as JI4LLE 3253 12 TINDERS OIIrAnlo NOTICE TO HUIIHLIIS Ilmlme UII Na III Dry Ucauln Soltrxll Kerwmc Gamma Imd Dltxl Furl Mllm CONHIALT NH ISI sAnmo Imll EATOIMI DISIIIILT HUNTSVILLE MullII Tcndryl on Immo wwllnl by lllu Dcpnmnml or above Cummmm Alll bu rrcclvul by the blurch Elelrurer Dcparlmml III IllglIwAyD Box 700 llunlullle Onmrlo until 11 oclock LacAl nlr gt TUESDAY MAY Im Amman Inlonnnllan Dlddcrs Tender lawn and enve luvea may be obtained by culllnu at or by mall addnlutd to the Illxlrlzl Illglnbcr III III Above mLnlloned IMrcu The Ibwnl or In Tender nu nccuwrlly MccpIId DEPARTMENT OI IIIGIIWAIS ONTARIO 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE All mnka garden machinery Ham much wols eIc 1h undenigxd has I3 AUCTION SALES POSSESSION AUCTION SALE or AME BANKING INSTITUTION fecelvrd from Saturday Aprll ll PETER DUTKO pm 10 Can Innlsl Tmslupl Bum ORANGE mu male nunh or Ihe Incum II Sam ma runmzp Wu mummy Tmulmc be mks vol III 710mm on 21 near Incams 4m and II ILdrAa L9 nil 55 sell lb IUIRYAmgt Salurdzy Apnl ll may 05 at 1230 pm slurp Ide Pmmal wae Sprayer John Benn Celery le has mamas Pumps wa LIcA we sable and end In Pummlrngnlm Ia same 1021 IrrlzILLa pIpe apprvzmalely in we are lean am guns 2242 Large 925 mm mm Crcrc1 cm TumrtnlllLvh Iwe 11 with bulldozer male Ti my um Dude AI mum Super mammrmd IA mzwml Izlcmmwnal glam crude Am 2x WJ For 51 111 II mucss 19 Ford nac Lvr Brandon Trailer 127 24 mm mingled I935 Ford as is pm IM a1 11 p212 sma Erux braJim pm Iwmal 224nm 522 111 beds Ares bps 11 chem draws pzce lath hymauxc mil lypc Dues aim n12 IIIEM InfL Dell CambmBrmr man 11156 zed of harm 6mm an carrot 12293 md why cording hydrauljes and znd In 352 In it mm 21 imam Lavl wham 229 II 222 damper bmbm elev wants urine yam 1215 hmz um than xed but P141 Bea H12 741 mm Seeder can ran Pl rm Duh Eastr Arc He start all rdrl 4117 in an mum vcldte and wxlxs 9M 1512 OAm bird him rubber lucd I735 Miami sedan alumna whiz IIILin 54 llllivalnm l0 Le pner ecrlnz 2nd llmklrl Il Ielllzef mrcader Palktt ll be with IVIJ malts in Men appruxlmalely 600 In be and Maiml cundilm In gold In mull Qunnlity OF mum regarding ramming med aluminum roong Many glean amen aucuancer alter other nnlder loo numeer lo Inn IIDI Ilzll audwncer and bank nol Term cnIIll No rewrvc an mmlble or accldcnu day OI owmr had 01th Internal Noth lng lo be remuved untll settled sale AUCTIONEEIIS NOTE EV Dr Owner or management wlll erytlung In Ibismloln excellenz Dal be held ruponslble or Ac cundILlon and about ycarn old elmnu on hls vmerly day OI Or less lnspedlm mm am sale morning cl sale JERRY MUGth nnd 39 Terms Cusll unless on an GEORGE PIFIIEII auclloncera mngemenls have been made $110 to be held under cmer Gaulcy and Barbara Gauluy Its The Sea gon To Advertise Cler JOHN BALL Auctioneer 4354189 Alllsum OBI CALL us FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Allenlion CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Aprll II In am Inn I0 MR EDWARD GETTING mem l6 Mun Will mile east DI 0di lln ca No II hmuAy Sale at auxv cu Dch and mama 12 heilen and nears lmclcn lull me good turrn nudxlnm mm Imhdd elchI Mill qunln OI $35 It will sell lust belore emu IbouL 211 pm lLrm cash Farm sold CHARLES TIIOIIN AIICIIEII COLWILL II AUCTION SALE Iill be held for am AND SIRS JAMES LEY and BRYAN WAINMAN Lot Can 10 F1 Mnp ml 214 17 Hlmay nu 1mm Elmvale on Former Famey Farm Saturday April 18 BI p111 Smnborn cows rah and Ireahming Wand than his bull bum May 11 Ladon Dounull Ward 353th cow born July 1966 Snowy Princess call by 5340 Grade Glath bull of diesel 870 hours will load er and 210 buck lull Em VI nth arm implements hay lique paw bench Pine dust Hall mcx Many oJIer articch Tcmxs rash Farm 97ch CHARLES II mommy Aucusnccr n2 Sewash 02m Phone MOI WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advcrlllnm lreIILunlly nsk lllls quesllm Imlunnlely IIIch In no bcsl duy Ia ndvcnlue Ench dny um wanln nrlse brlnglng rInnern nu Old ones Inllsly Ihelr wnnbll VII recommend that you rtnrl your ad Iomorrow and cancel II when you get ro sulln Alter many years DI Ox perlnncL wllll mllllona of want ads we know lomarrow In the best day to marl your all and every IlIIy In lho hcbl dny to ndverllsi In The llurrlc Exam lner mlllhlllcll Sccllon WELDle DRYWALI VEnANDAII nAlLlNas HOLT 253leIIIIIIIIIZIIIG2TIIJIHIII DOCKS DRYWALL SERVICES RVOOFNE UTILITY CAMS llppllcalion III walllmurll IIII Aw smoun 4361813 4285521 SIAYNEII IRONING BOOKKEEPING rrmeu pu mamt I1 nnuul Plckuo Imd drllvrr Human SI3 II LANDSCAPING In Ammnll AIITIIUII In IIIIn v1 IIIIIIII nxrem InnumnulIIu Indlllnu ulunlnl II Owen mInunmce Cull IIIumonu mum lewnc mm 7m Servlcu Ila72 III wcmm tux woop REE HING IlIUnlIIIV cunquvrn IDIIIII II Iltnlllllll mulnu 2w UIIIHIJ ail15mm MODYJIHAnllquu rIIIInImInL In nlvldull nlncru Iledmnm nulch In any mum or IIIom VACUUM CLEANERS nllrrnllunl IIIIlllllmlt culrlNulln rlrlullun III mLTIm QUEEN REPAIRS Ifff mI WWW Only nlllhorlzed dcnlur In area using only genuine parts and llers Full line oI needs cm 72mm III VAN slum PAVING STORM WINDOWS MAN ERI PATTERN GLASS GLAIIII tumt DIM IIutIm ALUMINUM Ind wand alarm $333murillfilgll5w PAVING III llAlmlIz 113LIEEIJVILHIII ALUMINUM AnywhmIIII III IImIII We jARDEN EEUIPMENT mum III CUAIIANTEIID HIESEASON SPECIALS ALUMINUM smouu 726 mm IllggNllflImdmn sumImamIIIIIIIIII EMALL ENGINE ERVI $8335 eadvIInIIIII Ildwllll In IlIKklln uwn clwlllll ows an mumll rcmn uIl 6quch and IllllllLlUIlM hullt zlrlflllllfl 31 mm mm IQEIIIIIIIIPUFNIIIW AIAIIIISIIIII SIDIIWI PAINTING zlToIanIo 7700340 In age cal ol IIIILIluII BARBER AND SON REFRIGERATION lrcc estimalclv BudIIIIL enml 4162075 Ilollccl 4302774 PAINTING BI DECORATING HEMlUcnlluI Commerclnl und EAVESTROUGHING lnduslrlul EAVESTROUGHI NG Aluminum doort windows angnignsglrfims ALCAN SIDING CALL 4369109 I4 IIOGG AND SONS Cull cullcc Colungwood 44511092 BARBER SHOP ml TAX rIDvmll Imam In IJH duly rVIIIII ImIlzll rm nurrlc Irlo WP 211 muzNLm camIII rm cut Immmru IIIIII nnthn gm IAlFINu wry chunllllllln Im Inn CI 21 nunm nxpumnuum muum anlunll1le rlu Irco mumlea Talepnonn Remodulllnn III MIDLAND Unl llthI lzI ALI wmm IIIIAIIANIII IIIAIIIIII only HINSULATION AI gt HISIOU The IIlIrIIIII IIMI rlvllLU Wu rphr llm III unllnlnlm 72114201 III 5111 III IIAIIN ICCLIISI nllurprncd MADIUAN MOWIIII SEIIVICIl IUNIIUIH PHONE MILISM manor IIII uxmlnr mlnnnu Duler Vork PALDEIIE IIIer Bllu IIIYNII II III In Kld IDI gzguujnd Illnvlnlcodi III In 6531 Ulla THE Bum EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL AWS TICES CASH RATES Bltlb Ammume Imnxlmum words magnum Marriages and Dunn Card OI Thanks I23 IN additlmal words no per In Munorlnm Inc verse Vane per coum line SPECIAL NO Dr MacPherson mam III alrx lo 109 BAYFIELD ST ellvxtive Monday April I3 I970 BIRTHS nunsA Mn born ID 31 In 3m Danlkl lo codmman 51 Me mu year old Slodm mun mlves Massey Ferguson tram Auxau ml RaniAl an Tuesday And Imus Anna Ix Dlhan mIve Teamh In Beloved munId mm of Tamas ms Bruit nun cc All or Broouln can mum nu Pull maulI mm mm anx lam Wmolle sL Vlndmr Sen mu ID at p31 nus Nu At Glnsll Iragun surem Axvln George Ills arm Ach Dlrrle Guam Parlor Saunay II Ayru rum nun onum Acwramm per Burrle an mn Barley Fumlturr An pl wa olrokwl ear or an can an Item mum on Iowa vile or and mother my cl yumval Derver ImlSuddtn 96 Wlnd 5L nmuay Avrll 7m mo mm Hbry belovcd vlle me lzlz nun mum In 31 Im an III III mm llamm Ind me IIIL John luvln summer of mm IIoItun of Shroud Smirkv PanelII 0rIy 5L llurrle rndzy mxlouthlln 1n molher of non of swud ulmxbiln in Ikxllnl at Senlcc In an Audi mm It Inlermenl Burns Unlun talk about beating um walnr hand Vellum pmbIem about clean I1 InhnAl IlIe Iraul VI Imm3 Ion Ilmlul nude on 1m Inlm IllIIOIV nelov or mm Green Iumcu lunerI Home In Ilmuom Inncl lea ln IIlundny men IlIrrllv Unl AD mo Innlnn Itnllxllx IIImg Inl un CEmelzry cul ICulIylM an KIL loo IIovIII nu Mun Curl Iluwcl DO III In Him cordy IIIIrrIe ltulm mm any April Imn lcel slrcrl Ilurrlo no IuIImIIII OI LI nl lumen VIIlIer Nu Iredrlrk KulIaxI Ill nesllnx llemch hmnrnl Home Klkhnncr um clunprl IIIIIrmIIy IL Inwrmnt IJIHIIIIr III um IIIce chuncr vunun Ilrvu Memory Hudaonly It IAvum Jun eulnmn on III homo Illclany IIylnr Atklnn llIIll rIIIIIu sluIt ml IIIIII mum III IIr IIImIIIII IIIIIIKIIIIlIcf or IluxIIIIII IIIII lllm ummlv or Xllllllo wunnd hudmlnllllc lIIIIIIIIII mvlco an IIIIII cnnmlwn AIIII III ILIII IIrIIlIIy Inllnl commIII Tecum TOMMY EVENTS 15 per Line prlces on request COMING EVENTS BARBIE UNIVERSITY WOMEIS CLUB mm KBIHI EVANS Project Manager oISuIJItm Canadas ms underwater hzblul OPEN EB TING TONIGHT APRIL at 515 pm EVENING 0P CARDS MONDAY April 13 76 pm ST MARYS AUDImMUM Dundmnld and Amelia Su Amlccsz clmlouc WOMENS mam Mm Lunch Admlssinn $100 RMIAGE SALE lo rah Iunl for the BARR ITUMANE scam SATURDAY APRIL 11 am to 11 um LEGION ALL Collier Siren RUMMAGE SALE Friday Aprll 11 10 am ST ANDIIEVS PRESBJTERIAN CHURCH Own and VDKSlc SL1 DETROIT CPI Purisls up waterways wlll ho II renlly tnnlcndnus ac compllllllmelll II we can just new conlralx Imd Imppred dead llncx or thelr lmplemcnmtlnn but even so lllu program wlll Lulm tlmu Im condent now dull lII un mller 10 Or 15 years well IIIIvc lllu nceelcrntlou slapped nnd wlll nlnrl clcunlng up our water MucMullcn nayll III II 10L wule were gel lllu lllu Delrull lllvcr wllulu Illl Cllllnel thlln ever before TlluIcn only nlmul one per celll II llle oll In lllu Ilvcr Illul there quI lo you due IIUMMAGE SALE SAIIIIIIIAI APIIII ll hill lo 30 fun UIIANGE IIALI lllllltm AVG and Ellyu Mull Auyplccn CONSIIIIVATION CLUII llur IICILIIII cull 7733505 7201403 or 4304580 CLAS Fl ED ADVERTISI NG SIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIlSIIIIIJ IIIII IIAIUII DORNS WELDING cm IIIIIIIII IvIIIIcy mum IAUIIII IJILSIIIICII In WORKMANSIJIP GUARANTEED IWOIIMI 00 AND hON TELEPHONE 72324I4 IHIIVVILIIIIHILI III IIIIIIIIII II In WIIIIIIIII IulIIlIIII lllth lllIIlII IIG FIJI Our lllrr IwI IDADIIIIIIII an IIIIIII Mr llultv Ilvunlllnlll III llulIu lawn ICIIIlelllvlll llII Ill lull vlllu wIm tllIWlllllI Ill IIIO Ilml III lly dlvlulml III II IllllVllllllllI lllllI III II IzllnlIIn III lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM lllllIllllIflll Ulllllll wllll II IIIIIIIIII IlIrII YUVIIIVIII III wInI UldtlCll III punt $2000 Ullnln II ltlna clmlvluIIVO nu mum IIAII my wall IIII III Illm uml ml Inmumu Mn mm III nu wIIln llllllolmv ID urr run allr0 II not wld wllllln um nur mmlI nmrlom msul AIION mm Immr 1mm Ian hHfIlll ar wII tlrlu Ilenlcd llama uarunlcld wurk Irrcu ImI Inlnm 5001 Hum MINESING IIIIIM Ir um II III III II IIIIII IllIlIIlIV ulmv um mm um no mu mmla III III Nll Ill ONTIIIIIO II MOWER REPAIRS III llux mum ln IIII III IIIv III IuII uulIIIIIIIuIII ulnaII Iavmmmnulq IIIIII lela Illtlko Itll IIHIKI Ill ymmnml mlumn IIIIVINIIII Hull ltlllllgllllr ulnar IIIIIIIII III II Ilwlwnlu IIIII InIIIIIl III MIIIIIIy IIIIWII IIIr II IfLllll IIIll Small IvnIIlmI llllll IIIwn muwur SALES AND EEIIVICI IIIIIIlImIIm In mum II IVIIIIII IIIIIIHIIA wll II In IW llIlMl IIIIIIII yummy any lemon In IIIImllIOrIIINl IIIIIIIIII IIIIIVIIII lfIVlIll ulu IIIIIIIIHI AllVI lllu III mlur mm MI Ill IIM IIM my III Or will III Lawn IIIIIl unrllon uIIulpmcIIl real and rotary llluwtrII IWII IIIv mml III III lIIIIII VIIIII flll IIIIII IIllIl nlnmu Illld lmnll IIIIIIII wmn Illululy aw lI IIlImIIIIbr lellu IIIIVIIII UIIIIIIII lllmll IIIIIH wlllllmlIIII III MIIIIII OIIIIIIIII IIIIIII Inml III III Inna IIIIL IlIllONT ICII Mllllull nlru luoruu Cllntlm lDlIuII Iluku 05 ul Ilkvlllo Illl wnlI Ilul ulvcn Illcl lrltll Imr Imy pc LIIrIIIItOIIInII ll IVImIIIII Aubr nuylulwrul Ilrtllul VlIIlIIlll luld lllu luglnlnlurll Iunmluy III llveIluuu Illutclllulll lllall III IIIllll l0 lllu IIIIuIlu Mr Wlnhlul Alllll dalIIIIIlIl roleIw III lllu llmll IIIIII CIIIIVIIILIlI lllln lllIlI lllmw lIllIIIIIIllIIIlII IIllIl Ill LIVESTOCK luIlIIy IInIIIu II MI IanuIIIII III III mu IIIIIV IIIIU IIllII rlIIrll mom llml II IIII I1 mm mm II III mIIIII III IIIVUIYEI Ilull III Imvar Inr IIInIMIIllI IIIrIlII III III will ml llupnlm lo Ilny Innkll Itnnll IIIIII mch loll III II IIUI Ill IIIIMI IIIIII um um II All IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIr lemma III II mm Inleul STAN BRYSON IluIInIGllnIllloN nulwlcn n3 Clnppurton Strum l0lllllllll AIIH 105 ANIIEIIIIS All llln Mnll cellars Ell12 mu IIIIIIOIOII lIInOII llllyll ll Illll Cnlvrl zIIDI Cllulun venluru buuumo lllu llrIIl nuwnullubr ulnnlllllrll Innnlu llllr your IIIIIlIl lcr Illrculur Ill CIIIIIIIIIIBII adver CONSTRUCTION momma CllAIIT BUILDERS AND CONSTRUCTION llcpnlr Cunlom Homo Bulldlng Ducklan and Lull rcnlzlled lllo 3000000udvuru maul murkln ulnglo ycnr 7200420 721l G2 ANYTIME II In IrvIll IIIIIILI IIZIIIIII lllurllllnln IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIll LIIIIIILI Ilullnln IIIIAIIIIIIIIII wllll Inn III IIIIIIIIII II lllmlllllm zldluJIIII Illlllllllllm WI IIIJIUI IIIIIIII IIIIwA mflIIIJAI wllll Mllln by 25501 ululllnln and mu Ieru Ind IIIIIIII IleIIvy IJIIIIIIIIIII pull llIll wIIII IIIIII III mm Ilullllnlllm Illlll Illulllllmn 230750 llulllnurllwlll Ilnlllu lllllll IIIIIIl llglll slacker lllll levlltuu IIIHIIII IIOOIl nlouk MQIII unlvnn 4244 IIulKI IIIIIIII lmllrl cullm IIIMIIII summon Ilnd mulllllm IloukOIII In 5560 IIOOII cllolco mm It lllo UIllluIl Slulon lu IlllllllIIll mulllumn allIll clmlmonn Ildvertlnn ollll bmlcrll 2MB Ilngl um Dune prlco Immo MJIIS eurlnltly In loronlo MAIL tluluu IIlerl IIID Tlmnll plxbllahod Stag and buma llvuwolulll nonrly 4000000 clnnslllod udver DIIIII tlsumcntn lunl your and um uD Sheep and lamb lam nlller llnn 0de crop lnmhn all3450 Iprlnn lamb Mo wllll odd unlea In 10 per hundrcdwoluhl Ahcep IMO v4 Ncsday scene along lllu Chl cago river wllrre passcrsby Full lustullntlan DI pollulion cOnlrols Ill Induslry ls several ycnrs away and some unscru IllverJn Button is an ppm pulous operators IllD sldllully sewer But the really In llllchlgan Ilvoldlng the rczulntlons now In are nlmlng at somethan dlller cnl Thelr lllm In Hm lo slow lhen to slop tllc uccelcrnllml DI the pollutlon problem not slop pollullon cnllrely Thurs inn ulher slcpl cllcct klluwn lllru bocllcg crs vllu llll huge lunk Irucks wnsle In lllu dnrk Ol nlght UlenIdump ll lnlD slrenmsnlungsldu roads Dr Ralph Illuclllullun llrcc T1113 prncllsc was ullhcnrd ol lor of the Mlchlgnn department belurc lllD new legulnllons Ourecs sll ll IIIDCMIIIIDII says mum The cuusllc ucld phenol ull and mum sullds are sllowlIlI hulvc lllu necelcruon The stnto luls lnsllllllcd rlgld SI Sllpcrlnr ullll llulou lhnn at uny llme In me last 20 years There lluvu been seven llsll kllln nlnco mm Ill lllu Tlllnllnwm ch IlIVLI neul Mldlllllll Mlcll They have bmn nllrlbulcd lo eII Illlent IIOIn lllu Dow Cllclllleul 5570900300 vlls curmuer lm lllu lllunlclnnl sewugu Improve lluznt pmgrnm Illcro nm ulsu plans for swomomo expem lulu Iur cullccllull nullOr sys toms nnd nnulllnr 560000000 Iul control ofsloml overows le plnnt here Ilnd Dmv lIIIS IILIII wnrklnu lu clean up lllu prlllllcm llcculllly llo culllpnlly plnuted Ibo plku In the llver IO Iuplueu Illusc klllcd lrIlll In so boloulud wllll lll Lluslrllll wuato lhnl even sllcll lu lleull IIlvlly lIum llllll Cllruuf wllll lulu mm Illlvnlu cum plulnt Iluulunt llllu Out 23 anIl wclll lo lllu llluml llolllu louklnll IIn Illn wllu cloud lrlend Ill mm MUSIC vawIauva If AM THAT IS All WET Boat shaped like guuat In contemplulu lllu sprlng warm Realists Workf hnrdy species as cum and call IInlI cnnt lle In il The llougc In gluulur qunntllles lll lllu Marys lllver belwcen Lakes The lllvcr llnlxln soulll Ill DO No Special Treatment Given Says Arthur Wishart IZVIIIQIIIO wllu lllIIl lllr Duke MIM illrull IIIII Vlullllll null lllu llllll wntl llIIlll lll lumlly lull Ill lllu rc quunl Ill Mm Cllrnll vllu wun OllnquIuvll II IIN uwu wIIIllIL Ilun Ilml lur Illl own lumlly ID lullulllllllp llu nlllll lullllly llllll llIvIIrlIIIIII uru ulwn ll lllu IIIIIIllc IIlIllulIIIll Illlllllnllllnl Ill lllll IIIIlucudlllxul my be urn lllllllull by lllu Jlllluu l1lu dlllluully urlllu uul III mnmru IlIllImIlIII by lllu fmwu ullullluy Illlll lllu IIlIlIIu III llluul Wlllll IllIy lull wIIu lllll vom leIIIIIIIIIIn llunllu lo Iwulll ullllun pullllclly Nlll ILIIIT lllICIIlII IIIIIIH Old munlclpnllllcs need an new so hmllc Induslrlus have boon vngo treatment plums by 1980 and Improvements on 220 exlsl Ing plants 5335900300 bond Issue to help pay or he nnllpollullon pro rum lhls coupled wlllI munlc pnl and federal funds would hlIVO provldcd II lulal OI ubout 51200000000 Or Lho Ilglll bLen cul casts are rlslng and lllu stale lenlnble Is In serlous rabble anys IIIncMullun weru dead Inns lllIIIn quI In Illlenml In IIIqu lllu Izlmu IIIIIIILI lll llulllll Im luln IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Ily vnrlmm Iwnnlu Ilnr Wllll llluIIl Iuly nlIVlllll llonri IIII IIIIIII ll Wu MI llllllun llllhllllllllllllm llllll IIIIII colllluul IIIWIIIIIII Mln llllllll Ill llur lIIIIIlII IIIIII IIIIIIII lllIIl llIll l0 lllu Illllrull Mr Wltlllllll IIIIlll MIII UIIIIIII llllmleI Mr lllllwn IIL Imm IIlI IIlIt IIIll lllIIl lllu OHIO up IIan lhc anllcs OI le glrls llllenlgan Ave bulldlnus are In background Nlne hOrschIwer On Pollmkilon Cltlcs will be rcqulIed to move 00 per cent DI the phos phorus In lllclr sewage CDmmunlLlcs will be orce Stall nullmrltles reckon that In Adopt secondnry lrenlmcnli Many now have only prlmnry Icnlmenl Inclllllen Sumo use lerllun sophlstl The slnle llus Ilontad BILL federal revenues llnvo ll vu dolt get ledgml luuds OI lllu 51200000000 about Under lllu nuw slule remun mu her husband lllnll school anchor lnvlted Mr Duku nnd Ills run It IIIKIIIUITIO Iller lllu lllcldunl IlIlIl draw pmnllsc from lllu Illlllluuulrd Illnt llu vnulIl slop bulhcllnu Mrs Cll IOII On Oct III lull 43 llly alter llll lllrenlunlng Incklelll the III mun roeulvml nullono cnll Ill 215 mm and thln nIIIISl Ivy Ml Duku nullsuquclllly lull lllu clulmc Pulse OI World Taken In Ocean VALIAIIAISO CIIIID ICll Sllevunuml lnensurulnruln word lupmled luesllny In lllu llrsl IluIIur uclllllllc OllOll lu lllku lllO nulnu Ill lllu worlds Deanna Ill lllll Ilulnt wllurc Illlllll lnll ungu llmlnlulull Suulll Amorlcn lIIllll Anturclluu llluy wure recorded over IluvollIluy lullllll by lllo Cnnn II II ucelllluurllplllc rcsourcll vnllnul IIIIIlnull Iluw beyond lllu llllllwuy Ilullll ul nn llIuolllll llllxb lllul III expectle III III lllu llrnt ulrcululluvlgnllnll ol Nllllll mllljuulll Alllurlun Vuluully ulld lquIlOrIIluIOn Ill lllluu dullllul In Drukp Inllsulln my lwlll Ilclullllsln lump lrnnk VlIlll IlIIlI llllll IIIIIII llllllllllll Illul IIIIIIIIII IIllllrllllll III Ill llIllu Mr Wlnllllll mull Mlll Clllllll ll CARRIER MISS YOU ll ymll lIllPllD lxlllulunr enrrler lulu Iml when by Imn plenuo whom 7282433 and copy at Thu Elnnllncr wlll hn dellvurcd In ynllrbnulu by mu VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYODRSELR CARS BI TRUCIltS ThOrDIII no charge for III lorvln Ill IlllllIlII Ill Illl lllO worlds IIIIII malor powers the crall much Iomrunnnr 01 boat lruv cl ImII ouldoars show openlng hldny AP Vlrephulol be Lreulmcnl cnlnd method DI rcmovlng adul llnnnl conlnmluunls that escape prlmnry and secondary ueul mcnt Stpurllc reqlllrcd la lllgllly sallllnry sewers Will be rcqulmd Iorumv tems It now Is not uncommun lnr slorm wuler to overland system rcsultlng In mllllons gallons OI rmv salvage belng dumped dlrcclly lnIO ltrenms lIIllllAeumnIunIly wlll be developed to lwluu llllo unO largo central SllLII syslcms now an DellOIL Dnd Battle Creek III In Asked to llllo Inunlclplll systems lIlllIcI hull use separate sewage faclllu lucllltlc use In Mleh lnlluslIy ll clues llll be required llsllllecl wnslo beloro dlschlmg It llllu publll vulurs Inrm wllll lhls IIII turnet for lulplo lllosn rogulnllnns In llml but wllelllor lhe loudlan met depends In lnrgO sure upull lllu nvnllnhlllty Indcrul funds If those an5 lng lllu slate llupo lo of water nllcluly 00H lllc nver menlnlloll but Iollllcom IIllchlglul eunnut slow lllu growlh Ion problem Snug as bull Imllullly not yet youvo junl moved Perhaps your Wol coma Wullon llosldss can llulp to ease confusion Cull llcr loduyl none TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Ulroclly call 7266539 830 mm In 530 Mon Io Frl upto 200 pm Sal BARBIE EXAMINER Donnolly Clrculnllon Mnnull