Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1970, p. 8

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TOGOOD HEKLTH Baby Daughters Problem Trying By 11106113503 51 Dar Dr hora to problems with my 13 monthold daugbttr that cars not control First lb bile childm thwghtumlhntizuhar wiry taking for htndl but inst mm 21 bit small baby cant gure that out And how do calrod it Nat she will not pottytrain Immehtrailiororrury ctr right nzr sac wakc up but she will still wait until gm her panties on SM is vary smart baby and would lit to get lbrsc things corrected in htre will be an othor baby sooon AD Biting is not unusual at that as as you might think Du rioJsiy it can be clum ges lure ol allusion or of ddencr That is the may conrunc ids ing with biting or may zvezl like no other youngster nouth to eat her hence the bite have known ollnstanccs in which this appeared to be the mason or bitinga small child mlszmdcruanding strong N02 should correct the problem shortly or as lhey may but days smart baby willow that its mono out pr em you may bomber her bit tuslrr than like to be pushed Making hcr sit or 30 mintth will not help in art it may mulu her stubborn munr try to detect when shca about ready to go and thou pop her on You may not be able to accomplish it before the rial baby arrives although hapo no but timc usually taktl care of the problem Dent Dr 111mm Just what is Metduos disease Is it the same as labyrlnlhltis or similar to ilIMrs GEM It similar in but not identi cal vth labyrinthitls It il an TELEVISION MAID BARBIE WA to TORONTO II IIIlMIIWN 12 PETBRIIOIIOUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY no no llzu um rung roe zaovlo an illCher Helm Hillsm In thl Cantu ma twrvo tum aAnuv nrumu I30 mo 71 nm on Sli nToronla Tod1 an tilRywn plu chunoIn Bwnlck vn mk lichoala Bunubll Expalurl 41mm Ball In gangs slum b0 adjun mm no no Lrltl alllump mum TiLinun acontlct Giant mo lYlovcri wuulnm ll 1LrVo 7uuopln Gollth l1Clrtonns tHKIA oMuntn court warm TUESDAY APRIL EVENING rmmm 670wi bl Mouiirwaye 112ml viedun mamt IlUndtr Atllrk lmuwlnu Juana Dont ht ma ooumm 11 unite Limit$96121 333 HDoplnmant 130 115winrmund mow oun nntunnu tTmn nr Mill Cvl li 307 numwz Ill tum slim nm Tum so pm may mun may 12 vailruiucy 75 llllorro nurum mm Ni Whill Iuvcr Lylowwm grams lra llernu nZumnt nu nu flurlnn Infown Muir nnmn lnuuunu 131 mum 1anlov 7Tn Tell Trulll Lnn mum mm in mun sumo Ur on Paul=tn counter msgaurinmn gluon lllzblolut mm In IlMrltli ull Vltny Illth IZHU IlleIWli Wellhzn liportl man LIZNew 4na is IglIlliuirolem rimming what willnlltlemo myqu nxhvlliuhumon ulmm Tueday qu mum WilllNElillAY Ailllil AFTERNOON 1199 Di VIII Loci smut tnun Ilkllrm 7ttumv Klwclnl tMrul rn Mlllul nluuunmn Data out The mutt amicth or the inner car which warts the acmcol balancei Dar Dr My my tr and identical tWtIJ Two years ago we marricd ion tical twins taunt on year later lo lb day in my case and um days later or my sister axe both 53w link to twins Mine are boys my sister bad girls We both want another chlld but what are the chances our having twins again no chance are too good we want to think twlcc bcioro launching vcry large lamilies Is our sill mien unique or is it fairly com mootD3 Ind Md doubt it your situation in unique but cannot nd out or cumin Id gum that your chants at having more twins am quite strong but without lot at cases how can on have relinhlc statistics gucss bemusc of your two pass your own suggcilion is valid Think twice Dru Dr Than have won on my ncck next to the jug uhr vein and havcnt had it re moved mcdic nl student rimd wld rno it wasnt danger ous but 001 have laid fnc it is and that can eventually be come cancerous dont know what to dimIL won it szhaccous cylla cyst formed in skin gland clay to the surface Your n1ch cal student lritnd is correct tilt othch an no It docs not become canccrmll the wan is nuisance it can be easily romovrd by doc or In hil ofce Ncamess lo the jugular vcln prcuntI no pm lcm the vein is quite deep as compared to tho wan which is virtually on the surface TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 713 PROGRAMS BUFFALO TORONTO lama wadOlen Award onetwrtment dgnclnl Ilcvmt M0 in imitation The Omen uanvmny on At mu zrnurlau lnulnlnu Light man Mrs George Gibson sul compnnltd by Gcorgo CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAYv Wes dealer Neither urn rubernblc norm 1103 10 AQJ 155 m1 QIN Alan 8182 AKJI 154 10 Kdl soum AS lel cinema Theblddtng South Fun on Dan Opening lend4m clubs Most plnycra bid naturally and have the suit they bid but Intre is no denying that some articial bids can be extrcmrly allotlive when the right games along For txnmple use highly specialized dugictnn showing hid in some acqucrlccs to dw cribe particular type or hand and this unusual bid has many limes scrvcd me well in tourna mcnt play as it did in the na lanai staged in Minneapolis in 1968 Will North End unlptd to three hearts In response to my partners diamond ovcrcail This bid by special llrrangomcnt in dicuttd the values for jump raise to three diamonds and ni AD guaranteed slnglcton heart My partner Dorothy Hayden did not have much cl an ovtr call cspcclnlly in View my previous pass but she realiz ed that hcr hand had grown In mundously with the implied din mond raise and tho singleton OBO STATION II MRS II CRAWFORD There was large ntlcndnncc at the Eullcr service at St An drews Presbyterian Ch Blll Nicholson preached the ser olsl sung ila Vlll Despised tram Handels Messiah Gibson organist The Good Friday scrvlco at St Andrews was also well ul lcndcd with guentn tram uclgh boring churches Bill Nicholnun preached nn Inspiring message The choir nan Cruelty ihnt Mun in which Ted Applcby sung the solo part Miss Denna Glondcnning at Toronto wns uwockcnd guest at her cousin Pntsy Anne Burlun Mrs Andy Gcllnas Knvin Lcunno and Lori Sarnln npont thepnat holldnyweek with My pnrculnMr unn Mrs ll cru lard Mr and Mrs John Craw ford nlno Sumin were wack cnd guests About 150 pcoplc atlcndud lilo put luck uuppcr held at the Community hull llnrch 31 How urd Cruwiard Introduced Nor mun Campbell Orllllu who uhowcd pictures of Europe and Cunndn Including mnny Ivcui pnlnlu ol nlcronl Mr Campbell was thanko by llunln llnrndull vote 01 thunk wan extended lrom Mm lluiph lcuku to all the committee who arranged and gut lhu lnblcl Ml up etc orncwoun Heror the rcnnnn mnku no mnny mlltukes the is right next to tho BECKER showing heart bid Accordingly she jumped to we diam West led club with in dummy with the tack East won this heart rtmm and ind back club Alter tuiting heart in dummy Min Hayden played made to he ace and lulled an atom heart It product this posi hon North Aims Wu $997 07 Eur nu 5014175 10 Had Mrs Hayden now tnlmpcd ll club with til eight in ordzr tn ru still anolhrr heart in dummy he would have lost trump trick eventually to Wests aevrn Forestean this dawn the kn dummys Jack at JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK spades instead and as rcsult sh could not be stopped from making the contract musron By MRS EPONAGLE ML and Mrs Allan Mama Mr llnd hint Wurslen and lr and Mrs Cough III tcndcd the hanquat In Guthrie hall of the Slmcoc County Hol stein Association For the thlrd consecutive year the award or hlghcst production Wermnnco win glvcn to Allan McLean Con grntulutions PREPARE FOR DAY Tho Ilippy app Healthy il Group has com ctod lho pro 1ch on illncss ow the glrll are working on skit to ho pro scnlod at Adtivvumcnt Dny um dcr the direction leader Mins chDarlonr Jory and Robin Cow Sympathy of lhe commnnll ia cxtcndvd to Mr and Mrs ll ilum Mnlono nnd lamlly Mn llinlnnoa other lloy McCrack an Crnlghunn dlcd recently It cuchrc arty will bu hold 1n the Dill scloolhounc Ahl lllt Proceeds or the annqu cancer drlvo Tho innl euohro party will be April 17 when draws or priz cl will be mndc Mr and lint Allun Brown and inmlly nucndcd the Ulllo NllL tournament at Mlllbrook during lhr Easter weekend Scott Brown and Gary Mclcnnplnycd Willi their team which won the It game but missed out In tho linul Norman hell holidaying at home The communlt welcomes till 13qu lnmlly have movad on lot urchuctl irom Bill wooormo have oun me thorn Mr Barber omploycd by llcll Canudn Mrs Frank Wood is much im proved in health Vlnltorx during the holidny in cluded Susan llundy from York Unlvcnlly with her parents Mr nnd Mrl ilnndy Mr and Mrs liup Lowe and Inmlly Mr and Mrs Murray Brown undJumlly Mr und Mrs Bob Sinclair and amlly Donna and Hon with Mr and Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Myron Sponuglo and Laurie with the lurmvrn pnrtntl Mr and Mrs Mark Sponuulc SECRET AGENT MRS FITZ ETTA KETT awn OMuvl in mm new Du not Inn any lth EvtVImlnHl Hillary drum mug mu lllnvy 13 sxuvle izamnuu un an Iii out DAILY CBOSSWORD IIIlim NOW bDJil IIlu Wolld 100 1125 Tllrltn 2Annthrr Wurla loan 1Lau Mala out IA 121 no Aonosn tumor 21AMch mm mum zwnul Mv Ilnr ran worm llHolrch or 20 Lia7352 iiiilct mmy luunl Your Tomorrow 21 01 Our uvu IMMIOW UIorwl salmon 31 arm Apt1 Muny tnmpo Own Parrot nutqnu lnndnr rum mu lIly inru lion lrumro luraniu 2wllrlullt Immlto vWIIW lobe 11w Iwiywaa uum nwlu of mum forbidden actar 216 Eva lldnro rim WM 741 muumrrom 130mm liimnll rim mum cram uuoru Cuvtltv Im WW 39 lllIetor 101mm Wm WlvDNluliY lillill EVENING Mirna murmur aotreml blunluy cup Hockey Semillnulh prcotnplu illllz nl MJnvltntlnnl India 3114 mu nunan Chmlml 1n Hobrowl lIJIruIt drink tionl axonM qTWrlkdnv 11 diagonh lflMonlgm laNotlon nvu nu all mm mm thug ran lnt mm mm Mrlilnnciin Ldamer rm usltc anuu rum EIanlyr 1m mama anewmu unm mo 2Autnarv tnltnt 94m znluu um mun in menu lamdos 430 Dailiulllllllh llmllv llrillJull lklnnnl 9pm dolrulll mm 21nlrulosen turn Cnnlunulnnu lZlt JOIIvtIlrutllul as Java 7vlntn not 7NJIWI nr nrl naunillnr palm rlm mm 201mm uLuulla nun nnuwul lva 14 ammgutlvn mo nur nwm MW Aumy drmnn zvnrgmlnn ml Onrmnn llivu lluw llvllurro llullnn mm Ammo nmumo 74 Lucy 1Nunnv And ru 32Undulnung 94 Tm Proton13 floIlntnl 11 cnm Clam vlnnt lr znlmnv mwu ilBJronroMod ucumwn ma 4Iurv ut mn mm moo nvurcon Amt IJnmW an Idvado nllavnxly 7Luurlmln or xmunnln Eddies mm qlAwnu Hmmm 171v lcll tho Truth nHMavlu hwnhwhf 42 Entlmnlan gfmngzu lhlzwg linwr llilmlmny Millennial l2mck Wm or Immumue liiiiiivuil Unilmrv Jol urnwt vuutar 245 kntro ul Thur vnurnoll WWW MumMW lllllllllllrl John 3Lan vmlmr 75 ouurl mun nlvnnlll or tho Ow sl 15 24mm mn Ar imlm nulllc vu nvlo dullavlo no lightly rwl lulu tuna mm Mintsipxll 2Hlovn Allan onnwltchm numnlun llnvla llPllm 1Jollnnv nun lTledor ml Um Tutk man man ullla n1relunn wowmm lznquci Wen1t 1Dick cuvcll THQDELS SGML or TH GUISDAD COME OVERAND SAY HELLO OUT TIME IOU ARRIVED CDRIZIGAN WE NEED YOU IOFINISN LISTEN 50 HIM GMAN RCAD FWOM LErl TO RIGHTRED DAVISJRACK EmuJIMMY WILSON BAseoALt CHAMP BAQDYLFA WIZ AT TENNISJIM AND LAQW TDIESE SUMMEN WERE NERD WHEN WE miVED CLET MUST HAVE FOUND DUI ABOUT YOU IRA AND SET ONE OF MY OWN Dill EVELYN YE anus AUNT IDA eccpADIILLaET you NEVER IHOUGHT AGIQL COULD BE THESE DAYS IF WU DONT HAVHA COMPLETE ACT HERE AM with 011 BET MR HAPW Alli HAD ANUTION 11le on nlE BULLVOZERS MIT EM LL HAV HAVPY 051 come VAMES CAN WASH THEIR In FORE ME BREAKFAST WOMEN OFllllS mamas REV WWII START TIWS PAULA lt REVERE no qu IF MgMORYSE ME SDMEIHI gs FOR LME 3624 56 NlNEVEAR ll 76

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