Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1970, p. 13

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Some separate school ratcpay in Simcoe County will pay taxes in 1970 other will it dun List your and ewilipaynoneatllluthe llt of over levies Tn Smcoe County Human boll Separate School Board night approved alums of winch $52865 will be raised throng Inns total budget is up III pct rent over int your but munici pal levies will not ncccssarily all rise as remit Budgl dimmith chairman Gabriel Manhood told the board that under the Schools Adminis ration Act under and overlow its have to be applied to crests either tax hike or relic in the nut year One supportcr ln Cookstown the only separate school ratc payer mm paid 91 too much In last year lie will pay no cducntlou tax on scparalr Jamcs lliillzlr 25 of Toran to was sentenced to 13 months in jail on thrco charges at passing forged cheques and lined $200 or careless driving by Judge Guest in Barrie yester day TKXPEYEBS lililiar pleaded not guilty to tho uttering charges but guilty in the careless driving He is Valready serving 18 months tor conviction for break and enter in February Judge Guest madc lililiurx sentence concurth with his Present one Richard McAnbur nn accounts schoo this year Mr llarcblad said The budget is now in the bud ti the ndnunislraliv council and municipal clerks will likely hm their levy gures before the end of tho reelc WANT SOME MONEY SOON Rlzy will soon be asked or the rst quarterly payment Manhood said In Barrie the scparnle school tax rate will be 35l miiL rosi dtatxal and 190 commercial This is an inclrase 01 25 Ind 27 respectively in Orillia the tax Hie will be 237 mills msiderrtiill Ind 319 commercial increase of L1 and 19 respectively Mr llarchand slid these luv creases are the maximum They may be lower but will not be higher The over levies last year were caused by mix up over cducnlion 105 When the de parlmcnt DI cducallan annoulw Ant with he Bank of Nova Scolt tia in Barrie told the court yes terday that Millar had passed three cheques at the brink lnr total of $550 in September These cheques were drawn on the account of his grandfather the lot James Hntlcy cl Toron to The court was shown an silllt dnvit sigan by Mr Halley be fore he died denying signing nny such cheques or his grandson No dclcnco evidence wns given by lillllnrs lawyer Charles Pur via The careless driving charge Barrie Policiean Cclreless Charges oi careless driving and tailing to remain at the scene 01 an accident against Stall Sergeant Alex lichchiclr Barrio policemen were dis Iltscd in provincinlsgurt yin icrdny Alcuctriok was charged Oct 23 lollowing on accident on Well iugton Strcct ncar tho West End Plaza Judge Guest dismissed the careless driving churge be cuuso an nmondmont had been made to it too late and dismiss ed the other churgo due to in luliicicnt evidence Constable Gordon Sclwood oi DISCUSSING PLANS FOR the Sports Celebrity Bulch Dinner to he held on May In Barrio Arena with proceeds tho Barrie police said he lound McGetricks damugcd car on the shoulder or Wellington Street shortly alter midnight near by lcnco on private pruporiy was also damaged No one camo Iorward and identilicd himscll as tho drivtr lha policeman said Walter Reid oi Stroud said he hnd been on his way home when hcnuw McGetrick standing hLu side his damaged car He said the poilccmnn nppcarcd to be in shock llo didnt seem to know what to do he said HI told the court he took hic golllg in Barrie Collegiate hunds summer tour urc FROM LEFT Robert bu jcant publicity chairman Er Ilcst Boll president 01 the Col VSeparate school Tab $3 Million ed that ll uould bclp rebate the massive tax burden school board uktd clerk to hold all on stnhn their mill ratcs Same did not will and when lb new education rate wch rrady some municipalitics had already paid too much in Mr Muchmd Enid The major portion on lb boards total budget is provin dnl assistance the arm grant and suhsi Mr Marchmld said this is bc came Lb small tax base which the separate board has due to its inability to tax many large industries and corpora lions Unda present icgislatiun it Impossible or anyrnt rum odor its share on the slocl market to support separate schools he said Balm approval IlII trustees spent low minutes discussing me budget and asked low ques tions Passed Bad Cheques 18 Barrie Builders was laid ullcr Millurs cur trlss Id County Road 23 July ii and struck an oncoming cnr hlillar has record oi char ges or break and enter theft and break and enlcr with intent since 1561 His lawyer said he had been found in jail in Florida doing term ior II trnlllc all once This was It ucll planned prcmcdi tcd crimc Jud Guest said Your rccurd indi cated youve made up your mind to lrad liie of crime Keep it up and you may lind the court has more lime to pass out than you haw Io sunc Cleared Charge Gctrick to theuroa oi the Bar rie Curling Club on Essa Road RobertqucKay ml driver said hi picked up llchctrick at tho curling club nnd drove him to tilt Golf nudrCGuntry Cluh cll St Vincent Slrctl hichtrick had told him his can boil been stolen unu got out to look for it at lht country club McKay sold lie then drove hchcllick downtown had let him out by the pollco station lichclricks luwycr Jack Liv ingston did not olicr any dance and asked ludgu Gucst to dismiss the charges in ii leginte Band Association lion Stewart lsilllllgi chairman of lundrnislng and Jack Furs tel tuul chnlImull tEXumlncl Photo Feature Russ Jackson At Barrie Bqnd Bullet Cunndns Ahtlctc ol the YcuI Russ Jackson will be the mnlu spcukcr at the Sports Celebrity lllllill Dinucr May to ltllsu IIIIIls tor the Barrio Cullogiuto lIIIIIds lJuropouu tour this snub II lilo guilt occasion to lie llclli III the Barrio Arcnu will leu lculurc other sports celebrities whose names will be disclosed on conllrmation sohl Roll Ste wart chulrman of the lund raising committee lluss Jackson vice princi pal of Sir John lilucdonnld lllgll Schuol ill Ottawa was quor lcrbuck oi the Grey Cup Cham pinn oIIuwu llnugh rtldurs With it limit of 500 licktisi lilClIlbtlS ol the billlll associll lion and students in the Burrio Collegiule BlIIIIl have sold over 300 El 5100 fault During the mumlllnih blllltl there will be all eimlnution draw with prizes including live cnrs color television sols IInIl snow mobiles lulul Ill $0000 wIll bu given away ill prizes Mr Stewart said The chairman or the hind raising committee cumulcndod the work done by the members oi iill Collegiate Build ihty iilC not getting Ilco trip Mr Stewart cxpluincd that cach band member must pay 5200 low the hip buy their own ins uIIIcIIIs Ilud uIIlluIIns except tor the jackets which nrc being pmvldod by tho Bond Mullicrs Assncitiliull ihlougli IIIIyIIcy sing projects BUDGET CHAIRMAN liab riol Marchand Centre cx plains 1m budget to Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separ all School Board lelt Is busines administrator Curhlcrc at right trustee Muis Dillocco Examiner Pholu Expected Sqles Increase Formosa Expansion Reason All expected increase in sales is the main reason or doublmg tiu capacity ol the proposed For musa plant In Home ll Blakcly prusndont at human Spring Brcwlry Lid qu Vcd anday Association Meet John Cochran of Montreal prcsidcut nl DuIIIIuIr Consume Iion Materials will speak at meeting oi the Barrie llullllcrs Association tonight The metting starts at 630 III the Barrie Curling Club Essa Road Barrie Lions Club Speaking Contest nurIic Lions Club will spon sor their central Ontario cl fectivc speaking contest Friday at Slcclc Stroct school The cvcnl starts Lit pm it is open in the public and run lures speakers from secondary schools Bikeathon This Sunday hiltcnthon or bike bike will bu held Sunday by the mom bors of the Barrie Coilcginto Band in all cllurt tD ruisc limb or their European tour ill July About 80 students plus enter prising lulhars and committee members ol the hand associa tlun will tackle lilo solnIlc ride to lluwkestmlu and hack Each participant is arrang ing or sponsors The bicyclists lcuvo Conlrnl collegialcs at nm Innisiil Council Upset With City lctlcr will be sent to the city 0i Barrie this week ubjccl in in tho manner in which the city closed purl 0i Concession l3 lust mouth lllc letter will be lrom Innis lil Township Council whu urc milled because they were not informed lhui the road VDlllll be closed lnnislil Township 0w 50 pct cent of in mull which Is closed in front or the proposed silo ol lhc Formosa Bltwury to allow scwuge and water lncllitics to be installed The usual pruucdurc is lo IuI ll know before they block rand Rccvo George Burton said its gontlcmnniy thing to do and it helps promote good relations bclwccn councils Day Camp New Location The Barrio YMYWCA Lilly culup promam will be held at Portage nuils udjuccul to Fort wIIIuw this your Three sessions will be run lhis suuunor for the lirst time They will up irom July to 17 Jul 20 ll Ill and Auk Il toll loanllc McCurdy will bo in charge ul tho camps with 20 counsellors and assistants help my The site for the camp was nllldc posslhlc through the upumiiuu ol Mr and Airs llnr ly Flililck ul Mintsing Bro chures on the Lilly can will be mulled to drop residents ill lhc next low weeks Charge Innisiil $10 For Dogs Cats The llurric Branch of the On tiIliu llIIlIIlIIle Sucicly has billed iIIIlihlil Township $10 or serv iuus IuIIucIuu luring lllnrch ll report in lunlslli TIM ship Council lust night the soci Ity Siliil that during thIIt mouth 15 tings mid six cuts were sllcl cred Four dogs and one out were piuud in homes uIId sev oII dolls and six cuts wore dc siloyod Production cupucny ol the pro posed plant has been increased it 500000 barrels nnnuully rum 250000 The plans uI our nuw ounlrx an more ambitious he stud We expect to sell more butr and an accordingly making lllu brewery blggcr Mr Blakuly said Forlllosu plans to distribute bccr through out the province and ungugu In an c1cnsie Idvcr ng and hard sell campaign rurmusu curcntly sells its products in soulhcrn Ontario only On Monday it was announced this brewery was purchased by Benson and Hedges Ltd We had other tillers uiur the past year Mr Blukcly said But we turned them down We dnl want to soil We liked lhl Ecnsun llml Hedges people he said They gave us grculcr rcsuurucs in capital and nlnnugcmcnt ihllu we would have been able to supply within our organization llt said the cost money and IIII scarcity or money were Estimator ms APRIL 16 lTO Commission Gets More Contro ll lnnlslll Townspr council npprntcs the lnnislll Puil Cownissinn ulll have more con lml over its purse strings Council bu approved an ad mlmslratlve change that lab isbcd ocparale bank account or cammlss ion expenses These should he considtrnbly higher than last year The police prulccliun budget is expeclcd Iu Increase to approximame $147 000 trom 00000 Pahcrmcn in lnnislll will be paid more this year and next year By 1971 lhcy will have huge parlly uilh lhc Ontario Pruun Changes involving the lnmslil Police Commis and the Poi Ic Department were discussed at last nights council meeting Reeve Burton told council that Judge Carter had ulnar tuned to resign ram the lnnis III Township ruucu Commlsvon unless change was madu in it opcraiinnai prumdurrs The change pixIn the police commission bank account for payment at police cxpcnscs was approved Deputy IIIeve William Glbhins wanted the changes to be up pmud by the malice commut icu Nonc ol IlIu tIvc nIImhun uIlIuI iaclurs that influenced Inc cm PDUIU tunnel Hutd against Ih runuusa uunm Iu suII The The llman toICI will be in Change Imposed tax on capital gains In creased lo mm this Scar In liclurc muncy is ranltlcrrcd in II White Paper was unnlhvr mm ulcmlsms Wham do ht accounl hum wuncil Inttor IlIat encouraged us Io mantis within the lVDgthj uill have monlhiy sInIuIIItnt Ill kc Ihis tltzll Mr Blnkcly ignislli llccvo George llur11un pl uxpumluurvs said sm lhat lasl year the mice Problems misc became int lllltE Iu Hum mitull mfg51Pfm icar wunml charged $240 In The 5700 Ihu pulicc hudgccwuhuut arier Ill or me commlss Ill 60 ll pcrsu when ll optus its new plant in into m1 lr lllakcly said he expected tuolllirds the plants labor force would be rucruiuxl in Bur no The rest would come from tho brcucrys Misting plzlllt in lurIIIusII Mr Blakcly said culllpailm against Fmmosa mounted by the Barrie AntiPollution brm miltcc nmv Pollution Probe at Barricl was not factor in the ilrms decision to install prc treatment lucllillus in the en lorgcd plum We didnt like to have spa uiul agreement in the lirsi place Mr Binktly snld lIth he now situation we lclt at that time we ould put in pm irculmcnt laci tics POLICEMRN DEFENDS SELF AGAINST Tlill T0 YIELD Barrio policeman success lully titended himsell in wlo vlnclnl court to nglhlsl Charla ol calling in yum om Sleeves All It llnwllcstone cnnvlnctd Judgu Gutst to drop tin charge lnid niler an nccidtnt Dcc on County Road ll outside the pallLemnns nomc Stcevcs barde llLs cur out his driveway onto the runll ltlIEVE llURTUN gets gavel PRESENTATION All Optimist presented Reeve George Burton lnnlslii with guvuI last night ltccvu Burton was little 0p llnlistic too when in said hope dont have In use it no ollcn riiu gavel was Iiuuuptcu IIom Brucl Pinkncy Vicc prcsidlnt ol the Optimist Club Ill lnnislll ii pump wImI II mu struck by nnuthcr cur Slecvus qu It Is Imely cold IIIIII day and the road was extremely icy lle mu up rightloot snow bnnk ml bin to pull out into the many bclorn he cnuldJcc dawn the mail rin police were Insunnu In laying tile charge the Judge unlu But Im cvnvlnccd thnt Iuy conditions plnycd great Izan in the accident Cave missedgt Booth Concession For Innisiil Park lnllislil Township Council last night approved report mm the recreation Imd coni munin mucus committee up pointing Thomas Merchant buth conuCSsiunllire toi lIIIIisIII Park on Concession Council dccidcd his ollcr was the best ol six II calls In Mr Merchant lo pity approximately 51000 our year over thrcoycnr uuviuu lur the right to run the concession Innisiil Dog Pines To Remain Same liugs became limit oi cull iLlIliOll lur lnIIlinl lounship Cuullcll last night when ILcom Unc township nlllciai estllllalcs that increased costs and salar ics will push the police budget to an ailtlmo high oi Sll7000 this your The police department hudch has out yet bccn srnt to council Iur approval lncrcascs in salaries lhis your vary imm to 20 per cent Planners One oi the main reasons cuunlt cIl alluucd the Change was br cim they um told Barrie and Urlllill blue independent pollce comm sum The chance is not cxpccicd In cause dillcrtrue in total 19 lluntlilurcs lor pulicu proicclion Seeking Border Meeting The planning board would like IIIu co opcrnlion 0t lllnislil Township and tho Simone ocu iru Planning Board ill deciding the lulure of land at the ox IIumc southern limits oi Inc low cost housing prDiLct has been proposed or the Po crson Road Morer Road area on the city limIIs The developers have asked lar rczoning ol the land lmm ln dustrinl to rcsidcntinl use The planning board has re cclwd lelttt from indusLFial commissioner lluroid Bairslow which said his commission would not Oppucc any running at the Innlsl Budget The Finance Committee of In Township Council will down the budget chilLSA ll Sicwurt chairman of ommiitcc rcportcd to cuunc last night Ihat illc hud gels submilcd by various town Ship dcpnnmcnls were sulisiac inry but that ll delay in sublll siolls rpm the public works IIuparImunI police department Condominium Standards Soon The uin will soon not stand nrds to govcrn condominiu and other townhouse two dovel opIIIcuis Tho pinning board has Icc ummumluu council adnpl slan quus iur row house develop ments as Contained in report drawn up by the citys planning mcndctl increases in lines or consuiimk COM and third Wonders Pinnnlngliunrdmclnbt little allowing legs to room at large LC discussed The inn animal cullliul ol liccr originally proposed to lino SIS for bird uiltllsc Iguln the byluw dogs running at large Council approved proposal or continued twodollar line for rst ollcndcrs llnd live or second and third violations Out Of Care Unit Jim Prildclgnsl the EJmVulo Merchant loIwurd inJurcd lC ccutiy in hockey contest ngllhlst Nupauccc wns removed from tho Interwch core unit at Toronto General llospitul inst night Though still in semi con scious condition the hopsitul re ports that Pcudergast has shown rcmnrkabiu improve mull liowcvcl doctors say leng thy recovery can be cxpcctcd The Jim Pcndcrgust Fund cs tnhllshcd by the Elmvnlo hutkcy club alter the accidcnt is rc ceivillg considerable support it was learned this morning Norm Crane oi the Merchant executive said he is lulva with the response llo noted that Bill McGlll manager of tho Orlllln Terriers has given the team permission to pillLc lund contribution box in the Olilliu Community Con trc lobby during tho game be tween Terriers and Victoriaviiiu Tiglcs Friday night Also similar box will be placed in the Midland Arena dur Icslrlcting City Hydro To Meet April 24 City oillciuls will men with Ontario llydro April 24 on proposed mulL oi rogiulllll hcriltl quarters The meeting was originally scheduled for April but nus cancelled at the cIIys mum to allow Mayor 25 Coolie more time to prepare his presentation to Hydro Well be ready or lhis unc GermanCanadian Spring Ball The German Canadian Cllll are holding their annual spring bull April 25 The ball will be held at lilo Embassy hall on Blake Street Dancing will he to the music of The llcnants from lnrullln lug the Fiyors game there Fri duy night Jim hi has bcell Smokey anliel ol Ellnvalc it is scheduled for Sturday at tho Elnlvale Arcnn commencing 5730 pm cilltrtainlncnt Thclc wil he no charge at tho gale Icn dorgust Fund contribution box will be placed inside and thoso attending may contribqu what ever they wish Pendcrgnsl Benefit organized by teams will present broom boll competition and dance is slated to complete the evenings admission While runny people just talk about II gathering place for loan ngcrs here the Barrie YlilYW CA has dune something about it On April 22 rcgislrzllion will begin or anothcr six wch sum at their popular tecn can 117 The centre is or young pcoplo between the ogw at 13 and 11 Will post programs it has pro vcn to be extremely popular especially on Wednesday and land its it was not llrst class industrial land Planning consultant Ian luc phorson suggested the board Ind uut what innisiii has pnnlt nod or Lhn area You have it consider lilo Ill lmuic development oi the towrh ship in that area he said Macphcrson said it would be much choppch perhaps to clltcr inth joint servicing grccment with the township now to solVI residential area on the citys bordcr than to ithtnll service it your rem now when the city nnncxcs it Aid Macmillan suggest pd working through lhc Simm Centre Planning Board Wednesday parks and recreation commtilco and the Simmc County school town was dclnying cilorts to complete the budget silo lor lilo tuwllsblp pro posed sanitary landll silt had not yet bccn decided upon and this too is delaying the budgcl Iv nxpcct Iu strike Iho gcnrr Ill mill ralt one week rum in day Mr Stewart said nno amendment They inserted the provision that the attached dwelling ullils be built in rows iii no more tllillt 10 Ml illucpllcrson had recom mended setting the maximum at 16 units The standards will be incor norale in speciial addition it the existing Suhllt idcls narco Iucnt City admin tralor Tllmblyn is now drawing it up Illnul Lcs Couitc said Wednes in The uin lllltl rcqutsicd the meeting to try to pc uude ll um to acute the proposed com hincd llcad oiiices of Contrle and Georgian Bay regions in Barrie llydros Georgian Bay head oi lice is located here Should the rcgiuns combine the city cars the 104 mall Georgian Bay nllicc will be muvcd to Willow dalc Tlll event is upon in lilc pub liI Ellllllt coslumcs will be ono of lllc lcalurcs stressed at tho dance and orgunlzrrs hopo to attract 250 Barrie and district residents Thu blili begins at pill YOullI Centre New Session Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon and evening spokes man said During this session cmphosls will bo pinccd on more outdoor activities now that an outdoor ccniro bchiud tho building is ready or use Registration is irom to it pm Wednesday lor memb cra tho teen centre is free For non members it will cost two dollars

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