Lee Bailey PATCOs exco EXAMINER TELEPHON Marion Ioth Your No 77 new mum ed Adventan 1232414 All 063 Daoamacnu mean ES Barrie Ontario Canada Thundsy April 1970 Plan Retaliation Acts MONTREAL More than 400 mail trucknrivors put out at work by the government takeover of postal deliveries triooped out retaliation strategy Wednesday while mi at 35 noted trucks momd the mail The Cuntedcralion or National Trade Unions representing the drivers mloycd unLil Vcdnes day by Lapnlrne loc did not reveal the tactics lt plans to use in its dispute with the fcclcral government Meanwhile postal official said 275 persons had applied or the available jobs of mail truck drivers but none of thcsc were Lilpzllme men In it meeting Many night the 457 Inpnlme drivers unani mously rejected government of lcrs or employment with the post office They objected to proposals that would guarantee obs or only ms at them and those who did accept the open ings would suitor 25ccntnn hour pay cut lost their senior ity and their alllliatiori will the CNN The mail dispute begun can lie this year when Lupulme do cldtd not to renew its exclusive contract with the government US Air Trafc Crippled lis Unioni Govt Disagree WASIIINGNN AP Air traiiic remained crippledtoday as union and government oili clals disagreed whether air con trollers were returning in signif icant numbers to their control tower and radar looses hawaprmylnmlllllrin the Midwest added to air travel woes caused by the sick leave campaign at tho Prolcsslonal Air lrrilllc Controllers Organl zallon otlvo director was called in court today to explain why he should not be cited tol contempt of court concerning the walkout that started March 25 Wednesday hearing who post poiled PATCO members remained oil the lab in large numbers and the union said Wednesday its men would not return until ne gotiations were arranged to in clude third party An unsigned statement issued by PATCO said It has become apparent in the last 24 hours that the membership of this orlt ganlzallon is not returnan to work Bailey said mestluy they should work unless ac tually ill However the Federal Avia tion Administration issued statement Wednesday night soy ing poll of its regional oltices said 378 controllers who pre viously reported sick intended to return to work The PATCO statement Indi culcd hopes tor it quick settle men were slim since tho gov ernment has said it will not no gullnte until the men return The FAA said at the 1739 con trollers scheduled to work Wednesdays day shlit 456 called in sick down train 510 the previous day Bolero the snow stopped oper ations at Chicago the absence or the air controllers was cauli ing flight delays up to two hours there In the New Yurk urcn twohour delays were reported at Newark Airport up to lln hour at minutes on west hound tionnl and 15 hours at La Guar din Airline industry sources sug grated further light curtail ments may be in the oltlng TWA and American already are dew so per cent Lind united cancelled It per cent of its think well begin to sco more cancellation ights and consolidation of ights so its not to the system spokesman lot the Air Irons part Association said The FAA also said military BCUVIW was drastically eur tallcd ulrcralt though Lying mostly from their own tlclds rely as do the oom mcrcltil airliners on guidance lrorn the FAAs Ill regional con trol centres to guide high nltl tudo ights between terminals Casualty Bate Is High SAIGON CF The alien 5ch by the North Vietnamese and Viol Coal oontinucdmt high level today In South Viet nam senillng US casualties to ward high torthe year In one battle casualties suI lcrcd by the Americans were the heaviest in two years Eighteen mora Americans were reported killed and 188 were wounded in more than hallndozon battles and 65 rocket and mortar not licks today Nico its many rocket and mortar attacks had been re portid in the previous 24 hours tho largest number in eight months Butliullcld eommunlqucs rc ported 61 Americans tor South Vietnamese and 552 North Viot namese and Viet Cong troops killed in the last 48 hours The American dead Included abrig nditrrltvnnrtll the ilith US gen and killed in the Vietnam war US spokesman announced the death in action at Brigham William Bond commander ot the 199th Light lntantry Bri ights from Kennedy Internir BELFAST Tile worst rlullllg in live month mtkul Ballast early today itprivutlluu WW livmsquarcndlo arch of tilt Northern Irolonit capital and leaving 10000 families Under viilqu martial ltlw British troops uiicti tear gas to Kilnll mobs tor the first time slllco the grave days of last Oc tilllrr Iililitls throw up intikcshllt Jiirllllu across six slrcots as 1000 soldiers fought to blinll mobs or more than two ltonnln Catholic and Protestants under control lillllvllirllil reports stiltl Hill iiilh vcic wuullilutlllvu we tilflvll in hospitaltil blunhilitl nitlllx Ill llnnilnll gtlsollllil ll glide Belfast llit Hard By Street Fights tinnitus bullies locks bricks and other debris Thom was no lmnlctilnlo csli inalo ot civilian casualties man the tux oillciulllcy Illst nid control hurriedly urunnltul but lulu youth was soon tritiumll llillll llI his own ltnnlh liiu liullnu rillrul olltly tur slx ilullrs At its llvlltltl llll alwrl iiilili hill must all arch lit manic nillix and 10000 Itllilllill spun llll nirllll llltiir lrlilnl innrlllll lit us Mlltlltl scaled nil lllll oll lilo hltll llin tlolthio sluvtvd Ililli Vltlllil pl lvtnslrr parades lllli tl Illnlml lr tlllllhultu In nun rillllllll nlnl lluw uliirr limits because it could not match the low competitive bids oI tour other companies that bid or the contract CITY CUT IN FIVE The post oiiicc department had decided this year part oi its austerity program to put thc mail contract up for bids under plan that would split the city into live districts Drivers cared loss of Job and seniority when the other companies were scheduled to take over mail pickup and deliv ery Wednesday slowdowns toi lowcd and later mushroomcd Into sporadic violence and Van dalism On Marvell its the tcdcrnl goo crnmcnt appointed hbor lawyer Curl Goldcnberg to investi gate rind in report 10 day later he recommended this post otllco take over mail pickup and delivery on Montreal Island Despite cancellation of the pulme contract the companys drivers reported or work Wednesday morning but were turned away Raymond Parent secretnilJ general of the CNIU latcr low tho men at muting thu we may be tilting very long bat tie for human dignl He told the mac it com mon mat had been tanned with the Montreal locals oi the better Carriers Union the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and the Quebec Federation of Labor to protest the government take over Mailmcn mail handlers and surtcrs promised not to do tasks previously performed by In palnle drivers he sold Union oIIltlill Frank Di Ter lizzl said more than $700 bud been sent by other unions to aid the unemployed Impalmc driv USCANADA PROBE ERIES POllUll Jobless Mail Truckers NEON ICP crash program to dutcrmrn the Irsds of mercury ContAminaiion at Canadian lake Fish continued today as Ontario government pollution experts prepared to 039cm the problem with om dais in Ottawa and Washington Annanan this wch ll federal ban on export sales some fish from Lake Erie be cause of mercury wntamlnn tion blamed for the recent deaths oi 43 persons in Japan caused shockwnvcs in bold Can udu and the United States Although analysis has not yet proven the Canadian Iiin in be unsan for human consumption the threat to Lake Erics Simonewoul fishing indus try caused dismay among lish crmcn procc ors and opera tors or sport tlshin resorts The Miami sheries dtpnrt mcnt is eonnscotlng and holding all llsh taken irorn Lake Erie and the question compensa tion to Ilshcrmcn was tobo dis cussed at the meeting in ct town Ollicials of the Ontario Water Resources Commission were meeting in Washington with members or the United States Water Pollution Control Com mission to exchange inlomla tlon and po ly take action to control me ury contamination ram the 75 side of the Great Lakes warmer Wanting nbu lotion in waterway Ihcrlcs dcvnrtmcnt chvwwgwthvwml British enamel um ma last Novanbcr Ag But the scrimhnm or roof problem did not limitation ally apparent until Ottawa last wccir banned emort sales or perch and pidicrel from Lake St Clalruconnccttd to Lake Erie and talks Iluron by thcDe trot and St Clair Rivers George Kerr Ontarios minim tcr of energy and resources told the legislature Wednesday that government olilcials were tokm by surprise by the mcrj cury poisoan of sh because there was no klIOWlEdllEDfill cumulative ellixts of thoheavy metal as late as last year He said biological report made to the OWRC in may lose allva the presence at concentrations or morally in it was not known at tho time that mercury content in mud would often tisb lilo Ila lndicnted that knowledge still is so scanty that sdcnutlc estimates of safe level or mer cury contamination range tram 05 parts per mllllari by the World Health Organizath to porn by Cunadia health author tles and ppm by Ontario sci Wlliil it Tcsts carried out lust year by University or Western Ontario Znolnglst Dr Narvulrl FILmIeitO and conllrmcd this week by Wu cl vi ppm In pirkcrr cutlid in Lake St Clair Tith Saskotdlmvan Manitoba and GUATEMALA CITY Rem tors Tile Guatemalan cahl not was culled into emergency session today to discuss secret demands made by tho kidnap pers of West German Ambassa dor Count Karl van Spreti era but they could not cxpcct much more linnnclal support louvre ltaczanowrkl Is one at several turmcr Embryo club luclllilulll who attended last nights inuultilu ill the citizens rullllnlllvc for youth drill in minim ill lliltlit ills group EMBRYO MEETS COMMITTEE Unottlelnl sources sold the ob ductors are demanding the re has been octlvo lor tho past In montht ln supporllng tho ruled luv DLlIIitIiltlll contra Sou story and picture on page ll Examiner Iliolo continue on Lake Erie tlsll Guatemalan Cabinet Session Discuss Kidnappers Demand lease at It politieul prisoners in exchange or the ailing dlplllmut and that they have selected the papal nuncio Msgr GLrolumo Priulune to act as their media tor West German embassy om clnls today shill they were con vinced the leltrwing kidnappers have purchased the heart pills the ambassador needs to keep alive The count who had heart attack five years are needs Spring thaw was well unch way 43 hours ago giving Joan ne Smith llLItl OI Vancouver Street and Brenda Masters oi SIOUL South Korea Roll ter lliu dlmnimicldlll juclttrs nt Jnrmntsu let grounded hcrc olitrtli today to raise hnnu Int hos pus scngc lapanc tcr and ti Sutlalist member oi lllc DietJapanese legislature4h uracil to accompany them to Nnrlh Keith lllc hiinouurs olltr our the tirsl incl in an rnzunlzull stalemate lhnt has kept the Japan Air Lines Boeing 727 ptuundeil at Kinpo airport here lol last three Airport siiurc said the rip daily dosl oi pills in nvuid the possibility of lllluillul seizure 425000 parent lltuulttllriluult occurred Truckers Haggle Over Pay WASHINGTON AP Trucking and union negotiators hagglcd ovcr billions of dollars in wngcs today while many of tho 425000 Teamsters lnvulvud in the national labor talks cou tinucd striking in dozens ol cit ies Ilitre lito indications or good progress said source in the negotiations that through Wednesday night and Into the curly morning beiore rccesslllg in the second day or the biggest trucking strike in us history while tho bulk of Teamsters drivers remained on the lab chief industry negotiator Ray Bellqu sold the walkout were massive ills Trucking Employers lilo group representing some 12000 tilms pledged however not to call nationwide luekuut Ill rc tuliailnn us it did three yours ago The industry pledge cased pressure on President Nixon in dealing with the latest labor crl sis by avertingat lcnst ior now atotul trucking shutdown GAP WIDE Industry sources said the dil Iorcncc between Teamsters tic lnalitls and industry uiicrs or threeyear contract totalled some $3000000000 In Kansas City 11 Teamsters Iocill oliiclnl said he was in formed an agreement had been reached to make any contract ultimately signed retroactive to the expiration date of the old pacMndnhzht Tuesday night Kansas City drivers were to turning to work on the llusls or this agreement the OIiitllll said llowcvcr strikes or varying lnqtznltutle ere re urtcd early today iii sevrrul cities but tiltre were no wnlltuuts in such major centres as New York Chicago Philadelphia and New Orleans At this point there will be no precipitate action on the part oi the ctnpluyors said Trucking Employers in its promise not to stage It ku Doctors Fight To liid Injured CASABLANCA Ilrlliulsl Doctors taught desperately today to aim the lives of suvurnl oi the survi vors while the government launched tin inquiry into the airliner wiilch killed or persons The Royal Air Marne jot bound or Paris Lind carrying many returning Euslcr vncn tloncrs from the resort of Agnlt lllr cruShcd in ii wheat llolll 25 milcs south of Cnstlblttncii Jliill bolero it was to land at Cusu biuncnNouusscut airport The plane was carrying 70 prismtr gets and crew or six Most of those killed vtru French and Moruceans but one or the victims mus Mercedes Goodyear of Sun hriinclsco Ll representative in Agadlr ol the British Save the Children Fund The government ordered an lnqull into the crush and sent the popes lllllht recorder or blaclr box to Paris for exami nntlnll tIIILI withercs Sllld the pltllic suddenly til tilt mound Iron Iltllll tit SUD lect if Champs harm Examiner Menu mm Vliilrade Page Say Plane Hijackers SEE PAGE TEN WEATHER man today degrees In 9mm It 23 erS Farmst highiatFdulsliseCPLL Bowman Avenue chance to truck some ice on the buy Today tho urea L1 rL frozen unor storm swung north through Sinicoe Counw lm on the county by noon Ex aminer Photnl angers winn Japan vicetransport lilillisici Slimljilll Yumamuru ist till pleaded In radio exchange with lite hijackers to talk with them tour to loco Yllmamnru said spokesman or LllL hijackers accepted the olltr ii the minister could estab lish his idcnlity to their salislue lion The spokesman fur the blind ill lullWilli student hijackers urlllttl vilh stimulal swords knivus and home made bombs also said two members of Uio Ilicl whom he llilmcd as Social tuned to fly to Seoul but Social puny headquarters said lllurllluku would not go to the South Korean capital because he had linen nanltd only as possible substitute or ltbc Earlier today the hijackers started to show slgns of compro mising Altcr rupuuicdly Insist lng that all the passengers and crew on board must go with hum to Pyongyang they began to dcmnnd guarantees for their own SLIIL conduct it they let tn passengers disembark ist Sukiya the anti llluriyoshl Allhuuch the riudcnts suu nlorinnku would be suitable uran the lot With Swords guarantors lol the ministers knives and homemade bumps identity Japanese Ailtbzissndor Mashldc Kilnaynnlu told new confer encc think persuasion is begin ning to work Thcy arc bc xinninlc to risk Can we really MINISTER VOLUNTEERS we let passengers the said in Tokyo he was nrc gu Suurcs said the spokesman nlsn lmed Am in the deputy viiu slluultl be itbuiird tilt light to Pyongyang CAPSULE NEWS Young Girl Dies litter Eating Snails QUEBEC CP Warnings against ctitinl St Lawrence River SiltllIISh have been issued by provincial authorities following the death of 12ycarold girl who ate snails slu gathered on Gaspc Yunlnsula beach An autopsy indicated Vcdn day that Joanne Vullcc 12 died of poisoning nltur catinu snu he found near Cup Chat 270 miles northeast til Quebec City Former Orillian Heads Swim Program TORONTO lCIl The Ollitllio department education has nnnllunccd tllo lippiliulnluni ill llulnlltun Oiyni lc swimmer Dun Sherry 21 as enordlllntvr oi the cumpetilluli illtiliilig program ellcrod by tho dopllrtrl youth and rccrt lun branch The swlmnlcr is farmer rcsidolll tit Orillln Sher computh in tho 19M Olympic Games in Tokyo the 1562 and 1065 Ilrltlsh Empire Games and the 1963 IuihAnltiictin illlllts Goalkeeper Freed OI Murder Charge STOCKHOth iRLiliclttl Stockholm police said today no no Unit will be taken on public complaint lllut Czechoslovak coul kccpcr Vladimir Dthliln had tried to muldcr Swetilsii lullm cn tilln Ult Sterner in palnc in the world hockey championship here lust week The complainant who onllrd tor charge or at tcnlptcd murder claimed that Dzurllu had ltlbbud his stick sov orlil times at SterlIirs llend its the Swede lay mine behind the cage Baby Taken Irom Kingston Hospital KINGSTON iCP twodayoldboy reported to be in scr ious condition Mill in blood disease was forcibly taken lrom King ston Gcncrul Hospital by ll group at persons who dcsccndctt on the hospital in curlymorning darkness The child hild been ad lnlttrd Wednesday nilth nitcr bolnl ninth ll ward ot the Child rens Aid Society and was to hilvu undergone massive blood trunstusion Nor Morn Tiln lo Pchopy 16 Pop in mm Sta 7lncbcs elm