Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1970, p. 1

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initiation 1061i Your No 52 EXAMINER TELEPHONES mom Classied Advertising mam All other Deparuneou 125nm Innisfil Council Cuts Severance Fee By $300 SEE PAGE THREE Barrie Ontario Clnldl Tuesday March I970 Uh Barrio 162m 2r lkh c6 MRRIE 0de ts Deni IIIESID GEORGES ltlnlpitlul oi Franco chntn with IdmitlmciltlidNLtli at Nongolkd Valdort As turln Monday evening shortly grcts to the French president bctomnxtoixltnl rerun tlvnr demonstrationhold 1n anchrlcudcr nilmwtp New mklCPJViropholol New York toconvoy his orb Nixons Trip ToNw York Pleases NEW YORK Reuters French President George Putn pldou todny winds up stormy visit 00m United States attcr President Nixons hurried trip to New York Monday to apolo gizc ior any dlscourtosy to the French louder by Americans Nixons gesture on the last night of Pompidous eightday state visit appeared to have cuscd 111 tooling resulting from demonstrations over Frances agreement to sell 110 lets it Libya vbilo rctuslng to rolcnee 50 to lsrnel As the two lrcsldonts clltikod glasses at ltlctlng tIiIlIltl ill the thldortAstortn llotal Mom titty night many of the memo rles 0t nullFrench demonstra tions appeared to fade French newspapers guve bultl headlines to Nixons sudllcn visit and his itpulogy LAttrore Paris licwspuxln collcil 1t oxcoptiunlil uiill that president 01 the mill ile ilbrmui titles not represent policy but Franco FOLLOWED PIIDTESTS Sunday night otter President and Mine Pompidou wero llec mud in Chicago illiil New York Slpte by denlonritllltols protest lllg Frellcli policy ill the Middle East Nixon decided to attend CREDITS OTTAWA Cll discrlnllntllory llis le to paper proposals tor iuntlnntatal change in ltteoiiio tux luw now being studied by lilODOSCS cou tlnulng the current system or ill camo exemptions for all tnxpny urn ullti additional exemptions the committee tor dependents Advocates ot system at tux credits suy that nliowing tux puyers to tiedllet amounts ivom tux payable would ho more bon eilolul tor pcnpla on olitoll in comes Income exemptions now are $1000 tor single taxpayers and 000 tor married taxpayer th additionalexemption 01 liliuilco Minister Elinor Benson llns slitt mlttod ii tiiiuneo department working paper to the Commons tlnalloo committee arguing that system 01 tax credits for 11 tuxpnyore dependents would be resident Pompidou the lorillal dinner given by Fritocoumcricon Societies with 5000 rolsroeli demon strators chant rig antiPompidou slogans outside the hotel Nixon proposed the tonst to the guest at llonor with rousing Vivc iii ITmlCC rive lo President PomA pldoll Pompidou was reported 10 be so upset by the protest demon strations he encountered tlurlng ills US tour ho was considering cutting his visit short But he vtts obviously pleased at the unprecedented gesture Nixon mndv Your presence here tonight is lot me nly wile and Iul France very grout honor and grout joy Pompidou told Nixon The ntcanin of your prcsA rllco is the wil to Show to all that France and the United Suites are and will remain in spite of nll Miles and irlelltls Commons Approves New Commissioner 0i Languages OTTAWA Cll Itsyour old bilingual nondcnlic trout goionto has rcucilfd ulgtnlrnotls callingWOOd rum ommons npprova us unit its on Granted Licence llullcr OTTAWA CF Celllllgwuud llie gpvontincnt nomination 53 Im 1W 01 Ktitlt Spiccv political science 9mm mme 01an ll international n0nechcdillcli professor at York Universitys Glendon Collegc sailed through the House Monday and How goes to the Senate for rotilica lion Tile 330000nyear post was created antler provisions ot the Ollieiul Languages Act passed at the last session at lnrlln moilt charlor eontmcruiu service at Colllngtvood Ollt Conatiilm transport commission nil pounced today The company already is 11 tensed to provide recreational tlylng training and domestic charter tiyin services Colllngwoo is 110 miles north west of Barrie Benson Has Working But it urgues thth it exemp iuul re placcti by these tax credits the graduated scale at taxes would ill effect be increased or mur $000 illl ouch clllltl receiving lm additional tax mum or utility allowances ntltl $550 tor dependents not recclvlni them Tiltlt is also it $100 exemption Ill llctl at specific exemptions tor Uillllililbit donations untl medical expenses RAISES EXEMITIONS The white paper proposes ruining the basic exemptions to $1400 null $2800 it would cull tlllllo the $100 tutti other exelllplt tions but change the way at no cotlntlllil tor depetltlciits ln comes The dcptlrtlnolltnl working pu peva Mr Demon rent to Gaston Clotmoot tLGatittcuul chitin limit 01 the uuinitlittco says the bush exemption oi $1400 tor all taxpayers is the equivalent ot tax credit at $210 The addi tlonal $1400 tor married statue and $100 charitable and medical allowuncu is the equivalent oi tluno were dropped lied taxpayers taxnblo dollar ho corned moro shillply tcntloti to bcncllt credit plan would in ANADATO BLOCK 111E iAKEOVER NonCanadians OTTAWA lCIl lile guvcrll mum moved Monday night lol block the takeover by foreign inturtsts oi Dcnison Mines lid of Toronto Canadas largest uranium producer thereby com rming speculation that ill over attempt was under Prime Minister Trudeau in tcrrupliltg special Commons debate on government limit policy suitl the government learned late last week that substantial ownership interest in Canadas largest urunium mining company might be ss ing lllto nonCon inn hand Pay Recommended For Students OTTAWA CPI Iitl Callu diun Association tor Adult Edu ention today recommended studying the possibility at set ting up student sniury systtm in Cunudn ln brlct lo lilo Seualc pov arly committee the assimilation sold Sweden has taken steps in this direction Tilt committee was or to recommend an lno quiry to the study assistante scheme for elementary students and the study illnds scheme or higher and adult education in Sweden The association criticized so cictys current philosophy of work Students who study 40 or 50 hours week are 1th believed to be working the association said They lire supposed to be gratclul tur any award they re tcilt Surely the dtmcuniug char actor of this systom is clear the association said The association uiu said the todcrul goernnient should help the poor with consumer educll In Largest Uranium Firm Interested Joint Kostu president at Dcnison suit in Toronto int he is absolutely amulcd by the govermcnt unnoullcumcnl lust cant believe ll Mr nutioAu accompanied in the Commons by rintrg Minis icr Greene ioilotvillg ciul cabinet meeting lllu government cannot dcl In making its position clcur be cause it is understood the trunk action may be close to temple lion Our rcservutiuus allqu this change vi control ut Canadian urnnium rtullrtcs art such that ii nccts try the govern mctlt will introduce Llll limclld mull lo the Atomic Energy Cult trill Act to take ciicet pl today to prevent ouch trans uctlall have duluycti this an noullccmcnt until alter the clo in of the stock markets tvduy NOT NAMED IN HOUSE The prime minigticr did not mention Dcnlson in his stnlo merit but spokcsilluil said later that is the mine the prime minister was winning to lilr Kotluil sltldilhctc ls O13 ltqucnt lpt inrv ltcts mrlug Canadian urnnitmi company and that the gotcmlllcnl an bounced plzln is radical 11le HA prcccdcnlctt ltio Algonl Mines Ltd or TO mnlo is GDpebcotlt ttlnlrolled by Rio Tillie Zinc Corp of Lon don Tile venison president suitl tilt announcement by Mr Irll dcau marks tilt ml time lit company has been sludge lie was rolerriii to ocnuuus ctturis several yours ago to sell uranium to brnnce Tile stile was blocked by Colludo iocuuse France roiustd to allow Cultu titan inspection 0i tlltI uses to which the tin itliii would be lion ANGINA ATTACK SAN ANTONIO Tex All Formul president liyntloll ll Johnsonstricken with clltst pailts4tvus under constant oblt servativli today in his specittl penthouse suite on the top at an army hoipltnl One at his uttclllliilg ultysi ciulls 001 Robert North said hardening oi the COlOllllly ntlcrirs vlls rctlnclltg tho tlow of bloutl to Johnsons heart lxlltl that this was the source oi the pain Reuters quoted army ducttlrs its saying Johnson wits suffering irolil zulglila pectori spllsln ot the chest brought on by overexertion ot ii on se it single persons tax would start at 17 per cent on tile illsit llllllliLLl tllxpllyels tux would start nt in per cent will rise This would have the citcct oi discrlminntlng against the tax iluyero the tax credits were ill l1c pnpcl says that tho tux Cilcct eliminate the bottom tux brack ots $251 credit tor married man earning $7000 taxable 1n eomo might seem to reduce his tax to $1300 from $1060 but the paper argues the credit would hturt TAXES Paper not be simply taken tilt the top end at tho illilivitltlals tux bill llepluellli tho basic cxclllll lions with tux credits would mean that all incole would be taxed from the tirst tioilltr earned The credit would in el lcet be applied ut the bottom and of tho sculonnd push tax payers lotu hlgrr tux brackets Mr Ilcnson lllso sent tho eoni mlttco the results at liiialtuo do poitnient computer analyses at the eitoct oi the proposed tax changes it they had been llitro tlumd in 1939 unit it in 1900 they hull been ciioct or five years One showed that the average luxiulycr in N1 Edward 15 inntl ttoultl pity 51 21 loss than under current ntx law it the white paper proposals had been Former US President LB Taken To Texas Hospital put North suiti Juhllsulls blood low we IiIiL most at the time when he is at rest but not when he is exerting North ruitlsed to tIiIlinlize Johnsons condition it uying Anyone who ltlltl the severe Ilttlli attack that lie hlld in 1035 is duly concerned about iltiy pain in their VLIlLSi Jullllsutl llutl major lltult nt tuck while he was serving as members at tile iloyui Fuutlbl IRIME MINISTER hudctlll glances towards Altllu as the princess and hcl VANCOUVER lil llutcl were to luuve hcrc loduy on nineka tllul retracing Cup ialti Jumes Cooks cpie vu g0 tltrusx iht Pacific 201 ago trout the British Columblu coast to Austrullus Butnily Queen Elitlillcth Lind Ililltus Aline lltr le hurt rum Luntitlll iil Ottawa Mollduy attcrituolt or 1111 overnight Slut Prince Philip M1on piltlt luv twilbcllgiiluil lluylll Air Force Anliuvcr llilIllbproll it here trout Mexico our items ltltti Today all three port to luuw tltlllmtl lilL Queens cluttered BOAC Sulltt VCtD jctlillcr at uln ulttr it itstiul night devoid oi uiiiciul iuilctiolls pump and circumstance rltcyll touch down ut litmu ltllu Iltitl totluy lu refuel cross tllt iniurllutiollui immune and begin ti twoduy tour at it British colony in lilI Smith The tour which ends May will also take 111 royal party in Tonga New Zoltiuittt llitli Aus illliill llII ut which vtrc visited by Cook and hi Eilglis llilulx two centuries zlgu REJOINS IAlIl LY Sonute majority lvuti Program OTTAWA CIl Agriculture Minister Olson illlti Otto Lang minister in charge 01 the Culluiliun vhcilt builld oittcred special Commons dobutc Molt titty with their 51000003th whcut reduction lllUgiJnl in one Iluntl 11nd olive bltlllLilQS in the other Opposition sucuktts criticized the wheat reduction prugrnm its loo little too 1111c liIQy lllso nttackod Cunudas tvhvltt mar kcting policy ill the lost ttvo years and Mr Lungs abilities as mathematician Tito debate resulted item niotltlu by AltGleuvo lNDl SunkatoollBlggarl tor consltltr ntlolt oi tho wheat reduction program announced last Friday by Mr Lang As described by the minister the program will pay western wheat tutliters $0 let each acre taken out llt vhcut production ill the coming crop year utltl loll in summer IttiIlIW and $10 tar every acro put into forage introduced lattt year and $5004 less it lost year had been the llitli year oi operating under tho proposed tax plan Wheat Reduction ThDko oi Debated morning Mr Luau called on western lllPs to itlkt it good hard look at tile ptogtlilu and not muke ll lllliiislln issue 01 the matter Ulll ND POLITICS ill Olson snitl his was lion purllsult speech and he implicit opposition spunkch could serve the hunters best by tollotvlng his example Mr GitMo lcll oil tliotlcbltc saying the government was aiming lit the pi al 01 22000000 llcrtls lrum vlioul pre tluttioti in 1170 compared with 24500000 planted in wheel but your 11 similar tuductiun was sought in steel production in Oil tallo he sold it would be consi dered miller disruption of not point lilo in tho industrial hollrtluml HERES ONE stop all the airport in Ottttwl on xuuie to ugttrtltn anti New Zcuiulltl Ice tircpltotui lliutltcr Quccn Elilubclh were greeted zit Ottawa lilolid nu myul puny made brief liutl butll ill pliHlil btllllpllly lug to xlvu ltjllllltli his wife Illtl daughter in lilL ruyiil suite at lilt llulel Villluuulut Siluilly tiller put Jicll nuu ilmlutulllly plulillc Though truwtl of 10M gutil to on little else tltun tum nu ily in preparation tut luuu jaunt to Fiji lu uttu tiilIitl Monday the Qiiuun ulltl lrltchSS util llLlI to greet tilt Queen and ctuily ticutllttl tu llldtl by iiruct Auuc in the otlcruuun Luvcruurtttutul llol Mich Llltl leld llillit Mill itl Iiolrn lIlliull Tlullkitll during 15llliltlt ult sltlll LitilltllllltlthlClliui ll Nh 1ilu llilltt elillllcd into his luu uusille and rode duwululln ti lunlly uttllbtitLti the illliui lliJulIi UUli pursuits vcluutllutl tlu plum uuu tlu CIllwll llllllifr 1N Be rmcu Khulin 10 ilclt luytll tum tutunllcll mm ML mm vuuuutl illll lllltr vilus IV iluuultuu 01 luutnul whose WW KW lm Prince Philip HIS lllLl til the tiiilltlil by luunc ilct dun uty lltmillciul soc utl tllulrtlllttt til the 1071 Uliiisil ttlliLllnllli cunt milieu The entire putty num brtx about all pt tut The royal tun occupied 11 lit at live tuuuu on tlu lltlt tour the rest trt tilt slstt wk llp uuutitcr 21 rooms Sign 11th ututeti lliliikti IltIllllti llu picked the wrong lutcl Lillllllitc tu iitkLl tutti missed tile Queen mmplotciy The chilly weather but llilluc Philips rutunlit All the lltlltl in about 175 pg uns must at Wilum united in the iubb far nun ls lu ltlxltit ill to titt it int royal nu poi capsule NEst Oakvilie Council Supports Homeowners ii Mutiny lo illk Iliio th mliltttilul ttlxus to 11w EIKKC it sillimt ii The to but llrot unit hunts but ltcttt countll tit cl OlVlLIL2 lLll 21 gotmunqu to let IIL pulses on their ilwmic tux wit L11 ulttl illt Cmnwli null lie Melitl 310 tililmte outlaw lilo 115 rel lli than Illitiltx Lt Explosions Scatter Protest Marcheis hm pxu litu r11 all it pumped the dumbest 1101s Wilt Brandt Backs Britains Market Bid llul Willy Ell bill 10 JLt lilo Tum up be worn hit milrrcd Suites LONDON lilcuttrsl Cittl Irony his toileotully butde Mu vi tultl culled or srlloible lt Europth ctlllltlATiniiY 0111 lilo Unit Saskatchewan Gels lirst Decit Budget REGINA UP Saskatchewan lust btKllgci in eight yams Mtlildtl wlh tttlil cxptilu Lies Stosmloto stun Ci Lilli luvultltts ivt 1117071 by $l031liiltl IIthilllLiitl Simons soul cul ms untied tile Lillcidl willed budgets since tilt pro Llll tithnlttisllllultln was owned in 1001 Lt Postal Employees Have Study Session by 37m itliONlIlEMi lClll ulklzly unk at ten AIHM arm penal outplon to begin want the tlyu ulreudymtarled mail tu ten lilluultlls to tibitvl The workers members ctlbo Come on Union or Penal mull Ally man who says he is the Lcrvps III the obihour apcelol dcholo iwhlch stretched into the curly boss will lie about lot or olhcr things are leaving their jello because 01 national contract Lisp lilo federal government Rhai Family Foliawsm Route Cook Pioneered

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