IDGIh Year No 78 Ottawa To Fight BC Voiding Oi Breath Test Controllers Stay Off Job ing under an agreement the us government the some at Kansas leaders tried to get airh callous Ingling all controllers back on In can or um lkc that has tower to ortcd ior dut but the man was Injured and SIX mm II today and cml why am CIIIIIIEII We mm and an escorting mmin sluudmms RI Conicucrnuon oi NouonaI iradu were amazed Thursday an About 30 trucks normally Unmn5 Much represents the handle the job mail deliveries Lanai drivers the Canadian mm mm Wm WM In the cIIy but the post oliicc Union or rnsInI Vuriturs and the Quebec Federation oi Labor crippled air travel than week catcd lln si iiicant hackto work mum on todays first Axr mmc tantrum Organi mm zatlan ogrccd Thursday to order thclr rncn back to work by the awnhelp on Imak carrying mail sumth Cm overtruckmg scrviccsiour prI previously done by Lapalma lacerations when the ghbsidc vale corIrIIanIes had been sched drIchs IIch to split the upuImu ccn The back of about Sam the strike 40 scheduled to work reported sick at the air route centre which controls tralfic in sevcrai East Director Lee Bailey and two EXAMINER TELEPHONES Grahame CJSXLCIEd Adsattain mull 1021er mam mil minim an air snmpll Donald hiacdonald govcrxr mcnt llousc leader gave hicCieave Consonantn Cam nons member for MaxEliot 1hr BC dutAiun is one judges interpretation No similar Cases now are be foru Ontario mums Toronto make sulnment and Ontario Attorneygeneral Arthur lisb art was not available or com crui of Alberta said the ILC one of our safeguards con dcctsmn dots not have other federal and British Columbia tulncd in Lhe amendment when By JOHN Insmun Pres Stall ertrr juilicc dwartments British Colunbla Supreme Iic said Ottawa will take it was passed by Parliament than persuasm eilcct in pror CoIm ruling Thursday winch Whatever steps are necessary In The missing safeguard gun inccs other Litan nc mum raIdcd the new federal breath dclend the legislation which antecd an accused the rim to Mackllng ntwmugcn Toronto Police Chic James case sdzcdulcd tor hoarir ne tw legislation in that provIncc went into clioct last Dec In sample or his breath prcsum or at Manitoba said the law lluckcy said his moonan iorce lore Single judge or lhc On ltnnu the same explanation In cudlng an appeal to the 50 chip or lndopcndcnt testing continue to be applied in would carry on under the fcd turio Court Appeal Illny Is the Commons Jan is He said Manitoba assuming it is valid eral legislation III we get based on the same argument until suitable contnincr is further instructions He added which was successful in the found drivers may ask for blood or urine itsl ll dcczsion nothcr case In awaiting trial the seems unlikely to stop the lay premc Court at Canada was no SURPRISE IL Olrtls Newfoundland and propcr The government will plug the inspector Illurllcr said ing breath test diargcs in other provinces Leslie Peterson 11C attor Prayindal Mid uran legal of naygeneral said an appeal to lustlcc minister said the BC He thought lhcro might be tidal across Canada polled by the BC Court or Appeal was courts decision was not cn ich omission but added loophole The Canadian Press ThuIsday prepared for ling today tircly unuxpcctcd be reluctant to age appu inspector Fred Blurher head if Lyndon OPP has always been willing to night generally adopted keep III also directed BC police llc said his department has cation of law fru5lrated by oi the Ontario Provincial lcLIte Stuwan hlcllarrun city pros tuku accused drncrs to hospital bten bit douhllul all along technicality II the effect this public inlormation dcpurtmcnt ccutur lar unmuwr said the for blood test at their request technical omission is to delay said We will comply with the problem was mm the fourth 2nd at their expense llo ted until safeguard and the reason it as hed never heard of anyone rm naming urine test but Inc not to charge motorists who rcluse to take breath last section as it is log The matter will probably gu to were told ulhcrwis the Supreme Court of Canada not included In the presan tzncc has new om ops would oblige again by iak what is good law then It re gaingJOInaw uttlludc Justice Minister John llirncr raid in Ottawa that joint apr lilr Justice Munroe ruled that peril of Mr Craig In proclaiming the amendment be added and then well know griritciblc Imrocs doc ll be th The Nova Scotla attorneygum These kinds of things are in is that 11ch immcd ately by the Gerhart nttnrncyrgen crais deparmlnnt would not toIpretaticns by individuals able to chign container that ing the accust to hospital DRIVER INIURED controllers lob romaincd CitY front to protest the government The number takeover was armed by the Work staying oil the with at mall accumulated sincc Lhc WASHINGTON AP anaime anelS began work CF One MONTREAL has no access to trucks owned by Lapaimc Below the government took cclincd to give out numbers on strikcrs Leaders at the Prolcssional again in the lilontrcal mail dis lilalimcn mail handlers and indl snricrs promised not to do tasks huwcvcr putc Early reports pnccls and 2000000 pieces of iirst and third class mail began alter the Lap almc drivers started their slowdown ThCY were niraid they would loso their labs and seniority whcn the contract was turned over to ll other iaur companies Sporadic violence and vandal ism broke out during the protest and almost so men were ul rested and taken to on nus bar rs lnvo The gave nnIcnt now is iaccd not only protests In tho Lupulmc drivers but nl tram about zoo potential drIvers the new rms as wall as posah hlo lngai action from the four componlus in New York local paint in at his truck was of 67 controllers tract April They were Iclt with excvss trucks and drivers when the agreement was can cciicd The postal department de cldcd earlier this year to put up the mall trucking contract for bids under plan that would split the city into Ive districts Lapalmu dill not Submit bid it nnulrl not match the other companle fed It lake over trucking scrvIcc and su qunntly ot lcrctl to hire 2M til the Lapalmc drivers as civil servants The dri rs trIIncd the alter dUIVII unanimously On Wednesday Postal Workers Wages Rise In Historic Agreement estimated at wcckentl DROP CHARGES Judge George Hart Jr at the US district court then dis missed contempt proceedings IIgainst PATOO Executive smashed The other vehicles attacked had windows broken WI had tints slashed All but mm at this attacks took place In downtown Montreal The other was in suburban Dotvol parking lot em states othcr union leaders Later Federal Aviation Ad ministration spokesman con rmed that three controllers British Troops who had been nrdcren from Tear Gaslilobs Baton Rouge LIL to new posts BELFAST AP British sol IlieIs again scattered mobs at Max033 riutcrs with tear gas and baton alsgal charges early today as they took tougher stops to bring vola tlio Ecllnst under eunuch Squads otaw um vlmnlght sticks and shields broke up on to crowd at about 150 Roman Cath which has olics under ohazo at CSriot gas through and arrested 21 March 25 Three soldiers were slightly The FAA spokesman said let inlurcd as demonstrators pelted teIs ol proposed rcmovol had the military with blazing gnso been sent to Shelby McCurnis line bambo rocks hottles and James Sparks and James llcn other debris son They havo 30 days to re mnn said transportation ofcial boarded the plane In Seoul In as hostage to obtain Iim release arpvrt Friday No other stc wardcsscs and tho flight new remained aboard with tho ninc youlhlul Jupancsu initials who vi the passengers still aboard ordored tho niltrail lawn to ill ernplinta byIcllhlo train orth lcoro Joanna Seoul srnwannnsscs KI more than 100 persons releas Dd by leftist hliackms from Japanese airliner talk with It 5m duo trucking contract on Montreal island The 457 Lupulmc dilVQES have been unemployed since Wednes day when the posial department took over pickup and delivery or mail of the citys 33 postal sub stations PLANS KEPT SECRET The drivers met again Thurs day to map out strategy to pro cat the government takeover but no plans of propusnd tactics proceedings Thu tronslcrs said In what MANN tneunion wero prime spark the current work stoppage curbed air travel the country since common the impression that we want to take in tho sorcailcd lrotsltyitcs or criminals meaning the hi planc and all con lnntlcd in North SEOUL South Korea Reu safety at tho corned if it It was the third straight night and and after that face tho that Sprinslieid Road area Itqu civil service procedures Jgpunfe mg hi nd dIng lino hctwccn entho Sparks Ind my In um lace 95 av cnIo area and Pmumm housing c9 Rouge Thursday my they had swashbuckling students tnnxght North Koreas change at heart Jackcrs were rmme III ITON up The SIM III received me Home rm apparently landed in North capped one at the must tcnso The broadcast suId the North MI III rented bv I6 slwuouom hm Ur Korea aitcr releasing 103 has dramas in aerial history Hours Koreans on not want to becamu pasI0gI 3313mm IICHM In IwIIgrlIIIIII gluylfmsumad manvIlIII or was your and 0mm wuthm Mmkm mvnvm in the cm and mum operations Wednesday but the pulled all other civil service cmlt scommcouo in scal 1971 plnycus and military men up N01 HAPPY III BIIICII ac toteshad erupted in violence wasted no time in the second night In New York or lduIIt oi the 50agtmcmhcr nnhultanBmux Postal Union called tho Washington agrou mcnt complete sellout limited scale of operations dill not play the role of the Japa iittlo to move the huge bucking nest police in doing what Pyongyang said the Japanese that or lit rst Lime authorities should have done dc MM bargaining rmhls or government workers had they been notified they were in the works Mcmrnln had been ordered to El Pasc Tet Sparks to Fort tagc passengers and crow here But North Korea said it could guarantee neither the solely of those aboard nor their immedi rclcascd 99 passengers and tour with them in landmark agrou stcwardcsscs in cxchango tur Yamamura uitcr holding them for all days while rc aad the army using gas ior running in Thursday the gas which induces coughing heaping and Smith Ark and llcnsnn to New vomiting was used as last rc Orleans The FAA spokesman Wm himage sort Bnttodny shells burst in said they failed to report when On board the Japan Air Lines penicdiy threatening to blow the arrest the hijackers due last Monday saying they Boeing 727 were crew or plan up ihcy hold the record as tho Th agreean reached All but one ot the hostages longestheld hostages in nVillllnn rnmr but sllll subjcct In said his men mostly post congttjiunul approval as office clerks still were ItIsislInl sclitdulcti fur iormal prcscntu on cxtru vatzc cunsltlcrnllon bt higher cost of liv history The previous longestvlusting arnv so at the in in the New York area spokesman for Branch 35 of three nine armcIl fanatical slu thc street soon nilcr the times dcnt hijackers and their volun hour buttlo began later returned by air to Fuku Japan III today in the were too sick to travel ttnn Io Cupitu iotm Ilf prusid Dkn in southern untial messages government motJam in the momma icdcrul employeesoi agency reported within 750300 work in the past North Korea told the United MMr to Vic Trans rt wwm hilrllstorwhpro vonmurur Radio Pyongyang accused the hijacking0f Brazilian Japan Japanesu at plot to create cllc to Cubawas 45 hours II IIb UNI wor III dlSEmel mound March tin puct pmv the New Yurk Assacmtlnn of while xojcirNtfrnLlIcclgorcd andpap ides IIpormIt twistcp so lactic Ignrflcishwlhich ItduIIIoIg ior Iusta War era In In an as on Wren kmde Pyanynng firlosilks dmlli this way agreement Is vague concerning me mam Kdcm sixpcrcunt increase for tips additional crgnIpcmunt pay ligamst lndustnal Pollution munNH tIIcm more than 2000000 OUIU Tin Increase vail umily retro rkcrs and active in last Dec 27 for Charge Laid Against Baby Ilhductors illtary services has been laid against persons who IIIImIsIIw COIIIIIIIISSIIIII TORONTO CF The puliu During the dcbuio Rene Bru rctrouotlvu to Dec 27 oiiiccand some 3oDll000 mil mltomo CPIA charge took newborn baby from Kingston hospital so that tho parcnts MK border VIII II III Pm and the child can be legally brought bag $IKE1ISIICEISBI5IJIEI 3mm mm of Emma tlon 0E IonIurIo waterways py ncllc lands and Iotcst minister the safety at tho plane will its MPH WW informed the house that sh Ihur eight per cent ior the 531 913 Spark samples irom southern Luke pas iwurkcls who wrought the tary men rccmunt in the wake or their The most sIngIonnII thing said George Meany president of tutia icgislnturo was told today Social lstcr John ancmku said tho child has not yet been found but the charge was laid in the hope that question at custody can bo cinrillcd in the courts Israel Attacks Missile Bases Israeli warplanes attacked two Egyptian missile bases in tho northern Nilo delta today while Israel and Syria traded warnings oi inturc action along their Golan Heights ccaseiIro line St lawrence Seaway Opens Tomorrow Instever strike last month and collective bargaining rIIzIIIs Is the post olilco department Is organized CHALLENGES DRAFT Exempifsomndeciadeam extending lluron also have revealed mer duro cury concentrations above the 05 parts per million standard set by the World Health Organi zotlon the AFLCIO Iis collective bargainmg procc to government emergency debate in tho lcgisla ture and strong government attack against attending indus tIlcs Thursday Tile debau Vi5 initiated by Liberal Lender Robert Nixon who described mercury pollu tion as matter of urgent pub lie importance Speaker Fred Cass agreed and approved the motion lur debate the iirst in 15 years The government attack on in dustries responsible or the pol occupants because lhe situa tion had changed the North Korean central news agency re ported Wednesday the hardiino Com munist nation told the commis sion It would guarantee the Guatemala Ignores Kidnapper Demand OTTAWA CPLNavigation on the St Lawrence Seaway he tween Montreal and Lake OdntarigI will Iolpfn Saturday taoIscIinoy IcggATElglzugIggjnniggg lutlon came when GeorgoI Kerr nuthcrlt announced Thurs ay ght senway was ave energy and resources mnister opencdyto general navigation April but this was impossiblc crnment in scttouuh mnvo mum mom ucvcsI and re Rom03 AP iIIIIFI Th Wine 9mm IV against kidnappch or dlpla rmcd ms government the =13 odrscnt slant would urge all military men to millS iClUSM 111de ulht l0 policeman Twrsnic unthm 5220 Sta continua to obey ordcts even to g9 the extent as going to Vietnam dIticns The minister said industry is the pollutvr and should accept the reSponsibilily for the cficcts their pollution In the last two wocks sale nl fish from Lake St Clair and Lake Erie has been banned by federal authorities alter tests showcd dangerous lcvcls ol mcrcury poisoning in pickcrcl and perch takun irom tho two because of heavy ion can president 01 the United States to order Massachuscts citizens to light lit undeclared wars such as the Vietnam conict The law which became eiluc tivu immediately requires the stain attorneygeneral to bring state suit in lcdcral courts to argue that no citizen shall he required to servo in lorclgu hos tilities in the absence oi ll c0n until action is talrcn on the Mns sachuscls law He said the casc Would be brought directly to the Supreme Court of the United States be cause the country has original iurisdlctian in cases involving state Quinn said he expccts thu case would not receive attention mm the court however until accede to the demands oi kid nappcts oi the West German ambassador and declared na tional state of emergency In surprise statement the gcvcrnmcnt said it would not meet the demands of the kid nappcrs oi Count Karl van Splcti and release 17 political prisoners presidential decree nnnounccd soon niterwacds sus 0ilicer Accused Oi Protection Game TORONTO CPlAn Ontario Supreme Court jury was told Thursday that two hotclrnen in Tavlstcck out had puhlIcly accused tho villages only policeman oi demanding protection money Record Fatalities On Ontario Roads ll waterways WRONTO cmA rccortl 1683 persons were Ikillctl on Onto pended all cIVIl rights an 110 highways last your nansport Minister lrwm lipskIett IIIIII IlIInndLIId 011th pmvcrto tho mIiI ngtIsIfIioIIIIISSIgfIIIiIIIgIlonRIle3LTH um October 55km nuunccd Thursday The death Iratc pcr 100900000 chIIIgIItrmIIIcs orI IIWS III III III QIIIIIII sum he phIIIIIIII III me Sarge um um Issue Mum rumaincd at 59 tho same as in lasa he soul when to WI Io govoInIncn Isa Bomb 1hrown II III III II 5mm and him was IIIIIIUIII CIIIII II cmch highway statisti in the legislature But tho number or culhs can pllIStliIlccdrs ZiIsIcvaLIIIISIIU IIIC IIIIIItIIy man who IIIIS hem be mndo mm In an um mm 1m mmArmLid Forces Movement To BSY Street ordered to Vietnam war QM oiilllllliirtah 33 Dry FAR which kldIIuppcd Sprcti Tuesday already had been scat cnccli and release order from the national executive would vi iniurics and latulitics was up Back Music Festival Cancelled ready has becn approached by an individual who asked rulic trcm military order to Vici nam duly spokesman Ior attempt by Massachusetts to in tcrposc itscli bewccn citizens of the state and the federal gov NEW YORK AP 1ch bomb was tossed into busy Bronx slrcct today by motor ist police said Another bomb LONDON on or Chances that rock music festival titwest of London tiled oiutu the constItutlou 35ng iiirilmlkrghciolglnonung bitterly ugeIIIns rIIcICIzovorInIymIonI Inns it IIIIII yggkmd mm qIIIIInns IIIIIIooI lntor IIIIfhnIInoSI crnTvent II III II II th Townsiil mu passib logo oaccodo tot to opp can as oarc no ng mph mam MGy tivnl In tho demand as II mumch Io golazilglggggvgndgmg gIanIcn In or IItchIonIIII Zul llrivu amountIa at his but mwm BAltTLEY Speaker hIIlIsIlIIIIst IIllglishm amp Cr 11 rm I1 Ct to ICC pttl QC ch II mm mm um um mm stitutlonalurights at our citllt WWWW 11 nerIhuIndeclarcd war mp 00 in to my ea com prcslchIt oi Iv in Toronto the rclcaso at his cxccllcucy the ambassador palacc state mcnt said RPIIIIL tof expose the kind at pcIIIyIplII mower ill llcplo living in Icpmnc inter go to Vlotnorn Karma Productions Ltd said in to ordrrs to man mammal won at April 16 zens Quinn said lljpresentnllvos altar signing math Strcct neat Brook Avonuo