MRS MARY RENT pres idset of the barrio inner Wheel 0i Rotary fills two ditty bags with items to undcrprlvll egcd children llle club have been filling about to bags each year for the past seven years With useful articles like soap and toothbruSh the bags also contains small toy or two as bass are drawn with two shoe laces tied together lExamlm or Photol Ditty Bags For Children In Underprivileged Countries Ditty Bag Is an easy and inexpensive way to give child in Iha Arctic Blnfra Greece may or anywhere in the world something which belongs to them and only them small project Instigatcd by the Canadian Smo The Child ren Fund the bags are made from any hrlght durable fabric such as cotton chinlz or color ed flannelatta They contain decanting to the childs sax and age wrapped soap toothbrush lace cloth boothposte coloring book noto boolr crayons pcnclls ball and comb as standard Items Exitn items can Include marbles small plastic toys or hand games handkerchch or hair clips for girls it is small way to help chil dren who do not have much In this affluent world of stirs IIAIJuE CHAIRMAN Mrs Wendy iiicks has been chairmen of Conndieubavo The to Coast Culorlu Counters who donated money to CANSAVE At the meeting she mentioned that the ad your old organiza tian wants to be known as CAN SAVE short form of Canad Ian Save The Children tand Mrs lilcits told of the policy to avoid duplication by working with and through existing local and national agencies Some of the CANSAVE projects Include the lifesaving Eskimo leyctte shipments of blankets and cloth ing to Moorwoncc Labrador and Northern Manitoba school feeding demonstration project in large city and assistance to the Indian Ilmnemukcrs Club by providing field worker to help with programs designed to Improve the quality of family life an the reservations help in the people to help them WJWI The luyelto program for ex nmple In designed to reduce the high infant mortality rate Children Fund for it years She recently spoke to three local groups of the Canadian Coast aycettes Plan Fashion Plans for fashion show In conjunction with tho Barrio Jay ceca Spartsnramu were discuss ed at the April meeting oi the Doug Lewis at ilurman St Orlllln vas hostess tn the club session with Mrs Dennis Marshall as chair Ilurrle Jaycoitos Mrs man The Sportsurutnn will be held April 24 anti 25 at Burris Arena and the lnyccttrs fashion show will his presented at oclock on both evenings and an altar rcsontatlon at oclock also sponsor lucky draw during tide is sold to assist in club service work and the prize for the lueity ticket holder will be household nunn Satu ny Jaycattes will Spartunromu Tickets will electrical appliance Ontario Jayrces Convention In Etubicoko III to and local inycees luyeoltes are combining vi fnrls in tho campaign at ilnrrio Doug Lewis candidate for the office of Pro wlll take place Me an Jaycccs member hltitiil at Ontario iuycces The inycattos album of the City Families Are Happy In Country EDMONTON iCil Can tlty families find happiness in the country Yesif Its within eauuuutlng distance any allth ilu families in an area do to as miles south east of Edmonton Theyve ox Pericnead eight months of coun trycity commuting and theyre hale They live In lluiticu ityluy anti Ioiluitiviiii Ililll in miles from Edmonton respectively anti they were attracted initially by it promotion from the High way it towns offering lawcost homes smalltown surroundings and most city amenities Many of tho husbands are construction workers with jobs all across Alberta atitrrs ltnvo steady Jobs In the city The trip nil Highway it Is It hit of chore agreed the men The liliuwuy has not seen any Int Movement for 20 years and there are some precarious sec tions Driving time to downtown Edmonton is about an hour is resulting iargcly from inadequ oto post natal euro thn making tho tlltty bugs Shows ycurs activities Is almost com pleted anti will be entered In the Album Competition held during the convention second piano trophy has been purchased by tho Jayccttes anti sent to Album Chairman Mrs llnrdy Merltev at lltoblcolte to be awarded to the second rile winner at the compctlt on Club members decided to pay hall the registration loan of Jay cattcs attending the convention Mrs llm Sitenrduwn the Barrie luycoitvs voting delegate will have the entire registration fee paid by the club Projected plans for bake sale and rummnltu sale have been postponed until the full soar sun Muniliul Mrs itvry Clem ents who with her husband is moving to Copper 0111 was vrtlitntltd with gift of crystal nslnrays us it memento at her association with the dnyeettus The Air social nuvtlng tlltitri gltt will be held at the mm at Mrs DonnisMurshull William St on April 15 The mutual dinner meeting will Muue as toxlvvnul Ihuo nntl placayof this early event will be announced in or The wind up for the layout ltavu titeirhusbands as guests at this party Attending the metting were ttlku plato May ti with Mrs nab tes your will be barbecue in June at the hum of Mrs itm Shallvwoll Edgar Jaycottes will the organisation asks that the sex and age of child be marked on the outside at ha bag with felt marking pen or when completed the bags mca sum it ll inches NEW YOU Beauty Tips liy EMILY WILKENS Recently had the opport nity to meet lit group portrait in rest munlty Most of the women two or thm children same school others in tow women In their early so had keelp up with the inner mago fee lag and makeup dilemmas the rest of the week Its mess nape of the neck fasten with coated elastic band and club llsh with an attractive scarf one that pus onto the it your hair Keep In mind ti own hair and scalp but cant fussing with You dont need an hour my favorite freshwater oli your budget Ina makeup follows this mo st Islxlii procedure Dash ital vn on clean face and luvlslt are sensitive all over loco flint off excess easier with chilled witch hazel Yo you add makeup that famous spread What on do dread formal excrelsln Martin Mrs iiuss Sitting at meetings and dr SIB lMm itm sitvuvduwn log all over town can wreak flintk tittum Dino Mrs ilrlan Duulnu Mrs tlill havoc with the lower torso Au litInc White Orv Mrs Dob Money Mrs Jim ans exorcisedo It to music Simllswoll Mrs larr Clanp fllil your preschooler for extra the funny wullt Mrs Willard Evatton CLEANING PRICES us hours from linltlcn llui there are tannpcnantinns Mary ents Mrs Dennis liiar ltiii and propel yourself across the II Busy Suburban Housewives charming suburban heusnwlves who were enthusiastically and efficiently working for the PTA the League of Women Voters and various other froiacts inst an Ii com found that thcso busy young lot of spurho and verve Unforv tunataly the outer Inn didnt reinforced when the con versst on turned to beauty prob lems Tion were primarily cons corned with the following ques tions questions that may In volve some of your own groani My hair looks fine Ion Fri day when its freshly done but With proper cut your styl lug should last for more than few days To simplify liiu whru yuuro dnshlng madly about try pulling your hair bucket tho colorful ribbon if your own hair Is too short augumtt the length with on appropriate huhpiece thou ltnntiy litt synthetic wigs may look great but If vum can sinntly tend to smother your My skin is always as dry ml an hour day no even half hour but you no need to feed your skin tlully For an cifeetivo emollient try works ell anti wont break In the morning beloro ply eastov oil Ihcn rub an ice cuts or twu wrap It If your hands your love the my glow even before Nut only secretaries have Simply FOE TOMORROW This days stellar inuence will be excellent for advancing worthwhile souls and fer mb leg longrange plans You should by no trouble in deal ing with business associates and you may be surprised at the amount help and coopera tion you receive FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates spicn did prospects in the year ahead If you will try to conquer on It ante tendency toward overagv grasslvsncss which tends to alienate those in position to help you you should be able to make tine occupational and tin ancial strides by the time your next birthday rolls around From tho monetnr stand point you are current in an excellent cycle for melting gains cycle which will last until June 30 Sitlight during July and August and reevaiuato fin onclsl possibilities with View toward still further expansion along these lines beginning with Sept when you will enter another excellent fours month period for Increasing or sets Next good month an the fiscal scare February of next year When career and business matters are contomed look for cans opportunities for advance meal before the end at this month also In July September November December undor February Most propitious months for crculiin workers May June September Novcm her and January Are Given To THE DARK mnnxm TUESDAY WHAT THE STARS SAY FATEELLITA APRILTlm7 If travels on your mind Dian taking all at am time during July August October under December when immatures tw erninl this area at your ill will be extremely propitious The period between early May and late Scplembtr should be unusually stimulating both romance and social activi ties are concerned so should late October and December sudden romance in November should not be waddcred too sc riuusly however child born on this day will be endowed with line mind and will be extremely ambl tlous especially where mone tary success I5 concerned ANN LANDERS ADVISES Says Luxury Car Horn Works As An Aphrodisiac Dru Ann mdm was irl trrcsied in ymr rcpby to the Michigan reader who Inked about the effectivcncs of pow citred dccr born an rpbro dlsxac You advised him to try fog home has Items shoe hum pointing out that the re yulb would be the Lunezero May ten you about son that may works And you dont have to go to the trouble of powdermg it refer to the EL Royce horn No woman can resist it it turns them no story time busing Loret Dear Lav By the time most Eu gel lo the point in life where they can afford Rails exec nothing else works Thanks fur the sugcstien OUT OF PRISON Dear Ann Leaders got out of prison 135 July all live CD ribc years it seemed like too Some cl my friends kept in touch with me but my wife and Bridegrooms Lsnark United Church Lon ark was the scene for the wet ding of Marilyn Nan iielmcs eldest daughter of Dr and Mrs Edwin llulmcs ef Lanark to Dr Daniel Glen Iile son of Mrs Glen Ball of Barrie and the late Rev Bull Rev Robert Bali brother of the bridegroom officiated Mrs Marie Mnllsbritige was organist 11m bride entered the church on the arm of her father attir ed in floorlength genn of white velvet with traditional veil and carrying cascade bouquet of red roses The brides three sisters attended her Catherine was maid of honor and Deborah and Jennifer wrv bridesmaids The trim girls were dresses or cerlsc Ceremony In Lanark United rother Conducts none and pale blue and carried nosrluys John Iranter brothrblndsw of the bridegroom was best man and Dr David Ellis Dr Paul Schecllrr and Ted linlmes were ushers For the reception held In the church hall for about 85 guests Including Hands and relatives ltcm St Catharina Kinblon Barrie and Ibronto the brides mother were yellow pcuu do solo gown with matching areas sorlc and on orchid eatsage Thu bridagrooms mother wore bitlo face over satin own with cmordinnllng accessnr es and mauve orchid corsage After honeymoon Iu Nassau the young couple will reside In Toronto where the bridegroom is ANN LLVDEHS two daughlcn did not wrote them seven Idlers and didnt get an answer Thus uruto to my brother and asked him to find out if my wife and girls rc uivcd my letters Within week got an answer My wife and daughters didnt want to have mlhinz more to do with me One month later my nift sued me for divorce Yesterday received Iotfcr tron my oldest daughter She is being married In Junt and Wants me to give her away um nodding think they only want me there for appearances on ought to tell you he made nice comeback and have good job Lind bright qu lure What should dufDecply Iluri Dear DIl man with your background should know the Im parlance of building bridges In Slld vi walls Your lumiLv has extended hand of friendship Ami ii SELL THEM Dear Ann Landrrs Du you have It solution to probltnl that Irritatrs me its the Point ming cl arenas Thank try muc Iiuy Mina chisel EYE POPPING is resident doctor at St Mich 1101 hospital Bur Anu Mailers message from di that atiualiy feel my blood pressure go up um referring to people who are forever bum you near Have an extra full puck handy and sell It to tho lltius old man Im cellch ada smthcpmnrotvtcw express here reflects the thinking at lot of guys There autism so mm is obch thighbids mini sitting on end or soda gins at her skirt Tia to do to mwr het am mnxtabllity she blushes ta shades of red and ash via eyes big as saucers Am gis ting all right Or is showing If they dont want ambit show why dont they buy with some material in it Mat than onus Ive gotten or because was csusbt an eyeball Please tell the Great PM or who feign instt to me it The mscn they go hall naked is because they WANT create little unrest Tell them that act should have been can celled when they accepted itiitc of the hem sold To hell Nth dtcenQU of 111 nob Delr Amen HOUSEHOLD HINTS Brighten breakfast or brunch by svning fmxrn raspberries thawed to slushy stage Spoon otcr canned bear or peach huh res and garnish with twist of lemon Diarrhea mils you can rely on mythslunalfncuizmsattwcanmrtorm IIIIIII Iml always leap Fewisyg Extractiliwud Straw battylnyeurnomafowisrsaulch and eliactivaly nst Intattinslrbsmtz Arrmnfuowlat doesnt nognIl page Arrk ri as or tract or Wild Stvsereatry gymss tting Amen Brother on year funny using your hunt arms as wings to help you Vi forward and so stt day without full bottom dude wife and Insteud is ad the and substitute silvery in sticks Your friends you too will change Your kind of shoc el or of Int ny Feel pretty both day and night in this feminine shoe Lose your heart to its higher heel and graceful ornament ll lit Iti int all uII uI oor JUST F011 YOU iiusy mout nvlw are often nibblors liuuo meetings and coffees alien in choeso and cold moat crisp raw fruit plus vegetable cubes and npprwinte the delirious 33 LOW REGULAR DRY Iiiaiu Dresses $135 Skirts Plain 65 Pant 8t Lsdlss Slacks 65 Mens Suits 155 cht Ilekup Delivery mom Drivein Lucntiau 24 DUNLOP ST 283891 slang Walk at least so steps back such or firmer 83 VICTORIA ST Clarks Ho 38 BAYFIELD ST Ilefore you luck Worrotl Appliances TOTTENHAM 9364723 ALLISTON 43657 ms Furnishings 7282843 The Eureka braBeat makes other vacuum cleaners true en titan jus carpets Which surface motor it Youll Alluudale Hardware 34 ESSA RD look like broos nistor cleuuor should do more clean the surface of your is why we think our Vibra Bont feature is big deal Simply it vibrates minute So it shakes and hunts out deeply embedded dirt And it Itth and raises the stop The adjustable brushes then take over and whisk up anything on the 2210 times each And thats not all When the Vibra Bentn bag in full buzzer rings and an indicator shows red Theres power suction selector twospeed stopon too switch easyroll wheels and automatic cord rewind We make number of models The VibmBaat is one of them like it unless you prefer to sweep your carpets E2U EKA Theyggbestlnvscuum cleaners Onward Manufacturing Co Ltd Kitchener Ontario buym cleaner sea the VibruBost and other Eureka models at mam Robinson Hardware Lid 31 water 51 7282431