Laney plans for replacement truck BLUE Staff Fte chief Earl Cunning discussed for the second 10yearold ve blcle It lhe Essa Eire ball at TbnmeVVitb Es lowmblp coudcli yesterday Councillor MacDonald Valid Maurice Miller gave the maxim report on their In spections of different vehicles which was available After 02ch Cunningham gave an out line of his views lbcdecision was narrowed down to two when it was decided to consider the purchase further An agreement for extension of the Cunningham subdlvislou off Henry Street at Thornton ul so was discussed by counciL Reeve George Davis presid ed and sll members were prey cpl Brian Gaulcy cilrk read the correspondence and Louis Tcuu superintendent gnvc ii report on lawnspr roads The subdivision agreement cov er grading and gravolling of roads satisfactory drainage or ection of street signs and serr Icc connections The malcrlals arc to bo providcd by the sub divider nnd work lo be done under supcrvislon of the town ship Before work Is to cone INNISIIL ilOlnb Committee To Push For New Industry fly ii Illllislll Councll contrary to hrmcr procliccs has not held special meeting llili year with this past week when for the first time special meeting was calls ed as some unfinished business needed complcllon Following discussions lll pub lic meetings council has cstub lishod iin induslrlul committee flood of this is likely to ho llm flossonco ii member of the staff of CBC but the committee will choose Its chulrmon from the mombcrs coon ucsldcs Mr Ross them are Denis should Rich ard Groh Itcovo Gcorso Burlon and school teacher llvlng In Lefroy CuadIo Tho commll tee vlll follow up leads which have come from vurlous sourclt es and also ascertain locallons which can bo approved for in dustry without changes in tho Rowland general pun uncommmu The township may send del ognllon to the Ontario Munch pul Board planning dlvlslon following the roicctlon of por llon of tho Sunny Brno plans which have been rcfcrrcd buck to the owners Mr Nelson has the kinds sold on provisloii that the development Is occoplcd by tho township and tho planning authorities It is felt that com mllloo of council togclhcr with their olflclnl plonncrs mlght talk ovcr the reasons for tho Board rcferrlng back pardon of the plun This property Is lo catcd In tho ccotro of tho Slroud area and ideal for develop ment as outlined by the subdi vlslon agreements MILL HATE DELAYED There has been considerable delay In establishing the mill from so that home for the com lug your can be collected llow over tho nocd to know the exact amount to bo rolscd Is kccpliig councll from selling lho rnlci Garbage Lllsposul costs are sllll In lilo cstlmulo stage Thorn uro filllind covcr locations whlcll must mcrt lliu approval of tho Vutor Ilo sources Commission and cost of pickups from homes will vnry four suggestions or according to the chosen loclilloi of tho dump Tho ullco liro still holding on on lhvr settlement for wage and although this Is expected to be reached It all leave largo amount of costs to be filled Into the budgot rnlo ugrccmciil SCHOOL FUNDS HELD UP of tho expolidllurcs thoy nntlv lug If the first quarter of tax were puyublo by tho and March thcli funds would ho townrhlp now The pchool bun muy be forced to borrow but lnxnuyors may not no In tho hands or Ill payout for lit lrnsl mouth uuurlcrly payments worn be made the first quurtcr would IiIllcd on tho basis of coiitompl livl An offer of discount fESsa Council Asked To Buy Fire Truck Livestock Feeds Is Guthrie Topic GUIIIBIE Stall Swine Vim and hen Interested have bear Invited In mend meeting It Cumin bail on Thundey April It which on faxm processing of Iivstoek ra AIIDIIURSI iSlaIII Hund Oro WoodCarvings In Museum Displays We are menu new pieces ings which ixlude horse and rargbsdrtotbe Idvootk MU iw mums mm lull be many new ex hibit for vlnlors form this year said Mr mm with obvious eclhustaa be wail of the rearranging of ambitl Objective of mm is to improve last years record of some 31000 registered vista The hourly qulirlcr of mil lion dollars of the school bull get wus rcfcircd back to the county board untll lhelr rcquuul wus accompanied by ii statement putcd to cover from lhcso funds This was to lixivo boon ready by March tut but when It ilid not ncvompuny tho request for the first quarter payment It was turned buck with the provincial government sottlng li rullna lhut the county board miiy collect their revenue In quarterly por llonx It would nppour fonslblo that similar tax collection be made In tho munlclpplillcs At present the lian way of moot ing lhcsu oxocnsoii Is by borrow the local lrousury for covorliig CAFOHBCH such as two lucllic the will be lit the expense of tho Since the budgut for tho your mny not ho completed butoro Aprll 15th It means lliiit tux Ililill Iiig cd oxpoiiilllurci lmll ndliiilmcnts mndo when the mill rulo was luxpaycrs who would prcpliy lhclr lnxcs might bring Inu coli REEVE GEORGE DAVIS moncc approval required for plans by the township engineer Application has been made for approval lrom the Ontario de partmcnl of municipal nifnirs Purchase of material for road work was approved by cuunclL Tcndcr of Jack Schwondt Con sidelublc amount of cash which is badly needed soon Both the rccvc and depuly rccve will be dolcgolcsito con vcnlion ol the Association of Mayor and floows to be hcld in Windsor early In May Dep uty Room wIIIInm Gibbins has been uppoinlcd lo rcprcscnl lho Ilcovo Burton will represent his own warden of tho county municipality FARMERS VORRIED The now rcgulalions which are to be placed on rural properties farm buildings construction und rc limiting the location of materials for road at total summon for embed gravel at total price $2950 was Ic cepted on motion of Deputy liters Dian Smith and Coun cillor Em WhlLuide The council also accepted lender kom Durham SlDbe Pair in Company for bud surface mldmmitobe supplied as required it was pointed out At lilooutset Reeve Davis was given warm welcome by colleagues after he returned to his post following his recent III nesx He said he felt much better and hoped to be completely relt covered soon NEW APPOINTMENT Angus community centre board asked councils approval for the appointment of Ed Adair to Appointment of Ed LecIILr to re place Diaries Dee on the board Another request from Angus was for an advance payment of II 000 on its me grant from lilo Essa celilcnnlal library board recommendation from the district health unit asked the council to require Inspections by public health officer In It building bylaw before issuing pcrmlL This would be it safe guard to the applicant it was explained The county board of education askcd for on estimaled pinmeat or 5875 for the first quarterly payment from ma The 1970 requisition from the county board not yet been recelvcd The National Farm Union sub mlucd letter about the edu colionni tax levy and it affect on farm property wllh propos al for financing cducnlion be carried to II grcnlcr cxlcrlt by lhu higher levels of government residence was two months In nisfil Pork hos the only official trailer cnmp In the townshlp lionsvrillbedixussed until 330 pm Rm Dennus swine bpedals will weak long with engineers Bert Mom Km and Jim We and the manure Alan Scott DISTRICT NEWS THE BARILIE EXAMINER TUESDAY tum stops for municipal zonlng The mesh will open It 030 am Ind conunue throw North Simone agriculture Medonte Ponders Plannm gDecision iIOONSmNE Staffl Me donle township council is expect cd to make dcsclslon on lu and an official plan at nicel tag to bo hold on Tuesday April ll Reeve Ingram Amos and col kngucs were IdVIStd by rcprv senlatives OLIIInrshaIl Macan and Aloneghon Limilcd of Tur onio they should proceed with both the rolling bylaws and of flciul plan explaining they did not feel the Ontario dcpartliient of municipal affairs would op prove one without iho other The mcmbcrs also consulted with Canadian Mitchell Assocl nlcs Limited of Draniolca who advised druit plan could be presented within six months Deputy ilccio Ilaruco Vascy before we take off on our juup ncy north We will divert from direct route which we know which meets with modern ro quircmrnts with the possible opening of the new mobile home purk on tho lllh llno nt 25 sldtk road the trend that Is slowly creeping across lhc country may com to innisfll with those year round residents we may expect that our school populatlon wlll lncrcuso and that we will have an Increase In yourround popu Intlon which may gradually ox cccd the regular homo owners iodolllng Is causing some con corn to innlsiii farmers pnrlmenl of summer in petition was prcseli ed to Council complaining of odors from poultry form ncar Stroud which urban rosldcnls clninicd were caused when the The owner iiflcr getting advice from the ciiglnccrs of tho duplirlmcnt of agriculture found that chcm burns were cleaned out lculs were available that wuul ollmlnulo tho odors and since then no further complaints have been heard MDIHLIS HOMES SIII muy be set up is start for The township Fodcrnllon of Agricul turo hold meeting on Murch II when speaker from tho on Incerin department of the dc Azrlculturu told lhoso present of tho rcculatlons and how they would ullccl any lurmor wishing to expand or to roll to farmer who mlclit wish lovxpnnd his operations Lust Tlilit il silo mjiy bo lloiclopcd In Imilslll vhcru mobile homes typo of living In Innisfll VIIICII hlis hclclufore not been pNVILIA ASSUME SHARE 01 COSTS West Gwllilmbury bus finally agreed to nssumo its share of the costs of tho slgnlil protcc ilon Insinllutlon and maintenance which Is to bo Dioccll at tho crossing of tho CNH lit the townlino They had formerly cho costs were not levied on that municipality This crossing has had its shore of occldcnls In the pest IIEADING NOHTII SOON With the month of April now on the calendar we can count in dlfys tho length of our stuy In the sunny south And sunny tho right cxprcsslon each day better than tho previous Tho southerly brcozo which comes from tho Gulf of Mexico and tho Curibbcllli brings cool but soft warm tollfIl Spring does iiot til the north Tho leaves are on some flowers are in bloom truilcr could ho used as Is played with rare zesl by Rohell Culpl THE YEARS BEST COMEDY ONE THAT AT lAST MAY SIGNIFY HOLLYWOODS COMING OF AGE ivbluifllilw Elliollcauldls won derful He steals the picture handsdowny BCTI IS VERY FUNNY CHARMING FINALLY TIIRILLING ENTIRELY ENTERTAINING us of hi rll ll Ic If he ut colour NATALIE VIOOD ROBERT to ed Up to now the longest lllut IIIM ALREADY PLADING BEIS THATIIWILI PROVEID mmmm cuLP Lupe CAROL use ALICE nu ma mm mu wummvml iiwu iwmylv on um mum in mm TONIGHT James Bond Hor MolosrytSoerot Sorvico TOMORROW FUNNY AND CHARMING AND ABOVE ALL AS HUMAN AS ANY COMEDYTHAT HAS BEEN MADE INTHE UNITED iwvm oommo womNs wun DAILY rnoullclgn greed to tho signals as long as show up bore the way It does llio trees most of llic winter and However songbirds have now joined the winter ones and woke one with lIicIr song at sunrise We still have couple of wacks ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Nalalio Wood is giving the host performance of her careel ONE OF THE WISEST WIIIIEST WICKEDEST COMEDIES EVER 10 COME OUT OF HOLLYWOOD ntnmlb oxrw MNNKI Nrw BEIHEGRIIDUATEDFIDBBI from lho experience of Frank Roll can be done In hours if one drlvcs without slop How ever we plan to do some rIs tlln and some oil the bcalen track trip which may land us back in our lnnIstI home about the End of the month Most norllicrn folk Illlvo start ed homo and most of Ihoso who come for short stay and called our way will be gone by the end of tho week Our last back yard picnic has been arranged for the end of this week and we are hoping for food of fish caught by Roy and John Good fclluw which will make the guth wiring success We hope to have the Seymour Roll Ind Herb Now with us at that time REPLACING on INSTALLING NEW PRESSURE SYSTEM lec Slmooo Dulllet Joop call before you buy PHONE 7266531 Ask for Dalton Slcssur for an callmule Hill lnrllslll 5L Ilnrrlc SHOWINGS 905 STATES THIS DECADE RICHMID sclucku Ur umr Dyan Cannon is really brilliant SLICK WHOREI MOVIE IHAI HAS EARNED THE RIGHT To BE CALLED HONESTLf Comma ml mw surlle the front cutran some woodcarving from cows Hill which were me work of the late John Chaweil have been receiving mini means at the Slmcoe County museum of ate with the display placed lich The skilfully finished car APRIL 1920 is the toirnshlps other county representach ihllc councillors Include Lyle Johnston Boyd lillt for and Don Woodrow 135 Dunlop with PORK DINING OUT NIGHTS Edkeview RESTAURANT Family Nights Dreaded villi CUTLET rider and semiu deer one book before law master plinth ecr column Mr happen made them from bullernut wood PEWIEE CBALICE Ross Gianna museum direc lor also reported much inter est was shown in pewter palm and diaiice which were used in Stroud Methodist chinch built In loos pewter communion set from the Rugby congregational church used be tween ion and 1918 also was included in the display Work in rearranging union coniinucs to occupy main atten lion iil lhe museum mlh lrnla live plans calling or the official opening of the new addition on Sundma May il llr Channcn reported good progress was hc lag made in preparallom for new mums for the comma busier season 7233 I5 all the time stated Mr 013m hen spinning Various appreck fated 12th were ad lmm diluent mm the coun ty Oneoflhehlcstncwu bibls offered the museum was hundopcnlcd milking ma chine used In the curly part0f the century it is the lntcouou of adder this to the pioneer agricultural section vnlh tam implements Lilia back into the the lot centun plow models of different eras and farm tools impassioned and im ruslvca film as any SITlair perhaps new be dnCSl in American TIIIII Powerful Born out of the time oi troubles through which link Ma nihcenti Ilis die slu of now Young pcoplcshouidbe required to Sc mdlidnna hill harolci THE cool ms rc cased so far this year onyone who cares cinema ExtraordinenL nation has been passing Llie StaggeringllIuminaling Mudlum CoolIHolldcy ibcitForstervema biocmpcterbonerz udnicobalapaamlpkon ALSO THIS SECOND EXCITING FEATURE SMILE THAT KILLS IEOIMCOLORA FWM ONE COMPLETE mow ONLY P3 mmmn ACE D119 at deal depth on VIII er fogitlons it was pointed out but special event are being eon sidcred to help boost attends Numerous school focus helped lo boost lb loss alumina In most years since the ireIs turn was opened but In In atrndauce has increased uur Reeve Cooke lord is the only mm of board acme It the tin in original building was cm ed in Midhursl still on If STARTS TODAY DAYS ONLY medium goal is dynamite Dcniin Devastslln3 Brilliona Must be seen bout lhc developmental modem movlcsINunwnk bionierishlp mun DUNIHQIURE Wm AUTO BODY port IlllllllshingI roncu Work and rco Estimates ALII 841518 till TIFFIN 5T This spot can be yours Call an Examiner Advertising Ropruionlatlvo nowl Small Spncol Smoll Pricol Big Readership Place your ad today YOU ARE vRlHIR KNIGHT SANWAY REVIEW ELLIOTT GOULDNAN CANNON PEOPLE DO READ SMALL ADS BARRIE OFFTRACK THIMM LAST WEEKS VINNIlIltI hummumumwunwiimmwwwwlwmwumiwmu WIN CASH PRIZES WEEKLY ENTER THE EXCITING NEW GAME HOLLYWOOD STARS IST PRIZE $500 2ND PRIZE $300 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING llcsldeatlnl Cmmcrtlul loilustrlol mimmimimmimm Top quality Heating Allandala Fuels FRIIE ESTIMATES 24 ll CALL Codrlnuton 7288332 Chuck Lvnnnrs srcnvmu Till2 Alli ING IIIIMOVING CABLLNt IL burrio Living Trees ncod rouulur Curo luuliuo Thompson Vernon El August In uluue St Vincent St ilurrlc Hurly lillil SpotluI 75c Served Ii nm nm DUNWOOD SNACK BAR II on work you uro Invited to MATCH MOVIE STAR TO KNOWN MOVIE Thu MOVIE In shown below and star nnllirs oiilimir In flvo of the ho ullglbic for tho WEEKLY vortlsoinciu shuwliiv tho niov cu llio llllrrlo Examiner The House of Fine llruuiiloorn Custom Mudu Drnpcl bolting Messenger Service For More Information Coll llama Carroll Baker Hi DUNLOP 51 ulllrr St llam ur lliicoli and Eggs TEDMW IETBOLLUAIS 14an Simeon Countys largo Independent all suppliers Dunlap TSIIEJ 73425 LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS FOR DVD YEARS EHTILIZING STUMI REMOVAL 722N405 Dead Trees are Dangerous THIS VALUABLE ADVERTISING SPACE CAN BE YOURS BY CALLING 7266537 iidvurllsemunls on this feature CASH PRIZES simply clip tho WANT HAIR THAT LOOKS GREAT Sco llulph Guile Ilnlplia llnrber Shun and Mens Hair Styling 70 ilunlun Dennis 00 Kaye Ballard 128988 Io slur you llcllcvo pluycd loading mic ill lllE ITALIAN Joli Send your entries to Star Editor 1284151 Some people think wno III ll Yclluiv uulll the drive in lttlll 01m THE BOA SKI AT SALES Snlol Service Beulah To ud Ii lllllo South on Hwy 21 Call 7237553 NOW OPENI tr SUPERMARKET no YONGE or PAINSWICK JUNCTION HWY ll AND Dru llllfi Days Year DAILY SPECIALS