Ellie Harrie Examiner 16 Bayold Strut Bahil Ontario Kerry Lamble General Manager McPherson Managing Editor murmur APRIL mo PAGE FuelProof Automobiles AIQA Must Today One after another the proposals for ndtng the pollution caused by traffic smog aro trotted out One year the big cmphds Is on limiting the exhaust emis sions from internal combustion gasoline powered engines Another year the swamdriven car is publicized Another year its gas turbines We think comments th Christian Science Monitor its time to direct atten tion again to the electric automobile powered by fuel cells This is the truly odourless smogless silent vehicle it would end car pollution as well as air pollution its operation is simple its poslt sibilities tremendous The only catch an efficient fuel cell has yet to he invented The fuel cell would take the place of 1hr storage batteries that powered the oldtime electric autos It would be en ergized by some 11 uld alcohol gaso line hydrazine uid even water pen hops You would drive into filling sta tion and have the fuel replenished when power ran low No more lengtth charging of batteries there would instant replenishment Already fuel cells power small motors on spacecraft Already golf cart and fork lift truck have been so powered Surely it is not beyond the inventive ability of mankind to perfect truly efficient un complicated fuel cell We suggest that Detroit and the Am DOWN MEMORY LANE 60 YEARS AGO lN IOWN Barrio Saturday Morning April 16 1010 Town cannot retain reputation Beautiful Barrie until every citizen pit chea in to remove what is left of winter dirt and debris Baseball has been booming here under leadership James LfcMarun and hockey has become great winter game through efforts of such as John Dyment but who will start reviving lacrosse Deputy Reeve John Little movcdrin Town CouncilsthaLciviccenh gloeer be engaged Orillla already has one at $1800 per annum Now that sewer at foot Bayfield extended out to deep water what can done about deve loping waterfront park Town clerk treasurer Donnell receives only $1200 Should council not give his some office help Earl Degoer having purchased Jimmy Keenans barber equipment will soon open shop in Bosanko Block on Dllnlop St Mens banquet at Burton Ave Methodist Church had 100 in atten dance Speakers include Athol Marshall Charles Poucher Harry Riddel Albert che Morrison Allandale orches trawas led by Lorne Brunton Police Chief Bob King kicked bunch of free show fsklrs out of town trying to ped cheap jewelry and medicines Mldhurst people up in arms over prop sol to give new CPR line mall contract Thai means letter for Barrie would be taken to Toronto then back up on Grand Trunk Present stage coach gives daily service with Barrio Great scare over mad dogs One was reported at Wilk insons flour mill on lower Maple Ave Chief King was called out did not have revolver While he was away five differ ent local heroes took shots at the crea Walls Publisher erican Government and even the Volks wagon company devote lot more re search into the tremendous prospect of the fuelcelled electric automobile That is if we want really silent odouriess foolproof cars someday Junk In Bay Kempenfelt Bay little dirtier this year will soon be used for swimming Barrie residents with some notable ex ceptions are unconcerned or mystified by technical jargon used in the fight against pollution Plain speaking is better There is junk including straw sitting on the ice it will soon pollute the water Most of the straw was used on race courses during the Barrie Winter Carni val two months ago Perhaps it was not cleaned up through an oversight But it is there and it looks bad To visitors it might appear that we do not care about one of our prime at tractions When you are swimming in the bay this summer do you want to swallow mouthful of straw Ah well soon the straw will no longer be visible What is little more junk in such big lake ya By PATRICK NICHOLSON Our MPs Easter gift to them selves bhs promplcd lot of criticism by tho taxpayers This Easter egg of course was pur llnmcntury pensions starting earlier onl coming larger than before th some llfPs now are surprised to find thot the egg is on their faces Personally would argue that of course Jills should have group pension fund just no any other employees do in Canada to cushion their old age and to protch their widows and or phans But would criticlzu this restructured plan on two grounds First there is no minimum ago before which the pension shall not start Donn Clifford has one of most outofdate garbage dis posal systems in Ontario Town Coun cil at last decided to give police Sunday nights off They had been working sev en days 12 hours Wilkinson call ed to tell editor he had no responsibility for dog with alleged rabies it had stray ed on his property Barrio Aquatic Club looks to be off for another great summer Hampton Jory elected commlr dore with Oliver Cameron secretary Dir cctors includedJohnmPowell Per Bing llam George McAdam Newton Young Simon Dyment Lou Valr Tom Beecroft Judge Wismer Byron King Alex MacLaren Henry Grasett George Vlckers Donald Ross Walter Scott First engine built in new Canada Producer Gas En lne Co tested successfully sold to Que ec firm Two Barrie lodges of independent Order of Foresters held reception in Grand era House for Supreme Chief Ranger on Stevenson Hunter Kennedy son of genial pro ric tor of Barrlos Wellington Hotel Wil lam Kennedy has taken over as owner of Hotel Mcaford in that picturesque town on shores of Georgian Bay was commissioned by the gov crnrncnt to report on the exist ing parliamentary pension plan and to muko recommendations for change if needed One of his recommendations was that pensions should not start before age as but the gov ernment threw out this restric film so that now tho pension is payofblu to everyone who has had of least six years service in the House of Commons im mediately ho ceases to be on MP through defeat or rcslgno lion Thus this lifetime pension of minimum of $315 per gt month could start say at ago 27 second the eventual pcnslan is much larger proportion of tho pcnsioncro total contribu tions than in tho core of non mnl company or group pension plan in Canada This gcncroally LETTERS EDUCATION BRIEF Dear Mr Editor Lust Fall my committee of OTHER EDITORS VIEWS TOUGH ONE TO ANSWER Edmonton Journal Pcrha Mr Kierans would be better occupie by explaining government policy that makes it more expensive for Canadians to rerd Canadian publications while insisting it Is merely good solid Canodianism to subsidize the CBC with fun and it was quite dead when the its enormous US content to the tune 5mm CW mun 55 chief arrived with an ancient musket of more than $150000000 ear not Alrlfhhgolngimlfpleftrvdgdrdllgd Mark Hambourg eminent Russian pian to mention the subsidies for publl the mm um 01 can lion proscntc on IIIIIy 21 1001 by the Ontario Sopnruio School lmstcos Association to From lcr Robnrta and the Leghluturo Mr Evans suggcstcd that we meet with the caucus of govern ment in order to discuss the brief in Rooter detail as th premier had not on yet ovon appointed committee to study it As you are zlwuru the own OPPOSIIIOn Portlcs Liberal and NCP did appoint committees to study it In depth and had pub llshod statements of policy uck nowlcdging the logic of the brief In its request for extension of financial nadstonce to public Separate Schools not private onca so that those schools may have equal rtunity to con tinuum of ucntiun from kind ergarten through Grade in Mr Evans lntlmntcd to us that on appointh with the caucus cool be arranged through him and he promised to ndviso us of date and time On Nov ember 20 1000 roceivod lob tor from him stating that as the session was nearly over our meeting into could not be decid ed upon until the next Session took 1th mossngo to my fat lst gave recital in Town Hall Barrio cations ma wwczrzxrsxsran CANADAS STORY Shadow Of Riel Haunts Commons By BOB BOWMAN After Louis Riel led the Red River uprising in 1870 which rc oultcd in Manitoba becoming province rnmer than dlntrlct there was warrant and re word of $5000 for his arrest However ho thought he would bo granted an omnosty because his Illedmmvtir flollowlors had in hero of Parliament were in Commons in Ottawa in 1072 mm me gmth Them was MI unexpected do Early and while he remained in vciopmcnt Sir Gcor Etienno Iding hls nuppnrtors hold meet Cortler was dcfcnlc in Monb lngr to the United Stator However the shadow of his figure still haunts tho Houso of Commons and has bourlng on Canadian politlcs today Yan APRIL IO EVENTS tubRobequ sailed for Can Ada with three ships find 200 colonists i730 Piorro La Vorendryo sent sons to explore rivers flow ing into Lake wlnnlpoo ladsEric and Ontario and llumlftonPort Dovor Railways were incorporated of the Clerk of the Commons where he slgncd his name as member and then left thohuild ing Guards had been posted hut they failed to recognize him The clerk was surprised when he saw the signature but took no action oxc to report the incident private to Prime Mln istcr Alexander Mackenzie Thu Frenchspanking mom in and around Ottawa rent and Sir John Mocdnnnlli There won one meeting in Hull lessToronto factory cum low trustees at their next mout mhcd the now province of Mnnl in which It was proposed that plated first locomotive built in lull tohn to find safe sent for him the Parliament buildings iihnuld Cnnudn Your education roomtor quot Illo withdrew 1n Cnrtlers favor Unfortunately rt or died the following your and once again Biol was oloctcd to roprcscnt Provonchor in the House of Commons although the expected amnesty had not been granted it was risky for Hint to go to Ottawa and it was expected that he would be arrested when ho chicred Parliament On the oil bo stormed and seized If lilol were not allowed in take his sent it is believed that ftlol at tended tho mccllng heavily dis guided Prime Mlanicr Mackenzie was on the horns of dilemma lf Ric were guilty then no should be arrested lf ho were not guilty then he should bu nl lowed to play hls full purl us Culllullon lnw mnkcr faithQuebec wall designated as cunltnl of Canada after 1050 Governor Douglas announced discovery of gold in British Col umhln infGuelph lcullurfll Col logo and Expor montul Folm wore Opened 1887ltobullt Welland Canal was opened lunuvmltlon willNow Brunswick shod pulslutlvo Council ed mo on saying that we would indeed be hearing again from Mr Evans or would know tho IOlltltm why quite accurately ro ported Several ooplo llslrcd mo what oppcncd after that Well wrote again to Mr Evans in January sending lonn little reminder that we wor d1ust waiting for tho time and lllo for our appointment to mcct with tho caucus rocolv abol clnoon of April Hm when The controversy raged for lsonClmllmm was lncorpo rd no further Word until last young Wilfrid Lnllrier was mnk toys nnll flicl kept out of night ruled as it city week when rcrclvul taller ing his first speech in the House On April 10 ihclifotlo of Com lullnnsuumda Airlines flLlIetI April mo Dcnr Mrs mnns voted 124 to lift that liiol should be expelled and ho fled Air Cnnndul extended service of Commons flint entered the to Halifax Krily Last November 20H building and wont to tho offico wrow to you advising thnt as RodgersHowaidll tisonr CurtlE of Queens university OTTAWA REPORT Barrie Man Enquires About MP5 Pensions Is possible only because tho likely pensioners being also our Inwmu ers have been able to enact substantial amount of public subsidy into the plan this is payable actually and po tentinlly by the taxpayers Thus mnow parliamentary pension plan has truly been de scrlbcd as guaranteed lifetime Income for MPI Voters and taxpayers are shocked one floors again the comment They on only In politics for what they can got out of It Many readers of this column have written to ask me about the plan thus Tom Tsttcrsall ol Barrio lulu Lho porcupvn qucsa lion Was there recorded vote in the noose of Commons on this now pension and if so would it be possiblosfor your column to curry the voting rec ord of the MB in whose tcrritolt ries your column is published Ccriolnly Among ol votcs tho key ono was in motion by New Democrat Stonlcy Knowles to throw out the pro posed increases Ton Now Dcm ocrats voted to support Knowles those included Tom Barnett ComoxAlbcrnlt Ron Harding Kootcnny Vcst ond Max Snltsmon Waterloo But 51 Liberals 20 Conscrvu lives Crcdltlstcs and New Democrats voted in favor of tho pension increases Those Liberals included David Anderson EsqulmoltSonntch Bert Bodonol iFort William Finance Benson Kingston and The islands Judd Buchanan London West Jud Gluten Sornlnl Maurice Foster iAigonm Lon Hopkllis TO THE the session of Portlnmcnt would soon be over it would be impos siblo for mo to arrange meet ing with our caucus Tho now session opened February 24th and it was only yesterday that was able to chcck with th caucus to soc whether or not they would cntcrtoln your cam mltlco wlth regard to cqullllly in education Tho decision was that the members of the caucus nvo bccr wolf canvassed are well aware of the situation and have been Informed tho mlnlstcr of education and prlmo mlnls tcr that no decision has hcon dc cldcd on of the present time Therefore regret that was unable to obtain hourln with our cuucus Yours sincere Arthur Evans MPP Simcoo Contra Almost whole your has gone by end still tho provincial gov ernment will not give us con crctu answer to our brief which was propared only offer great dollhcrotlon and presented to Frontier Roberts lost Mo Sure ly it dcscrvod ropl ot only but hundreds of of era in this Previous have received word letters from the minister of ucotlon and from Promlcr nob urts assuring on that our relt quest for extension of flnunclnl assistance gust the elementary grades in clng considered flow con we believe it is be ing considered when we know that no committee of govern ment has been appointed to study tho brief in doplh and con sult with tho implementation conuultcc of OSSTA which has the fuels and figures to show that extension would not ho on additional tax burden to lo public school rotopoyora hitched to the Hon Mr Duvls minister of education last Thursday night in Toronto and could um help but fool ho is in beyond hill doplh ffo hos ogcd considerably in appearance since he has been minister and lit that lklllztr meeting last Thurs ho reminded mo of that car toon of tho ostrich with his hood ===v illenfrcw North Tom chobvru Cl lilurruy McBride Lunark and Renfrewi Len Mnrchnnd KondoopsACuriboo and Rolph Stewart Cochrnnoi tbs Conservatives wcro ordon Aiken Parry SoundMuskoknh All it Wellington flown WellingtonGrey Mnchhn Mnlpcquo Heath Mncquarrlo Hillsborougbi and Wally Nesbitt Oxford No leornl Conservative or Crcdltlalo MPvotcd ogulnst tho pension increase but those New Democrats who voted were all opposed to it cchpt Arnold Ps tcrs 1T1m1sknmiog and one other both of whom Voted ngnlnsl their party and for the increased pensions Thus only as of the present 253 llst attendcd for this valo thro were the other 175 MP5 Dcputy Sponkcr Hugh Foulkncr iPctorborough was in tho choir and so did not vote Some were misled by the house lender who nrrungcdthe timetable of busi nose on behalf of the govern meni he said thot the vote would not come up until the fol lowing wcek Thus Conscrvutlvo Phlllp Rynord Slmcoo Northi was one who was away fullling speaking engagement when otherwise he would have bccnln Parliament to oppose the pro posnls Mr Tnltcrsnll also asked whether it is true all rcportcd on 11 radio station that the min imum pcnslon is now $100 month Not sol Tho minimum receiv nblo After six years as an MP is $316 month EDITOR in the sand and tho caption Dont confuse mo with the facial Thank you for this space Mr Editor Very sincerely Margaret KELLY Chairman Committee on Equality in Education Barrio FORMOSA BREWERY Dear Sir This afternoon April 18th the local rodlo station broadcast tho news that Formosa Spring brow ory had been purchased by Benson ond Hedges On tho same program Mr Harold Blake lrilv prcsldoni of Formosa stat that the talk of tho Brewery polluting Kompcnfolt Boy is so much hogwnsh In tho Gobo and Mall of April Elh lino we find the follow ing Formosa Spring mower is not for solo uccordlnlz Ralph McCroolh the Toronto lawyer who is director and secretary of Ontarios soventh ranking and smullcsbbrcwory Commenting on rumors that control of tho rowely has puss cd from tho current manage nlont group headed by Harold Dlnkelcy of Toronto Mr lltcCrcalh said the are lot of nonsense its sad there have been no recent nogoilationd on one pocslblo solo of the brewery to United States or any other interests Perhaps lifr Blukoloy would nzlrc to explain to the lo of Barrio his doilnltion gfmhog wush Yours very truly COOPER Eng Barrio BIBLE THOUGHT All men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father no that honorclll not the Son honorctll not flit Father whch Ilnlh out IIImInhn hfZlI Failure to recognize CIlllsl iledSoo of God to dishonor QUEENS PARK Transport Department Has Reached Maturity By DON OHEARNV significant change has been mode in tho stmcturo of the do pnruncnl of tronsport In effect it change whereby the department is growing moving into long pants The department until now has been principally responsible for the registration of motor vclil clus and the control of drivers It ori hated and operated for long me as branch of the do purtment of highways Then in the 50s it become dcparhnont on its own Some ancillary flnlctlons such as high wn MIOIF $Irlml were nd ed to 11 substantially It romnlncd mainly nn ndmlnlma tor of licence controller of mo torists and collector of rows nucs Trnnsport and transportation portlst were very little within its nm LEI1 BEHIND in tho mcnnthu transports tlon and its rclovunco to society were moving far beyond the era of the automobile Muss tron porlution by surface and under ground vcblclos air travel and to some extent oven water transport wcro becoming mut tcra of significance to both the social and economic lifo oi the provincial community as whole But they were not recognized as problems worthy of the ot tcnllon of sopnrnto deport mont And they tcndcd to be spread out through the govern mom Thu GO transit system in the Toronto area for example was storied by and is still operated THE LIGHT TOUCH What Is Best Age By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Things columnist might never know if he didnt open his mull It costs more money and takes more firepower to kill people in modern worsfho nuclear bomb stockpiles of the United States and Soviet Union have the stored equivo lcnt of 10 tons of TNT for every person on earth When is tho best time for child to start taking lessons on muslcol instrument Many cducotionisls say the ego of eight whcn the child is mentally ready and physically coordlnnted Airport fog is perhaps the most prrslstcnt enemy of commercial air travel It has probably caused the postpone men and rcshuffling of more plono schedules than any other factor Ono of tho troubles sclun iist has is finding out what of rcudy has been found out century ago there wcro only 4000 scientific journals today there run more than 85000 And the longer is increasing that really significant rc ecoich discoveries will be buried or overlooked In this flood of words Opportunity Looking for an interesting curccr Why not become blacksmith There are only about 5000 in the Unlch States but they can earn from $20000 to 330000 your Costs of 00day course ll blncksmlthing range from $500 to $1200 Because of the Popularity of polnior Imslllt THIS WILL SERVE NOTICE TO KIDNAPPERS THAT WE WILL NOT BE IN TIMIDATED BY THREATS by the department of highways As an integral factor in the life and future of the central nrcu of the promo and means of tr rtutlon which had to be coo lltod with other methods of travel it more properly be longed to department which id fudge transportation needs as whole Then when changes have been mode in railway services air services or trans rt lows rop rcsontatlons on part of the province have been made if at all more or loss lndffferently by some branch of government with only mnoto interest NEED rs snow Now transport has been rcon ganizcd into two divisions one under tho direcclon the nblo Bob Hmnphrlo wl tlnuo the old Ami 1ft 33 be the registration division The second division will be transportation It will be re sponsiblu for transportation as whololn establishing it this government is recognizing that today efficient transportation is vital nccd and that governlt mcnt rcsponslbllit In trnnspol tntlon gocs bayou highways As an indication of the breadth of the need tho now di vision ls nlrcndy active in bus scnger train service railway costs air service Internal to Ontario and Sunday trucking Too new division very vlously roprcmta stop ahead It will or should benefit all urcns Modurn blghspocd G0lt train services are not needed in many sections of Ontario But there Are fow axons in tho prov inco where transportation isnt problem sized blacksmith aro In no vor its hard for tall man to shoe pony 03112 Barrie Examiner 10 Bayileld Street Barrio Ontarlo Telephone 72643557 Second Class Moll flegLstlatlon Number 04134 Return postosc suaraotoed Daily Sundays and Statutory llolldoys oxccptcd Subscription rates dolly by carrier 55c weekly $2060 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrio $2300 yearly Ontario 81000 you other mull $85 yc Motor throw off $2100 yen Notional Advortlslng Offi ccs 625 University Avenue Toronto 010 Cnthcort 5L Montreal Member of tho Conadlan Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is cxlt cluslvcly entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper crcd ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein Tho Horrlo Examiner claims Copyright in all originol od vcrtlslng and editorial mater ial created by Its employees and reproduced in this news Pnpcr Copyright Registralfon Nllniw bcr 203816 rcgistor 61 may