Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1970, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES Won Advertising 718th All Othe Dcoarcacnn mean 13de lawmdcmes tonighLA gtomaslor Forlncrv tututerus Elm titanic Examincr lodth an No 54 US BRILBOIIDS Barrio Orthrio Canada Thursday March I970 Strike Delayed By Congress leaders have postponcd na tionwide rail strike under ll 37 day delay ordcrcd by Congress that got the congressmen out of politically tough spot but sal isllcd no one else including President Nixon Ridiculous said Edward Carlough prcsldcnl of the Sheet Metal Workers whose union has WASHINGTON lAPl Un blocked voluntary settlement at thedispute over wages and job jurisdiction catastrophe said William Winplsingcr chief negotiator for four AFLCIO unions whose 45000 maintenance and rcpalr workers already have waited 15 months for pay lncrEME The union leaders said they would order the workers tn aha the law but feared wildcat Walk outs The bill preserves the man qua for 37 days but does not re sclvc the undErlying dispute Ronald Ziegler White Hons press secrctary sald in behalf of President Nixon who had wanted Congress to order sot tlement now Members of Congress many them dependent on labor sup port refused to act that quickly on Nixons politically touchy proposal to dictate labor set tlumcnt in only the second tlmp In US peacetime history But Ziegler said Nixon slated the delaylng hill to protect the public from crippling rail shutdown at least for now while further efforts are made to reach voluntary settlement The dclnylng bill was rushed through Congress in less than to hours Wednesday and signed by Nixon just three hours before the limit mm strike dcutl line The Senate Vote was to and the House of Representa tives vote 343 to 15 By contrast hc legislation sent to the Cangms by the Pruidcnt fucsday afternoon would have settled the matter In accordance with the desires of the majority of the workers In volved us well as the carriers Ziegler said Ntxons hill would have imlt posed as final is tentative agree ment accepted earlier by mn chinists electricians untl MIICD maknrs unions but rcicctcd by the shcct metal workers out of fear they would lose jobs to the lurgcr unions Tho settlement would include ellcent beast in current $360 hourly wages Including sovch hundred dollars man In back pay for was and the controver sial proposal pcrmltting mum ber of all Iour unions tn cross each other job jurisdiction lines to do limited amount Work The unions traditionally hnvn jealousl guardcd thclr job ju risdictions but only the shoot mctnf workels cured the pro posal would hurt them The dil faring positions havu severely strained relations among the un ions The mandatory settlement proposed by Nixon would last only through this year mum NofMorchun 10c PrCnpy 16 Pig IRUDEAU REFUSES BE BULLI HEY THATS WET Rwasadlahmwm ofnmunnopsBalrrleama resident yoserday as lec oaused minor floods In clan ma Dobson of RR Imnmanaxetuebestsnfuoibn bo claiming grating anci tho daylong rain Inc Photo daccedmetinssaadmln Conununioation Weakness Is In TV States McPhclil OTTAWA OP Canada must declde urgently whether to pour funds Into development of distinctive communications system In the coming decade or sce tho countrys sovereignty submerged the special Senate committee on mass media was told today Prof Thomas McPhuIt c0 chalrman of the communication arts department of Loyola C01 ege Montreal said the major weakness In communicating Ca nadian content is In television In submission wrlttcn In advance of committee appear ance today Prof McPhuIl sald Canada can flght and win but tles against Inflation poverty and pollution In tho mos but the war Is over dlstlnct Cana dian communications Identity Refcrrlng to the quality 01 Cu nudIan content In informntlon systems Prat McPhnIl sold do mostlc press radionnd IIlm are adequate or competltlvm with foreign counterparts However while CBC and prl vute TV statlons and cables have good machinery tho mu telIal that they carry of Cann diun orlgin ls patheticcom pared to what It must bo if we are to survive the Amcrlcun challenge It Canada to rclluln dIS tinct nation thcli priority must go to an expensive program to develop programs that Canadi ans will watch because they are better than Imported foreign programs he said Prof McPhaII alsosald It is dlfflcult for the mass media to reflect typical putternsrof bo havlor In society because they are cconomlcnlly and socially consrvative Worklng Journalists may be antiintellectual in the sense that they feel need to defend Native Chiefs Welcome Queen SUVA Fljl Reuters Na tlvn chiefs In leaf skirts gmeted Queen Elizabeth when she came ashorcto trndltiqnal Fijian wclcomo today At the wharf the royal party was met by Chief Minister Batu SIrKumlscso Mara an Oxford educatcd duet who sunk to hIs knees and clapped hls hands In the Film gesturout obelsuncc Later the Queen uccnmpa ilch by Prlnco Phllip and him cuss Anno watched 80 pulntcd warrlurs perform it spear dunco In the bright sunshlno themselves reporter should be equipped with at least uni versity BA he said Media owners editors and journalists full to use the meth ods of behavioral science In an alysing thclr own actlvitlcs and misconceptions re Prof McPhaIl suggested lOllLON Franco Reuters The 57 men lost aboard the submarine Eurydlco whlch exploded and sank In the Mediterranean cs wouldhuvc died wlthln few lsccondS French admiral sald today The Eurydice dlsuppcurod In calm seas off the fashionable resort of St nopcz It was Ptfnces worst submarlnc dIs as er Admiral Paul Gucrard com mnnder of the French submap lne force told reporters that If ulu Eurydlcos hull re breached the pressure of er PM ExpectsSkome Changes In Bensons White Paper NEON CP Prime Minister nudezm saltl Wednes day nlgbt the government wants the views of the pcoplemn tax worm but will not be bullled or bluckmalled by critia who gt after no practical suggestions or changes wlhlch God knows affects us al Let us avoid the situation where the only choice Is be tween those who are ngnlnst any reform and those who would support every paragraph of the white paper without hny He stressed that Ragnar woman acmemu issurs ca pumoce of Isruln whlto paper an tmnfmw oran provolo ptdwlic discuuion at the pmpos ale and that to view the paper as draft legislation was not sense There will certainly be changes between the white paper and the legislation It not the final word on the sub ject he told 1300 persons at mixplate dinner in his honor sponsored by the Toronto and DIstlIct Lihclul Association However he added we will not be bullied or black mailed by hysterical charges and threats whether volced by organized groups or lndivldu uls rltlcs of the white paper must recognIzu that lowering taxes for the poor means this log taxes for others that the need to encourage economic growth must bereconciled with the demand for social justice ALL CANADIANS AFFECTED It Is our hope that public dis cusslon will shed some Ughl on these very vital questlons and that Canadians will have chance to become better In formed about difficult subjpct British Bank Rate 15 Cut LONDON OP The British bank rate was cut today by onehalf of one per cent to 71 per cent The reductlon In the bank rate announced by the Bank of Eng landthe baslc rate that deter mIncs the cost of borrowing money in Britainwas the lat cst sign of the countrys improv ing economy The bank rate had stood at eight per cent since Feb 27 last year The elght per cent rate had been Imposed by the govern ment as part of tightening of the credit squeeze to make po ple live within their means in stead of on borrowed moncy French Submarine Explodes At Sea pouring In would have been more than 3000 pounds square inch Under such condltions the crib cers and men would have died main few seconds Guerard sa The cause of the explosion aboard the Eurydlec Is as mys tartan as the disappearance of the Eurydlccs sister subman ion the Mlnerve whlch went down In tho some area In 1908 with 52 men aboard The search force today found small piece of green fabric whlch nuval offlcers here said came from the officers mess table aboardthc Eurydlcc either side Thenrlrna mlnlslcr Bald those persons who object to spcclflt measures In the white paper should suggest practical nIter native methods of achieving thclr own oblectives He described as just non scnso criticism from Lhasa who favor proposals on lower govern ment revenue and attack prtr posals which would raise love nuc but offer no suggestion on how to make up the ller once He challenged crltjcsiwhp sup part the principle of Increased tax exemptions to have the frankness and courage to tell us not only whose rates they are proposing to lower but whose rates they are proposing to raise In order to take some 750000 Cnnadlans off the Income tax rolls other taxpayers must pay mom to make up the difference We have not tried to gloss over this hnrd truth or to uvold the responsibility of stating Its consequences We have clearly Identied the income groups whose rates would go up Wild charges that the tax proposals would cause wave of emlgrntlon to the United States were made by persons who misunderstand the nature of our attachment to this coun try the prime minlster said mold of St lauds Blues Tricia Invites Charl At the invitation of MIS Trio Eisenhower Ohc Prince of Wales ngmn on Thursday July Nixon 21 met Prince Charlts when she attended Chacss invesuture as Prince of Wales world of bonds and somtntics were Involved mmmuatmcgmmmsmm pmmmmsmltmmu dumdlnmxattimlxdn mammalum Is pimcdby Mrs John Pnnun wiled the dam and Mian titan Wednesday mat Mrs Pumaan timplmeW Roman Thrdtns Pull Out Prior To Talk With Benson OTTAWACE This check vcn fair Mr anan laid lItIr Grams said IlmL any can Prime hIInIstcr thrown into Roman Corpls plans to scll control of Canadas Inrgcst uranium producer to United States interests may SIE nnl future federal policy on lab eign investment report by Herb Gray minis ter without portfolio on fomlgn ownership of Canadian re sources is due before the cubl net shortly Mr Trudeau Said Monduy night of the Roman deal whlch was to have been announced the next day Our reservations about this change of control of Canadian uranium resources are such that it necessary the govern ment will introduce an amend ment to the Atomic Energy Con trot Act prevent such transaction Stephen Roman 40 chairman of Roman Corp and Danison Mines Ltd threatened Tuesday to leave Canada and take his 255 per cent control of the Blind River 0nt mine with him ROAIAN COOLS OFF lle cooled off somewhat Wednesday after 45minute meeting with Mr Trudeau FI nnnce Minister Edgar Benson and Resources Minister Greene The government attitude Is mdcau has CAP SULE NEW Vancouver Hotel Bums Nine Injured welumvfnmgl $131 ll npg 15 floors of lhe Belmont Hotel in tho downtown area fire departlt mmt spokesman stud nine persons were Lalocn to hospital NHL Player Freed On Assault Charge OTTAWA CWJudge Edward Carter bodily dismissed marge of assault causing bodily harm against winger Wayne Anne To Visit in Nimm and Mr and Mrs David and the Princess Axum Will visit 16 00 Saturday July 18 Miss and Princess Anne last summnr FBI Closes Counterfeit Ring WASHINGTON Reutersllo FBI announced Waitesday It hm brokcn up molar mwonrwide ring dealing in stolen and counterch semiotics and builds Tine FBI said nmrw 9000000 including government securities Worst Bliznard In Seven Years LONDON AmTroops cleared mowan In southern Eng land today 35 Britain dug Its way out of tho worst hlizzards in seven years late winter assault of snow and frcening tempera tureoeasedlnwlerpmisuimuvpc lbolyslhlvcrcdlnlblnurth day of saw and pain Tatumatoms rose In Norway whore sout Iercd snowfalls were reported 110 sun ozone out In France 3213 nddlng that an attempt was 17an made to run solution agreeable to both sides Tho market for uranium has been slow for years now and tho sale of control was aimed ut Pxerre Ill trade you Denison Mines for Barbra Smisand bolsterihs the Ilnunclul muscle behind Dcnisou unLil markets appear The Roman Corp share was to be sold to Hudsons Bay Oil and Gas Ltd 65 per cent owned by Continental Oil Ltd of Wil mlngtun Del and 25 per cent owned by Hudsons Buy Co of London England poration plunnln stmllttr deal Inimmmlghl anathema situation Roman has If It didnt consult the federal government In the Commons Mr Benson told Maurlce Foster lgAI guma that requirement of majority Canadian ownership in future uranium development has to be considered by the government in the light of tho pnlicy announced by the prime minister Mr Benson told John Gilbert NDPTomnto Erondvicwl he isnt considcriug takeover tax because It would not be sum cesslul David Lewis NDPYork South asked whether the gov ernment is considering allowing Eldorndo Mining and Refining Ltd the publiclyowned urn nIum producer buy Ilfr Ro mans Interest in Dcnlsou mines Not at the moment Mr 82115011 replied He also scatched the ideal that the Canada development corpo rntlon federal agency to he created perhaps In the curan session of Parliament may play rule In the deal Mr Benson reminded MP that uranium unlike other ores Mr Roman said agreement was reached Feh 24 fully under federal control for the public benet OTTAWA CPI The federal government plans amendments to existing carpornlc law before Parliaments summer recess to reinforce its pollcy of Canndlan ownership and control of vital Industries government source said Thursday The source said the govern Lower Ilge Bill Gets First Reading government bill reducing the age of legal mnyority In Bri tlsh Columqu to 19 from 21 was given first readIng In the pro vulcial legislature Wednesday The bill reduces the age to 19 for all purposes Under it ltlycarolds will be able to patronize becr parlors and cocktail lounges to enter lcgul contracts Including home purchase and have the rlght to marry wfthout parental consent The act which will come Into effect subject to proclamation possibly some time this year will not apply touny statutory provislon that is Incorporated In and bus effect as part of will or deed Nlnetcenyearnlds are al ready entitled to vote In provin cial elections In British Colum bia Alberta and Newfoundland Young people of to similarly may vote In Prince Edward Is land Qucboc and Saskatche rnltnl has not moved forward its timetable because of Its decision IQ oppose the pmposed salc ofn controlling block of Canadas biggest uranium mine to Ameri can and British interests But he said the government nearing completion of whith pnper stating policy on foreign ownership and control of Cunn dian Industry The longmooted Incorporation of the Canada Dc vclopmcnt Corp has also hceli put back on the legislative pro gram for this session The corporation bill now is planned for list loading at least before Parliament begins Its summer vucalion probably lato In June Debate would then be set over to the full term when Parliament may also have legislation before It to Imple ment fundamental tax law changcs Herb Gray minister without portfolio and former parliamen tary secretary to Finance Mints ter Edgar Benson Is working on tho foreign ownership question He Is generally In charge of It nnnce department lcgtslatinn governing industry Mr Gray was away from 0t tuwn Wednesday and unavaila ble for continent But source said several unendlng bills will be Introduced soon to stmngthcn guardian priorities In company Existing tax law Is designed to penalize foreign corporatlons which donut unit some Carin m2 dlnn owner Government Plans Amendments To Existing Corporate Law

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