PUBLIC llBRARY MAR 1970 THER wllurrics Saturday uni runners in mmpuuore mum is degrees high Salim 33 degrees Sec BARRl ONTARIO EXAMlNER TELEPHONES N0 Mn Tim 0W Ps No New Taxes Levied By Finance Minister lie said the government will keep close watch on economic conditions and especially the success oi the light against in nation Possibly lcgtslutinn will be Cold Effort lie appealed for inhnr support in the governments drive to re strain price increases but latr cast there will be higher unem ploymcnt in ltml and tough labor contract negotiations be OTTAWA lCPt Ncw con trol will soon be clamped on rising consumer credit but no new Nier will be levied under the micro governments ism71 budget on budge gmt the nance liinislcr Edgar Brn cause company prnflts are drop nccdcd in the autumn he sold only mild and may cost them sun in what he called sland ping He suggested more will be lit said the gnvurnmnt will pat budget told the Commons smiles some at them pro continue it support of mu their jobs the Common oppnli tiou sold in reaction to Finance Minister Edgar Bunons budget Speech Thursday right price and incomes commission which has bccn attempting to gain support for program longed Opposition Leader Robert Stimlicld culled Lilo budget in Thursday that controls ncc cssory to help hold down innu tioii col so Io ii 0d it til its llbood ctlort IL irsL lllni lnIx ing Vcotlblo cd cllort at vountory rcsroin rom usi uld Robert Sttntieid tnu Om there were no utx or wrlll riito moose unemployment and nut nan nod labor servnitvo lender adding that chtngcs But he continued and give any relle to the poor We must give it uchancn to miter unemployment is revised two existing mciisurcs Max SalLsmnn tNDPWntcr take oiled he said We must win result of msumcr mdit He ordered continuation ol loo said then an antilabor nlso give argoaizcd lithe limit to decide who tor and ow on new bias through Lhe budget Dudl RDBEIT STANF IELD comfy DNDOSfd in Mr Ben tough tax treatment 353 omme rcial building in tistc mootr Rent Cuouctto pro should join in some sort ol WWW mvlixnd major Ontario Alberta and Bri dictcd mor unemployment and agreed program to moderate glhellstmnpcwgtclg =3 tish Columbia centres business iailurts thg ressure costs no And he proposed threeyear Mr Bunsen forecast surplus prices Wiggagfgmmmggr extension at tux concessions to ol mammoth lot the liscal ycur rovch mm Edgar Common at Ottawa may since 1913 there were no tux was an me my mmugh the industry or illlStLIlling Winter polli starting Aprllll lit1 scoogd czm lution contro cquipmun on secuch urp us cs mun 3mm lien in reconmauled nlgltt alter delivering his bud rate changes Announced in the mm extended the same tovors to revenue at $13l50000t00 and sailors by Prim minister Trudeau as wet speeds F0 the rst time hudzet 0P Wireiwtct but of tax or toriil at momma Change hr um at me since WAWA 0P who projects to control air pollution cx meslggk sh ye PRICE INCREASES SLOW Benson said there are ha 1913 loll comment sparse Mr tivcdntc lbLl ha Stimeld olflce said it new that ends Mnrcll 31 he said rov m5 tom the House at Mr glimmering ol evidence that announced Thursday night cnuc should be 5122700000th ool schedul od kc rrellco or Ind lint mm be cancelled because on mo me or or is and milswoo the luck or substance to tire at no longer nslng but he sold surplus at ussmom in his There were are usuni jokes no rm that the hard fact is that both budget lomcnst last June he esr wru WAR RESULT weeks prices and costs nod wngos and ute the surplus at WW salaries in particular are still $250000000 look at what happened in Itll sold one ME suggostinlz the 191 Mnrclt 13Fnst writeoil ol water pollution control Mr Benson hillth at mother unacceptable budget in the all rising at quite rates Eight West Indians lawlul use at the Sir George Williams University computer centre last year ioo conviction carries max imum untenco of live years sentencing date will be fixed by Mr Justice Kenneth Muckny of Court or Queens Bench when th lut at ve conspiracy workers Molnar Postmaster Denies System Degenerated OTTAWA GP mm Canadas postal sywu oilheworssinoehe service lliechurge was made by Hme puma homo Muir PCLisgatr who told mumttoodmt helm mm or lm mlonger to reach Woman they did five years 88 Wm Posh1mm General Eric Kterana denied wintry to destroy two WIS worth $1000000 and conspiracy to commit arson The live counts stem tram student disorder that ended in vloleoco and destruction during twoweek stein at Sir Georgo early to toes The jury continued doliberu NEWS has degenerated from one of mi cabinet the Commiti5 transport and run his constituency take club Both charges curry maxi mum sentence of five years in prison DELIBERATED 20 HOURS The juryshort one moo who was relieved because of illness was locked up Monday night Up to Thursday night they had deliberated total of more than 20 hours Convicted Thursday were Ian Belgrove and his wile Valerie Edmund Michael 24 Hugo Ford 25 Jose Amoroso 25 Kat vin Robinson 30 Glenda Edlt wards and Robert Ranjit singh 25 Robert Williams ll and Ken neth Williams 25 were acquitt bed of the interference conspir acy count Robert William was singled out by Mr Justice Muclwy in his closing remarks to the jury as the one accused against whom the prosecution brought the least evidence Hls name came up only once in the trial that began Jan 19 police constable identified him one of group of per son he had arrested when the twoweek nitrln ended Feb 11 1939 3500000 Quebiecersv To Get Early Vote QUEBEC 0P Premier JennJacques Bertrand Thurs day called surprise general e1 ection for Wednesday April 29 Inytng it would be partially aqulvulent to orererendum on Quebecs constitutional status He told iiews conference that more than 3500000 allgiblo voters in Quebec will have some chance to show how they feel about federalism and separa tism by the party they favor June and October had been touted its the most likely months tor an election but Pre mier Bertrand said hls Union seeking presenting the 190071 budget scheduled for next week wanted it vote as soon as possible for clear and unequivocal mandate to ensure Nuuonole government mloctlon without climate of otubllity and seen ty Five parties running rhoase candidates in Quebec ion rldirtgs dissolved Tnurodoy were Unto Pendent vacant the gamut from prorfcdernllst LihA ml to the separatist Parti Quobccols have until April to Standings tn the Quebec lllld liouol assembly before it wlls Nuttomtlo 55 liberals indor in the lust provincial Kcmlnl election June scum Qucbcccrs elected 56 Union Nation ale members 50 Liberal and two independents VOTE WELCOMED Both Robert Bourassa recent lyelected Littoral leader and Rene Levesque whose Pnrlt first election luck of budget looderless Quebec wing Cuauettes Creditistes their lirst foray clot scene alter electing tederot Natlonale is strong Alter luiling cundidate to federal election or not econo tioiial problems the election as tintlute is in poor economic situllttnn Tho mom was Quebecots will be lighting its welcomed the vote announcement but criticized the other parties expected to field full slate of candidates oro the of Real looking into the provin successfully tles in the same areas where the Union and the New Democratic Party making try at the provincial lovol to elect asinglo Quebec in the last whether they are made issues mic and constitu wlll loom over the Union Nor the midst of juris dlctionlll squabbles with the led erotr government and tho Liber olg Purtt Quoboculs and cradl tlstes have all stressed Quebecs Union Nuttonulu gavelll to present its budget March is but Mr present budget Mr Lovesque said Withon the verge at bankruptcy prll rants TABLE SPENDING spending plan March est expenditures but no tax growth rate in revenues adopted and Mr party somewhere between tion the guess educational conference Niger West Africa tho site 01 Quebec claims as its To Bourotisa said theynow are afraid to budget this government all olng to live it last month 1970 on special war The government can cover its financial obligations by orders immunell Fin one Minister Marlo Beatlieu tabled 197071 muting lthpercerit increase in creaso because at llivturpl Ttie Union Rationale ho QuebecFirst slogan Bertrand placed $3 Liberal and the Pnrtl Quebe cols on the constitutional queu Iu recent months the Quebec government has squabbled with lcdoral government over representation at Frenchlam new airport lorMoiitrcnl nod sum of szoooooooo in social de velopment tilx collecth by the federal which budget is Possibility there is in sharp drop it the cost of liv ing Alcan Housing Unveils Plans TOEONKJ CF Alcun Housing Ltd subsidiary oi Aluminium 00 of Canada Ltd Thursday unveiled program at prefahr outed housllt units which will enable employers in isolated arena to provldo accom modlitlon for entire families Neely president of Alcoa Housing sold certain large companies are working in rogloils lot from urban centres and are enlarging installations they already own They no longer need to be preoccupied with the problem of housing personnel Besides selling the onestorey units wbloh are manufactured in Woodstock Ont Alcuii will make arrangements for taunda tions delivery and installation of the houses and furnishing of the intacttors Moro than 1000 Quebec and poses on new commercial buildings in Ontario Al berth and British Columbia extended to cover costs ill curred bolero January 1972 Pollution Fight Aided By Benson OTTAWA tCPJ The iuderlll government added ll weapon to the escalating war on pollution Thursday night by an nouncing greater encourage ment to industry to keep the ulr and water clean Finance Minister Benson said in his budget speech that tax writealts will be permitted on Militias designed to combat air pollution and that program of writeoffs on water pollution dc vices will be extended another three yours Since 1965 companies have been able to write all in as short period as two yours Orilario families are already liv ing in similar units in PW JEAN Jacques Bertrand tolls new contor enco in Quebec Thursday provinclol general election in set or April 29 it will be the first test or Union National through at supercent deprecilr tan rotethe cost of facilities louder Bertrand Liberal lead er Robert Boumsso and Pant Quobocols Reno Lovcsquo no leaders of their respectch your tlcs Min or Labor und Mun wower Maurlco Bollcmlim tha the men budget might herald another 55 named MONTREAL c9 showing charges against tho it Negroes lion today on the Sinai two world war if in 173 End dam of physical main In nlllt are disposed 01 charges conspiracy to interloru Credttisto Lender Real TV 33 whit jury ruinrm convicted Alu Thursday the it male with the inwtul use at the uni Cnouottzlxpwdlctcd murmuru gab gmmailwi or alnt ofvioswm mono All can jumrs itqu the defendant versitys faculty lounge and com men and mm mu5 rpirndy Winterlm with the 4411 Trinidad natives4o con spirnoy to destroy the ioouity same 51 11mm fgfzs3 re an ayments OllAWA cr The govumv mcllt pluus to pull in the ruins on consumer credit by insisting on minimum down payments dcsignvd to reduce or eliminate pollution of water bodies by iii duslrial waste refuse or so wage These special provisions til the Income Tux Act were due to expire Dec 11 mo but now Are extended to the end at 1973 In addition they will also apply to duviccs combntting air pollu tton ruvidrll they go beyond it certam degree of effectiveness Illr Benson said that the need to minimize smoke and fumes has usually been taken for granted and regarded by indus try as in normal cost of produb Lion At the same time other measures are taken partly to improve elttciency or to pro duce byproducts and restricted repayment pc riods in an nltmmt to limit coll sumcr spending in on ination ary period Finance Mtnistcr Edgar Benson announced in his budget speech Thursday night that legislation will bu intro ducad to clamp controls on credit purchases over $100 They will be the first such con trols in iii years He tlnid the legislation to be introduced in six to eight weeks will provide for down payments 20 per cent onpurchuscs over $100 The balance would have to be paid all in 24 months except in the cusp of cars whichcould he purchased over so months CONTROLS TEMPORARY Mr Benson Said the controls will be temporary measure intended in the national interest to safeguard the integrity 01 our currency The legislation to be drafted llltcr consultation with credit grunting institutions is ex posted to reduce consumer cx pcnditurcs by less than one per cent or between $300000000 and $40000001 it year said the minister There would be from the controls There would be no effect on budget accounts whore monthly paymelim would retire the debt within year But beyond this period the marcent down payment regulation would apply along with the maximum twoyear repayment period exemptions Charge accounts where pay mcnt is due in 60 days would not be aflcctcd The restrictions would not nppiy to cxisting loans or purchase arrangements already made vci6 33 on budget Dont Like Credit Cards OTTAWA CP Finance Minister Edgur Benson tuld rc porters Thursdaymlght 11c hopcs his new budget will stop these damn people who send out unso licited credit cards You can quail rnc he added at news conference lol lowing his budget speech in tho Commons He sold the governments plan to restrict consumer credit is the main thrust of his budget which he described being ntllerwisc standpnt one dont like credit cards he said They encourage people to charge things on till or 90 days when thuy should think twice He sold the chartered bunks which are under direct federal government surveillance have not been the moth culprits rcr contly in sending out unsolicited credit cards PLACES BLAME They pro the oil companies the department stores Lindcw oryhody else Ive been getting these curds loo find my credit isnt very good Mr Benson said all company credit wont come under the governments plunnctl controls which on to apply to purchases of $100 or mort all timopoynicnt plans extending more than months But credit controls in princi ple should help limit overspend mg Emminous rou BOOKS venue Minn of blinds and Forest Claude Gossellti tell and other members of tho cnlr There Would he exemptions for howls goods used in ll pcr sons occupation its well its on items other than cars sold by individuals building materials home improvements healing fuels and cars for most husi ncss purposes There would be no restrictions on toting tor buslness purposes including farming and fishing student loans or mortgugc loans including hotrte improve mcnl require the 20pcrocni payment used as purchase such as formers fishermen prospectors pars could Reouxl agreements that ill elude an option to purchase will down This is accessory to prevent it rental from being ll guise for instalment Persons on variable incomes hunters and trap vary lnsmlmcrit pay Mr Benson was asked why ho did not impose credit control to take immediate clicct in his budget speech he promised lei lslotlun in Six or eight weeks to take effect later Consumci credit controls he said are the same as tax rolorm We intend to do it but we believe we should discuss the method of doing it Willi the people directed titst HERES ONE The nickel nursing couple took their lnlnnt son to movie The usher warned them unch the baby rcmnlned quickhtho management would refund tho money And ask them to leave Near tho end at the featurc the husband nudged his wile and whispered What do you think of it ferriblo she replied that And supporters attended the news conlcmnce upnyrncnt period is observed manta provided the maximum Check he agreed Pinch the baby