PATTERNS EACH ONE MAIN PATTERN gART prove your hard Plan to attend CJIangLlIS available Lunch at the arm TERMS CASH 131 A33 ADAMS Just on aim PATTERN PART 17 cad lively pm 22 up drass cape lop pants shorts lump ln coordinated lmcly pursuit T102 80 Primed Pairrm 4827 Coildras Silks Sec lpuern qr yardage mm CENTS 75c in wins Ina Stamps plcasc or ad pattern add 15 cents or cach pattern Inf firstclass mail In and special handling 01 tuxin 251de add nlcl tn Pricl plainly SIZE NAME An 113258 mu NUMBER spud order Anne Adams racial The name Examincr Pullern DEPL to Front SL Toronto Ontario NewsNow Spring Swim Pattern Catalog III slylca Irce pallet11 coupon We Instant sew In book cut fit scw modern way $100 Instant Fashion Book lwtrdrobc planning attery accessory lips 3100 WANT ADS DONT COST secrets THEY PAY PHONE 7282414 iI3 AUCTION SALES iI3 AUCTION SALESI 13 AUCTION SALES CXDIPLETE CASINOS IIOLSTEIN DISPERSAL 60 Registered any Kristel Cords Brvd 1111 Open him 53 Lbs MILK Quota In I00 Lb lot No Poul Capt Bqu Milk Coolie 2910 Lbs and All Dmry Equipment miIkinE whine and thne Surge units AT THE FARM ox luGIlwAY 11 51110le TUESDAY APRIL at 1210 ELI Sharp The Iolluwing pmpcrty belonging to II CAMPBELL SONS CATTLE late surrtrlurr months Hatch are bred and more could be by sale date 211 Open IILiIcrs This is home bred herd mostly originated imm Mercedes II Jean Star brood cow with rccun of 1512331 NF Htr daughlcr by Iloclznd Reectim Soltrlign made 10000 IDS In lactation with of III n9 year record 1176 35 int 111 10 days Gamma Pabst Doris sired by hmwlirw Pabst Baron In 13 days has 13114 1511 1511 15 Her daughter by mutton has 11ml IIF 159 H8 Another daughter by Sky Oliei has 1352 AI 38K IU 143 I3 year record unofcial Another Roeland Reflcclian Sovereign daughter has 16188 421 133 158 daughter at Bmvltw Pabst Eamn has 1713011 ulth I66 145 in 305 days She has Ilerdlnazter Daughter selling OLher uxllt sires repmscnlcd an Dividend Clipper Will daugh ters blaster Maple dauwlcm Renmtlon Ormlthy daugh ters licrdmastcr daughters AUmONEERS NOTE This good honest herd DI IloLstcins lilh lots of Inlc and pro duclim out which anyone can alfard to buy rcpluccmnnls or 1m GRANT CLERK Nothing Io be removed unlll scttlul ior Buyers irqu distance must be able tn prove identity In the clerk il paying by cheque Owner ar Auctioneer will not be rcspomihlc lur accidcnls or In jury in persuns on pmpcxty during sale day However all precautiqu will be lilch to ensure your Sillety and comlart ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer Tcicplmnc Barrio wool 93011551011111 DIRECTORYl MUSIC ESSONS LAND SURVEYOR MARJORIE AXES DOUG Teacher vl Piano and Theory McMASTER Pup prepared rm mu nilriu Land Surveyor 303 Main Slrect Conscrvatury anmlnallous no Box 408 ALL GRADES ALL AGES STAYNERgt 011mm 15 Clappcrton St 72341151 4394147 JESSIE BRYSON FUNERAL HOMES line sin rhr hilliwililll STECKLEY FUNERAL lfisc2ril gluon that HOME 27 BIIdIDId St 7347 ANGUS ROSS BA ATc IODICIIAIZF con ppgrog pm mm vllm tlmruclllm In Pluo ma lhelsry mo lulortn In much utlu Ind ACCOUNTANTS ROSE HARRISON nlilnr cnnu uulccu namucl rinse cA PIANO LESSONS lzhpnprcu Accountant Pu lu prepnrcll 1hr IIIHII Cnnnrr Truslu tn uunllruptcv vn orv exlml t11 wll iv nlllcr st Phone 71341 surmlon slmvlcr nun IIICk mm 11111 unall CALL US FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 31 Cluppcrtlm 51ml PIIONIS 72345 DRYWALL MTTOLTTTTT DRYWALL SERVICES pl willllmllrd Finley Appliedlilm tllpinlt WOIIKMANSIIII GUARANTEED 428521 SIAYNICIL PAVING MANIERI IAVING Ii HAILRIE Anywhcroblt or pave them it GUARANTEED 7260031 SMALL ENGINE SERVICE inu allmill v11 $0120 311111 Vmn Lilnln oultlulild mo r11 WERE BARBER AND SON 13 we PAINTING DECORATING talcum TAX nuvrnll ll 11m ll lid Accnunllnu Allrmilt alldmltr PuIIIII Ar cauhumt 11 0mm lit lihrtlu Telu Imonu 1705 1111 mcour nlnntlllv Inn mum111 musing 21111 Dunlap complctrtl sumpulnrllcd chull n17 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY INSULATION The blowing method 11 experience We 5IDCILII in electric Ilcnlcd Guilrniltccd work FILD MINESING IIOIIILN estlmntcs SCOTT MUIII 72114267 DRESSMAKING 31x cum to ruin milu hrldnl chlldrhnp walla lcntllpn ROOFING DESIIUCIII CU AND Iihx IS MIDLAND 011i PHONE 52Illt7fl2l ALl vmm llmllANllllln Illduhlliill July ALAAIIIIIIINl ROOFING CONSTRUCTION IIll CIIA IIUIII AND CO STILUCTION IIAWN MOW Ilcnlndciling Item Cllhllim Mill311 VIBIIIIIIMLNT Illlmc Building IIIllkIIUl anll lUMaUlh Dnzer Work 11pup to my mukl MIIAIII 7i0l20 III 77IIZII7 LIIIIIC ANvrlh llAYSIiIE wi MA SMALL GINI CENTRE MOWER REPAIRS Ilrlmlo 7le no Hien Tl LANDSCAPING Small engine and IllWll Illllwtr VIITdLImlfflfliT 511115 AND 11v1c12 mm mm IIAIIN ECLIPSIZ Luun and gilrtllll eltlllpmlnl rlrcl lllltl rulllry lnuwurli hlIUIIILlIIII MADIUAN II 72 iTIJ 5l45 llllwull sullku LL 171 llurlon Arr VACUUM CLEANERS ioNINTGTTV FILTER QUEEN lllIIAIIIS Only ulllllurlzcll denier in area mint unly genuine parts and iiIlLru IuII lino p1 needs 721131112 STOEWWL 41 lww ST iAitilIH llluNmn 12 pcr lrkuv 11nd ll millet null wind 11 llnlllrcll rcammluls rule PAINTING rennin lllm rnllnu Irru Irv IIIlIIllb 72111115 PATTERN GLASS Ilcsldeniiul Colllmcrulul null ET ndusmul PL III 111111 rlllllnu cut CALI Now Full Low In ilwln llls WINTER RATES lIIEE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM rnnl nnll cALL 436 199 memrv it ALUMINUM fmlnlnteu IIIIIYHFIIBITIZIIZIIITZII IHUUD llmu Ilid0w 111mm awnings pu nllulnit rulllngl chVullmugl mount 7leIJ It MIL wluduw null mm llmudlllcd RAILINGS Gurllgcs and illIlIlllilm Illlilt AIIIIMINLIM SIIJING lNTLluvggmALggugxllmvll run1 mun lluolll UlVldtIH llluc chllillulls IIIIIIutI Hulconlls Ililllll IlllltI 1207 IIll Illu lintlillilith HTW SIMcoE EAVESTROU RAILING CO II CUNDLFJS IID Aluminum dulllu vinlllwq WELDING ALCAN SIDING Hum AND 51le vullANDAll RAILINGS Cu mm DUCKS Culiillgwuud 4111110 UTI IIV CA IIIS DOIINS WELDING ITTIIOIID BARBER SHOP 111R iH 11 Juli IIIIIILI null UIIIII st lm ill llucll Including Deluxe Buekzuxr milk Import complctc mu scnILs The uudcrslgucd has waived muuuicru 1c sell by public auction ill Regichrod lIOlecin milking cows many are milking full flow several will be due at 511 Lime balance will Imhen during Her son Can1mg Romulus has daughters In the herd One AUCTION SALE AUCTION Snug Saturday April it pm Saturday April 2a 11 um dialn lur the sum bi or DENle WARD GEORGE Allth We Lot Can North Orlllu mm pump mi noun jrwnslu SsIc arm mad mm up on My Jersey ms and cream 15 mlln Darth uI Hahenm 111103 some nouschold 11am Kim my Terms c1131 ARCHER OOLwHL mm Sale at 150 head oi choice dairy and bee cauie Is now AUCTION SALE and the remainder young cacti of madam up bags to saws register Ind muslin m2 pram Yurkshire boar lull lusc 17 ellinc brood laws 09 m1 mndcm larm rnadunery tn bred plus mixing NW eluding ADand Brain 1200 35cm bulk tank My mm Irucinr With lrs than 270 com silhgc hours fcrcrlm qupus gram and house urnlturc Jain Tcrms Cash No reserve as 1d mday AP 10 197 agmincgucllux and In Marxism BIRTHS am EXAMINER FRIDAY Am 1m ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Bmh Amomccmculs maximum on words Engagements unmade and Death mm or Thanks words additional Words 61 per OrdL Ina clseI Vcrsc lpcr twat llno cnral Janka Evcnls wool Bar21 ad IIenJKr Wool puned in human the tumr pr Luclr causalEr Tuan 11 cum nu ma dy um 11 mo 11 I107 curl HawkI1 nan1r Munster tor 31 0mm Drummer Mn Garcon Susiemu special Doctar mveuucm sud punrs or nmr uni Mrs 31111 Woods 11mm to 3L IUTI GEORGE PIPER at $3211 ll Inn ll Aucuonccrs Tom seastolillgn way np ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Wednesday Aprtl 29 at 11 mun sharp for GEORGE CARSON At 1a 11 10 West Gwillirnbuxy mikes was 11 Saturday April 11 Bradiord on Highway 53 lbe at 1230 pm sharp 10d side road that milcs lol the mall on the puvcd ruud Itllst PETER DUIKO FARMS arm cast on the 10m WS at lot concession lunisiil slum Township mile north the Smile of all antique Iumrtulc Innislil West GuIIlImbury town The IL itch pine comer line bctwnen highways loo cupboard nut pane clipboard and II quality tables butt rock slllc olallmarkct garden cars straight pmum machinery the list includes5 and Immcs ms coblcd tractors 2111165 sprayer glass iron mics ruu pols combines pallet boxes seed waIIIe inn bells clocls coal drill 100s termites and many ail lamps mud other article 109 mikellnncous articles numm to 131 Terms cash nu reserve as the Tenns cash No reserve 115 1111 Terms cash No rcsenc as llr Boer 15 xing up lurmlng VERNON AYRIB auctioneer Stroud AUCTION SALE nvlntr has other Interests home is sold JEIIIIY COUGIILIN JERRY DUGIILIN and GEORGE PIFIIEII auctioneer GEORGE PIFIIEII WATCH Dr full list April Aucliunccrs AUCTION rALE mullii M5 ay Saturday May at 1230 9111 AUCTION SALE 1011 11 1110111 unuwx Saturday April 11 At la 0011 West at pm imbury TuuTlship tar GORDON BROWN Salc ol Ich cattle arm mach Lot Concession West leil incry hay straw mixtd gruu Iimbury Township First 1mm and some hauscllnid eifceis east of Hand Head lm Hwy 88 Terms cash No reserve as Iarnl il ENGAGEMENTS cum mum11 Mr and luipn ii mulling at can 11115 arms 19 sunouurc Ute alumnus mun of their mumm Ilaxlnl Vnkrlr to 11h lumps or Mil uzrlulc Human or ltlchulc om and the bl Mr vuL Bkndh 11 de lo In uh xv At um um Church Bmie Knssux Ir 11mm or Angus lusrd lu ulan runncom marriage at launder Punch llr Norman Alec Ksuluu sun 01 11 nd luv TOm Kaxlhn p1 usu Borden The wcddmr will Like April 211 In mu Rum nrslmcrlsn vnurcn 114 Dunc REPRINTS you uould Iikc to have re prinls any nous pictures uktn by our sLrtl photographers please call at our Business OI we lire sorry we cannot llcccpt nuono orders Dimm suulry Alexander SalLlme the 111m Rule mum1 3111 1r ourxxcn Pakkln dosh 1n ruddy ma st nmcr or can run Iluurul or Down rtetin in rzuurtt mum 11m hrmlorc strut Harrie tar unlc an Slhud s1 pm lullme Stun lulu Lem calm 1111 up the armclcry chxpel menu Slay641644111 ll ti Ruyglttum kingpinII YE on oath An 1779 Flaunt nu wncctcr nclpud VII DI In Inte June III Ind dear momrr 01 mm Mn fglnderfock frlrprogto Dunn Duh er any sound MidiInd SIN llll Hunt lnu kart sud chxl hull of Bank Prqu by an dnughler Ell Ilubht blu Duh hler of MCI Ind Pean of New York Also Dunlth by 39 lrandchlldren and rentInuit ehlurtn Rcsrlp Jenn Film Home 151 Mord WK Burk pr ltflkc an Fer ll Inumcnl Barrie laton 11mm vwlom GerMine sud denlv her home 1111 lloyhl York Road IImleo Vedneu April 1st will Vlcturls llcwItl duh Iv beloved wife or Nannan Itodxr our mtIKr 111 mm arzdrrknov want or Tummo Shier oI H11 Anne llcssliu 11c ulcel or usrrlc 114 Mrs rt Lkdnru liluryl Clrvulmd omo Lovlur Krandmuthlr JII vn dcrkooy 1113 noun math tho runeral name at 11 none at MinLieu Avenue Mlmlca hm rut mice suumu pun 1n branch 31 damn Crmelcry Cran run Inpmxlmntely oclock SIMCOE COUNTY FARMERS MARKET Snll oi 311 pounds or uid milk is sold quota selling at uppmximale ALLAN HORNEII auctioneer Iy 230 pm Dairy equipment Phone 7051584589 35 grade Holstein cows and Watch or lull April 24 PS hill AUCIION SALE Terms cash no reserve as up Wednesday May Dr is giving up the dairy at p111 Thzlrp husinrss FRAWLEY Watch or lull list April AI 1m 11 Concession llcdaic ALLAN IIORNER Auctioneer Township mil norlll oi 400 Highway 011 mile south of AUCTION SILL Mount St 111115 Imday Alnl Sale of farm litucllillcry buy pm lur the estate of tile Illle giiriinganliluliit um mu CECIL MAYNARD Terms cash N17 rosew ns lll Lot Concesslnn 11 Was Gw Frawley is in ill Mann and 1111 limbury Township uoulll oi be 51 kastmin miles 1711 Ilwy ZTl JERRY COIIIIIILIN and cast one mllc Sale at thrm luuchlncry lilixcd SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP STORE illr your RIDING EQUIPMENT TACK AND IIOIISE IIISALT PRODUCTS cattle swine hay Terms cash as cslatc must be sclllcd and arm Is in be rented Vntch 1hr full list April I0 ALLAN 11011111511 Auciiullccr 458458D AUCTION SAI Wednesday April 15 AUCTION SALE Friday May at pm shun lur NICK CATALAXO 1l LL COnLusol II 1551 Tnlv ll mile mm at Cal tolln vi ngo AND mile north cl liigluluy n9 sun of thrm Li hillury liui at p111 slurp stein cows and calves lttock iur HARVEY unuvorlu ers entire madcm hlluschold At Lol III Co l1 Innislil Township om milu llulh DI mm Slmu AND one mile call at Highway 11 72 Sale or arm Owlk inlulcxuchls und bcnlc Ilouszlllllll cliL k355 Tcum mull N11 rCLIlc us the WATCH for Mill list May uVnfanlL1 IIlH expired IIUIILIN lulu AUCIION SALI GEORGE IIFIiioli IIIICIIOHLCIS Salutday May 16 at upon Wlltch tor lull 111 lrlduy April 10 NW Iur JACK ARMSTRONG AUCWN SALE ml Iilghwlly lm Lot West iwi mbury lhlln Sntuuiay April Iii lmI pt llrudiuxi ll IllIucIIuIIUIII 120 mm 400 Highway l1 hurlh weal lor CECII Siliiiils Her 10 21 Cm pm To lit oi with lull lino KIIIII one mile north at Ivy vi inrru Stilt nl licci clllllc sllcep lull ICLLI hmuchllld cii Ilhc Illlm lullcluuury lulled ilhy Ill llnliqucs xiruw tlrllin 11nd sumo hnusc Terms cash No reserve lurm llulllll ilclns Icluls cluh him is vll Sill ch lur lull ii AIICIIICII CULWILL Auctioneer ALLEN IIORNlZlhnlllllalfcr AUCIION SALE 70M Saturday April 18 1070 7ILlIl WHICH DAY IS BEST No rwzrvu as IIAIII to he III 1111 the DIIIAI I503 10 Conclvsslllll II In nihlil IDlvllsllip II miles west DI Iiiuhwliy NO II 23 153M IiiLTIOJJIMIIIII IMONDAY 113335130111 I1l5i 2n TUESDAY mu WEDNESDAY WILL bs on ITHURSDAY FRDAY AND OIICIIMIDS 1111 SATURDAY April 18 at 10 am sharp lit the Illma CAMPBELL ST COLLINGWOOD II Iurm ITILN incry orciluld equipment dalnd Iiutlillol Puriunutcly there Ls miscellaneous IlllllIOS inclu Ilg LI LIDCIDN suvlrni tnlclw spiayv In val0 hill tars lull lino oi cultivation emllp day wunls um mngln merit irrigation Illstoma includ ing pumpl 11qu lrvcryllllng used new milcm 111 old one 1115 In this oration Icrmli cgsh or lLllllictl lllrlulo Walll We recommend day IB 39 thlll you stllrt your ad tomorrow upcr lion lulu been sold rEOIlGE II IIFIIEII and and annual II when you get Ic JIIIIIIY COUGIILIN llilulim Watch for lull list April Ia with Altr muny yollls oi cx perinncu with mllllullu of want Advertlaern Ircthniiy ask th5 AUCTION SA LE Wednesday April 22 NIH We know tomorrow ia the pm lhlrrp lor ll CilNTlliIi belt any to start your 1111 and Ill 11 DunAuI St 1111111111 Silll Hum Illivk Imule every ltayis the bust day to ullwniw III The Darrin 101111111 Iich Innli dulilll ul 1171 riding 1111 103 rush al rollervtl 1111 hlr 1m rs Chum cr Sr nvo gv ea son IIIIl COIIIIIIIJN lIlIll lnor CI cllllll FARM FOR PROFIT SIIOP DISTRICT COOI 7260531 SIIIICOII INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Sales and Service SOMEIIVILLE SONS MAIN ST STAYNIJII IZIIitllI Prompt repairs hull ovolllllul Pickup 11ml llclivory OXFORD SILOS Villlulcd cured licuvy duty corrugated SIIIVLS MOST SILO FOII YOUR Ed Lawson RR STAYNER 428577 Full line of llulnlllnlic fuelling vqulpmcnl Prices 11nd planning tree without obligation ENQUIRIES INVII 257 INNISFIL ST Barrie Phone 7266531 FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK build or crippled cattle and 1101 Small hnimuls removed Ircc llui last scrvlco IIIONE IIAIIIIIE 7285200 Collccll 01 115k tur ZIINITII 91130 NO CHARGE hours tiny days wcck 1111 Foxmcud Ouihrlo Llccncc No BCBS Nilk Manluguc Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ATTENTION HORSEMEN The Pundurcsu Tltlll Ilillcrs Wall is outn for new ment 1p 01 this your Enquiries murmulccll work Ior n1 IIKI IIIIDrmuIIDiI lllc hunc 1721111 nIIcr lull WORK IIORSLS Tcllm oI wcrk hams rur mic Ior 1min Iniormnllon Telephone 7211 11111 111 rl Ill nlmmux chi IIOIII Inclh Iccunclly illIll1pvlv to 1119 5touc tzlmvnlc PEULTRY AND CHICKS LB PULLET and more poultry mcn are choosing Dekalb Pullis reallytoday dayold chicks tvar lactVICc or help poultry problems cull CRAIG IlUNILZIt POULTRY FAIIM LTD SIIIOUD Milli EKRME RS ATTENTION llull ucclioll ll ILSUIVLLI llir your cunvcniunco lo SELL IIIADII or SWAP household DEKA More Started Livestock tlclcs farm equiplucn tor services ill word All rules FARTAERS MRKT Emu RENT 1rd lm III 1111111111 ll To veprhse lull11m PIVI viu uld SCIIIDI herd sire II ltghhlrd llulrIDrd cows to 11 war uld um llllvcu zoo 0500 IIDLI il 11 not lltblld me utk ID VIII hounds Robert OKIOCK FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER IAIITS SALES 1V SIIIIVICE CIIAS RICHARDS SONS LTD Highway ll Sulllll IIAIIRIE 5111 Id IUIIVIIV HANK BROWN Delaval Stiles Service DAIRY IAIIM EQUIPMENT Colllplclu Ilnu oi Dillry lIlrlll EllllitllllIui Supplies Ulllrio llollv Hwy 27 11411321 EQUIPMENT IAIZ SALESAND SERVICE SlliElllOll Silos null clay iuratcu vultrm ALI IYIIES Ill ccnluilt Work rtlillllly lvaillllllc 1111 Nil Sllulllll IrAA 11 llaetlil mllltl Alith 12 llil Iew 11111 100011 hum MIL iY IIXIII Nil IIIUNII 72II2III vnv qu muluht Dulmvl DEATHS nu can Mcck Ar iunl um ItunaJal harm an my Anni 1m seascu smut bm up of Wm mu um um um oi nulcl LIIL Bran 11mm Bat pd Dom um 11 annual Bl Manual ml alln Aha purmcd 17 mannered bur pop is In In at human in Air aux urcuxr 21m in no nu sinus hour or Twp ln um Ind Incense 111 She Gracan hon or 8nd AL ism or 11116011 112mm we Jannal YuanI mm 111 Brad llsm Euren Bank lu unk on Sundry nun Gunman nunlay Amll 2m 111e mun nuthrs bdovnd 111 or rm Nulan In htr 1m yur our man or lam 111 n31 mm min Tam 12ml xxxrun tun Irunk 94c um grind Johngron Aha urnad by run ms ma cnl mm m5 Munro In xuuusd Rab Ina the My Flu11rd Haze no warser 31 Emir suvicc In In dowel an Saturday Aunt ypa tnknncnl 111 Can nunn ruucupnurd nuurul ll Amen an Thund April and 1071 mm mod beloved hmbnnd 11 Cu uc urlrley cd am Inner pr 1mm urn Michcl cur Aim at Cnmrlne Qusu mu In nmssu nu ma dour pmer or Damn In June Kcnrrni 3mm 11qu 1111 cu llpnnl pub tun Rex The 71112qu mu Pndur Iton um unrip Kum srd Isrnn Luo ladum rimd In 111 Airn wen Ruttnf the norm Funuul Lnvc Altman until mid nm Stmrdny April Men In nuts Emmi Autslnn Ior rcq uiem mnl to run Intumrm 51 Pull century In Hut 11mm donclans in ammo 11cm Paundktlon would mlly sp edled CARDS OF THANKS mmnm II mark on l9 and um 11 my rum hen Stunner lo the Ely capabl BI DI Buchanan Ind DI Throurh he Ikllllul mlry perronncd by Dr IiInchnlId now an my husband Illely hom lllln To III Ind suit Rural Vklorl Ilwllll who Wk um wndu In or rum 41111111 hi1 nlly In morn MB In the lnlny fluId who remembered hltn durtnx bl Inm Ind MCIl ululryou to ur nclrhbaum In KIP Ihn 1f Very LDWRIIUHI 1m kInd to me durum my hul blndl Absence 1rl sud norenc sluudm WOODI would 111 ID think III my lend Ind Mlmbcun or inalr ends 1mm ower lnll ho mnnalemcnt And In Park home rol their klndnts Sued1 Lhaan to 1m Mr VVtlky JOMI 111d MINI mem berkklbc of Dllnon LguiltII Chu Brianhaul rudder 111nm L11 Pran will IN MEMORIAM AIEFADDW In IOTA mmU or the dearest mother 11ml crsnll mother HIMI IIIMid truthItll WHO BMW HWY 1w I065 An cmva place no line cm 1111 mtg mu JIDm Ind IMINI WIII mm munc lhlnx too bl or null Vau would not lry to do or all You tmunllu no one your wulta wlm nw God Ive um best Ivm when rm us will DDl7 MISSKd bV LII IIICII Dar LI Ind Marln nmllhlt nd grandchildren AIV In memory DI the Isle Mm Mamet Show who pnsrd Ily at her hum on DnyIIeLl SL Sslurulsy Frbruhry 11 mo TITre mm Ilvl urcnt lady VILn heart of EDILI Ylm Irlwr ll ltLIMll III III WUPII Im told Sim hutch cullllml 1p play an nrr Dlnllo each In And 111 ncvrr mullt hcr or ml or mv Our Site wal lull or lnwdedco m1 prpnlcd lu mod sllt taught 11 lo omen Mu nurcr burst her trials In illr We henrd never In 111 It wax Illnllyl ilrrl Ilh cnmurnxluu 1110 She LHtcltd you vllll LEI hull Hello And the always had rvnrknmz low shc wus lull n1 rich hlrlslncw lrum God can nv And may God blew hrr wul 1111s 1l11ii cm nll Caliban VNI$ In IntInt mumurv pr 11 drnr mother Aunts Auu vvuls Ia unsllll Inlh Aurll 11m Lilrrl 1111qu leaves the yeltrs plus 11111 thuucills ul ku will never dlr Sulllv mi null Iilwll rlmcm hen4 hv ll nilr lzlcnnor mid 111711 lnIllw churlcs COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 211 pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond DRILLIA lllnh KEBIIENIIIGIII CHAPTER DESSERT BRIDGE TUESDAY APRIL 7110 p111 ST GEO 11125 LIIUIICII BIllLlI AW $100 1er lurxuu Ilckci 11W Ilu lthIIlAl SALE Sulurltuy A1111 1115 Ll2 llll Cllllltl Sinle Ample BUSINESS Hill PROFESSIONAL WOMENS Cidlll ItUIIIMAUIC SALE SATURDAY APRIL ll 11111 YUUIII CENTRE ltl 111111 iorlmlo SlrLLl Allspitu CENTRAL UNIIILD CIIUIICII WOMEN IIvktlp Ihune 72d GJJ RUMMAGE SALII Saturday April Itl1 II 1111 CulLllll STREET ilNlllCD c11u1wll lltlLOWllll 11111 Aulplcm nil Church Ivllmm ET IIUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY AIIlIL II It 130 ilnl SALVAIIOI ARMY Ml Twill sum llllll all Swliull Copy llrctnltli Illllll pm CALI Till2