Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1970, p. 6

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Ellie Rattle Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayeld Street Barrio Ontario Kerry anbie General Manager McPharwn Managing Editor TUBDAY MA 1m PAGE Walls Publisher At Home And By Parents Best For Sex Education subject Uut Is much discussed these There is also rIsing criticism of the fail days Is that at education in th ure at much such education to emphasize schools the moral aspects of sex Finally many This issue The nu15am parents have been horried not only at scim noer notes um 59 had be the unabashed Iitcralness of much of the described as being at one and the same Imelda the M912 10 33 time the most personal and the mos sometimes at no more than ve yams explosive force in the vorxl For as far midi SUCII mmmon 17931115 bnck Into recorded history as we can go The single great question to be an mankind has always shown gran care swered is In which direction does sex about approaching this mm more are education lead the young Does it encour few societies of any distinction which did age more reasoned outlook better self not early recognize the need to mud control stronger moml sense ele this force with both legal and moral ments essential to the progress and pro curbs or humanitys own protection and scrvation worthwhile society 0r higlust good The need for such we is does it bring about the opposite qualitles as great today as it ever was 395 great threat Bum damp sodety an us emotionally age gewUmid 313 We strongly believe that the best my sees an mmgly mum and d1 ghee for sex enbghtenment Is in the Isive debate over the uestion of sex ed me and the hands Pare NM Gmon Ln the Sam The Monitor mg can be an adqu subsptuto and mtg thattgarenblz on the2 Elsie are unpeto chasissco car dug Vioggm 53 rogtmce Yet whore parents do not meet this obligation there may be limited 92va Ed ay be la room for sex education of the right kind km 39 mm cm in schools But the excesses In such ues my 53 MIP5 931m education must be removed Such Instruc pvmg adequate mm and mm Chi on must not begin at ages which are Erato Wm pfblmrm potently ridiculous Furthermore ex at W9med 55 ms haw education must be minted to the great gcmne lemme We ml ethith truths without which life in any dim Ties and mmlmed Wm 01 its aspects is little more than an ani Agoinst Mmenrguments are marshal mnl existence And finally sexcducn ed the dmrges that the teach lion in the schools makes it doubly Im Ing tends to stimulate the physi mm or parents to develop that rap cally makes them pied with sex port with their children which makes and wmkcm acceptance of that act upon communicating on moral and spiritual which orderly societyls basedthat sex matters an cosy and natural Iamlly 1131 relating belong within marriage aa Gentlemen The Queen Io sonic peo lo the older genera In better circles people abstain from inns some of vanishing mornth of smoking at formal meotlngs many offic Efe are bitterly regretted es still bar It Om at mm was the mm to refrain Aftor all the advocates for the smok tmrn smoking at the meal table Food W1 Wow that SmOk and smoke were not compatible above ing 15 mall Emu and my all therewem ladle and nonsmokers Pmmws habit ddwm many in the company Ofcn the IJWO dcscrlp gm um were WWW ncc on ngtsturo an on dddilatdon why Is it that some of the load The heading 133 514 NICISI Of Ing men In our government are always course to the statement the master of seen Wm Pipe emanate prmd cemnonlcs at banquets who arbor the mg NJm trheu paces 90m I0 HGT MalesIy Queen If they can take it or leayel at will dnlnk told the assembly that it was in why do they we the to no In the of the large consumption ig lRefmining from smoking on n11 occa urcs cigars clgamttos and pipe tobac mons is one of many disclplines imposed co there are still many nonsmokerxls In by better secioty our midst DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN $170 this week wlth all 1024 crop almost Barrio Exnmlner March 1925 Imln sold John Powell leased Grand 01mm ing accident at Camp Borden RCAF base House on Collier St to Thomas Dumm cost two lives Flight lmtmctm Joe hue of Bellovillo who raid it will contin Whtlte DFC MC Owlx do Guerra of up operatlon with regular movlc features Halifax who was one of Canadas war tmvolllng shows The Originals aces and Cadet Ronald Cross of Toronto wIIth many former Dumbolls slurs will Their Avro collided with nilomit pilot play on stage here one day next week cd by Flying Officer Motfee who Last years Canadian champlon Allan was able to make ante landing These dole CNR Apprentices team were were only planes in sky at time or mccl brought togothcr again for exhibition dent at 1000 feet near Lisle mile from hockey match at Bdrm1e Mammoth Rink Borden Wing Commndcr Breadnlcr sold and toyed with this years chmnpions full lnqulry would be conducted Capt bowling Montreal 100 Lclghton Wlutc was credited Willh having brought IInp Emms now In Midland was most down gmlcsl number of enemy aircraft spectacular player on too II Buster 31 In shortest time during 1918 was Clark was In goal Albert luck and membm of Canadian patrol Which down Gumgo Powell on defence Emms Jack edGormnn ado Baron von Itichthofen Armstrong and Norm Johnson as or Holvas 29 star football player and track wards Gomld Dcsovurdle and Louis Gnu zvllllele at Bordon Full mdltary honors vln alternates Mm BCIaIIItys New worh accorded in Barrie for deceased Dreamland Theatre had Gloria Swanson ntSt Marys Church and Trlnlty Church in new movie Wages of Virtue plus bcforo bodles wane placed on Afternoon Mzrck Sonnctlt ballhlng beauty comedy drum for Tomntonnd Halifax 1111 an Jack Dempsey world hcnvywclght drew Ilay mnihcmatlcs specialist Barrie champion in nowcst of Right and Win qoolleglatc rcttrcd aftur 41 yearslmem onerccl series Dick Glmrcbtp Capltol borlerary Board last eight chairman Theatre was sllowlng Agnes Ayncs In jbeglnnlng In smuggling days of Me Tomormws Love Ichanlcs Instituto on Owen SI Barrio gait adtglgced Inljzu 2101 xIllluelcloy playoffs Rs BIIIIE yncr arr Sana1 nxt Buste Clangxlgaycontlnued 54 as goal lesbylcrian SLOWDOWN BUT INFLATION jUnzlon from St Andrews and Essa CONTINUES vRocd klrks met at Collier SI United Orjllia packet and Times former Methodist Church for reorgan Governments are still spending at iznlllon and welcomed new usslsbant pas frightening rate pricey are ntlll on the 450 Rev Walt and Mrs Walt Illley upswing and unions are still dcmnndlng 0T0 mauled by lbw Wollwoml phenomenal pay Increases but HICIG can nd Official Board 01 Collier All officers be little doubt that the intentional slow mgr Anticws who lam nglidl alter no down of Canadas economy In order to 310 V4 V0 were 0011 nu umnl PD sto lnflutlarn is hwvln its effcot in HHS lled It Colllg Alonzo Agaraging mg nnox uncan Jobs are becoming more difcult to Walker Newton Stone flml businessos and Industries wre tech Morphon John Douglall Mama mg the pinch and some have gone bank Lay Wallis Noll MncDon ru dld Miss Gladys Walls Arthur Smith can expect this trend to continue Thomas Sinclair Goodllellmv drum and even worsen us the government In es Moonwallow Fundch who rcslgncd ancinl nuthorltles through tho bunkers from Fresbytcrlnn churches after ultempt to roln In Canadas booming Church Union Issue will Ilkoly join one economy nnd thereby blow the disastrous of LIIICO farmer Methodist churches In wageprice spiral that Is robbing the Mule and Ahndnle BILIIIIOII Avenue pocketbook of every Omnodian Tommi or Colllm st Local police It scams that through some fault In cracked down on boolllegging opem the makeup of our economic structure vlbllms uncovered Intgo illicit stlll for Canada cannot Imvo boom tImes wIth vmnldng whisky Smm Fisher of Bar out inflation and cannot stop that Ina mu Ilam Mill quolcd wIIcwt as selling at lion without maulLIng unemployment NW J34 um QUEEN PARK Review Of Fees Is Anticipated Ily DON OIIEARN Onlnrlo almost certainly wIII have some arm at rchcw pro ccdurc 71 doctors and Iuwyera 450 It and other basic prIco within few years was Indicated when Ihu LIbcruIs pul motlon bolero tIIn huuBo lhat new stundIn cum mlttce on economic aIIn be ostubllshcd Thu government of counw ugnlnst tho motlon on the grounds that It would actually mLnn conunl width was not It puIIcy Ily Iudglng Irom tho not It would hnvu been first cp Tho Opposltlon Is lolldly Ile hlnd It ExpatIcht In thut onco btrh Oppoaluon parties are bo hnd WI Illnomtlon tho government eventually tnkcl nctlon olthcr on It own or through In unlalnluro Nnr mnIInypJuch Iltunilun the lnIy auoatluns nrotlmlnn and arm APPOINTED ELECTED Tito NDI course or lomo years has ndvocntcd prlcc rchcw MITILI ThIa presumably would ha group oporatlng nut Hide the legislature though not ncceasnrlly so The L1 crul proposal would brim tho rcvlow which of cnurxu Is arm of control through publlc oplnlun wIIhIn tho umblt of tho olcctcd mom bcrr standing commlttcca are AROUND THE WORLD 80th Vietnamese And Democracy By PHILIP DEANE Forclg AnuHK Analyst The Smith Vlclnnmcao govern munt nbundancd nII pretence being dcmocrullc when It tried II IcgluIntor In miIIInry court then hrcnchcd pnrllumcntury Immunlty and arrested hlm wlthln tho purIInmcnt bulldlnn What makes the case even worse that the chnrgc on uhlch ho was arrestedIII Ions dip mama Examiner III DuyIIcld Street Ilurrlo Onlurlo Tclcphono 7200337 Second Class Mall Registration Numbcr 0184 Howrn postngo guaranteed DuI Sundays nnd Stnlut Ilollduyn excepted Subscription rates anIy by currlcr 550 weekly sumo yearly Slnglo coples me By mulI narrln $21100 yourly Onlnrlo $1000 your other mnII $1500 your Mntor throw off $2100 year Nntlonul AdVLIiISIIl OHI ccs 115 Unlvcrnltlvlvcnua Toronto 010 Cutcnrt SL MonIIcuI Member ol the Canadian Front and Audit Bureau Clreulntlolll Tho Ounndlun Press In ox cIInIIchy cntlllud to tho use tnr rcpubllcnIIon at all now din ntchea In thln paper cred Ilc to It or The Aunclutcd Prose or Itoutcrn and also the local news published therein Thu MunIo ExnmIIIcr claims Copyrlght In all orlulnnl nd vurtIrIng and cdltorlul motor IuI created by It employee and reproduced In thII nuwm paper Copyright noglsunllon Num hot mama reglstcr II 11 mndc up or member of the house The question which up prouvll would be boiler Is upon controversy GIvIng responsi bIIIty to commlsslnn nppolntcd by tho government It can bu argued could be less lorcquI And It would not result In tho pubIIcIty Impact whlch the endall purpose On the other hand cxnmlnn than and Invonlgnuon com mlttco of members cou mum in homo undoslrnblu duvclop ments With ulcctcd member hnvlng to kcop polltlcal comldcrotlona always In mlnd and some moro so than others there would ul wnyl km the possIbIIlty that group such on the median pro osalon mlght bu nubioct to what could be considered smears 0n the other hand commlb too oI members wlth tho proper IzIgnl Ilnnnclcl nndclcrlcnt na nutuncn would In nddltlm to bolng more Iorcnlul bo aura to rcilcct all arch ol publlc Inter cs Tho uovernmcnt may come up wIth another alternative but or at now them would seem the only two probable Iorrm Whntovcr It does or the legis InIuro does them wIII bu some strong reaction from Industry and commerce as well he Irom Lhc modIcnI prnlcsslon and probably scctlans of the legal proloulon In Its substancemath very IIt No name The Arrested Icglsultar was accused oi having conlncls vIIh III Communlrt brother The log Ialntor hnwovcr guvo IIIII ru port or these mcotlnga In the South VIoInnmcsu nuthorltlos and to tho Amcrlcnn cmhnssy up lIIu Amcrlcnn embassy In SnIuon has revealed Thus lhu prosecution pl tIIIs Insulator mm polltlcul uct ngulnat mun who bud Ilccn nuklng that tho South Vletnnm cw guvcrnmcnt should bucoma moro rcprcscnlutlvu by Includlt Ing men from tho cuuulryu mu JorIIy Buddhlnt nrgunlzutinns us ulcp tawnrtl pcuco Thu Amurlcunll nlc cmbnr roused by this oplsodo It under nIlnu IIIcIr cnIIrc Amcrlcnn IIICSIII that they are In Vietnam to defend Irccdom Thero IIIIn been uvIdoIIcu for yours but nucccaxlvo South Vlclnunlurlo govurnmcutx 11ch been on club Iturlnn no any Communllt rc almo Tlloy employed torture murder and Intlmldntlnn TIIls Inst cplsudo domonptraten IIIcII tlm South jlctnnmcpo govern ment does not observe uvcn democratic Iurm let alone duIn ocrnllc aubutnncu Why then IIhouId VIqunIncw people cuntlnuc to dlu VhIIt ndvnntngo do they obtain Irom Ileng under one tyranny InIIIDI than nnnthur Thcyllvo wIthnu Irccdum In thIs way they are not llkoly to be nllcctcd by CommunIut takeover they leI pull llvo wIIhout freedom the nut at least they vIlI Ilvo In pence II the war ends In Cum munIAt vlclory BIBLE THOUGHT But what thum wero unln ta mo than wanna Inn at curlt Phlunplanl aIl Nothlng can cumpnlc vIIII one gnnulnn momqu with the Lord All thlngs uro HyIIIhClIu cumprm cu wIth Ibo aupurnnturul 2113 BLOWMOBILE SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Dear Sir St Johns yo court School In Fort Garry WInnI peg one or the 1th English spcnklng schools In Cnnudn and by lur the oldest In tho West till your celebrate Its one hun dred nnd IIIlIcth nnnIvcrerry To our knmvlcdgo nano nl It nlum III so ancient but Iust who Is our oldest IvIng graduate we do not know Through your help wo may be able to Ilnd hlm Thu school dates back to 1820 when tho Rev John West of tho Church Miaslpnnry Socloty buIIt log homo on the banks tho Red Illver to cducotu abandon ed or orphaned Indlnn boys Thrcu years Intcr It became boardlng BChoDInnd wILh tho Indlun youngster were ming led tho sons oI Solklrk settlers and ot Hudsons Bay Company actor and traders who want od tthr non educated In the North West SIrvGcorxc SImplt non Governor DI tho Boy was ntuunch supporter Today the school non do nomlnntInncI ml mmlonnl It draws students Irom many pnrmol Conndu especially tram tho ruancd north and west on well as lrom places us for nwny us 5311ch and Brunei ltlcxlco Blahn and Iran In mo St Johns was Jaln ed by Ravenscaurt on Indopon dent school rounded by Norman Young In 1925 Tho present nI umnl St Johns and linens court nrc many and scattered across Canalln and tho USA Numbms hnvu nchlcvcd cmln cnce But who Isund Whom Ilvcs tho oldest nmong the bus Incssmnn and lawyers the farmers doctors ambassadors mlnlng engineers gcolonlsls bush pllols Icuchcrl aulcsmon hockey Payers MPs editors ucndcm cx clviI servants for 05m mllchnlrcs and mod cons we do not know Perhaps our oldest IIvIng nlumnus Is mong your renders or perhaps onc or your rcndcrs mlght dr cct us to hlIn Your help will no much up proclnted Yours sincerely II John SchuIItcr Ilczldmssicr HMDKING IOI negurdlng the article In your Bnrrlu Ilxruuinur Isulo or the 20th by Dr Anna Kuyl cntllled Smoking Put NutaSu End would II to muko sumo por sonnl comments Thu nrtlclu lullprised uud Ils gurtcd mu mow bccnuso It va ertIrn by II xurmlnxly rcpon nlblo and knmvlodgonblo pernon IInw runny people young aspec luily hIIu loin lo bo respon uIbIo Ior when they try pot because they rend her artlclo nDI to mcntlon some adult who seem to bu gctung just as cun Iaus about the drug and uncon cerned as to its III enacts Am concerned because um osscsslcn at and have rend art clc reports booklets from across Canada as to the ct Ichs and hazards ol smoklng manIunnn or pot Tho act alone that 25 per cont users do on to mko um serious drug Iucnough for one to any adults and young people be wmol That last also makm it that Homo pecplu could dowocso Ibinzsev and Dr Howl sum when tlm end result could be mental tmplml In hopclm vczctoblo In nut441 vaoutnn wlth no drama or memory At the prcscnt tlmo them am muny volces crylng or Ibolcg nlltntlon of tho no to hero In tho clI onlnx by our neveramen acts are hmnmriltum concluslvoly harmful Tho Iol CANADAS STORY Louis Riel Caused Religious Bitterness By BOB IIOWMAN Louls 1121 was banned In I885 Ior qudln tho Norlhwost Itc bclllon Tho chnrgo wus treason but It dIIIIcult to understand how he could have been cnn vlctcd of treason when ho had become cltlzcn oi the Unlted States It probably more true to any that IIIuI was hungcd or IInvIng put Thoma Scott to death nItcr nn unluir Irlnl dur IIIg tho Ilcd Illvcr uprIsIng In 1870 It was he want Inlslnko ItIcI ever made and cnusod roll nlous blttcrnoss that Instcrllln Cnnudu or many yctlrs Scott was an Ornngcmun nnd Ilch wns Cuthollc II It had not been tur qu hlluollng Thomas Scott IIch would probably hIIvo been III lowed to escape to the U3 nltcr ho surrendered In Iulls There Lu story now dcnlrd by the RCMP that when lIIoI was In prlson In IIcglhu there was on nrrnngcment that III Nnrth Vchl Mounch were to turn thclr buck or Irw mlnqu no clouds could got IIch out oI prlaon and be rushed ovaou youngJ drum mnrlIun PM altnrrlo such Whom on tho Pollcc gumas WHEN NORTII WEST MOUNTED POLICE THE PRESENT com Wsgl rowan am WAS Ramsenmwe or KIND or room LEGIan lmy75115144 ml mm 715 PITmm mm AW cwzncmrs ammo Mmswmmcms Amos Maearmmy AllSAM RMKr EIIEMIMIwrtm sues try75614754 01730415 ctr14m KhFIEIWSIMMMY Wimp TRIM ammow MamI 9mm com moIJcII HIS POL WA6 mmspunme THERE SEEMgAIEDSBEESdME DOUBT maewnwggnc 5112mm 145 oemwumrwwwmqw 1474 Ms Wm Esra4756346 yawnv50 72 plug 75 V5 Iowlng report would seem to rm to be very slgnlIIcont re port of the World Health Or ganlzntlon and tho Singlo Con ventlon on Narcotic Drugs whoso slgnntorics Included rc prcscnmuvoa mm counter which hnvo had ccnturlcs oI cx pcrlcnca sulllclent to warrant tho conclusion that nuuijunnn is dangerous both physlcally and socially It Is hoped our pctltlon can be circulated on pmvlnclnl scale Perhaps It will Ecrvu tho dunl purposo oI awakening to corIons conccm some ol us put cnts who am unnwcm that per haps It tlmo we dld some deep thInkIng about the onus or root of the whole drug pro blcm Poxho the young pecpla aro lrylng bxpnrutcly at the costcl sumo ol the was to tell us anmothlng or vItnI Import ance Arc wo listening Thank you or prIntIng my letter SIncoreIY MRS IIIALLORY IlnrrIa Ont concerned punht to the border by relay Ins horses UnIoItunutoly or IIInI an enemy heard about the plan gnvo the alarm and tho opcru tlon had to be abandoned SIr John Mucdonnld hnd scnt money secretly to Ilch III IE7 und urged him to go to the US It Is posslblu that Mncdon nld would have buen glad to have seen 11ch cscupo In 1885 and he could hnvo boon behlml the plan As subso uont cvcnls hnvo shown It vouI have been ood Ihlng or Canada II no Iluzt escaped Thomas Scott was rough tough churnctcr III was sent to Ilcd ltlvcr In mm as wry vcyor hut lcd aIrIko and ass snullcd hls boss Durlng tho RevI Illvcr uprlslng ho was It mem her party that trlcd to Ith tlIro Illc at Fort Gnrrl but was taken prlsoncr by tho Mulls In leII he assaulted hls gunrds IIIIII IIst IIququ Inuuungo so Ilch brought him bolero court martlnl on March 11170 Thu prcsldlng judge was Ambrolso chlno onolot IIIoIx zlldcs thIo Illcl lllmscll acted as prosecutor and chch wltncss ob Fiat BOARD TRADE INIII5W5$T ma ORGANIZED AT Winnlpea IN I675

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