nussms Bum THE BARBIE UMBER TUESDAY m7lmI Fish Stocks Are Being Cut By run CANADIAN mm Runlull have been blamed for the Warner cl ludde rpm tho Grand Banks continents shalt at Newtoamd Flnh node are being out from under on Alex Hid mnrl PCBurial tanner ubunl intact minister who aoaaodthaoortoiointhePn greasve Conservative party toldtho Newfoundland leasin tllm Monday It said 10 per ccnt oi the trawler cal8 ln nous was haddock but to all Lnlcnta Ind purposes haddock has dlsnp puted What happcaed was that the Russians got onto the southern Grand Bmka in Jub and Au gut and dutroyod lilo spawn In other legislatures WotanBlaming the Liberal government iur failing to alleviate verty and for demonstratedwmil ago mm tho opposition Conserva tives gave notico of the earth Nixon With Tax Program NEON Opposition Leader Robert Nixon urged tho province Monday nut to pmccod with 510000000 lax toilet pro pram or noody pensioners which he said does not give real help to these people Tho whole am Ihould bu thrown out on now begin nln modsthis tlmo with core nn with consldorullon and with the true reform in mind Mr leon said in the budget speed dobuto Tho proxlnm under which about memo old ago pensioners would bu helped to meet prop lmnunlly In supplementary tax rcllol vns announcod in the budget last Tuesday by lms urer Charles ltnanushton nnnconfidoncc in xrlml for hmnlnz Student Revolt Unsuccessful TORONNJ CPI Ito T6 pcrmnn 10 student expelled lmmlot liili Collegian in llltulo hon Inst your hnd ill ln student rovult lip ankud through the hulls of tho school during nn experi munlnl lruo school session leh bunnor that mud lluvolullon Dnnt tulk ul 1er nllllion IllJVOLT REVOLT lllIVUlil Students didnt rrvull In tnl only 10 of them bnlhrrcd tn lnlk ut revolution nl ucml room lcnllolt dny or two lhcmsulvcu revolution sent 35 lo hour Dr icongo Owen spunk ml Xlllltlilllluly pmcdpllon It oputhy nnd ak clnlrvnynncu other scmlnnrs on subject including womonr liberation muxlc ullructod and blues oquul numbers of students FINANCING MR lllousnnda of Cnnndlun trom mil to acquire lurid buildings or su mcnl workin on ital pp Elllscilss lorm financing with You are invited to representative An polntmonbior an tolop onlng COLLINGWOOD 4454280 or in advance by writing to arty on bills through up to 5100 mm Mr leon wound up his hour long opted by movln vote govcrlt ment on the grounds it has tolled to provldo adequate mo pensions pollution control modlcni insur tlo success Mondttylnpromot Student Vlck vlll lulk or our on tho subject in cluss The lllrccduy Xporimunlnl nrsslon was proposed by Prin clpnl lly Musly tn mnlk lllo nnnlvcrlnry at tho 1an lust spring when Leo ambushed nn nltnck on tho princlpul in Mr Money suggested lillll Mudcnln run the school for Next dour to tho mnlnnr on 125 sludontn lummcd room eqlllpprd to STOOF of the Industrial Development Bank will be at The Holdolborp Inn 461 Home Slrool Colllnawoad On FrldayAprl l7lh INDUSTRIAL navnapmmr BANK MidOntario Branch 250 University Avenue Toronto mounn oi nmmdencc since tho covmncnl assumed office in 1960 inux11M ai leader Gel aid Regan proposed that Nova Scotlam Should shire in the PM lndmltn in which tho provincial Emmett has ln vand heavily climax indu lwanoting Isasdcs He at laclmi the Programs Conserv ntne gunman or what ho culled ck planning mantaowed uau Lead llabgrt Nixon accuscd tho pro vumal government at cryan poor and living ridl in its spending proposals or moat He said it was ridiculous or the government to claim its record 81000900 spmding program reflects policy or severe and deliberate restraint WinnipegA word or volum leer groups in welinro anodes was given by Gil Mount lir SIE Rose who said Manltobm Health Minister Reva Toupln was wutchin all volunteers With critic eye lilr lliolut said there were number programs which even initiated by volunteer agendas RaglanPublic Work MM tar Allan Guy said proposed amendments to the Water nights Act would not give the liberal govcrnmcm Sasha chnwlm any more power lhxn it already has He said critics were mistken IDtn they san the bill would allow conscation ol watcr owned by private cun panlcs because all water legally Lt mmcd by the Crown EdmontonAbout too on Producers membcn oi the Na tional Farmers Union gathcrod on the legislative grounds to En away eggs ays Go once and at relorm The mt tlon will be nttd on at the close of tho dnbnlc The motion also calls on tho governman to account to the legislature or the elcicncy ol tho governments programs and buslnvss methods Mr Nixon charged in his spooch that mm is gross mis management ovornmont money through incl idcnt and vnstclul programs In other lcglslaluro business llealth Minister Thomas Wells snid Onlnrlo ls testing hu for possible oisonln Irom mercury pollut on an that tho cderal ovemment will proldblt llshlng the St Clair Lako water system because of contamination of ilsh No nn nounccment has been made that llshln on Lake Erin will be bound Attorney General Arthur Wiuhllrt Mild British Columbia court decision invalidnling lllo iedcrul breath test law wlll llnvo only pcnzumslvo oilrct on courln hero and police have not bucn lnntructed lo mango present hrcnth test procedures llunlclpnl Ailnirs Minister Darcy McKcmlgh said the tub ml unvornmunt will wurn the cost grants to unlvcrsltlon so they can my up to 525 11 student In munlclpal properly taxcs Mr liloKoounh snld rntk clnlpumoso bodies such as pnrkn boards and recreation aimIllusions will bu eliminated undor rcglonal governments nly on request oi locnl authori 05 blll lo oxontpt shorbllio production oqulnncnt from five per rent lnovnclnl Hillt tux vns lvcn llrst reading Tim tlltptun MW ileum nu llgs nud moulds and pnllorml for lien ls expected to benefit uuln mnnluucturcrs slcclmnkors and still WORLD lRAOIllN NEW WORLD PERFECTION ErynIll all1111 LONDON WINLRY ilMlILl FOR BUSINESS obtained loans machinery to to start new business the IDB cnlorprlses have 01 interview can be arranged by Wu might in well give thorn may lxid one turner We cant get milling im them by trying to sell them the wxy things The rally was held to draw governmgxtt and mu urination to the small tanner in nutthem Am said Ray At Emmi NFU pridde EAT Di ROOMS WEI HILL NC Joe Elgles vicecbancellor or business and nance at the Uni vrrlity 01 North Carolina lays rrcent dtxision to let students hecp rdrimators in their dor milury room has contributed to sharp drop in patronsga at campus dustn zlhalls Breath Tests Head For Court OTTAWA CPl Justin Minister John Rmllr Monday told the Comm tho mm went had decided to refer the question me nlidrty or breath lost xedly to the Su promo Court Canal to lave time in clarifying the law The suction the Diminai Coda mnkinz breath analysis Lest com ulsury wos pro claimed in camber Iu tutu had been in doubt since last week when British Cannabis Supreme Goun judge mind the law unconstitutional lr Tumor laid nlcsdny that the required order in mlnlcil would be mad with the Supreme Court Within the next ILW days year on your new It costs you nothing to convert your present furnace to natural gas providing you do it in April May or June of this yearThats becauseyou avoid the heavy Fall rush of heating installations allowing us to provide better service at greater allround economy llo advanced payment for fuel costs You pay for natural gas as you use it Think of the space you can save Natural gas puts you directly on line with an endless uninterrupted supply of the most efficient home heating fuel known to mamquiet cleanburning dependable natural gas If eVer there would he lot EESS nan Reporters Are Banned From Tanker Manhattan ABOARD LOUIS ST LAURENT lCP Canadian rcporteri on board this Cana dian maker were denird pcrmAsi an to visit the United Stairs tanker Manhattan Mon hauls St uurent Carr adaa Luger momma is rompanying the Manhattan on her second voyage to the Arctic to test whether Arctic sea travrl is commercially teaslhle The St Llurcnts maslor Capt Paul Fournlor visitcd the Manhattan Monday to can with Capt AW Smith and Humble Oil Lid ofllcials an the wyago plan Tho moaners re oucst lo visit the ship was re tard to the Manhattan at that Limo No reason on given or re at the request Thor are no Unitcd States re porter on board Lbs untuuu Cnnndinn icebrcakcr car rics scvcrsl Canadian journal isu it Impacted the Manhattan and the Innis St laurcnt will pass Cape Race on Newtound lands south coast early today from whit it is about IJDO miles to bury ice The ships are expected to much this ice late Thursday or early Friday in speed trials lilonday the Manhattan reached between and knots Tho Louu St Laurent hallowed About to ram Islam The proposed route at tho 31 to the Arctic will an tho ships up mo West coast Greenland Ind then test to Lb Scrummt Passage mls springs oyagn should be more successlul than last summers because the 1mm Louis st Launnt is 60 per at more powerful than the czar dim icchnaktr John donald which accompanied tho Manhniinn last year my Exnsuxtm runr an FHLNE mud ll paymentsloronefull Weinstallyournew rental OOHVBISIOII humor nor WATERHBOILERS yone today used unrunnl nus otturl rentalconversion burner atn coslloyou We agree to make installation in your home without fuss or muss or oost to you natural gas conversion burner GIIAVITY WARM AIR can be used in