arena4 luvRV in un is The Hello Blends of Barrie mcmbcrs of Harmony lnc held their installation of of ricer last evening during dinner meeting at the White moo BLENDS INSTALLATION Towers Hotel Above back row LEFT T0 RIGHT AllE Mrs Grace Moriarty parlia meniarian frs Irma Drum mond historian Airs Vuna OF OFFICERS lilallury secretary ilrs tnne Enllns treasurer Sitting LEI1 TO RIGHT liirs Gay Livtscy Icc president ilrs Shirley shelsnell presidcnt Mrs rloiy ulair pastpresident OPENS SATURDAY Preview Trends Of 19703 Al National Home Show Housing of the 70 will be pre Vicwcd when the National Home Show opens its doors to the put tie on Saturday and continues through to April 12 This annual show sponsored by the Toronto Home Builders AS sociation is expected to draw 111 000 visitors each day to tilt1 ehows site the Coliseum 15x bibiLion Park Toronto Highlights of the Home Show will Include Condominium 70 model town house project of twostorey and single storey holnes For most postwar Can adians home meant single famliy bungalow In the 1970 it is more apt to mean town house or higlrriso apartment suite This changing picture of urban housing will be evident in tho Shaws preview of homo trends of the decade ahcad lur nishing trends for similar doc ado will be featured in Decor 70 an exhibit of 15 model rooms Garden and patio amenities from pool to flowers and iutln tains will be depicted ill landscape displays other high lights will lnelude displays of house rullovalians featuring ti swimming pool in bungalow basement crings and household equipment in the newest designs and ma teriuls the floor and wall cov FASIIION snow It now innvation at the llama Show this year is childrens fashion show High style wash ond wear and other aspects of tho contemporary clothing scene for pro tccn aged Canadians Ill be presented our times daily Young lnudcls will parade in the gardens of the shows Landscape 70 area Organ music from small bandshell beside model swimming pool will ac eompnuy the wuding set who will prolifiny test the pool and the suirmvear they are displaying Another inovotion this year is the Three Schools Drow In Paint In The Three Schools is non profit organization em bracing dozen diverse estab Ilslllncnts from art schools to small off bcal tltLlltre It was set up to promote the dev clopmcnt of the arts ill Canada and at the Show will promote arts and artists in many iac citd presentation The Paint in will feature artists practising their leisure skills on canvas The ladies curling section oi the Barrie Country Club stacked their brooms on April after an eventful first season of curl ing in the new club building on St Vincent St On Wednesday last there were two jitueys in the afternoon as well as the final game for the Iiardy Motors Trophy This main event was won by Grace Ough skip with Yvonne Leighton Anne Maxwell and Robbie Cbittick Runners up were Barb Smith skip ilaryftnn ISmlllt Em Stcwart anti Marlene Morgan About 70 women attended the dinner followed by general meeting The slate of bill TS 102 the I9707l season lb Pr tdent Mrs Ede Corby vice presldents Mrs Lorna fell and Mrs llfarg Grlly secretary lira Maryann Smith treasurer Mrs Audrey Kennedy sluc conventr Mrs Billie Anderson schedule convener Mrs Helen ldmn bonspicl chnvencr lrs Irene Emery special events couvcncr Mrs Mary Hamilton rating convcncr Mrs llclcn iib son directors Mrs Yvonne Leigllton lilrs Ede llodgsun and Mrs Helen Mordcll The past curlinlt season intlad ed thrco club scheduled trophy MRS onv HARDY present ed the Hardy Motors Trophy to skip Mrs Grace Ouch with Country Club Ladies Curling Has Eventful First Season competitions two day Tril lium bonsplel inter club bon splci with the Barrie Curling Club of Essa florid ladies opcn honspicl fun jilncys wine and cheese and Christmas party plus reprcscntativc teams in the semifinals of both the Provin elnl and Senior Tankard play downs The weekly Saturday night mixed curling iollnucd Ily dent lrs Ede Corby Im54w ur the Club Manager 72114502 for necessary information The Business Girls of the Coun try Club also had it general meeting on Wednesday evening Mrs Ican McDowell became president Willl ifrs Bunny MC Mr Joan Brown social Miss on Lee Latimcr spcclnl cvcnlsi irs Wynona liicux as schedule Convener They have three elu schcd ulev interrcluh competition curl ln the litneys and the Saturday night mixed events Anyone in tcrostcd in Business Glris cu Inc may contact Mrs Jean ML puds and sculptum materials HAVE YOU MET Chairman Of Local Cancer lts unpredictable There may betpainammtkuroaly few But whetha it is day or night Mrs Sadie Wharton will drive cancer case Toronto Vctcd Citizen of the Year in Barrie in 1968 Mrs Wharton rust became involved with the local Cancer Society tcu years ago She joined the operation on the assumption that she would be doing something with her no years expcxicncv in urnsing lull somconc was needed as chair man of service to patients Tab ing the position she has never looked back The work with eaneer pa tients requires great diplomacy and because so often person who has cancer is the only per son who does not know it the society only takes patients on re ferral preferably from doc tur Mrs Wharton explained that the socich provides funds for pain killing drugs dressings made by volunteer gruups ircc borne visiting housekeeping scr viccs and tlivcrsionnl programs with equipment supplied Patient transportation mostly to Prin ccss ltlnrgaret hospital in Tor onto is the biggest service band led by the society Married with one daughter Mrs Wharton flfltlu the Cancer Society demands hours oi her time day However she finds time to paint and is member of the Barrie Art Club Receiving no payment for all her work Mrs Wharton finds THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY melm Services tlAAmlncr Photo ANN LANDERS ADVISES Terried By Thoughts Of Toppling His Toupee Dear An Ladders Now that mens hairpieccs are becoming more popular lm site youll be getting this puble from good many male readers lln bachelor with fairly active social life wear touA pol Problem One when woman starts to run her ngers through my hair uhat do say Second Problem 310st women larder to skip the preliminaries and go straight to bed What should do lily taupcc is well fastened to my head but would no risk sleeping in it experi merited one night while sleeping alone and awakened to nd my hairpiccc under the pillow How does man tell woman that the hair she has been ud miring is not his own7Urhuu Du Urn Do you really need hairpiecc You sound as lf you need bodyguard Have you heard of the new type toupee that stays on during hurricanes The hair is embed ded in plastic shield and held to the head by adhesive pads rather than glut am not selling bairpieces this season so please dont ask me the brand name or vlicrc it can be obtained And this goes tum uva for all readers who are inter estrd ABORTION BMGIED Dnr Ana Lenders mid night phone call informed me that my sister lay near death in hospital Her husband had taken her thtre after she began to hemorrhage following botched abortion by barber vnILe this letter after second call five days later saying She will make it My sislcr was not an unwcdv mother She is at and has three children Her husband approved of the abortion Their three youngsters are under six years of age illness and unemploy mcnt put them In bad finan cial hind They inst couldnt see having fourth child at this time Blc barber had performed hundreds of successful abcr lions according to their infer maxim but this Lime something went wrong How many times must this tragic story be repeated before we can get some humane laws posed in this country Why American women have to go ta Japan and Sweden and Mexico and Landon Why must this he matter for the government What could be more personal than the decision to have child or not to have one hope you will take stand on this issue inunediatclysls krl Chunoion Dear Emblem have taken stand Twice Ive gone on record in favor of the sharp re Vision of existing abortion laws The laws in most states mind are highly unrealistic and cruelly discriminatory against the poor Moreover the bad laws forte physicians to make raise state ments regarding dangers which might result from the birth of child Public sentiment is slowly but surely turning in this dircc tlon and say Its high time gangsatmme to Hawaii eyve recently passed the best abortion Icgislatun of all flow lately that the lLst should be first MILE SADIE WIIABTON the Job rewarding and satisfy ing because you are giving something of yourself for otb on Part of her work required that Mrs Wharton become familiar with film projector so she took course and is now lie cnscd projectoinist This trade is useful for showing educational films on cancer to church groups and anyone else who is inter ested She also works with the Blood Donor Clinic and assists ln arranging tours to Princess Margaret Hospital Mm ijWhartun is extra busy now because April is Cancer month WHAT THE FOIL IOMOIHKCHV ltcrp in elese tuueh with de cluplncnts around your place of business now You may have chance to strengthen security and add to income by careful planning Original ideas vlll he glvcn close attcntlolt Full Tilt niltrllmtt it tomorrow is your birthday the next your should be an ex ccllcnt onenot only from Hm EST ELLITA Humane Society LA Seeks Rummage For April Sale Fund raising prDlWIS were the major items under discus sion at the meeting of the Lnd ics Auxiliary to the llumanc Society of some held at home of Mrs Marion Fell lvo projects Wort selected the first th at rummage sale for oncial standpoint but also be cause of many good opportuni lies to make hcadwny in your chosen curccr You will have to do your part of nurse but such fine influA cut are presently governing your interests that It would be foolhurdy not to cooperate to the fullest Put your best loot forward and look for guod re sults from your occupational ei forts before the end oi this mollih ill July September Nov Duweli at 72llfl7i for more in formation Mrs Helen Morden vice Mrs Joyce Holman lead and tillll ment unbcrs present It was do fled to mark the im all meeting the season in June with pot luck supper at the Anne Maxwell second April 11 at the Legion Hull Col gsiilgniiiiuliiic Um muse licr St beginning at mm nu Ladies lntareslodin curling lelwns mmmc llcsl periods on the fiscal this lall may phone the oresi Wmmd by score between now and June the auxiliary Articles may he lelt at the home of Mrs Hull man 12 Johnson St or piel up can be arranged by teltphull int 7260070 Mrs lell gave an intere report of the llumaneSueicty in lctershurg Florida This Millan rst win propi so ely requires all ethnic ani Kay Kirk rotary going out for adoption to Mr liarh lldrris treasurer ayed This requirement met look III till for winning the lust mg chiller December and Febrult all the last four months at 1970 next February Personal relationships are also generously aspecicd which uugurb happily for domestic Lind sentimental inttr ts social SOCIAL NOTES GOLDEN WEDDING rumo and go tcu will maxl lllt fulfil wedding anniversary of MI and Mrs Albcit Gurnliill of home of lonner president Mrs Ilctty Nurthuvcr new of will and ghbm anmurkm Will be reunited by the chc Refreshments vcr vcd lol branls bmdmy attemvon at lowing the meetings tltljtillln the Lions Club lltlll Antis from until oclock curling game of the season STARS SAY activities too If single look for now romance between early May and late September in Oc tober or December Most auspllt CIDLIS months for travel July August October 11nd December child born on this thy will he extremely ambitious and quite during in the means he uses to accomplish his films NEW YOU As Fresh As Dy EMILY WILKENS It you feel as if youve shed your heavy winter clothes for nothing more than dripping raincoat shake that feeling and follow through on these frtshr asdaffodils beauty tipsjust for you iThc weather is bound to 80 bcttcr WAS AWAY WINTER Take probod beauty bath to relu vcnate your skin from hczld to too Before climbing into the tub massage yourself thoroughly with oilbaby oil is fine or use salad or cooking oil corn saf flower olive ior example Apply generously and include your feet and hands cven cuticlcs count Toss loofah sponge nylon net scrubber anti pumice same under the running water Armed with cake of castllo soap sit in the tub dont stand youll slip and prepare to scrub your self smooth Heres how Wet the soap lather up the loofah and rub all over your body Now then soap up the nylon not scrubber same kind that battles against pots and pans and redo your elbows knees and back of heels Thcpumicc stone is ready and still waiting to smooth away any callouses or corns that have been hiding in your fashionable boots or closedtoe shoes Think summer sandals You should be glowing by now and ready for rinseoff shower If your skin is still bit oily and you cant stand the feeling handful or two of bak ing soda worked into the skin and rcvrinSCd under the shower add to the overall clean sensa tion without drying out newly softened surfaces VELKAY literally Apparel Size STD Yours for economy doors east of City Hall 100 Colllcr Barrie 7234801 Examiner iliolu Wash Away Winter To Feel will eliminate the problem and FEET TREAT If your feet need still more treatment aug ment the foot scrub by applying ll special smoother Apply cas ter andor pctroleum jelly First Girl Guide Lieutenant Describes Early Activitiesi ST CATHAltINES CPI if the girl guides gave an award for sense of humtlr Louise Th would be in line for one Miss Thompson one of the first Canadian girl guide lieu tenants now is an active 90 years of age but still pos sesses an abundance of good humor and has been putting it to good use longer than most She was ono of the special guests attending the diamond Jubilee celebrations here In February marking the Iound in of the girl guides in Can ada The first Canadian com pany was formed in St Cath arines in January 1910 with Miss Thompson as llcutcn nt ciAskcd to describe some of file activities of those early days in Canadian guiding ltllss Thompson rcmalkcd if somebody says Oh Daffodils your still warm freshly bathed skin Don pair of woolen sucks preferably white orwrap your feet in tissues Try sleeplt ing with the socks on and youll be delighted with your velvety new feet in the morning Keep up this routine once each week for eversoft results II SOME CHANGES MAUI1 Spring calls for change of skin care prepa rations even makeup produc Skin appreciates seasonal vari tiolls of diet just as we do Whereas in cold weather heavi ness is protective spring calls for lightness With the weather oming milder consider daily air bath for your body Ben Frank lin took his in the privacy of his chamber every morning It you cant manage that throw open the window of your bathroom and move around while inhaling deeply taking advantage of the tow bars to do few timber ingttrciching exercise Air your bare face daily too Plan on in to 20 minutes of sun shine tor skyshincl each day If you cant get out select your sunniest spot and open the win dow wide sans makeup to gather up invigorating Vitamin from the elements WDHDS FDII Fvery pleasant day late your lunch to work and seek an out door spot to enjoy it during the noon hour when the sun or sky are at thcir brightest Make sure that your neck and hands absorb the healthful rays Its important for skin to receive the wondrous benefits oi the ele ments to meet vitamin rc qulrcment Daily is best before on any Furor Compare As To msnw mo tll tltlcu um Selection To suit Every Iludgrt Iva lnvtto You bsnectlon No count on Ezrltlnmo ltzsrvuuo COLD nonma satlrlaulun Guaranteed WIEGINS IUIIS norrles Exclusive Ftirrlcr who makes and sells turn only Dorrie Toronto Dunfop St 72348 that isnt right you can put it down to my age Miss Thompsou who now makes her home at the Mount Carmel Residence fur the Agcd said she thinks bale gold activities havent changed much She remem bers hiking camping and bird watching and recalls that we mended old clothes Not taking herself too scri ously chu then Miss Thump son chuckled us she recalled having to take charge of group of girls during church parade and service Being newly in charge she automatically waited for the lenders signal to salute for getting that she was the leader And the rector had to re mind them Then came to Another time when new hots were issued the supply ran out before Miss Thompson received hers but with re sourcefulness that is still characteristic of her she slms ply went ahead and made her own out of wire and felt She is still active in crafts and needlework currently working on caps and ties for girls church youth group And she still takes keen interest in young peoplo Im beginuing to think the world isnt going to the dogs after all she said after de scribing visits of groups of young people to the home dur ing the Christmas season AVE NEV OUTLOOK often wonder about the girls themselves dont know many of the girls today but they seem to have com pictcly different outlook Theyre freerthey say their opinions it was entirely different when was child Children were seen but not heard when was child One of Our businesses including Mr Hancey at zoo University Avenue But now theyre seen and heard Theyre much brighter and allowed more expression and you mustnt interfere with their individuality Individuality in dress char acterized the tirst guides who were variety ot uniforms But in summer they also were what Miss Thompson calls coks breakfast at widebrimmed straw And on the subject of dress ever the practical gtdde with sense of humor Itiiss Thompson muses wonder if lessafflutnt girls today will put two minis together to be ln style with most skirt After all you cant cover your knees with what isnt there FOILED ROBBIE TOKYO iAP liiasztv lizura told police wouldbe robber armed with knife fled from h0rdoor when hcr mynn bird mlmtcktnx abumn wee shrillcd semen kudnsa may come in Hair Stylists of Distinction Dunlap 72811443 CAN IDB SERVE YOU On Thursday April 9th 1970 and on the second Thursday 01 each succeeding month Representatives Mr Hancey will be at The Continental Inn Barrie Ontario In this district and throughout Canada many persons and rms in practically all types of Agriculture Construction Manufacturing Profemional services Tourist and Recreational Businesses Ihansportation and Wholesale and Retail Trades have obtained loans from the Industrial Development Bank in acquire land buildings and machinery to inuease working capital to start new business and for other purposes If you consider that IDB can be of service you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Barrie Ont 7261834 or in advance by writing to the MidOntario office of INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK Toronto Ontario Telephone 3681145