 Ont Herbert Gordon 350 Floyd Carlin $100 Toronto Ont Charles Core $100 Mrs Martin $50 Toronto 269 Ont Mr Eino Mlattinen $50 Mr Wallace 25 Milton Ont Mr Richard Watson 525 Nil 810 Ont 10 35m Mldhunt Ont 55h9hv Scarborough Ont 31 11535 550 100 Eefdlgtrrffi WAMmSW GETS 15 MrKGedmdsst thlaupd or on Hum Iton OWN onl mm 12 Palemomwh Mrsl Henderson $50 Wingham Ont KMcLaan$25 WillOWdllO Ont Mrs Donald Holden 550 CI ieYaiie 100 KlngstonOnL Toronto Ont Leonel Boucherd Sauit Ste Berle Ont Trbovich $50 Sault Ste Marie Ont Mr Desmond Giiilng $1000 RobertJEeiangar 525 RM Charterssg ciaudaMenamsas gsgggrsigrgwf 51 Toronto Ont Toronto 250 Out 336mm $50 Brampton OnL fmoi $5 Emmi 031 Yew85 DouglasJBurnatte$25 Mm canard cawd $25 cone 100 eartUnwin$50 CanBruckmucllar lerclrrfoltdga 3330 mme $25 mum230 mm 095 RMCMBS 35 Toronto 210 Ont int 3233 V35 LSriiidrrfaw$zs TRgia$5 wmd 0i Thornton Ont oron am on transom In Ont Branttor Ont oranto nt LEd 100 rb itSln serenade25 ammo32 trauma new retinal Mrs iTnornas $100 Mike Duke$25 mm on elm Mrs McDonald 325 Mm Saunders $100 Mr Mo and $50 Parr 550 John Johnston $50 Wllhms 55 Wain OnL law 454 Ont Summer 703 cm 0m ant QED Paloma Ont L0 15 WW Willowdale Ont oon Mllll 403 Ont 2mm On Hugh WM $50 Weave $100 35533555 Doris Richardson 350 Dal Newman 525 Mrs Shirley Boyd 550 curl Mam Mrs Mildred Patrie $50 HottertT8mttlt $25 sum cm om WY St Catharines Ont lhnwnv London 41 Ont to Toronto Ont Toronto Ont Mrs Kyoumeue $50 John warm 325J Xincxeeioosoi Laura Shymchak 550 Clayton otdlom 525 thgslu dm Scattaoroug nt am on nmmlm On noura ant Allan EAmhar $25 Herbert Weston$2 gilrliarn ngtile $50 Dan Stewan $50 Tdearmaycr $100 London or oanonoque Ont 10mm 15 on Ottawa Ont Stephen FPollchuk $50 Bill English 350 Douglas Watson $100 Woodstock Ont Peter Hoizberg $50 Willowdaio M0 Ont Kalth stubley $50 Mississauga Ont Mrs Wilkinson $50 Ottawa Out Ernie Stone 350 Toronto 252 OnL Amos Sullivan $50 Hamilton 15 Ont Ray Sutton $50 Aurore Ont Reta Borg $25 Walton Ont MraJaan Paul Beauvoir $25 Sturgeon Falls Ont Lawrence Carroll $25 North Bay Ont Holly Cooper $25 Noriend Ont Wayne Glii $25 Toronto Ont Mrs Bruce High6f00 Jordan Station Ont Dorothy Mc Hugh$100 Waterloo Ont Mrs Nellie Stalnka $100 Massey Ont Owen Sound Ont Morrls Haber $50 Wlliowdaio Ont Mrs Blanche leraei $50 Toronto 135 Ont Elwood Young $50 lollngton Ont 350 Mrs A7109 353 Smith $50 Emva Cauidweii $25 Patrick Hughes $25 52nrn5atborld $25 Amheratburg Ont 19mm om Mm WM 21 OnL Hatmn 21 cm Mr Beaischoien $59 Amno Odom $50 Dave Chapman as John ingley $25 Mrs Slnglemn 25 Poierborouoh Ont Guolph0nt Oakviilc Ont Scarborough Ont Toronto 259 Ont DOM Chier $50 GW Palmer $50 Sam Deveilano $25 Helen Keiman $25 Gerald Thomas $25 Toronto 41 Ont mum OnL Town 25 OnL Alum OnL 5mm Fl Duchesna $50 Mr Ernest Pyke $50 George Liorls$25 Edward Knighton $25 Fr Bane $50 Toronto Ont Gait Waterloo Ont Hamilton on ruraan ass om 2936 on Don Gillie $50 Bllokreiy $50 Brian MacDonald $50 Heitarman $25 Burlington Ont Toronto 14 om Hamilton 24 em Mississauga om Beanie $50 man 337 Mr Rene Granger $50 Mrs Blaine $50 John Di aoiilsras25 Mr Scott Lamb $25 008W 00L Kin 50 go on nt Toronto 15 Ont London 120nt Qjzimim any new $50 Mgr Shirley Boucher 50 Joanne Boiduc$25 John Lewrenoo s25 or Arm Owns $50 olham Ont Waterloo Ont Burlington Ont Hoyce $50 Scarborough Ont Russell Woods $25 Windsor Ont Glen Gary Lewis $50 Home Payne Ont Renaud $50 Whitby Ont John Tucker $50 London 01 Out Louis Robloheud $25 Toronto 208 Ont Keneth Ray Chahiey $50 Eileen Graig $50 Roxdeio Ont Mra Aiirieda Fischer $50 Kitchener Ont William Horton $50 Strattord Ont Wilt Ludlam $50 lJnduy Ont Maire Mondou $50 North Bay Ont William Parker $50 London 24 Ont Mrs Brodrecht $100 Dundeik Ont Elmer Allan $50 Toronto 334 Ont Ralph Chornopski $50 North Bay Ont Barbara Cowan $50 Essex nt Mrs Gronkrlght $50 Beilevillo Ont William Deadman$50 Hamilton 28 Ont Mrs Lise FoJmlar $50 Joseph Clair $25 Guelph Ont Gorerd Dore $25 Ottawa Ont John Keely $25 Downaview Ont Mary Murphy $25 Gait Ont Mrs Aline Uhryniuk $2 ROthth Ont Alan Young $100 Scarborough Ont Nellie Monehan 3100 Southampton Ont Ross Flood Jr $50 Msidetone Ont Evelyn Fraser $50 Stonay CraokOni Helen Maceregor $25 Oopetown Ont GeorgaE McNair $25 Newcastle Ont Mr Fred MoRao $26 Guelph Ont Mrs Mooney $25 Willowdaio Ont Mona om Romeo Card 325 Hanan yum on 2393 Gum $25 Thomas Galley $50 SW Mrs PJ Lewie$25 Fwd Garvey $50 513 Pm $25 Toronto 13 om Fred Edens 25 amino Ont Olmpboillord Ont