Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1970, p. 4

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ll 30111111112 Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayliald Sven Barrio Ontulo Kerry anhio General Manager McPhenon Managing Editor Walls Publisher Worst Flaw In Media Is Cult Of Controversy Although the hazing the serene wmnuttoe on mass mode are continuing it is unlikely thatthey do much to improve the combch winch is being immersineg vlewed 1th rnls givings by many thoughdul newspaper men the Drillm Pocket and Times de This Is the distorted rmprgaon the world about him conveyed to the reader by the murre of news Itself For it the unusual the disturbing the blzure with which news concerns rt sell not the normal the routine the omnmozple and the sum total of the daily omnpihtlons of the unusual which new or newscast hardlyspaprmrpede the public fth balone cd view of the state of society Ethm James Inmb writes The distortion Inherent in our stand ard of news value has been gmtly ated In recon rs confrorriordeal1 by which the 1M deliberately seek out advocates ol the most extreme and violent views to Wood mlculntod emails on the complac Ihl3 is motion out the western worl but It Is perlxrps most acute in Britam whereof sire umedmnbol ancod and irresponsible use is engendering public attitudes Increas ineg founded on delusion and unreolxty Here in Gouda the cult of wntrovelsy Insfostuedthenrythotyouihosan entity distinct from rwmurl soaety and inculth It with wholly contrived set of aims and values It has ons between child and parent student and teacher school and encoumng where it has nothmglm breakdown of every estnbhshed somal concept from the Christian ethic to the rule of law and by providing platform for the most lrrcspo representative it has assiduously promot ed any duferenoos between French and Englishspealdng Grmdians and fragmentation of the hmdim nation 50 rsea has the competition for contro vorsy become that the most outlaw and criminally Irresponsible mdrtzyl agitator am he courted by competing media to revaing through potsoned rela It has ILSOIIB con mible and the Imst QUEEN by the proc magnum mum mm Human 47 PARK ceo air his virulent views or mode his acts of senseless violence as triumphs of so cial justice LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CAB INSURANCE 15c Originating with tel cnoyolcbe revision butnowoomrmnm Government Moving My bosls or thls theory Is ludu behind the world market vnrm greenwallmedhtlspmc doe Iagplously defended as an airIn ewslnthopublichltereshlnf is conict carefully oonldvcd for eon lcto sake In which extremes of new point me deliberately sought In an cs aloling competttton to jolt jaded pub In such rm atmosphere emphasis Inevitany Is on the outme am the ex treme the voice or the responsible Is lost amid the dontor of the dissident DOWN MEMORY LANE IS YEARS AGO IN TOWN BenIo Examiner Feb 20 1955 DeVll biss ellmlmbed Hamilton Mountaineers that nppllcd thll two per son wouldnt be able to purchase ordlng tho absurdity of todays Insuraneo ond wIIh proper pol iho Ice patrol they would not be coverage ocqulrcd by thopnl able to drive Ihcrolorc I1ch Icyholder vnrsus the premium dent surveys rhnuld show required to nttoln It would bu sharp decrease Why lot the poor to rccclvo or cnrclers driver on the road some oplnlons answer and rc He doesnt deserve ter privil sults from the following ports cgc Gct hlm all the road and of thls mlsslve 21 years old slnglu and have never been able to ncqulre Insurance Iur Icrs lhon $100 per year or there abouu and may surcd mo only to the extent 535000 PL and PD Public Llo blilly and Property Domngol ill WA 133 IImIEB Mr use 000 on to my Involved in tho wallow of the people at Slm Ious accident and someono 0mm by Wmlhg klllod could not ho sued Ior NW 1W0 By traditional meawroment of news Dc value the charge and tho accusation must rank higher In Interest than the denial or the explanation the attack on society is news the defence Is not can medla governed by such standards reflect true image of the society they In media so clamor ous with controversy who can hear the quiet voice of reason the Orlllm Daily concludes whore necdsurro so grunt and we bring down our modern tower of Babel to crash upon ourIercs all that we have and all that we think that we hold am conducting survcy rc urnncu prcmlums and To Age Of Aquarius By DON OHEAIIN The government In paving the way to mow Ontario Into the age of Aquarius This Is mcssugo to be token from lnIs years throne speech 1110 speech In It usually wldelyplulosophlcnl noted that or quarter oI century since the war the prov Inco has been preoccule with cxpondlng Its motorlol rc sources It said those resources In Seventies must be hor Perhops unhupplly or our turc stobIIIty tho Idcnllsls Ara golning the most Another chnngo the new in and one so poworlul that al rcody there can be almost public atlgmn assoclntcd wIIh those who protest ogoinst the protesters Tho sculu rcmrdcnnltcly to be weighing Ionnrds Iho Ideol Ist And how or may not the Idenllstlc ldcol OI humnn bul turmcnt go Particularly how will It be paid Iorl Words or thls day are there loro addressed T0 TIIDSE WIIO ASK FOR MORE For wherewlthul men hovo yearned larger cheque hos neer been spurned Yet mm 01 pet and mom Ior sell Will bring crorhl Down Irom higher utmo Toward which costs over rise chIrIoust tickled owrlul wk profess to mirror lower the prchumsl NORMAN Barrie odd this In approach KINZIEE CONCERN Door Slr It Is hcori wnrmlng to any the least to rcod and hour of Itlnzlor grout concern tor errorWaterloo Community Concert Assoc Indom of which he was first Eldon Greer and Town Council covered large egonda routzlne business at tho shell Or from tho president sphere Mayor Ihls Is an oldIllshluncd cor lor at cost It wot until quite rcconlly with the inflation crlsls It tnkes ccmtIn tumor Ity oven to advance It Nevertheless It has to be sold cosr MONEY For ndvnnclng human hotter dues lnvolvo money And game advanc dun wr ller thorn wuud not boll enough money In the mm productivity to pay county Somehow cant help out glgingigmfmmy3u slop and wonder II hls concern JIM mm mo mnlmum would be at the some nuiurc II qulromont now $50000 but 01 cor will on both wages and their worthl Ecn thqu with gold will eel the dearth And In their need will realize 59110 less would have in Ontario basketball Intermediate play offs 120120 Jack Here scored 27 points mBaraloclubwlthNellGloason Doug WeGrohaodllomumrsowellup Bornlie juvenilea beat Owen Sound 112 offs but lost defence or remainder at season due to ankle injury Gomtson club 043 In badminton lm Sarjeant Ross Hick Joy Annstmg BarbamSnuthRmqundonton A1 shewchuck Ab Bowen Ken Robertson and Danny Maodonnld tram Barrio starr edmOztllralmmacshrseulorhoclwy ployoffs Barrie Skating fourth annual Ice show hills of Mold and Barrio Glee Club directed by Bart Churchill took part In mdlo show which ralscd $5000 for ood relief Wally DeSIlva novelty number and Mel Wiley sang bass solo Mormger MacDonald Bell 00 1rdde 320 telephones In BarrIo Iostyeao to town total 0075 CImrlcsCRarsrmsoIBImlero tired Bonk oi Cmnmomo wager at tended 25th anniversary dinner of Kitch nosscd for the betterment of regular meeting then Ing whether to open Monk St In east end gt give oasler mucosa to Johnson St Town Clerk CVCalder new cash register ill olco Currle QC and Dr McDowell glvcn approval for new mesndontlol sudevIslmrbehveen Steele and Blake Sts Alderman Harry Mlchle doubted If more was such street as Monk In town Barmo Ieen Town ourished overy Illllxzrcst smool auditorium Janet Gimme Pat Wmamnkor Ken OConnor and Bar bzvm Terry In charge of reoordselectlnn Ferguson appointed Ontario Regional Hydro general mmger In Ear rle succeedlng Ferguson on retire ment Extensive renovations began at Toronto Dominion Bnmk Barrio branch Shaft moved across Dunlop on operation In old out 1000 Barrie fans have pur chased resorved scale at Maple Leaf Gar dens for comlng Canadian heavyw gh tulle bout between Earl Walls of Toronto and James Parker 04 BumIo Frank Taylor 45 local tlcklot agent Two former goalles for Bummo Flycrs Bill Hamlth and Marv Edwards will get tryouts with Chicago Black Hawks OTHER EDITORS VIEWS spent time debat NEW GENERATION lino statement but also worrisome one or just what In betterment and where tho line to be drawn We on today without ques tion entering algnlllcontiy now oro marked chnruclltllsllcall that It Is an era In whlch the lender ahlp of our society In North American will slowly be taken ovcr by generation that hasnt known deprivation or strong Iircas Tho generation whlrh will mom and more Into poucr In the seventies will be that burn slnco 1040 and now ranching Its thlrtlol and fold twenties Ihls gunorntlon does not town the rcrlrolnlns experience ol thcr depression or war It can properly be expected to tend to be not too wulIbnlnnccd And our experience at It to ano hos shovm this to be true It tends to ho extrema cllhor ex tremer Idenllstlc or extremely consorvntlvu CANADAS STORY nu Elanr worhlloclnlcd lln Elev umse owns nstcn on fggmgcgmmmmm 39 the outrklrla at thrlvlng ond penroto or um Why do we who lmlnx chv llko Bun10 hove accident rec records hovo to pay or those who do not got authority to for munlci That gru been wlsc Hove we not heard Each for the other And all Ior ouch mokcs ouch mun brother Tunchcrs and all rhould bro thers be Kocping our mo 10 Ilght we In mom hockey AllTHUR 1r GLASS star Ken Pratt spcndlnll Why are oulrngmus opinions not Ivrced upon on show Ignorance of TEACHERS DEMANDS those who Door Sir laws and bent Owen mtch at Banrte Armrainy on were charHe Soagmm Bob cumk Dou ling Marjorie Sound Perhaps Its most Teachers or oil or all others whether In oven at munngcmcnt Do you not ngrco that If the or labor whu canunuo to seek hlgh promlum charged versus hlghcr returns need to the normal or prclcrrcd pro qumr were applied conslmc when only to than who were grouping or more have Invo vcd In uccldcnls largo cccdml In pluclug uur exports ul nceldmts together out of he Ilnnnclnl roocll eI lllc innumerable mulli Saturday evening In and lhlnk oI what will hnppcn we do not willingly hold our continual down our dcmonrls It wont ho llght that we will see but stars tIIa klnd uI stnra pretty Trill leads to three thoughts The greater problem oI re smo govcmmcn aSpoclgntlo will he sqrtlng out priorItIcs In betterment Il gnvcrnmmtu ol extrema Idcnllsm come to power they could bring on arm that would swing the pendulum to the extreme reactionary The palltlcul leaders of tho new era am not to be envlcd Ihclr problems will be immense and thelr decl slons ll bnluncod will no ho popular find If extreme will be met vllh vIannt rcucilon from one side or tho other that arent number should he eliminated OTTAWA REPORT Status at Red Ensign Discussed By Readers Ily PATRICK NICHOLSON As he vorklng wank drawn to close can upproprluicly do map Ing up opcrutlun on pile of alien and pnpuru cry Plllbll FRASER reheatsh titrated Mellon post ofce presenmed and complex klndly vrlIhn In to su lurmnllnn nlmut lllu Ilcr Club of Cnnmlu this organiza tlon Is damnd Io rcstorlng and mnlnllllnlng lllo tllnnlly th0 Cmmdlun llud IJnslgn to unsur on Ottawa to get oltcr that die tutor government and to light for thclr part the ponslcn whlch the Pearson government stolo to give their frlonds job and to make tho government ply In Ensign Inn out for nttonuun For example mentioned that Charles Addlng ton ul Surnln naked for name and address at any nrguu IzoLIun dcdlcnlcd to rcslorlng lho Cnnndlnn 1ch Ennlgn to ome IoI status Murry renders Imvu take all thot dlrl That In Mr Can prelcrlpllon Ior tho redress cl real grluv nnccs WANTED LEADER Frank Drow of Knmluops 130 writes that think tho malar Im Iur Cnnndluns preservation moons test rmocrnry symbolized by quI to encourage onnllnulxlg rocounlllon ol the 501 vlcw nml sncrlllccs rendered for Iudu under that on Thu ud ol Iho 1th Ensign Club Inst month REMEMBER POLLUTION Owen Sound SunTimes After Japans treacherous entry Into World War II and the appalling lock of normal vigilance on the part oi the us Better Access To The Yukon OVERRIDING ISSUE FOR ISRAEL Buffalo Evenlng News Survival Is the single overriding Issue for Israel and right now thls must be not diploman lllul Illul assured by mllltmy unxulu ls Ilnx 211 Abbots Ililll ILC Ilnulks In all readers va wrun uhnut tllls Inquer from Sllxxliu on THE 40an senior Mundorln In In tho cstubllshmont In ntuwa and whose which made Itposslble the slogan Ile member Pearl Harbor becamo widel It would seem good catc1 phrase to cmblnzan across society today would be Rtmember Pollution means But Israel can 1an comfort In tho fact that no big power wants am other Middle East war and that the best way to avoid war is to maintain roughly the present 110110va balance lty oI voters were sodly mlslcd they could nnt have known what they were letllng Cnnodu In for when they guvu Irmluou such majority Bu careful nl your 0t tnwn report or they may closo the Press Gallery just us they have nlrcody got procucnl con By BOB BOWMAN Now that Arctlo developmunt Ia bucomlng so Important them Is speculation that Canada may mnko on oIIort to got better oc cons to tho Yu cIIlc The Yukon was shut olf Theodore Roosevelt be came Impntlcnt and Ihrcutcncd loscnd troops to estohllsh tho uccordlng used boundary claims Britnln wonth to nvold trou ble mm the us and Instructed her ropruscntntlve to 510 mu on Earth Examiner III Duyllold Strutl Ilorrlu Ontario Irom tho Po trol ol tho CBC Jormun of Porcupine 0nt writes 11 full bnfllurl cri tIcIrm of the way tho govern ment wnrtcs our tax money and adds We need Judy LnMursh In I005 when Brltnln allied with tho vnltcd States In dotcrmlnlng present Alnskn boundary contrary to Canadas wishcs leo number 01 othur bound ary problems the contusion wus well known Ivrs him Just mudo 1qu renllrllc comment lo Inc Furtory workers ntrlko lm morn pny and get It air In news Telephone mom Second Class Mall RoIILsIrntlon Number 01111 llowrn postugu guurnmcerl Dolly Sundays and the Amurluuns iIIo Cnnndlnns outvotcd present huumlory Is tIIo result Theodore Rousuvolt uggrosslvo nnd oplnlormtcd us sumoInn HAPPENED IN CANADA was un Cllllsetl by ngrcemonts that were prcsldcnt Ills not clearly defined Lnbrodnr boundary New Ilrunswlck and Molnn and tho urcn south nI Vancouver Islund urn other examples Tho Alaska bolmdury tormlncd orlglnolly by Britain mu Ilusslu In on ngrcomvnt slgncd on Feb 20 v5 bought Aluskn Irom Russia curly In 10117 or 57200000 In Ieul made by 08 Secretory stole Suwnrd It won crlIIclzcd by many Americans who culled It Sownrrls lolly but It wns not muny years until tho money vur rcpokl many men over by the discovury 01 gold Torloy ol the man In 1025 DOGS THAT PRWIDBD WOOL Wear aorsr Nun59 was cwmmonw mummy sulumymm mam alum coo cam BARK Am eons WOOL were WW5 MAEP Stututory lIoIIrlnyu excepted Subrorlpllon rotor dulIy by weekly one who cures about such go or high taxes low pon rlons outlnnulsh houslng cusiu etc Do you know anyone we behlnrl Lender Iur Cun nrlu louder who stands for Ono Canada In Confederation prusorvotlon of tho Iruu onion prise atom which Is osscntlul to dovo op this huge empty trou sure chest and in tho captive of Amy pollilcnl mu machine Whnt Cunndn today Is oat lender or the peoplo man or Woman vIthut tho shocklng thlrd clusu qunlltlca whlch hove been so or urcnt on Purllnmcnt IIIIIovcr 10 post decade And II that sharks you It was Intended to ulm cun duny It BIBLE THOUGHT daughter Alice once suld thut ho had to bo brldogxoom at ovary wedding um the corpse at every up ncrol OTHER FEB i1 EVENTS InsHubert Nelson led lorco ol i100 mun to prociulm Indo pomlonco of Lower Cnnodn IsisUrltlsh Colnninl Ollleo nskod lludsnns Buy Company to govern Vuncuuver lslund IBMGovernor ou ol or Islnml was In struotcu lo cstubllsh llrst loglsv luluro west oI Grunt Lokcr 1000011 wall dug at Pcholln IsosCnnodo Southern Ilull only received chorlcr runzM 11y condltlonn ond lmupllnl mulls ntrlko or wnrklng week nnd II thn Ihc hell on tho tox mylrs oI Canndn going to strIko or Inwur Inxcs nnd force the Icrlurnl government to knit unnecessary Many Cunrullnnr tux InvulunImIly by hnvlmg da lurllou knocked on tholr nuckol 11le wonk but tIrlnk ho Lluum whlch would he cous uu II nubainnuul portlon of In ululmont paying Cnnodlonu lust roluscd to pay Tho ovvrnmont would be brought to col In ran unnnblunesu In 11 period shorter tImn Ieuruons ulsnrtrouu Sixty Days 01 Decision VOICEl 0F POOR AND 0L1 In much the sumo vein of log ItImnIu protest born Juatlllod fury out ovorluxcd putloncc Ill lll hr 11 ml mm corrlor yunriy Slnulo copies we $2000 yonrly $1000 your can run Vnnto Ilnrrlo wns dc omnrlo Iololly spending spree Motor throw all $2100 your Advcruklnp 425 Unlvorsll UIO Collcurt Sh Nntlonnl who wouIIl not PAN OM SLEIGH RUNNEE WIMEDJIMB TaranbMJMYaWA MAMM Mr 5714 llfllllmki 0me Avenue 4115 158 nu Toronto Montreul Mombor ol the Cnnudlun Pres mid Audlt Duruuu oI Clrculmlonu The Canadian Press ox cluslvcly onllllcd to the run or ropuhllcutlon of all news Ichou In thls pnpur erod Io It or Tho Aunclutcd Press or Reuters had also publlshod Winour 44 HI course beyond Ncwloumllnnd Ilshurmun died In sovcro Ico sturm 1000010an Oommlsslon up lurks was only fur Iruv Ing territory and tho cun vmrl on aligned by Ilrlluln uud meunoucmmm use olntcd l0 4qu Cunorlu IDSZIllghi Norvnl Cqul vrltcx from nonu vcnluro County Quo com Iulmr about tho low 01d Ago cnslon tho InIIutIon and about thu mums tort whloh In 011ch thorolu Thu Ilnrrlo Exumlncr clulmn Copyrlullt In all orlulnnl ud vcrllrlng and editorial mulor IoI cronlcd by Its employees llusslu lilo Imxuinnco wns ambiguous cvvr It was the buslu ol Amurl can boundary clulmu Wllllll bo cumu redhot Insuo Iollowlm tho Klondko gold rush In 1000 umusrcamnzumu macaw wueu rename ruuuoenopr sternum wormsmu Tawaomo LEMED THE GTATION Fall For vlmnoovor ullull do tho wlll my Fnlhcr Vllllll II In heuvontho lump II my broth Ilurwrublu VIn cont Mussoy becamo IIIst Cunu dIunborn iovcluorGoncrul or and Illtrr Mntthow 12150 Itu posrluln to mlss III will even In tho mklsi of III work lrny or Ills Mn and thun bu willing to accept II dlncuurugcs old people from mother The boundary was settled by cnrnlng llttlo pIn money on tho and reproduced In this news Indwondcn pnpnr Copyrlght florismxuon Num bor 2mm ralllsiur ox 41 H0026 0450 715 sue5m Mm cwsmls 16ng fzfm wanvmnsnn Poultry uro ralurd on mom Ihnn twothud ut forms conslstlnu Americans two Cunmllunu and Ncuutlulluns vuro dIIIlcuII um In 100 115 Presl tIrInk Ihut the only llllnu lor the old people to do In got or uunlzctl Ihls summer and murch one when Cnnndlun

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