Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1970, p. 9

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mwa it gangs tet PGWaterloo South Mon dny began his third term it chairman of the Ontario legisla tursjs committee or the whole house with warning that be mad responsibility trout the opposition and regard tor the rtghts oi minorities root the government NEWS BOUNDUP Hydro Engineers Refuel Douglas PointReactor DOUGLAS POINT Ont CPI Ontario 11de engineers suc recded in reiuelilnz the Douglas lay wbiia slots to lull power Reluoiiing reactor wblio snder lull power Is considered crucial step to development at the routers chimed potential rconomy at operation Eight 1ch bundles were changed Sunday while the sta lion operated at 135 megawatts hill capacity Is zoo megawatts Located on the shares 0t Lake Huron about as miles southwest oi Owen Sound the reactor Is Canadas tint lulilcaln nuclear power nation The station dc Iigu was pioneered by Canadian scientists at Atomic Energy oI Canada Ltd Ilydro spokesman called the relucliing signiticont miltr stone and while the operation was not yet dam at ullpovrer output the weekend success should go long way toward discounting speculation the aim lion ts allure The station has been plagued with problems causing It to shut down during about nine months of its first year of operation in 1007 The last Iivo months have been open on reluelllng prob lems caused by maliuuction or an Iutnmotic machine UAW Writes Pierre W1NDSOE CPI Will United Auto workers Union has sent letter to thno Minister Trudeau deploring Moral pm out to pay Prairie formers soil on or doisrs not to grow wheat Charles Brooks president oi the local rcprosoniing 10000 Chrysler workers said Monday the proposal Is slnlul waste or natural resources and crime against humanity He said the letter to Mr lru dcou calls tor reduction 50 per cent In the price or brand and policy Issuing ma broad to pensioners and other persons with Ibtod Incomes Car 54 13 Lost NEW HAMBURG Ont CF Ihis towns pollen cruiserbNo Mhus been given new number Constable Roy Aidworth recently drove to Kitchener 10 milesway and become lost Ho radioed Kitchener police or assistimco and was greeted with tho ro spouse Cru where aro your The question termed the title at recent television comedy series Drummer Rich BUFFAUO NY AP Jazz drummer Buddy Illeh was cleared of drug charges hero Monday utter police otticer testliicd In court that drugs on parontly had been planted in the istclans luggage udgo Wilbur lrummoll et Butlolo city court ordered dlsv missal or charge oi felonious possession of drugs that bad bean illed against itich The judge also directed that police destroy Richs photograph and Iingorprlntu Itlch 02 was arrested Friday night In Rochester vihzio his loplew orchestra was playing Pupil Caught lllILLlJVlLLlC CPI ju venue pupil was apprehended Monday toilowlng the second 1er In nine days at the Sir Will sten Churchill public school Charges are pending The tire was started in elaset ot Grade room in the ltroom school but was quickly extinguished by caretaker Nine days ago blaze act by unknown persons caused 550000 In damage Desks and chairs were also smashed In at least two moms Timothy Leary HOUSTON Iex AP Dr Timothy Leary was sentenced Monday to 10 years In prison tor smuggling marijuana tram Mexico Into the United Stutcs Dotonca lawyers served notice oi appeal Leary was taken im medlutely to Santn Ann Ciillt where he laces sentencing ior possessing marijuana Leary was sentenced by US District Court Judge Ben Connolly who called him otonoco to the oatulotry who openly advocated violation or the low Leary 00 known as high priest cl pot was Ioriucrly Harvard instructor Broadcasting OTTAWA Cl Edward Ilroudbent NDPOshawa Whitby presented bill In the Commons Monday that would require political parties to say how much they erend Ior polltlv col broadcutils uriug election campaigns The bill which amends the Broadcasting Act was given first reading and gorsto the bottom at long list tilpublle bills Irinn privutu Ititllbtlilt Preston chartered accountant was applauded as be told the house bl would Inn over back ward to protect the rights or responsible minority party bclt cause It was the only way in which parliamentary democ wbltominarlty regime and rclt Chairman Again TORONTO CPI Allan Ilen Mr Easter is Sbyeorold racy can survive Lord Salisbury WNDON AP Lord Sally bury the staunehest upportcr In Britain or an independent Rhodesia broke Monday night with Premier Inn Smiths signed as president the An gloRhodesian Society The 7Byoumld marqucss said ho was gun tho decision by Smit regime cllcctlva Monday to ttrn the former Al rican colony Into ublic end cut Rhodesias Inst ks with the British Down The marquees whose family has served British monarchs Ior 300 years and whose grand lather gave his name to the Rhodellan capital said In it let ter that he resigned In order to avoid condoning the decision ot the Rhodesian government to break their counuys last link with the crown Phosphate Sales TORONTO CPI Bcrt Lawman Ontarios minister or Itnsnclnl and commercial oi Iolrs said Monday he has no statutory authority to stop chltin stores from holding sales oi cle tocgcnts with high phosphate ent llc told James Trotter it Toronto Parkdalo he wouldnt want to on any assumed pow ers although he would be pleased to know or what statu tory authority he had to inter veno Council Prize OTTAWA CP Winners ohm 515000 Canada lendl prizes ior contributions to the arts social sciences humanities or natloruil unity will be Ans pounced at reception at the National Arts Centre March 10 the council announced Monday Tho council also said it will no longer oticr Canada Council Medals the lost or which were oiiercd in 1000 The medals were accompanied by cash awards of 32500 The 315000 prlzas have boon made possible by gilts totalling 5300000 train the Nelson Faun dotlon Ivo prizes were oficrcd when the original $000000 donn tlon was made In 1063 but an additional glit at 3200000 has al iowed the third prize to be awarded In your Senator Martin REGINA CPI Sepociitlsts and those who speak 01 western uiioiiutlon are doing Canada disservice because the Nltlal government is vitally concerned with the problems at all ports at the country Liberal Senator Paul Martin said Monday Ctiniidu is economically iin interdependent country the Iornier minister of external til tuirs told service club lunch eon The economic problems or any region in Canada are the problems or every region In Canada Ilo admitted however the western wheat Iormer In in dltiicult cash position despite high sales this your OliiceHolders OTTAWA CPI The Stu prune Court of Canada ruled unanimously Monday that sun gle Quebec provincial court judge may rule on the eligibility oi mnnielpai uniteholders The decision which overruled 1088 Quebec Court at Appoul Judgement arose out al chol lanire to JennPaul Poirices cit glbillty to serve us muyor or Dosthenna municipality noor IIull Qua the municipality who In die tested by Mr Patrici ln 1N1 election ncnts sWU to hold otlico belorc provincial court at Hull Punter grocer was Ineligibla for civic attics under municipal coda provtslons became be bold permit to Sell beer glo judge as stipulated by the municipal code but this proce dun was challenged by Mr Patrici who argued that meter the provinces code or civil pm ccduro such casts could be heard only heron than judges Nurses Drop Out Iiitnlster ihomss Monday provincial govern meot survey shows that hospital working conditions may be en couraging nurses to drop out or the Nurses Association oi Ontario that more than 10 per cent or pinnos leave nursing each year that hours or work sbllt work lack oi cblld care taeiiitles and travellln lnconvcoicuce were tsctors nurses and tamer nurses considered were not only holding back the return to work or those out oi practice ing nurses to Isava challch his oppo Mr Paulin contended that Mr The case was heard by slu TORONN it Health satd Wells profession lilr Wells told the Registeer he said the survey allowed but also may be encourag NorthwestTrip 011th GU Canada has given 113 acquiescence to second voyage through the Northwest Passage by the American to ortankcr Manhat tan Extent Attairs Minister burp told the Commons Mon sy Answering uosLlons from Now Dampers Lander Douglas Mr Slump also sold this Canadian government has stipulotcd the antl oliutlon pre cautions the big ol tanker will be required to observe llo retuscd however to state the nature or the precautions Vegetable Seeds WRONN CPI Vegetubio seeds treated with dIeIdrln one 01 three pesticides whose use to Ontario has been prohibited may banned until the end at be seeds were ammo 21 11100 The extension or prrmission to use treuted seeds was granted lnn regulation made under tho Pesticides Act and approved by cabinet Feb No tlco ot the regulation was publt llshed In the Ontario Gazette Monday Newspaper Bill BOlSE Idaho AP The Idaho Senate on Monday up provcd bill requiring news puper editorials to be signed by the writer or Identltled by his initials Senator John Pouvey said he believed it would upgruiio tho proicsslon ot editorial writing in the state Opponents objected that edi toriui polley usually is set by the publtsher and may not re Ilcet the opinion of the person who writes the editorial Crown Land Title VICTORIA CP citizens toreign countries will no longer be able to acquire title to Crown land In British Columbia tinder Icglsitition Introduced and given first reading In the icglsiuturo Meadow The legislation is new land not null ltcsources Mlnlstcr Eloy VIiliston said In on later view it In tho iitstovwhuui oi the not since 180B He said thut anyone will still be able to lease Crown loud but only Cunadiunu will be riqu to proceed to title In another move to tighten control or governmentowned property this government may prohibit spcclilulond uses in certain designated nrcns lilt Villlstun said that at tho resent time the government as no control over the use or the land For example the department or health can post bench us unsure ior swimming under the present Lund Act but cannot ltene Pnulin former mayor delivorcd to your homo VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS Bi TRUCKS There it no charge for this service BEFORE Posing at tho Waidort As torln hotel Monday night beion dinner are from IcIt Patricia Nixon French Presi NIXONPOMPIDOII DINNER York to apologists to President dent Georges Fompidou Pm sltient Richard Nixon and Mrs Pompldou President modo unexpected trip to New manners munsat mm Hamilton Student Refuses Welfare HAIILTON CPI Hamli ton university student mused Walton assistance by the city and pronncisl govermeuls doesnt need it now becam be Is working again Itoberi Strsugbzia Beam old secondyear social work stu dent at tlcls1er University was based asszsttuxca by the Hsmltcu wellarc department two vtws no beacon be was tulitimo student the welfare program as this ans wu covered by student Loans and bunnies direct appeal to Job Ylb cmko 50cm and family serv Lces minister was launched by the Canadian Evil Liberties As socialion which requested thllk be persuade the city to grant assist12cc to hlr Suaugbnn or to provide It dutc 11 km tbs province In letter to Huntlth lawyer Thomas BecketL who handled the appeal Mr Yoremkn said that provincial guidelines or ueilarc were clearly set out and the matter lay within the juris diction Dl the local wellm do partrncnt MendXV Mr Beckett said Lb appeal has been dropped nibsequcut appeal to the beard oi review was also turned down by the city wcliarc dc partment on the gruunds that Mr Struugbnn was not availa bin or tulltlme employment James Altwood dlreetor ol welfare services or the city said that aid to university s1ult dents was not considered part at Hard Times For Commercial TV In Britain Because Of Taxes 75 per cent was Imposed on advertising revenue This was in addition to the universal cons pun income tax and the rent pal to the Independent TV All thority the governing body or LONDON CPI Boset by heavy trues and tailing protlts commercial television In Britain has ration on hard times4m eluding Scottish TV which Lord Thomson once described as Pompidou tor discourtesy ot protesters at Chicago which had disturbed the French load 21 mp Virepbotot Nchn GHANA or jury was selected Monday tor the trial at Raymond Weldon Diidson 35 on charge or having given benollt to Royal Canadian Mtnt employee between April 15 and Dec 31 1901 Davidson armor mint cm pioyco is charged with cordon ring boneiit In connection with distribution at Centennial Year coin lots avidly soilth by the general public and coin coilac tors County Judge John itlathelt son to hearing the case Darlene Euddlck former mint em onee said she had ro cclved ut 320000 In beneiits In 1901 She was convicted last lull ol rocclvlng benefits and was luctl $5000 Beloro re kin it down In tears arcing an adjournment Mrs Ilutldick sold silo had shipped sovoral coin sets to vurv Electrical Talk TORONTO CF The presls dent or the Association at Mu nicipal Electrical Utilities said Monday the challenge or the utility in the Wills will be in en gineering and public relations Speaking to delegates at Joint convention of the AMEU and Ontario Municipal Electric Association Anderson suit that in the Inst 10 years prog ress hos becomn associated with pollution congestion and desecration or our natural re sources Yet the public will demand more service and will oppose new power lilies and sites tor tronsiormer stutions be said Mr Anderson said public re lotions will have to obtain pub lic acceptance or the comprom ises that must be arrived tit II we as an Industry are to meet the power demands of the 703 Announce New illeuiiug Substance Shrinks Piles Knelustubultngsubsumgloveotubrhl hemorrhoids Ind pair damsgrd osul renowned research institute has round uni in hunting substanc Wlth tbn obi ity to shrink hemor rhotdspatnlcsstv ltroiiovositcbln nubileddlaconaicrk in Innath 3d out things at lgamodltiuuu In case otter case while gently relieving Aln netusi reduction Ibnrlkngo took place Most Important at ullruaulta were so thorough that thin improve mom who maintained over period many months This in accomplished with now boalln substnncs llioDyno which llc 1y bolps heal um calls an stimulates growth new liaouo Now BioDyna la eured In oint ment and In posltory form culled Preparation Litk foritlitalldrug aetuuily prohibit people iicin swimming NOTICE HITO lXANIINER SUBSCRIBERS CARRIER MISS YOU It your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pan please phone 7282433 and copy The Exiullosr will be dlroerly 830 non by pn Don TO CONTACT TH EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT BARRIE EXAMINER stoma Hatisisctloa or your money mud call 7266539 to 5130 Mon to FrI and to 200 pni Silt nully Circulation Manager Jury Selected For Trial Of Former Mint Employee lous names and addresses and 540 set These sci were es was paid with cheques signed Rudolph lIoiiman and givrn to her by Dottdsou head or the mint numismatic section usually tor $8000 The sets were sent out two to three weeks otter receiving cheque she said while normal orders might not be titled Ior six to eight months Nu 51 climaihm didnt romoto on TV recalls RECEIVED eimouns uv 09 vertisiu revenue has alien oil on one oItleIui It was amat Rudka uhdmlllglll eDnP MPH0 wen as 3nlg badly usincss has been or coivcd cheques totalling 3310000 from Davidson during 1067 were signed by Mr Hellman and represented payment or coin sets at the regular price use at transmitters Added to these costs um um rent heavy outlays necomr or studio and other conversions tor transmissions In color As long so revenues kept risk Ing thg IV hoperators werc happy ut as operators now No and advertising revenue has then Thomson launched Scot no km Mm 50m an my TV in est companies have been be lg forced to cut prom Iorccaists by protils other regional opera 50 per Mm when Including tors trom London to Aberdeen 500mb TV MW mind mm in mm mm their prolits have almost vans rich source oi revenue Adver Med titers were eager to get their Scomm numb bout products on the box thmush 25mm about timeout no the wish commmll aw nindin its rent to tin TV so shared by 15 program compa worm nits At one time an advent 1hoso aro dtliicult times or the whole rv business 11mm didnt amount to anythan II he Mn Id In an mcmcw licence to print money My remarks may have been bit htiudictuus but wen truo ill the time says the Caride arrborn publisher who under subsequent rules ot KUVOminl body has torecd to rcduce his control at Scottish TV to per get1y grabbed up on the coin market tor $80 set site said For ouch block or 100 sets sold she and Davidson shared $200 and she estimated her take in the neighborhood ot 330000 Mrl Ruddick said she drove to and from vprk ro rly with Davidson She rocalcd that en She sold the Nthucs em tccted by the governments eco nomic ucczc Business will come bae but overyono seems to be waiting tor the April budget voiopo which he gave her say lng How is Christmas present from Rudy It contained $1000 bill All AWARE OF PROFITS But the government was also awnro oi the TV protit otential graduated levy run or up to 10 uronusv AlKA SEIJZER NICO LIST SEAMLISS Fll llllllnl ll BATHROOM TISSUE Anonvlo Okoilkl was sits mu ESN ii MAKE srsr AVE SPKIAI VAIUE youn ND OUR PRICES Will HELP YOU 10 SAVE ON DRUG OSISI lemmasmoron no WWMWanIWWWWALuplh LN wronged rmaomimls Cilg Pharmacy Ltd 48 Center Street ALLAN NLE rugs Co Ltd Esau Road 1266434 7282823

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