51000000 ublic Works Budget Predicted he Public Works tantran get or win will be approx 1dr $1MM Alli Del Cole revealed last 11ng Wore city in of expansion and nalor ltzii cell will be bipler said cammmts followed rung at the public works immre what preview of budget was unsealed Io members of the commit Ald Cole Aid Rm Alth 1nd Aid Nelson Guru sat ILbe early hour of the run reviewing the budget and unr city us ulnles for 516 per cent rlitl increase in assessment is the value or new pro lu within the city increases rall net55mm by that per urge 1969 Public Works Com KIDII Budgtt W11 PLUSH EQUEFBIENT nation will account for part the Increased tntnl In IWO added In this will probably expenditures to replace dated equipman The Pub Worka Department currently tome vchlolcs live and II in old and it is tell they will to be replaced Added to than cxpcndilum arn the maintenance ems which are upectod to be high er me tan year because than were no thawing periods on Barrio roads this yur Dcplrtmcnt oI lllghway this year bu Increased thzlr subsidies or links wimlnthedlylopcrceotnl metataleostfromlheoldnta 33 per cent Exact gures and break down at expenditures ol the Pub lic Work Department are not expecttd to be available until the budget is submitted to council Then it still some quullon as It hm total amount OI theory the Department High wnvI will subsidize road Im provernmt within the city but increased costs um expect to be at least partially otlsct by Increased subsidy from that department 1h proposed budget In Its present form is more than l5 pages long The public works committee will meet again Thursday to discuss road construction and Improvement The proposed budget In ex poctrd to undergo many chant cs before being prosonlcd to council New Vehicles Road Marking Will Add To to Public DILJ Department let which Is currmtly under usalon will loo Barrla tax dollars go for varioty imposes mo of the Items whlcb may unc for part of the total nditure are street lllLt trams markings lo my Barrio will not be In manned expenditures Lrnlc writings The dov ment of hlmrwayu maintains nodded tires are removing Idugn from the road and Works Budget they rrill have to increase npcndings to retain them Street lights or lhkoshoro Boulevard at Ccntcnnlal Park am expected to be budget ai Inwanccs also New vehicles and Increased cost of labor are also expected to add to the weight of the bud get Increased cosln for the Pub Ilc Utilities Commisan will be reflected In the Publlc Works Budget The committee has also recommended the purchase at Internally IIIinriInatod crow walk signs 855137 CAMERON LEFT err Sound clapped on the shoulder by Thomas Beggs ciioan As the most prom iziLot Subdivigion At zGilfOrd IIZ lot nutxlivlenn proposi Ed Member Dr the GIL area was approved by In lawmhm Council durum in ycrtzrday alarm whdisIon will be located at Winn Io ob ayoement from the Depart Municipal Altair tar vubdivuion comid paused aw ranching land use in IIO Private Slips lt Shore Acres llIsIII township council yelu ay dumped request by Aaron Beach Association eientativcs for private boat along the waterfront near townshlpr 1st Concexxion to area hora public park cottage development on one or the canal waterfront marina across the canal dcnucnn uilc boat launch Iacllltlen at the marina but any It In on expensive lore are lot lots in Iho area It 25 lot owners are request sIIpd for boats and all have my all the waterfront eve George Burton said that as unfnlr to allow 25 people no boat slips along the win out while another 50 or no ld Byers Attends1 ollulion Meeting Eyerd was not pre nt last nlghts cauncll meet lt the meeting of the Pub orki Cammlttce which IoI la In Toronto allcndln woday first annual metIf the Ontario Branch of the Ian Instllute of Pollution MODERN INSURANCE ECIINOLOGY racrvlceu reect lotit oxperlenco In work wllh wide varlely business concerns the trained people IARJEANI Collier Eh narria 72641251 LnSaIIc and llarrytlowno Brunch Sudhury New Linkeanl Branch In 1901 Ettore he had aervcd ulncc that his wife have two children and post with keen alulelprltlon more especially Aliice the area will provide him ample outlets for skiing phy He will report for the area to summer gmgcnndl wurtat commercial construcllon work on the subdivision wIII began later this spring Mr licrnhcry said 11 lots will be 5qu to Individual buyers in two stages Private wmraown to buy several lots at once may 3120 be conuidcrtd provided that theyllamply with construction specifications net out by Mr llembcryn rm go without water access He proposed that council al low the present condition boat docklng on rn there rst hem bnsln to continue IIe strengthened hi1 argument by saying that the boats comlng out oi the slip could not turn around without tying up the nar row channel and Interlcrlng with marina operation CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE BARRIE APPOINTMENT MR JAMES QUINN Tre Canadian of Commerce to all munce the nppmnunmt of Mr James Quinn an the new liar ric manager He huccudn Mr II Male who will be railing alter 45 yearn cl hervice Mr Quinn was born and eduwtcd In the Murray area and Soloed the Bank in I911 Ilo nerval in number of Dinario brunthell and chewing nine r5 in tho Head Olllcc Impecilm LILpint nlcnI wad appointed Manager at in 1065 and Mr Quinn married he and viii reside at 271 we Street It Is looking forward to his new It plindml hobbies which an campuig and phmozrau nril lllh at be is mad with the Franklyn Begs Illunarlnl Award for ouutandlng service Iir student activities at Geor gian College was sIuLlcnI Kathryn liq Inch oi the Barrle Branch hing modlcul secretary at liiilnn LEFT uhown rocclv fndgmmlcglcal galelm Georzlan College yesterday Ing bursary irom lllril Alnu Photos mm gtrlr Harris i1 Council Happy With Development Plan Plans nrupuml hy Lo KII fur tourist cummrreiul and light industrial kt Amie plans Iur tilt delAiupmcnt Iopmtrd wagonth on counvl at the 8th lane nI innllril titvar pugs lvr in wmlLrIereiiIIk tor the housing The commer cinl area may Include things like collage display parks ml tell ole while trucking IIrnl JJJIICIIIIII Donald Koopnlans thin and Highway luu vrrlc re adultriru parts the VIrlnhIllp ceivod lavaranly erierdziy by already asked mm mmmc luuld unaflle mm 4h Inouoirial development properly eLucitie plan were However the idea itdde the Plum mil minds cTLLtlllddhgdmedgmtf acre enatchuuwng doreiupultnl devulcvmmt ouch eiw ll mo million It to also be xzciudul at me Ivuz We be adde met mucum The demuament as urtnrai In presenting his pmpurnis up With an arm on one ridel Innialil council limo loom limo our $44 the hut Damon on at p0 mum In lwnm ori rlwnhilt homes were not in hueme will on art to do rir Lackie ILI Ihal he wan Iul colilillrrclul and ludtltruiui telllng council is rwponie to hit operuilunn and lull hum an the Ideas below he launched lull it bordering tune Public More Aware Of Georgian College The president 01 Georgian Coiv leg yesterday said the and of an era had come with the third annual awards cmmony The lost three clone at out students who entcred Georle when it first opened in the pla building will graduate nrxt month he said In many ways we shall be sorry to see them go for they played an Import ant part in our genesis as an institution of higher IcnmIWl The close or one on mean the beginning at another and Mr Crawford also announced that the comgo will enter In other Inge nl development soon New lacilitles will be built new programs or Instruction will be added he ald All these things uill be part at our rontln objective to crtste the best payable on roamcnl or cab proud not only now but also in later your 311 Crawford was speaking at the awards ceremony at which awards tere imde to slu dcutl It was more in double the number presented last year This Increase inillcutes an in cRasIng awareness by the com munity ol the presence and growing importance of Georgian College he Said He expressed hope that additional awards will be made In future years Mr Crawlord rald scholarships and bursaries show tru ex presslon ot interest in education and the welfare of the students by it people at the community The desire or people to scholarthips Is In direct propar tinn in mg images created by the college and the student he The president al so said is puts burden at responsibility on sand and nu dents alike As community collar on are aware ol the value at healthy relationship with tho community Ir Crnwtord sald Tangible enco at such nlatlnnship is seen In the many arms assistance provided by business industry and Individu ill in the community but par ticularly in the arm scholar anp and bursary grants to stu dents Robert Cameron Honored As Most Involved Student Robert George Cameron cl lcn Sound wall honored yesterday Ill the oludcnt most involved In Georgian College aetlvltlu last year He who prmnieu with the Franklyn Boggs Memorlal word donated In memory oi the eollcges first mglstrar who died In an automobile accident three years ago Mr Camcron sat with his lee Elalnc as Thomas neggs lhc Intc registrars son counted his list or activities before pre seating hlm with the award member oi the student noun II ho was Invollcd In the FDI lege Winter Carnival project Santa Claus parade float col lege open house and had an av crage ol71l per cent Grade average and academlc stnndlng have no hearlng on the ctlulcc for tho award Mr Boggs said Ha described Illc student as having stronghol In for the college Mr Cameron Is taking bus Iiicss ndmlnlsirallon course at the college Blue Mountnlil Skl Resort on eralor Jozo Welder presented eight snholarAlles la outstand Inri students In the resort oper ations course Ila had wished for many years course In resort manngcmcnt could be run by someonc Hr said Gcorglnn College was the realization at dream PHOMJEES SNOW He got applause when he told the students and faculty he could promise more snow high er ski lifts and more award In the future Winners ol the Blue Mountain Awards were Patricia Barra gar of Georgetown Donald Brun dage of Barrie John Douglas Wlnhum DalId Suit London Lynda Hart of King City Pnui Kuencman of Wnlkcrton Robert Rnltray ol Uxhrldge and Leo Vortley ol Shanty Bay The Buslncas and Profession aI Womans Club of Barrle llur sary wcs on by Dianne Block of Orillin Miss Black was chosen on the buslnoss admIn istrnllon student most llkcly to succeed In the buslncss world Kathryn McMillan 01 Or Ila was prcscntod with an award as outstanding medical secretor Inl student The award was pre sented by Mrs Anna Inch of the Slmcno County Branch Ont fIID Medical Secrcturlcs Assocr at on He told the assembled students Mrs Inch told the ecrelarlal students they would have to be the backbone oi thelr doctors office He will rely on you heavlly he said Georgian College saries were awarded to Dianne Black crime Barry Clemmcns at Gravcnhunt Marion Ilnverson ol Coliingwood Gary Manuel at Barrie Inge Pndrrscn ol Zephyr Darwin Reid uI Owen Sound and FDIIDSI Sandbcrg of Mlnnenpol is Minnesota Alkllson Charitable Pounds Ilon bursaries were presented to IIlomlis ilnrdncrt and Mary Me Arthuro Barrlc Klaus Jacaby oi Earrle was warded the Conadlan Restaurant FoundationBurrow and Will lam CauIIng of Pcnctangutshcnd 11 Iht Resort Operation II no Ski Cluh CIIItmDIOIISIIID Iro Dhles wont to llth Wesllnko or Barrie and Gerald Campbell Klocardino as first place boy and girl while second place tro phles were presented to Lyndu Hart of Klng CIty and ll Drcnnemun of Bilrrlc Plaques were presented to LIn da WIIson oI Barrle olle go qutlcn this your itan last years ucon Jane IIyrne ul BIL nor on It Sells Papers He Says Thomas Ilcggv Run at the late IIrII registrar ol Icurglull Cul ycdlcrday accuntd ncwr ndet oI creating the genera III up Ilippirs und olhtr cr minulogy In order I0 create 9le Speaking It the third annual Georglan there awards curtmolly ui Colic to commerciai development and tile nlnglu entrance for both housing and cummerclnl urcus Ihe dnvclonment was not suit nllle to either 11 County Health Unit rcpan an the property oultl that druin we was good but thnt waitr It hi problem lllr Lugkit Suid III will continue with the atlon gap Thorn muy Instead be ulilcrcnt type or communica tion gitil llu mid IIitI utnorullan gup Iiivplu and this mm are crcullutu 01 lb mm media That way they roll lot of clinics hc silld his father Franklyn Bonus killed In it our nccidullt during with rriixr yeuroupvr II on He challenged httlllcnl uolngl out IIIII what he rclcrrcd In the great uuclety to nnulyzn Mr Boggs was at the college to prchcnt on award In honor ol IY April 23 Ilium or the dcvclounwnl STILL AVAILABLE at tho Barria Alana for tho Jaycccs SPORTSARAMA PHONE 7260235 their ability to communlcnlc and to seek to Impravo It work on PACE 2425 Homppmio Fu thorn opacqu offs with brace villuo $495 aly Bulbiloiiliciuclrd now only $29 50 It AllIurpodo piriolnutic 510ro 8000 lb prcsuurta avr only $603 Heavy Du Earn moldr ulcudying iiuxidirr II Valli 1935 now or told momma drgood vdluos hinjadbpulyoupbhmond tndyustrlq petroleum hoods yourEsso WuturprdolTrucltIurpnullli 10 1155 rolundtca progtlctrp iltn complatb lLIuJJIILI 612 Trouble Light VlOdlhtxlptmi 25 Ill itoid lypromtuilo 5r rope wtlin led vuiu $299 new only $162 liosocoupling Urns BluecortilclqanRequlrtr prick Oulutundlnovoluonttllislow no apodilylhroughwood pl only $1664 to spacial oIOiland GOVD on Eutllngld $1169 vllrii ldytllut $6179 opo upurnuirpng Wtiidlbl rot Gun Corilpll witll link nulthplirpo Poworybriil til rhowu litillilluttt